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synced 2025-03-03 17:36:59 +01:00
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Bug fixes:
- If there was too many pending invoice, postgres would be overwhelmed and freeze some requests (Igor Rylko)
- Emails were not included in the text search anymore @Kukks
- Payjoin: Do not include maxadditionalfeecontribution if there is no change. @NicolasDorier
Bug fixes:
- Fix payjoin client implementation (was sending hex instead of base64) @Kukks
- Fix: The send wallet, by default, should not include the previous transaction (timeouts issue with some hardware wallets) @NicolasDorier
- Do not log the database connection string @Kukks
- If a password fail to be reset by mail, show proper error @NicolasDorier
- When you map a specific domain to an app, when there's no app created there's a blank page @Kukks
Bug fixes:
- Mark Shopify orders paid on invoice payment confirmed @rockstardev
- Fix: notification of new BTCPay Server not showing properly @rockstardev
- Fix: When collapsed, the sync window blocks the version text in the footer #1941 @Kukks
- Fix: Not possible to delete a user if U2F is enabled. @Kukks
- Fix onion location not always working #1947 @Kukks
- Fix invoice exception status not displaying in list #1963 @Kukks
- Fix: Is administrator checkbox does not work on create user page @NicolasDorier
Bug fixes:
- Mark Shopify orders paid on invoice payment confirmed @rockstardev
- Fix: notification of new BTCPay Server not showing properly @rockstardev
- Fix: When collapsed, the sync window blocks the version text in the footer #1941 @Kukks
- Fix: Not possible to delete a user if U2F is enabled. @Kukks
- Fix onion location not always working #1947 @Kukks
- Fix invoice exception status not displaying in list #1963 @Kukks
- Fix: Is administrator checkbox does not work on create user page @NicolasDorier
- Add specter desktop to the list of Bitcoin RPC compatible wallet @NicolasDorier
- If some operation using BTCPay Server Vault fails, add a retry button so the user does not have to refresh the page. #1937 @NicolasDorier
- Do not show password in clear text in email configuration (Fix #1790) @NicolasDorier
- Showing CheckForNewVersions checkbox only if BTCPAY_UPDATEURL is set @rockstardev
- Add Created date to user, add verified column in list and make user list use same model as modern lists @Kukks
- Do not overlap the footer. Also removed the underline for the toggle button in chrome. Fixes #1946 @dennisreimann
- Improve notifications dropdown #1961 @dennisreimann
- Fix: DOGE could be trapped, due to our sanity check of absurdly high fee of "1 DOGE". @NicolasDorier
New features:
- Shopify support @rockstardev @Kukks
- Can enable/disable any payment method based on the amount of the invoice #1871 @xpayserver
- New Invoice API in Greenfield (Still incomplete, more for next release) @Kukks @NicolasDorier
- A new light view more adapted for Point of Sale @mariodian
- Allows administrator to invite new users via link and email @Kukks
- New labels in the wallet for payment requests, apps, and improvement of the payout label @Kukks
- Allows entry in wallet send via fiat #1891 @Kukks
- Allows partial invoice refund #1882 @Kukks
- In the Request API key flow, let the user be redirected to the original website #1800 @Kukks @dennisreimann (more info)
- Invoice logs now show their severity #1681 @Kukks (see https://i.imgur.com/eyMO9M3.png)
- Add store sort (#1861) @bolatovumar
- Update PSBT and PSBT sent to Hardware wallet will include
by default, when possible, to match Bitcoin Core 0.20.1 behavior. @NicolasDorier - Adjust invoice badge styling (#1906) @bolatovumar
- Invoice notification email improvements (#1875) @dennisreimann
- Improvement of the UX flow for requesting an API Key of a BTCPay Server user (#1898) @dennisreimann
- Don't send notification email for expired invoices @dennisreimann
- Greenfield API: Add
property to the user data. @dennisreimann - Remove Changelly integration @Kukks
