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synced 2025-03-15 04:11:37 +01:00
In this commit, we demote a series of log statements added while debugging the modified BIP 9 state machine. These are rather spammy on mainnet, so we demote the transition logs (moving to a new state) to debug, and the remaining log (when we're still in started to trace).
446 lines
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446 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 The btcsuite developers
// Use of this source code is governed by an ISC
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package blockchain
import (
// ThresholdState define the various threshold states used when voting on
// consensus changes.
type ThresholdState byte
// These constants are used to identify specific threshold states.
const (
// ThresholdDefined is the first state for each deployment and is the
// state for the genesis block has by definition for all deployments.
ThresholdDefined ThresholdState = iota
// ThresholdStarted is the state for a deployment once its start time
// has been reached.
// ThresholdLockedIn is the state for a deployment during the retarget
// period which is after the ThresholdStarted state period and the
// number of blocks that have voted for the deployment equal or exceed
// the required number of votes for the deployment.
// ThresholdActive is the state for a deployment for all blocks after a
// retarget period in which the deployment was in the ThresholdLockedIn
// state.
// ThresholdFailed is the state for a deployment once its expiration
// time has been reached and it did not reach the ThresholdLockedIn
// state.
// numThresholdsStates is the maximum number of threshold states used in
// tests.
// thresholdStateStrings is a map of ThresholdState values back to their
// constant names for pretty printing.
var thresholdStateStrings = map[ThresholdState]string{
ThresholdDefined: "ThresholdDefined",
ThresholdStarted: "ThresholdStarted",
ThresholdLockedIn: "ThresholdLockedIn",
ThresholdActive: "ThresholdActive",
ThresholdFailed: "ThresholdFailed",
// String returns the ThresholdState as a human-readable name.
func (t ThresholdState) String() string {
if s := thresholdStateStrings[t]; s != "" {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown ThresholdState (%d)", int(t))
// thresholdConditionChecker provides a generic interface that is invoked to
// determine when a consensus rule change threshold should be changed.
type thresholdConditionChecker interface {
// HasStarted returns true if based on the passed block blockNode the
// consensus is eligible for deployment.
HasStarted(*blockNode) bool
// HasEnded returns true if the target consensus rule change has
// expired or timed out.
HasEnded(*blockNode) bool
// RuleChangeActivationThreshold is the number of blocks for which the
// condition must be true in order to lock in a rule change.
RuleChangeActivationThreshold() uint32
// MinerConfirmationWindow is the number of blocks in each threshold
// state retarget window.
MinerConfirmationWindow() uint32
// EligibleToActivate returns true if a custom deployment can
// transition from the LockedIn to the Active state. For normal
// deployments, this always returns true. However, some deployments add
// extra rules like a minimum activation height, which can be
// abstracted into a generic arbitrary check at the final state via
// this method.
EligibleToActivate(*blockNode) bool
// IsSpeedy returns true if this is to be a "speedy" deployment. A
// speedy deployment differs from a regular one in that only after a
// miner block confirmation window can the deployment expire.
IsSpeedy() bool
// Condition returns whether or not the rule change activation
// condition has been met. This typically involves checking whether or
// not the bit associated with the condition is set, but can be more
// complex as needed.
Condition(*blockNode) (bool, error)
// thresholdStateCache provides a type to cache the threshold states of each
// threshold window for a set of IDs.
type thresholdStateCache struct {
entries map[chainhash.Hash]ThresholdState
// Lookup returns the threshold state associated with the given hash along with
// a boolean that indicates whether or not it is valid.
func (c *thresholdStateCache) Lookup(hash *chainhash.Hash) (ThresholdState, bool) {
state, ok := c.entries[*hash]
return state, ok
// Update updates the cache to contain the provided hash to threshold state
// mapping.
func (c *thresholdStateCache) Update(hash *chainhash.Hash, state ThresholdState) {
c.entries[*hash] = state
// newThresholdCaches returns a new array of caches to be used when calculating
// threshold states.
func newThresholdCaches(numCaches uint32) []thresholdStateCache {
caches := make([]thresholdStateCache, numCaches)
for i := 0; i < len(caches); i++ {
caches[i] = thresholdStateCache{
entries: make(map[chainhash.Hash]ThresholdState),
return caches
// PastMedianTime returns the past median time from the PoV of the passed block
// header. The past median time is the median time of the 11 blocks prior to
// the passed block header.
