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synced 2025-03-05 18:10:27 +01:00
This commit satisfies the auto-build functionality desired in #722 without changing anything in the docker folder. This allows development and testing to continue to build and use images locally, but external users get a very lean Docker image they can use. The size difference is appreciable. REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE lnd latest 3634dcf5df68 17 seconds ago 1.19GB lnd-single latest b295cc248447 30 minutes ago 56MB Right before merging this PR, an Automated Build repository should be configured on the appropriate account (lightningnetwork?) on Docker Hub with the name of lnd in order to match documentation. I see there are already some repositories created, however I think best practice for Docker is to have a single repository and different tags for different architectures. The included image is based off of Alpine, but in the future we could extend into multiple Dockerfiles (example: ARM support, or being Ubuntu based). So in this proposed scenario, lightningnetwork/lnd:latest would be alpine, but lightningnetwork/lnd:ubuntu would be an ubuntu-based image, for example. (With thanks to @alingenhag for https://github.com/f-u-z-z-l-e/docker-lnd/ from which I borrowed heavily)
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## Lightning Network Daemon
<img src="logo.png">
The Lightning Network Daemon (`lnd`) - is a complete implementation of a
[Lightning Network](https://lightning.network) node and currently deployed on
`testnet3` - the Bitcoin Test Network. `lnd` has several pluggable back-end
chain services including [`btcd`](https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd) (a
full-node), [`bitcoind`](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin), and
[`neutrino`](https://github.com/lightninglabs/neutrino) (a new experimental light client). The project's codebase uses the
[btcsuite](https://github.com/btcsuite/) set of Bitcoin libraries, and also
exports a large set of isolated re-usable Lightning Network related libraries
within it. In the current state `lnd` is capable of:
* Creating channels.
* Closing channels.
* Completely managing all channel states (including the exceptional ones!).
* Maintaining a fully authenticated+validated channel graph.
* Performing path finding within the network, passively forwarding incoming payments.
* Sending outgoing [onion-encrypted payments](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-onion)
through the network.
* Updating advertised fee schedules.
* Automatic channel management ([`autopilot`](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/tree/master/autopilot)).
## Lightning Network Specification Compliance
`lnd` _fully_ conforms to the [Lightning Network specification
(BOLTs)](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc). BOLT stands for:
Basic of Lightning Technologies. The specifications are currently being drafted
by several groups of implementers based around the world including the
developers of `lnd`. The set of specification documents as well as our
implementation of the specification are still a work-in-progress. With that
said, the current status of `lnd`'s BOLT compliance is:
- [X] BOLT 1: Base Protocol
- [X] BOLT 2: Peer Protocol for Channel Management
- [X] BOLT 3: Bitcoin Transaction and Script Formats
- [X] BOLT 4: Onion Routing Protocol
- [X] BOLT 5: Recommendations for On-chain Transaction Handling
- [X] BOLT 7: P2P Node and Channel Discovery
- [X] BOLT 8: Encrypted and Authenticated Transport
- [X] BOLT 9: Assigned Feature Flags
- [X] BOLT 10: DNS Bootstrap and Assisted Node Location
- [X] BOLT 11: Invoice Protocol for Lightning Payments
## Developer Resources
The daemon has been designed to be as developer friendly as possible in order
to facilitate application development on top of `lnd`. Two primary RPC
interfaces are exported: an HTTP REST API, and a [gRPC](https://grpc.io/)
service. The exported API's are not yet stable, so be warned: they may change
drastically in the near future.
An automatically generated set of documentation for the RPC APIs can be found
at [api.lightning.community](http://api.lightning.community). A set of developer
resources including talks, articles, and example applications can be found at:
Finally, we also have an active
[Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/lightningcommunity/shared_invite/enQtMzQ0OTQyNjE5NjU1LWRiMGNmOTZiNzU0MTVmYzc1ZGFkZTUyNzUwOGJjMjYwNWRkNWQzZWE3MTkwZjdjZGE5ZGNiNGVkMzI2MDU4ZTE) where protocol developers, application developers, testers and users gather to
discuss various aspects of `lnd` and also Lightning in general.
## Installation
In order to build from source, please see [the installation
## Docker
To run lnd from Docker, please see the main [Docker instructions](docs/DOCKER.md)
## IRC
* irc.freenode.net
* channel #lnd
* [webchat](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lnd)
## Further reading
* [Step-by-step send payment guide with docker](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/tree/master/docker)
* [Contribution guide](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/master/docs/code_contribution_guidelines.md)