Allows to define a maximum amount to provision a channel
opening with using a new field `FundUpToMaxAmt` on the
`Request` struct. Also adds a new coin select function
`CoinSelectUpToAmount` to select coins up to a maximum
amount respecting a minimum amount.
If the tower returns CreateSessionCodeAlreadyExists in response to the
CreateSession message from the client, then skip forward a few key
indices until we find one that the server does not return the error
for. This will allow a client to recover after a data loss incident.
This commit adds a forceNext boolean parameter to NextSessionKeyIndex.
Setting this param to true will force the index to cycle over 1000 key
indices before returning the new key.
In this commit, a test is added to demonstrate how clients can end up
getting the StateUpdateCodeClientBehind error from a tower server. This
can happen if a client ever deletes their db. If they do this then the
sessions they create with the tower will have the same IDs as the
sessions created in the now deleted db. This is because the session keys
(and thus session IDs) are calculated deterministically from a counter
(which is reset if the db is deleted). The tower server then throws this
error because the client would say that the sequence ID is 1 for the
next update.
Ensure that calling Next twice in a row without first calling Reset is
safe when the iterator is at the end of its list. Also alter the
towerListIterator to call Reset after hitting an error on Next.
This commit adds a test that shows that it is possible to cause the
AddressIterator to panic if the `Next` method is ever called twice when
the iterator is at the end of its list without Reset first being called.
author ardevd <> 1676983861 +0100
committer ardevd <> 1677705118 +0100
Write to the specified file if the user specifies a chan_point for
backup and also specifies an output file to write the backup to.
With this commit we add more specific assertions to our PSBT signing
test in order to make sure change outputs have the proper PSBT metadata
associated with them, depending on their address type.
Add a new `exclude_exhausted_sessions` field to the relevant
wtclient.proto requests. This was chosen instead of "include_exhausted"
so as to not break the API.
In this commit, a new `ExhaustedSessionFilter` function is added and
used as a PostEvalFilterFn used when loading sessions from the DB. It
allows us to not unnecessarily load exhausted sessions into memory for
areas of the code where they will not be needed.
This commit adds a new PostEvaluateFilterFn call-back option to
`wtdb.ClientSessionListCfg`. This call-back is run _after_ all the other
evaluation call-backs in `wtdb.ClientSessionListCfg` and is only used to
determine if the session should be included in the returned list or not.
In this commit, a PreEvaluateFilterFn option is added to the
wtdb.ClientSessionListCfg and it is used instead of a separate
ClientSessionFilterFn parameter. This neatens quiet a few function