18 KiB
CHANGES between Releases
What's new in Version 1.7.1 of RaspiBlitz?
- New: C-lightning v0.10.1 details
- New: C-lightningREST v0.5.1 details
- New: CL Spark Wallet v0.3.0rc with BOLT12 offers details
- New: CL plugin: Sparko details
- New: CL plugin: CLBOSS The C-Lightning Node Manager details
- New: Refactored Setup-Process details
- New: Suez - channel visualization for LND and CL details
- New: LND Static Channel Backup to Nextcloud
- New: Allow SphinxApp to connect over Tor
- New: Parallel TESTNET & SIGNET services
- Update: Bitcoin Core v22.0 details
- Update: LND v0.13.1 details
- Update: Specter Desktop 1.6.0 details
- Update: JoinMarket v0.9.1 details
- Update: JoininBox v0.6.0 details
- Update: Electrum Server in Rust (electrs) v0.8.12 details
- Update: Mempool 2.2.2 details
- Update: BTC-RPC-Explorer v3.2.0 details
- Update: stacking-sats-kraken 0.4.4 details
- Update: BTCPayServer 1.2.3 details
- Update: Lightning Terminal v0.5.1-alpha details
- Update: RTL 0.11.2 details
- Update: Lightning Terminal v0.5.0-alpha details
- Update: Thunderhub v0.12.25 details
- Update: Pool CLI v0.5.1-alpha details
- Update: Balance of Satoshis 10.7.8 (BOS) + keep data on reinstall details
- Update: Channel Tools (chantools) v0.9.3 details
- Update: Circuitbreaker v0.3.0 details
- Remove: DropBox Backup (its recommended to change to Nextcloud Backup)
- Remove: Litecoin (fork recommended) details
What's new in Version 1.7.0 of RaspiBlitz?
- New: Raspberry Pi OS Base Image 64-bit (April 2021)
- New: Build SD card Image with parameters & FatPack details
- New: Improve LND uptime and reliability over Tor details
- New: Lightning Terminal v0.4.1-alpha (Loop, Pool & Faraday UI Bundle) details
- New: Channel Tools (chantools) v0.8.2 details
- New: Circuitbreaker LND firewall (settings menu) details
- New: Telegraf metrics (experimental) details
- New: Download whitepaper from blockchain details
- New: Extended CONNECT and SYSTEM options in the ssh menu details
- Update: bitcoin-core version 0.21.0-beta with UPDATE option details
- Update: LND version 0.12.1-beta details
- Update: RTL 0.10.1 details
- Update: Sphinx-Relay 2.0.11 (always latest release tag & improved connection dialog)
- Update: Thunderhub 0.12.13 details
- Update: Electrs 0.8.9 details
- Update: BTCPayServer details
- Update: Specter Desktop 1.3.0 details
- Update: Balance of Satoshis 8.0.5 (BOS) with CLI autocompletion details
- Update: Faraday v0.2.3-alpha details
- Update: JoinMarket 0.8.2 details
- Update: JoininBox 0.3.4 details
- Update: mempool v2.1.2 detail
- Update: BTC-RPC-Explorer v3.0.0 details
- Update: stacking-sats-kraken 0.4.2 details
What's new in Version 1.6.3 of RaspiBlitz?
- Update: mempool space 2.0.1 details
- Update: specter 1.0.0
- Update: RTL 0.10.0 details
- Update: btcpay v1.0.6.3
- Update: NodeJS v14.15.4
- Update: pool v0.3.4
- Update: joininbox v0.1.16
- Update: Sphinx Relay Server (installs always latest master)
- Fix: circuitbreaker install on recovery
- Fix: Specter Persistence
- Experimental: MENU > LNDCRED > EXPORT > BTCPAY Server connection string with baked macaroon
What's new in Version 1.6.2 of RaspiBlitz?
- New: Pool (Inbound Liquidity Marketplace) details
- New: Sphinx Relay Server details
- Update: LNbits (Lightning Vouchers)
- Update: Joinmarket 0.8.0 (bech32 orderbook)
- Update: JoinInBox 0.1.15
- Update: LN Balance Script
- Update: Thunderhub 0.10.4
- Update: RTL 0.9.3
- Update: EletcRS 0.8.6
- Update: Specter 0.10.0
- Update: BTCPay Server details
- Update: Loop 0.11.1
- Update: stacking-sats-kraken 0.3.0
- Update: Experimental BTRFS support
- Fix: DropBox API
What's new in Version 1.6.1 of RaspiBlitz?
