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synced 2025-03-11 01:35:22 +01:00
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217 lines
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using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Payments;
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using NBitcoin;
using NBitcoin.Altcoins;
using NBitpayClient;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
[Trait("Integration", "Integration")]
public class DatabaseTests : UnitTestBase
public DatabaseTests(ITestOutputHelper helper):base(helper)
public async Task CanQueryMonitoredInvoices()
var tester = CreateDBTester();
await tester.MigrateUntil();
var invoiceRepository = tester.GetInvoiceRepository();
using var ctx = tester.CreateContext();
var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection();
async Task AddPrompt(string invoiceId, string paymentMethodId, bool activated = true)
JObject prompt = new JObject();
if (!activated)
prompt["inactive"] = true;
prompt["currency"] = "USD";
var query = """
UPDATE "Invoices" SET "Blob2" = jsonb_set('{"prompts": {}}'::JSONB || COALESCE("Blob2",'{}'), ARRAY['prompts','@paymentMethodId'], '@prompt'::JSONB)
WHERE "Id" = '@invoiceId'
query = query.Replace("@paymentMethodId", paymentMethodId);
query = query.Replace("@prompt", prompt.ToString());
query = query.Replace("@invoiceId", invoiceId);
Assert.Equal(1, await conn.ExecuteAsync(query));
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
INSERT INTO "Invoices" ("Id", "Created", "Status","Currency") VALUES
('BTCOnly', NOW(), 'New', 'USD'),
('LTCOnly', NOW(), 'New', 'USD'),
('LTCAndBTC', NOW(), 'New', 'USD'),
('LTCAndBTCLazy', NOW(), 'New', 'USD')
foreach (var invoiceId in new string[] { "LTCOnly", "LTCAndBTCLazy", "LTCAndBTC" })
await AddPrompt(invoiceId, "LTC-CHAIN", true);
foreach (var invoiceId in new string[] { "BTCOnly", "LTCAndBTC" })
await AddPrompt(invoiceId, "BTC-CHAIN", true);
await AddPrompt("LTCAndBTCLazy", "BTC-CHAIN", false);
var btc = PaymentMethodId.Parse("BTC-CHAIN");
var ltc = PaymentMethodId.Parse("LTC-CHAIN");
var invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(btc);
Assert.Equal(2, invoices.Length);
foreach (var invoiceId in new[] { "BTCOnly", "LTCAndBTC" })
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == invoiceId);
invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(btc, true);
Assert.Equal(3, invoices.Length);
foreach (var invoiceId in new[] { "BTCOnly", "LTCAndBTC", "LTCAndBTCLazy" })
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == invoiceId);
invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(ltc);
Assert.Equal(3, invoices.Length);
foreach (var invoiceId in new[] { "LTCAndBTC", "LTCAndBTC", "LTCAndBTCLazy" })
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == invoiceId);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
INSERT INTO "Payments" ("Id", "InvoiceDataId", "PaymentMethodId", "Status", "Blob2", "Created", "Amount", "Currency") VALUES
('1','LTCAndBTC', 'LTC-CHAIN', 'Processing', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD'),
('2','LTCAndBTC', 'BTC-CHAIN', 'Processing', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD'),
('3','LTCAndBTC', 'BTC-CHAIN', 'Processing', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD'),
('4','LTCAndBTC', 'BTC-CHAIN', 'Settled', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD');
INSERT INTO "AddressInvoices" ("InvoiceDataId", "Address", "PaymentMethodId") VALUES
var invoice = Assert.Single(await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(ltc), i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTC");
var payment = Assert.Single(invoice.GetPayments(false));
Assert.Equal("1", payment.Id);
foreach (var includeNonActivated in new[] { true, false })
invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(btc, includeNonActivated);
invoice = Assert.Single(invoices, i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTC");
var payments = invoice.GetPayments(false);
Assert.Equal(3, payments.Count);
foreach (var paymentId in new[] { "2", "3", "4" })
Assert.Contains(payments, p => p.Id == paymentId);
Assert.Equal(2, invoice.Addresses.Count);
foreach (var addr in new[] { "BTC1", "BTC2" })
Assert.Contains(invoice.Addresses, p => p.Address == addr);
if (!includeNonActivated)
Assert.DoesNotContain(invoices, i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTCLazy");
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTCLazy");