- Better wording in transaction list page #1887 @maltokyo
- Fix alerts text break. #1865 @bolatovumar
- Remove Tor link from navbar @NicolasDorier
- Improve invoices list view #1815 @dennisreimann
- Improve sync progress dialog #1929 @Kukks
- Show index of payment address for onchain payments @Kukks
Bug fixes:
- When an invoice is partially paid on-chain and allow off-chain, a new lightning network invoice should be created for the remainder of the payment. @Kukks
- Changing the inventory of a PoS item was not working properly (@mariodian)
- Greenfield API: The internal lightning API was returning error 403, even when used as an administrator (@Kukks)
- Using lightning charge as lightning network invoice provider over HTTP was not working properly @bolatovumar
- Fix: If the hot wallet failed to sign a PSBT, should not show a blank page crash (@NicolasDorier)
- Fix bug: The wallet was sending only round amount of sat per byte (@NicolasDorier)
- "Attempt MySql Fix" #1856 @Kukks
- Fix HitBTC rate provider again @NicolasDorier
Altcoin build
- MonetaryUnit support (MUE) @sotblad
- ETH/ERC20 support @xpayserver
- Fix monero crash #1883 @Kukks
- UI: Improve mobile login views (#1833 @DennisReimann)
- Pull payments claim & payout notification rewording (#1825 @Zaxounette)
- Do not load webfonts from google font server, serve locally (@DennisReimann)
Bug fixes
- Fix some crashes when switching from Altcoins edition to Bitcoin-Only. (@Kukks @NicolasDorier)
- Fix invoices CSV Export formatting introduced in (@NicolasDorier)
- UI: Fix custom-select glitch (#1822 @DennisReimann)
- Fix crash with hitbtc rate provider (@NicolasDorier)
New features and improvements
- BTCPayServer has now two different build Bitcoin-Only and Altcoins. See more in our blog post (@xpayserver)
- Wallet UI improvement #1763 @dennisreimann
- Improve pull payment view #1764 @dennisreimann
- Login/Register view UI improvements #1752 @dennisreimann
- Manage store UI improvements #1761 @dennisreimann
- Improve the UX when creating a new seed #1745 @dennisreimann
- Allow selection of all notifications at once in notification list #1751 @bolatovumar
- Add filtering to Payment Requests @rockstardev
- Last filter used in payment requests and invoice list are now saved in user's preferences (cookie) #1775 #1498 @rockstardev
- Notification when new version of btcpayserver is available. $1420 @rockstardev
- Can sort apps list by store name, name or app type #1753 @bolatovumar
- Improve query performance when listing invoices @NicolasDorier
- Add margin to Delete store #1773 @bolatovumar
- Add pagination to wallet's transaction page #1772 @bolatovumar
- Improve VSCode user development experience #1769 @msafi
- Fix error message positioning in PoS #1759 @bolatovumar
- Fix swagger doc for approve payout @NicolasDorier
- Use BTCPay doc for RBF explanation tooltip @britttttk
- Allow mass archiving of invoices #1742 @bolatovumar
- Improve 2FA UI #1741 @dennisreimann
- .gitignore .DStore @Eskyee
- Allow RPC access in services when the node is synching @NicolasDorier
Bug fixes
- Fix: In the PoS app, embedded CSS was ignored. @NicolasDorier
- Fix error when modifying user who does not have admin right. #1793 @NicolasDorier
- Fix null instance on invoice when using paymentCurrencies #1766 @Kukks
- Fix: Sluggish scrolling in pages having a rich text editor @dennisreimann
- Fix: Crash in payment request if there is several invoice in "new" state @Kukks
- Fix: Crowdfund app doesn't count old invoices. It was only invoices created after enabling the option. @Kukks
Security fixes
Those are low risk injection vulnerabilities.
- Prevent script injection via X-Forwarded-For (reported by @benichmt1) @NicolasDorier
- Prevent script injection via the csv invoice export (reported by @benichmt1) @NicolasDorier
- BTCPay Server build is Bitcoin Only by default. If you are developer and wants to work on the altcoins build, please read the documentation.