- EMERGENCY-Update: LND version 0.11.1-beta details
- Update: IP2Tor+LetsEncrypt Functional Test details
- Update: JoininBox 0.1.12 (terminal based GUI for JoinMarket) details
- Update: BTCPayServer v1.0.5.8 details
- Update: RTL 0.9.1
- Update: lndmanage 0.11.0
- Update: Specter 0.8.1 (with running the numbers)
- Update: Balance of Satoshi 6.1.0
- Update: Thunderhub 0.9.14
- Update: Loop 0.8.1
- Update: Faraday 0.2.1
- Update: Improved IPv6 support
- Update: LNbits new Quart-Framework install
- New: Circuit Breaker (config-script) details
- New: PyBlock (Python Util & Fun Scripts) details
- New: Mempool Explorer details
- New: dynu.com as alternative option for LetsEncrpyt FreeDNS provider
- New: Experimental running RaspiBlitz as VM (vagrant & docker)
For ALL small bug fixes & improvements see: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/milestone/11
What's new in Version 1.6 of RaspiBlitz?
- Update: Raspberry Pi OS Base Image (May 2020)
- Update: bitcoin-core version 0.20.0-beta details
- Update: litecoin version 0.18.1-beta details
- Update: LND version 0.10.4-beta details
- Update: Specter Desktop 0.5.5 details
- Update: Loop 0.6.5 details
- Update: BTCPayServer v1.0.5.2 details
- Update: RTL 0.8.1 details
- Update: ElectRS 0.8.5 details
- Update: JoinMarket v0.6.3.1 details
- New: Nginx Web Server
- New: Subscriptions Management
- New: IP2Tor Bridge (optional subscription service)
- New: Balance of Satoshis v5.41.0 (with update option) details
- New: Faraday details
- New: Let's Encrypt client details
- New: ThunderHub v0.8.12 (with update option) details
- New: JoininBox (terminal based GUI for JoinMarket) details
- New: ZeroTier details
- New: Kindle Display (on a jailbroken Kindle) details
- New: Static Channel Backup on USB Thumbdrive details
- New: Keep WIFI config over wpa_supplicant.conf for next update
- Fix: DropBox StaticChannelBackup
- Removed: Shango from the list of Mobile Wallets
- Removed: Torrent Download of Blockchain (Copy over LAN now default for RP3)
- Shoppinglist: 4GB RaspberryPi 4 is now default for Standard Package (will still run with less)
What's new in Version 1.5.1 of RaspiBlitz?
- Bugfix: DropBox Backup of Static-Channel-Backup
- Bugfix: Torrentfiles with active tracker
What.s new in Version 1.5 of RaspiBlitz?
Beside many small improvements and changes, these are most important changes:
- Update: LND version 0.9.2-beta (optional update to 0.10.0-beta)
- Update: bitcoin-core version 0.19.1-beta details
- Update: Loop 0.5.1 or 0.6.0 (based on LND version) details
- Update: RTL 0.7.0 (Loop In and Out integration) details
- Update: BTCPayServer v1.0.4.2 details
- Update: LNbits v0.1 details
- Update: BTC-RPC-Explorer v2.0.0 details
- Update: lndmanage 0.10.0 details
- Shoppinglist: Replace Shimfan with passive RP4-Heatcase
- Shoppinglist: 1TB SSD is now default details about migration to bigger SSD
- Fix: (Control-D) Give root password for maintenance details
- Fix: Screen Rotate on update from v1.3
- New: Specter Desktop (connect DIY Specter-Wallet or ColdCard) details
- New: JoinMarket details
- New: Activate 'Keysend' on LND by Service Menu details
- New: SendMany App (wallet & chat over keysend) details
- New: Reset SSH cert if SSH login not working details
- New: Make it easier to Copy The Blockchain over Network from running Blitz
- New: Forwarding Fee Report on Main Menu
- New: Easy Setup of Auto-Backup of SCB to Dropbox
- New: LND Interims Updates (verified & reckless) details
- New: Sync RaspiBlitz with your forked GitHub repo thru menu details
- Removed: Clone Blockchain from second HDD (use CopyStation script)
DOWNLOAD the new RaspiBlitz v1.5 image here.
What's new in Version 1.4 of RaspiBlitz?