public async Task CanMigrateInvoiceAddresses()
var tester = CreateDBTester();
await tester.MigrateUntil("20240919085726_refactorinvoiceaddress");
using var ctx = tester.CreateContext();
var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection();
await conn.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO \"Invoices\" (\"Id\", \"Created\") VALUES ('i', NOW())");
await conn.ExecuteAsync(
"INSERT INTO \"AddressInvoices\" VALUES ('aaa#BTC', 'i'),('bbb','i'),('ccc#BTC_LNU', 'i'),('ddd#XMR_MoneroLike', 'i'),('eee#ZEC_ZcashLike', 'i')");
await tester.ContinueMigration();
foreach (var v in new[] { ("aaa", "BTC-CHAIN"), ("bbb", "BTC-CHAIN"), ("ddd", "XMR-CHAIN") , ("eee", "ZEC-CHAIN") })
var ok = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<bool>("SELECT 't'::BOOLEAN FROM \"AddressInvoices\" WHERE \"Address\"=@a AND \"PaymentMethodId\"=@b", new { a = v.Item1, b = v.Item2 });
var notok = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<bool>("SELECT 't'::BOOLEAN FROM \"AddressInvoices\" WHERE \"Address\"='ccc'");
public async Task CanMigratePayoutsAndPullPayments()
var tester = CreateDBTester();
await tester.MigrateUntil("20240827034505_migratepayouts");
using var ctx = tester.CreateContext();
var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection();
await conn.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO \"Stores\"(\"Id\", \"SpeedPolicy\") VALUES (@store, 0)", new { store = "store1" });
var param = new
Id = "pp1",
StoreId = "store1",
Blob = "{\"Name\": \"CoinLottery\", \"View\": {\"Email\": null, \"Title\": \"\", \"Description\": \"\", \"EmbeddedCSS\": null, \"CustomCSSLink\": null}, \"Limit\": \"10.00\", \"Period\": null, \"Currency\": \"GBP\", \"Description\": \"\", \"Divisibility\": 0, \"MinimumClaim\": \"0\", \"AutoApproveClaims\": false, \"SupportedPaymentMethods\": [\"BTC\", \"BTC_LightningLike\"]}"
await conn.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO \"PullPayments\"(\"Id\", \"StoreId\", \"Blob\", \"StartDate\", \"Archived\") VALUES (@Id, @StoreId, @Blob::JSONB, NOW(), 'f')", param);
var parameters = new[]
Id = "p1",
StoreId = "store1",
PullPaymentDataId = "pp1",
PaymentMethodId = "BTC",
Blob = "{\"Amount\": \"10.0\", \"Revision\": 0, \"Destination\": \"address\", \"CryptoAmount\": \"0.00012225\", \"MinimumConfirmation\": 1}"
Id = "p2",
StoreId = "store1",
PullPaymentDataId = "pp1",
PaymentMethodId = "BTC_LightningLike",
Blob = "{\"Amount\": \"10.0\", \"Revision\": 0, \"Destination\": \"address\", \"CryptoAmount\": null, \"MinimumConfirmation\": 1}"
Id = "p3",
StoreId = "store1",
PullPaymentDataId = null as string,
PaymentMethodId = "BTC_LightningLike",
Blob = "{\"Amount\": \"10.0\", \"Revision\": 0, \"Destination\": \"address\", \"CryptoAmount\": null, \"MinimumConfirmation\": 1}"
Id = "p4",
StoreId = "store1",
PullPaymentDataId = null as string,
PaymentMethodId = "BTC_LightningLike",
Blob = "{\"Amount\": \"-10.0\", \"Revision\": 0, \"Destination\": \"address\", \"CryptoAmount\": null, \"MinimumConfirmation\": 1}"
await conn.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO \"Payouts\"(\"Id\", \"StoreDataId\", \"PullPaymentDataId\", \"PaymentMethodId\", \"Blob\", \"State\", \"Date\") VALUES (@Id, @StoreId, @PullPaymentDataId, @PaymentMethodId, @Blob::JSONB, 'state', NOW())", parameters);
await tester.ContinueMigration();
var migrated = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<bool>("SELECT 't'::BOOLEAN FROM \"PullPayments\" WHERE \"Id\"='pp1' AND \"Limit\"=10.0 AND \"Currency\"='GBP' AND \"Blob\"->>'SupportedPayoutMethods'='[\"BTC-CHAIN\", \"BTC-LN\"]'");
migrated = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<bool>("SELECT 't'::BOOLEAN FROM \"Payouts\" WHERE \"Id\"='p1' AND \"Amount\"= 0.00012225 AND \"OriginalAmount\"=10.0 AND \"OriginalCurrency\"='GBP' AND \"PayoutMethodId\"='BTC-CHAIN'");
migrated = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<bool>("SELECT 't'::BOOLEAN FROM \"Payouts\" WHERE \"Id\"='p2' AND \"Amount\" IS NULL AND \"OriginalAmount\"=10.0 AND \"OriginalCurrency\"='GBP' AND \"PayoutMethodId\"='BTC-LN'");
migrated = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<bool>("SELECT 't'::BOOLEAN FROM \"Payouts\" WHERE \"Id\"='p3' AND \"Amount\" IS NULL AND \"OriginalAmount\"=10.0 AND \"OriginalCurrency\"='BTC'");
migrated = await conn.ExecuteScalarAsync<bool>("SELECT 't'::BOOLEAN FROM \"Payouts\" WHERE \"Id\"='p4' AND \"Amount\" IS NULL AND \"OriginalAmount\"=-10.0 AND \"OriginalCurrency\"='BTC' AND \"PayoutMethodId\"='TOPUP'");