- Show sync progress for monero and show amount of monero payment #1729 @xpayserver
Bug fixes
- Payouts list incorrectly filtered if more than two pull payments (@arc3x)
- Make it possible to refund invoice in the invalid state (@NicolasDorier)
- Sane error message from the server if Basic authentication is not properly encoded in base64 (@Kukks)
- Fix typos in pull payments (@Zaxounette)
New features and improvements
- Add download PSBT button in the PSBT's screen of the wallet (@Kukks)
- Upload PSBT button now support both, a file with base64 PSBT in it, or the raw bytes (@Kukks)
- Make payjoin works with hardware wallets, need latest release of BTCPayServer Vault (@Kukks)
- Better design for 2FA config screens (@Kukks #1735)
- Enable CORS on greenfield API (@Kukks)
- UI cleanup in the account section (@dennisreimann see #1721)
- Improve information structure in the store's lightning page (@dennisreimann see #1706)
- Various code cleanup (@rockstardev)
- Set noindex, nofollow on the payment request page and pull payment page (@RiccardoMasutti)
- Improve "Send" screen address field UX (@bolatovumar #1723)
- Fix appearance of table in pull payments page (@bolatovumar #1732 and #1733)
- Improve service settings, email settings, improve users list, U2F, 2FA, login view and maintenance page (@dennisreimann #1727)
- Update translation for Deutsch and አማርኛ (Peter Battermann and @lbtil)
Bug fixes
- Do not include the Onion-Location header for custom domains mapping (@NicolasDorier)
- Fix warning message when using SQLite (@NicolasDorier)
- Create store could be called with a scoped store's modify apikey (@NicolasDorier)
- Crowdfunding app used with a custom domain were showing blank page (@NicolasDorier)
Bug fixes
- Point of sales app used with a custom domain were showing blank page (@NicolasDorier)
New Features and improvements
- Add Notifications feature (@r0ckstardev)
- Add Pull Payments feature (@NicolasDorier)
- Add Refund feature (@NicolasDorier
- Allow invoice and payment requests to be archived (hide from list) (@Kukks)
- Improve fee selection UI in wallet send screen (@Kukks)
- Show warning when enabling Payjoin but supported payment methods are not using a hot wallet (@Kukks)
- Rebuild POS and Crowdfund App Item/Perk editor UI and fix any issues (@Kukks)
- Adjust Payjoin to the new specification outlined in BIP78 (@NicolasDorier)
- Allow opening the BTCPay wallet natively when clicking a Bitcoin payment link (BIP21)
- Add Server Info GreenField API (@dennisreimann)
- Add Payment Requests GreenField API (@Kukks @NicolasDorier)
- Support specifying payment method through apps per item/perk (@Kukks)
- Allow setting private route hints for LND invoices (@r0ckstardev)
- Expand GreenField Store API to have more store properties (@Kukks @NicolasDorier)
- Make GreenField local docs require authentication (@Kukks)
- Privacy enhancement: Randomize wallet transaction fingerprint. (@NicolasDorier)
- Randomize RBF support in BTCPay wallet by default for privacy (@NicolasDorier)
- Add support for Cobo Vault wallet file import (@Kukks)
- Add support for Wasabi wallet file import (@Kukks)
- Split POS app cart and static and support both simultaneously (@dennisreimann)
- Add Cross-Implementation Lightning Node GreenField API (@Kukks @NicolasDorier)
- Make GreenField responses and JSON properties consistent (@Kukks @NicolasDorier)
- Add Tor Onion-Location HTTP header (@dennisreimann)
- Rename form items in Wallet Send UI (@pavlenex)
- Add ThunderHub integration (@NicolasDorier)
- Add option to attempt to create PSBT with full transaction for inputs to sign for Trezor (@Kukks)
Bug fixes
- Do not auto-complete generate wallet form (@Kukks)
- Make sure copied notification is positioned correctly on checkout (@chewsta)