// NOTE: This is part of the chainfg.BlockClock interface
func (b *BlockChain) PastMedianTime(blockHeader *wire.BlockHeader) (time.Time, error) {
prevHash := blockHeader.PrevBlock
prevNode := b.index.LookupNode(&prevHash)
// If we can't find the previous node, then we can't compute the block
// time since it requires us to walk backwards from this node.
if prevNode == nil {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("blockHeader(%v) has no "+
"previous node", blockHeader.BlockHash())
blockNode := newBlockNode(blockHeader, prevNode)
return blockNode.CalcPastMedianTime(), nil
// thresholdStateTransition given a state, a previous node, and a toeholds
// checker, this function transitions to the next state as defined by BIP 009.
// This state transition function is also aware of the "speedy trial"
// modifications made to BIP 0009 as part of the taproot softfork activation.
func thresholdStateTransition(state ThresholdState, prevNode *blockNode,
checker thresholdConditionChecker,
confirmationWindow int32) (ThresholdState, error) {
switch state {
case ThresholdDefined:
// The deployment of the rule change fails if it
// expires before it is accepted and locked in. However
// speed deployments can only transition to failed
// after a confirmation window.
if !checker.IsSpeedy() && checker.HasEnded(prevNode) {
log.Debugf("Moving from state=%v, to state=%v", state,
state = ThresholdFailed
// The state for the rule moves to the started state
// once its start time has been reached (and it hasn't
// already expired per the above).
if checker.HasStarted(prevNode) {
log.Debugf("Moving from state=%v, to state=%v", state,
state = ThresholdStarted
case ThresholdStarted:
// The deployment of the rule change fails if it
// expires before it is accepted and locked in, but
// only if this deployment isn't speedy.
if !checker.IsSpeedy() && checker.HasEnded(prevNode) {
log.Debugf("Moving from state=%v, to state=%v", state,
state = ThresholdFailed
// At this point, the rule change is still being voted
// on by the miners, so iterate backwards through the
// confirmation window to count all of the votes in it.
var count uint32
countNode := prevNode
for i := int32(0); i < confirmationWindow; i++ {
condition, err := checker.Condition(countNode)
if err != nil {
return ThresholdFailed, err
if condition {
// Get the previous block node.
countNode = countNode.parent
switch {
// The state is locked in if the number of blocks in the
// period that voted for the rule change meets the
// activation threshold.
case count >= checker.RuleChangeActivationThreshold():
log.Debugf("Moving from state=%v, to state=%v", state,
state = ThresholdLockedIn
// If this is a speedy deployment, we didn't meet the
// threshold above, and the deployment has expired, then
// we transition to failed.
case checker.IsSpeedy() && checker.HasEnded(prevNode):
log.Debugf("Moving from state=%v, to state=%v", state,
state = ThresholdFailed
log.Tracef("Still at state=%v, threshold=%v", state,
case ThresholdLockedIn:
// At this point, we'll consult the deployment see if a
// custom deployment has any other arbitrary conditions
// that need to pass before execution. This might be a
// minimum activation height or another policy.
// If we aren't eligible to active yet, then we'll just
// stay in the locked in position.
if !checker.EligibleToActivate(prevNode) {
log.Debugf("Moving from state=%v, to state=%v", state,
state = ThresholdLockedIn
} else {
log.Debugf("Moving from state=%v, to state=%v", state,
// The new rule becomes active when its
// previous state was locked in assuming it's
// now eligible to activate.
state = ThresholdActive
// Nothing to do if the previous state is active or failed since
// they are both terminal states.
case ThresholdActive:
case ThresholdFailed:
return state, nil
// thresholdState returns the current rule change threshold state for the block
// AFTER the given node and deployment ID. The cache is used to ensure the
// threshold states for previous windows are only calculated once.
