Allowing this didn't do any actual harm, since there aren't any
shared structures or leakable objects here. Still, it's bad style
and might cause trouble in the future.
Closes ticket 27856.
Various places in our code try to activate these events or check
their status, so we should make sure they're initialized as early as
possible. Fixes bug 27861; bugfix on
When freeing a configuration object from confparse.c in
dump_config(), we need to call the appropriate higher-level free
function (like or_options_free()) and not just config_free().
This only happens with options (since they're the one where
options_validate allocates extra stuff) and only when running
--dump-config with something other than minimal (since
OPTIONS_DUMP_MINIMAL doesn't hit this code).
Fixes bug 27893; bugfix on
It differs from the rest of the rephist code in that it's actually
necessary for Tor to operate, so it should probably go somewhere
else. I'm not sure where yet, so I'll leave it in the same
directory, but give it its own file.
Since this is completely core functionality, I'm putting it in
core/mainloop, even though it depends on feature/hibernate. We'll
have to sort that out in the future.
If a tor client gets a descriptor that it can't decrypt, chances are that the
onion requires client authorization.
If a tor client is configured with client authorization for an onion but
decryption fails, it means that the configured keys aren't working anymore.
In both cases, we'll log notice the former and log warn the latter and the
rest of the decryption errors are now at info level.
Two logs statement have been removed because it was redundant and printing the
fetched descriptor in the logs when 80% of it is encrypted wat not helping.
Signed-off-by: David Goulet <>
The main.c code is responsible for initialization and shutdown;
the mainloop.c code is responsible for running the main loop of Tor.
Splitting the "generic event loop" part of mainloop.c from the
event-loop-specific part is not done as part of this patch.
The parts for handling cell formats should be in src/core/or.
The parts for handling onionskin queues should be in src/core/or.
Only the crypto wrapper belongs in src/core/crypto.