- Fix broken documentation links (@Kukks @dennisreimann @jad0c @Eskyee @pavlenex)
- Fix POS app item display issues (@bolatovumar)
- Fix Invoice checkout modal close button theme issues (@bolatovumar)
- Fix display of replaced transactions in invoice list (@NicolasDorier)
- Support BitPay invoice creation property "paymentCurrencies" (@Kukks)
- Update lightning support warning text (@janoside)
- Fix issue with payment requests not expiring (@Kukks)
- Fix broken Bootstrap theme generator link (@Kukks)
- Use proper Bitcoin symbol (₿) in UI instead of "BTC" (@Kukks)
- Ensure you can only sign with hot wallet if you created the hot wallet via seed (@NicolasDorier)
- Respect JsonResponse option in payment button endpoint even for failures (@Kukks)
- Opt out of dotnet telemetry in Docker containers (@Kukks)
- Fix issue with POS app if button text had special formatting (@Kukks)
- Autofocus 2FA-code input on page load (@dennisreimann)
- Add Orderid to BitPay IPN format (@Kukks)
- Require Owner role to the store for modifying store via Greenfield (@NicolasDorier)
- Fix css styling classes (@woutersamaey)
- Fix checkout high width resolution styling issues (@dennisreimann)
- Fix zpub electrum import (@gruve-p)
New Feature
- Allow user to select different fee rate based on expected confirmation time (@NicolasDorier)
Bug fixes
- Fix QR Code on dark theme by adding some white margin around it (@chewsta)
- Make sure wallet support decimal fee ... again. (@NicolasDorier)
New features
- If you use a hot wallet, you can retrieve the seed in wallet settings / Other actions / View seed (@kukks)
- Add top Label filter (@kukks)
- As a sender, payjoin transaction are tagged in the wallet (@kukks)
Bug fixes
- The wallet now discourage fee sniping (increase privacy by mimicking wallets like bitcoin core) (@NicolasDorier)
- Payjoin receiver fix: The receiver's inputs sequence must be the same as the sender's inputs' sequence (@NicolasDorier, reported by @waxwing)
- The wallet do not round fee rate to the nearest integer. (@NicolasDorier)
- Invoice row should not cut off the "AM/PM" part of the date (@r0ckstardev)
- Ensure dropdown in checkout page does not overflow (@ubolator)
- Fix decimal points shown in Checkout UI based on currency ( always showed btc decimal precision before) (@kukks #1529)
- fix label link inconsistency (@kukks)
- Fix payjoin detection in checkout UI (@kukks)
- For liquid, fix decimal precision issue in the wallet (@kukks)
- For liquid, the transactions in a wallet of a specific asset should only show transactions specific to this asset (@kukks)
- Update portuguese strings (@BitcoinHeiro)
New feature and improvements
- Auto labelling of wallet transactions, for now three labels "invoice", "pj-exposed", "payjoin" (@kukks)
- Checkout dark theme improvements (@dennisreimann #1508)
- Show warning when create a hot wallet when you are not admin of the server (@kukks)
- In store settings, shows "Not set" if a derivation scheme is not set. If it is set, always show the last few letters of the derivation scheme. (@kukks)
- Do not show lightning network configuration for Liquid assets. (@kukks)
- Better UTXO selection for payjoin receiver (@kukks #1470)
- Payjoin: But the automatic broadcast of original transaction from 1 minute to 2 minutes. (to give more time to sign with a hardware wallet)
- Greenfield: Expose an health check endpoint without authentication (@dennisreimann)
- Greenfield: Very primitive create/read/update/delete store endpoints (@kukks)
Bug fixes
- With LND above 0.9, invoices were immediately transitioning as partially paid. (@r0ckstardev)
- Successful payjoin in P2SH-P2WPKH would result in overpaid invoice (@kukks)