// This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for writes).
func (b *BlockChain) thresholdState(prevNode *blockNode, checker thresholdConditionChecker, cache *thresholdStateCache) (ThresholdState, error) {
// The threshold state for the window that contains the genesis block is
// defined by definition.
confirmationWindow := int32(checker.MinerConfirmationWindow())
if prevNode == nil || (prevNode.height+1) < confirmationWindow {
return ThresholdDefined, nil
// Get the ancestor that is the last block of the previous confirmation
// window in order to get its threshold state. This can be done because
// the state is the same for all blocks within a given window.
prevNode = prevNode.Ancestor(prevNode.height -
// Iterate backwards through each of the previous confirmation windows
// to find the most recently cached threshold state.
var neededStates []*blockNode
for prevNode != nil {
// Nothing more to do if the state of the block is already
// cached.
if _, ok := cache.Lookup(&prevNode.hash); ok {
// The state is simply defined if the start time hasn't been
// been reached yet.
if !checker.HasStarted(prevNode) {
cache.Update(&prevNode.hash, ThresholdDefined)
// Add this node to the list of nodes that need the state
// calculated and cached.
neededStates = append(neededStates, prevNode)
// Get the ancestor that is the last block of the previous
// confirmation window.
prevNode = prevNode.RelativeAncestor(confirmationWindow)
// Start with the threshold state for the most recent confirmation
// window that has a cached state.
state := ThresholdDefined
if prevNode != nil {
var ok bool
state, ok = cache.Lookup(&prevNode.hash)
if !ok {
return ThresholdFailed, AssertError(fmt.Sprintf(
"thresholdState: cache lookup failed for %v",
// Since each threshold state depends on the state of the previous
// window, iterate starting from the oldest unknown window.
var err error
for neededNum := len(neededStates) - 1; neededNum >= 0; neededNum-- {
prevNode := neededStates[neededNum]
// Based on the current state, the previous node, and the
// condition checker, transition to the next threshold state.
state, err = thresholdStateTransition(
state, prevNode, checker, confirmationWindow,
if err != nil {
return state, err
// Update the cache to avoid recalculating the state in the
// future.
cache.Update(&prevNode.hash, state)
return state, nil
// ThresholdState returns the current rule change threshold state of the given
// deployment ID for the block AFTER the end of the current best chain.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (b *BlockChain) ThresholdState(deploymentID uint32) (ThresholdState, error) {
state, err := b.deploymentState(b.bestChain.Tip(), deploymentID)
return state, err
// IsDeploymentActive returns true if the target deploymentID is active, and
// false otherwise.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (b *BlockChain) IsDeploymentActive(deploymentID uint32) (bool, error) {
state, err := b.deploymentState(b.bestChain.Tip(), deploymentID)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return state == ThresholdActive, nil
// deploymentState returns the current rule change threshold for a given
// deploymentID. The threshold is evaluated from the point of view of the block
// node passed in as the first argument to this method.
// It is important to note that, as the variable name indicates, this function
// expects the block node prior to the block for which the deployment state is
// desired. In other words, the returned deployment state is for the block
// AFTER the passed node.
// This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for writes).
func (b *BlockChain) deploymentState(prevNode *blockNode, deploymentID uint32) (ThresholdState, error) {
if deploymentID > uint32(len(b.chainParams.Deployments)) {
return ThresholdFailed, DeploymentError(deploymentID)
deployment := &b.chainParams.Deployments[deploymentID]
checker := deploymentChecker{deployment: deployment, chain: b}
cache := &b.deploymentCaches[deploymentID]
return b.thresholdState(prevNode, checker, cache)
// initThresholdCaches initializes the threshold state caches for each warning
// bit and defined deployment and provides warnings if the chain is current per
// the warnUnknownRuleActivations function.
func (b *BlockChain) initThresholdCaches() error {
// Initialize the warning and deployment caches by calculating the
// threshold state for each of them. This will ensure the caches are
// populated and any states that needed to be recalculated due to
// definition changes is done now.
prevNode := b.bestChain.Tip().parent
for bit := uint32(0); bit < vbNumBits; bit++ {
checker := bitConditionChecker{bit: bit, chain: b}
cache := &b.warningCaches[bit]
_, err := b.thresholdState(prevNode, checker, cache)
if err != nil {
return err
for id := 0; id < len(b.chainParams.Deployments); id++ {
deployment := &b.chainParams.Deployments[id]
cache := &b.deploymentCaches[id]
checker := deploymentChecker{deployment: deployment, chain: b}
_, err := b.thresholdState(prevNode, checker, cache)
if err != nil {
return err
// No warnings about unknown rules until the chain is current.
if b.isCurrent() {
bestNode := b.bestChain.Tip()
// Warn if any unknown new rules are either about to activate or
// have already been activated.
if err := b.warnUnknownRuleActivations(bestNode); err != nil {
return err
return nil