Beside many small improvements and changes, these are most important changes:
- Update: LND version 0.9.0-beta
- Update: bitcoin-core version 19.0.1-beta
- Update: litecoin version 0.17.1-beta
- Update: RTL (Ride the Lightning) Web UI version 0.6.7-beta (redesign)
- Update: Touchscreen UI (Node Info & Donate)
- Update: Fee Report on LCD
- Update: TORv2 -> TORv3
- Update: New Torrent files
- New: ElectRS (Electrum Server in Rust) details
- New: BTCPayServer (Cryptocurrency Payment Processor) details
- New: LNDmanage (Advanced Channel Management CLI) details
- New: BTC-RPC-Explorer (Bitcoin Blockchain Explorer) details
- New: Loop (Submarine Swaps Service) details
- New: LNbits (Lightning wallet/accounts System) details
- New: Fully Noded (iOS) details
- New: Tor Support to connect mobile Apps
- New: Migration Export/Import (e.g. HDD -> SSD) details
- New: Start without LCD (switch to HDMI) details
- New: Recovery Sheet (PDF) details
- Experimental: BTRFS details
For full details see issue list of Release 1.4 Milestone.
Find the full Tutorial how to build a RaspiBlitz in the README or follow the instructions to update to the latest version.
What's new in Version 1.3 of RaspiBlitz?
Version 1.3 is using the new Raspbian Buster that is ready to use with the RaspberryPi 4 (also still works with RaspberryPi 3).
- update: New Shopping Lists with RaspberryPi 4
- Update: LND version 0.7.1-beta (fix for CVE-2019-12999)
- Update: bitcoin-core version 0.18.1-beta
- Update: RTL (Ride the Lightning) Web UI version 0.4.2 -beta
- Update: Blockchain Index not needed anymore
- Update: New Torrent files
- New: Logo (see folder raspiblitz/logos)
- New: Sync/Validate Blockchain as default for RP4
- New: Switch on Tor during setup
- New: Support Zap Mobile for Android
- New: Repair Options in main menu
- New: UPNP (AutoNAT) support in services menu
- New: LCD rotate 180 degrees in services menu
- Fix: Tor switch on/off
- Fix: Zap iOS Mobile Wallet connect
- Fix: Shango Mobile Wallet connect
- Experimental: LCD Touchscreen Support
- Experimental: UPS support (APC) details
For full details see issue list of Release 1.3 Milestone.
What's new in Version 1.2 of RaspiBlitz?
Version 1.2 packs some more fixes and enhancements to make the RaspiBlitz more stable, protect HDD data better and support you better in case of data corruption of the blockchain data.
- Update: LND version 0.6-beta
- Update: RTL (Ride the Lightning) Web UI version 0.2.16-beta
- Update: Shopping Lists (new Heatsink Case lowers 10°)
- Update: New Torrent Update file (reducing blockchain sync time)
- Fix: LND scanning stuck on ? (better error handling)
- Fix: Cash out all funds
- Fix: Keep TLS certs stable on update
- New: Support Zeus Mobile Wallet
- New: Show QR codes on LCD
- New: Support LND Static Channel Backup
- New: Remote-Backup of channel.backup file (SCP & Dropbox)
- New: Recover Node from LND rescue backup file
- New: Run Hardware Test on setup and main menu
- New: Run Software Test (DebugLogs) from main menu
- New: SSH-Forward Tunneling (commandline)
- New: Set fixed IP/domain for RaspiBlitz (commandline)
- New: Set DNS server (commandline)
- New: Run LND on different port (commandline)
- New: Ask before formatting HDD
- New: Better Update support (from main menu)
- New: Temp in Fahrenheit on the LCD
- Experimental: Backup Torrent Seeding (Service)
For full details see issue list of Release 1.2 Milestone.
What's new in Version 1.1 of RaspiBlitz?
Version 1.1 packs some first fixes and enhancements to make the RaspiBlitz more stable, protect HDD data better and support you better in case of data corruption of the blockchain data.
- Update: RTL (Ride the Lightning) Web UI version 0.2.15-beta
- Fix: Preventing logs from filling up the sd card
- Fix: Pairing for latest Zap iOS Mobile Wallet
- Fix: Pairing for latest Shango Mobile Wallet
- Fix: Open LND port check when custom port
- New: Undervoltage Reports on LCD
- New: fsk (file system consistency check) of HDD on every boot
- New: Repair Help Menu in case if blockchain data corruption
- New: /config.scripts/lnd.setport.sh (set custom LND port)
- New: /config.scripts/lnd.rescue.sh (backup/replay LND data)
- New: Bootscreen with logo
- Removed: FTP download option for blockchain
For full details see issue list of Release 1.1 Milestone.