Bitcoind 23 will use the new `getdeploymentinfo` while versions after 19
(but below 23) will use the `UnifiedSoftForks` field instead of the
`SoftForks UnifiedSoftForks` field.
With this PR the taproot gating logic has been tested on bitcoind
versions: 21, 22, and 23. 21 is when the taproot logic was first added.
This is required by BOLT#07 as otherwise the counter-party will
discard the channel_update as they may not consider the channel
"ready" or reorg-safe. Most other implementations besides eclair
have work-arounds for this, but it is nice to be spec-compliant.
This updates the RPCAcceptor to send the correct commitment type
even if the zero-conf or scid-alias channel types are set. This also
adds two bools to the ChannelAcceptRequest struct that denotes whether
the funder set the zero-conf and scid-alias channel types.
We forgot to do this after 0.15 was tagged, but usually we use a x.99
version to indicate that the commits in master are between releases.
This might also make it easier to help identify exactly which version a
user is running in issue reports.
In this commit, we modify the watch tower to use P2TR addrs for just
about anything sweep related.
One eye sore in this diff are the changes to
`backup_task_internal_test.go`. All the values are hard coded, and now
either differ by a value of 48, or needed to be modified to account for
the new assumptions propagated to rewards values and fees.
In this commit, we catch up our logic with the latest version of the
spec that removed support for normal p2kh and p2sh addresses for co-op
closes, in order to make dust calculations more uniform.
In this commit, we add awareness of the option_shutdown_anysegwit that
permits both sides to send newer segwit based addresses. This'll
eventually enable us to send taproot addresses for co-op close.
With this change, transactions created via craftSweepTx will be
standard. Previously, p2wsh/p2pkh scripts passed in via SendCoins would
be weighted as p2wpkh scripts. With a feerate of 1 sat/vbyte,
transactions returned would be non-standard. Luckily, the critical
sweeper subsystem only used p2wpkh scripts so this only affected
callers from the rpcserver.
Also added is an integration test that fails if SendCoins manages
to generate a non-standard transaction. All script types are now
accounted for in getWeightEstimate, which now errors if an unknown
script type is passed in.