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synced 2025-03-09 16:04:43 +01:00
Add SQL test for GetMonitoredInvoices
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 126 additions and 13 deletions
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Abstractions.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using BTCPayServer.Services.Invoices;
using BTCPayServer.Tests.Logging;
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
@ -42,6 +43,13 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
}), _loggerFactory);
public InvoiceRepository GetInvoiceRepository()
var logs = new BTCPayServer.Logging.Logs();
return new InvoiceRepository(CreateContextFactory(), new EventAggregator(logs));
public ApplicationDbContext CreateContext() => CreateContextFactory().CreateContext();
public async Task MigrateAsync()
@ -59,18 +67,21 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
await conn.ExecuteAsync($"CREATE DATABASE \"{dbname}\";");
public async Task MigrateUntil(string migration)
public async Task MigrateUntil(string migration = null)
using var ctx = CreateContext();
var db = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection();
await EnsureCreatedAsync();
var migrations = ctx.Database.GetMigrations().ToArray();
var untilMigrationIdx = Array.IndexOf(migrations, migration);
if (untilMigrationIdx == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Migration {migration} not found");
notAppliedMigrations = migrations[untilMigrationIdx..];
await db.ExecuteAsync("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"__EFMigrationsHistory\" (\"MigrationId\" TEXT, \"ProductVersion\" TEXT)");
await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO \"__EFMigrationsHistory\" VALUES (@migration, '8.0.0')", notAppliedMigrations.Select(m => new { migration = m }).ToArray());
if (migration is not null)
var untilMigrationIdx = Array.IndexOf(migrations, migration);
if (untilMigrationIdx == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Migration {migration} not found");
notAppliedMigrations = migrations[untilMigrationIdx..];
await db.ExecuteAsync("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"__EFMigrationsHistory\" (\"MigrationId\" TEXT, \"ProductVersion\" TEXT)");
await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO \"__EFMigrationsHistory\" VALUES (@migration, '8.0.0')", notAppliedMigrations.Select(m => new { migration = m }).ToArray());
await ctx.Database.MigrateAsync();
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Payments;
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using NBitcoin;
using NBitcoin.Altcoins;
using NBitpayClient;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
@ -18,6 +20,110 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Tests
public async Task CanQueryMonitoredInvoices()
var tester = CreateDBTester();
await tester.MigrateUntil();
var invoiceRepository = tester.GetInvoiceRepository();
using var ctx = tester.CreateContext();
var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection();
async Task AddPrompt(string invoiceId, string paymentMethodId, bool activated = true)
JObject prompt = new JObject();
if (!activated)
prompt["inactive"] = true;
prompt["currency"] = "USD";
var query = """
UPDATE "Invoices" SET "Blob2" = jsonb_set('{"prompts": {}}'::JSONB || COALESCE("Blob2",'{}'), ARRAY['prompts','@paymentMethodId'], '@prompt'::JSONB)
WHERE "Id" = '@invoiceId'
query = query.Replace("@paymentMethodId", paymentMethodId);
query = query.Replace("@prompt", prompt.ToString());
query = query.Replace("@invoiceId", invoiceId);
Assert.Equal(1, await conn.ExecuteAsync(query));
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
INSERT INTO "Invoices" ("Id", "Created", "Status","Currency") VALUES
('BTCOnly', NOW(), 'New', 'USD'),
('LTCOnly', NOW(), 'New', 'USD'),
('LTCAndBTC', NOW(), 'New', 'USD'),
('LTCAndBTCLazy', NOW(), 'New', 'USD')
foreach (var invoiceId in new string[] { "LTCOnly", "LTCAndBTCLazy", "LTCAndBTC" })
await AddPrompt(invoiceId, "LTC-CHAIN", true);
foreach (var invoiceId in new string[] { "BTCOnly", "LTCAndBTC" })
await AddPrompt(invoiceId, "BTC-CHAIN", true);