- If payjoin sender is sending the PSBT in hex format, we should send back the proposal in hex format (@kukks)
- Payment request were redirecting to non-existing (404) URL after payment (@kukks)
- Incorrect derivation scheme in generate wallet were giving an error 500 instead of proper error message (@kukks)
- When pasting a BIP21 when using coin selection, it would throw an error. (@kukks)
- In the Wallet Send page, remove a JS script reference which does not exist anymore. (@kukks)
- Fix LCAD logo (@dennisreimann)
- Fix dark theme contrast for Payment Requests (@ubolator and @dennisreimann #1488)
- Fix MySql supports details (@ketominer)
- In dark theme, the pay button was rendering BTCPAY text in black. (@dennisreimann #1517)
- Refactor CSS to be in line with the new design system (@dennisreimann)
- Tests utilities: Fix docker-lightning-cli scripts
- Improve static asset caching (@dennisreimann)
- New invoice checkout languages added:**
- Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (bg_BG) @doynovbps
- Danish (Denmark) (da_DK) @Berlelund
- Norwegian (no) @devenia
- Persian (fa) @firildakh
- Romanian (ro) @BTCfactura
- Slovak (Slovakia) (sk_SK) @MSedivy
- Zulu (zu) @kpangako
- Updated translation for checkout invoice:**
- Arabic (Ar) @kemoantemo
- Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (bs_BA) @Ruxiol
- Danish (Denmark) (da_DK) @Berlelund
- German (Germany) (de_DE)@andhans
- Greek (Greece) (el_GR) @kaloudis
- Spanish (Spain) (es_ES) @RzeroD
- Hindi(hi) @blockbitmedia
- Indonesian (id) @anditto
- Polish (pl) @kodxana
- Portuguese (Pt_pt) MarcosMe
- Turkish (tr) efecini
Bug fixes
Payjoin not working correctly for P2SH-P2WPKH merchants. @kukks
Clicking on the balance amount on send wallet, was not checking "Substract fees" automatically @kukks
Since this release is substantial, we invite your to read our blog post as well.
Bug fixes
- Better RBF and Double spend handling
- Fix: Bumping an invoice payment would sometimes add to the customer Network fee.
- Fix: A double spent transaction would sometimes show as never confirming in the invoice details instead of showing as double spent
- Fix: do not allow 0 amount invoices in crowdfund or payment requests
- Fix: Make 0 amount invoices marked as paid instantly
- Fix: Payment request clone button would throw an error
- Fix: Could not remove a user if the user was using the storage file feature
- Make sure sponsor logos show up nicely on all screen sizes
- UI Fixes
- Replace
Paid summary
byInvoice Summary
in the invoice preview of the invoice list page - Center supporter logos on the 404 error page
- When creating a new hotwallet, do not ask for the address confirmation step
- Replace
- Payjoin support for stores (Receiving)
- Payjoin support in the internal wallet (Sending)
- Coin Selection feature in the internal wallet
- Direct integration to Bitflyer rate provider
- Allow generation of new address in Wallet Receive page, even if the current one still not used.
- New invoice default theme
- New invoice dark theme
- New site default theme
- New site dark theme
- Camera QR Code scanner for Wallet
- In the invoice checkout, ability to copy the BIP21 payment string
- Add additional server policy for hot wallet RPC import
Greenfield API
- Greenfield API Permissions rework for API Keys & Basic Auth support
- Granular permissions
- Endpoint for creating a new user
- Endpoint for creating API Keys
- More details in the documentation
- Greenfield API C# Client
- Decimal precision for Liquid assets fixes
- Add L-CAD support for Liquid
- Monero stability fixes
Thanks to contributors
- binarydreaming
- britttttkelly
- dennisreimann
- francispoulios
- joerlop
- mbomb1231
- mikewchan
- mrkukks
- nicolasdorier
- pavlenex
- rockstardev
- ubolator
- vswee