await AddPrompt("LTCAndBTCLazy", "BTC-CHAIN", false);
var btc = PaymentMethodId.Parse("BTC-CHAIN");
var ltc = PaymentMethodId.Parse("LTC-CHAIN");
var invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(btc);
Assert.Equal(2, invoices.Length);
foreach (var invoiceId in new[] { "BTCOnly", "LTCAndBTC" })
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == invoiceId);
invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(btc, true);
Assert.Equal(3, invoices.Length);
foreach (var invoiceId in new[] { "BTCOnly", "LTCAndBTC", "LTCAndBTCLazy" })
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == invoiceId);
invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(ltc);
Assert.Equal(3, invoices.Length);
foreach (var invoiceId in new[] { "LTCAndBTC", "LTCAndBTC", "LTCAndBTCLazy" })
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == invoiceId);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
INSERT INTO "Payments" ("Id", "InvoiceDataId", "PaymentMethodId", "Status", "Blob2", "Created", "Amount", "Currency") VALUES
('1','LTCAndBTC', 'LTC-CHAIN', 'Processing', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD'),
('2','LTCAndBTC', 'BTC-CHAIN', 'Processing', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD'),
('3','LTCAndBTC', 'BTC-CHAIN', 'Processing', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD'),
('4','LTCAndBTC', 'BTC-CHAIN', 'Settled', '{}'::JSONB, NOW(), 123, 'USD');
INSERT INTO "AddressInvoices" ("InvoiceDataId", "Address", "PaymentMethodId") VALUES
var invoice = Assert.Single(await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(ltc), i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTC");
var payment = Assert.Single(invoice.GetPayments(false));
Assert.Equal("1", payment.Id);
foreach (var includeNonActivated in new[] { true, false })
invoices = await invoiceRepository.GetMonitoredInvoices(btc, includeNonActivated);
invoice = Assert.Single(invoices, i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTC");
var payments = invoice.GetPayments(false);
Assert.Equal(3, payments.Count);
foreach (var paymentId in new[] { "2", "3", "4" })
Assert.Contains(payments, p => p.Id == paymentId);
Assert.Equal(2, invoice.Addresses.Count);
foreach (var addr in new[] { "BTC1", "BTC2" })
Assert.Contains(invoice.Addresses, p => p.Address == addr);
if (!includeNonActivated)
Assert.DoesNotContain(invoices, i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTCLazy");
Assert.Contains(invoices, i => i.Id == "LTCAndBTCLazy");
public async Task CanMigrateInvoiceAddresses()
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Data
#nullable enable
public static PayoutMethodId? GetClosestPayoutMethodId(this InvoiceData invoice, IEnumerable<PayoutMethodId> pmids)
var paymentMethodIds = invoice.Payments.Select(o => o.GetPaymentMethodId()).ToArray();
var paymentMethodIds = invoice.Payments.Select(o => PaymentMethodId.Parse(o.PaymentMethodId)).ToArray();
if (paymentMethodIds.Length == 0)
paymentMethodIds = invoice.GetBlob().GetPaymentPrompts().Select(p => p.PaymentMethodId).ToArray();
return PaymentMethodId.GetSimilarities(pmids, paymentMethodIds)
@ -38,16 +38,12 @@ namespace BTCPayServer.Data
paymentData.Blob2 = JToken.FromObject(blob, InvoiceDataExtensions.DefaultSerializer).ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);
return paymentData;
public static PaymentMethodId GetPaymentMethodId(this PaymentData paymentData)
return PaymentMethodId.Parse(paymentData.PaymentMethodId);
public static PaymentEntity GetBlob(this PaymentData paymentData)
var entity = JToken.Parse(paymentData.Blob2).ToObject<PaymentEntity>(InvoiceDataExtensions.DefaultSerializer) ?? throw new FormatException($"Invalid {nameof(PaymentEntity)}");
entity.Status = paymentData.Status!.Value;
entity.Currency = paymentData.Currency;
entity.PaymentMethodId = GetPaymentMethodId(paymentData);
entity.PaymentMethodId = PaymentMethodId.Parse(paymentData.PaymentMethodId);
entity.Value = paymentData.Amount!.Value;
entity.Id = paymentData.Id;
entity.ReceivedTime = paymentData.Created!.Value;
Add table
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