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synced 2025-02-25 16:04:02 +01:00
why: - the current splash-screen has no referring to official images on - https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Promotional_graphics - the current splash screen only exists in a low res jpg - current splash screen looks dark and "hackish" - new splash screen should generate positive, "trust-emotions". - new splash screen gives the user infos about the running client. - new splash screen can handle long messages (in a lot of - languages the text is cropped in current release) - new size (x2) 400x312 - contains textual information about the client - textinfos are dynamicly written to the pixmap when -testnet is switch on, the splashscreen will show the bitcoin logo in testnet-color (as well as a text [testnet]) example: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7383846/new_bitcoin_splash.png
82 lines
3 KiB
82 lines
3 KiB
#include "splashscreen.h"
#include "clientversion.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QApplication>
SplashScreen::SplashScreen(const QPixmap &pixmap, Qt::WindowFlags f) :
QSplashScreen(pixmap, f)
// set reference point, paddings
int paddingRight = 50;
int paddingTop = 50;
int titleVersionVSpace = 17;
int titleCopyrightVSpace = 40;
float fontFactor = 1.0;
// define text to place
QString titleText = QString(QApplication::applicationName()).replace(QString("-testnet"), QString(""), Qt::CaseSensitive); // cut of testnet, place it as single object further down
QString versionText = QString("Version %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(FormatFullVersion()));
QString copyrightText = QChar(0xA9)+QString(" 2009-%1 ").arg(COPYRIGHT_YEAR) + QString(tr("The Bitcoin developers"));
QString testnetAddText = QString(tr("[testnet]")); // define text to place as single text object
QString font = "Arial";
// load the bitmap for writing some text over it
QPixmap newPixmap;
if(GetBoolArg("-testnet")) {
newPixmap = QPixmap(":/images/splash_testnet");
else {
newPixmap = QPixmap(":/images/splash");
QPainter pixPaint(&newPixmap);
// check font size and drawing with
pixPaint.setFont(QFont(font, 33*fontFactor));
QFontMetrics fm = pixPaint.fontMetrics();
int titleTextWidth = fm.width(titleText);
if(titleTextWidth > 160) {
// strange font rendering, Arial probably not found
fontFactor = 0.75;
pixPaint.setFont(QFont(font, 33*fontFactor));
fm = pixPaint.fontMetrics();
titleTextWidth = fm.width(titleText);
pixPaint.setFont(QFont(font, 15*fontFactor));
// if the version string is to long, reduce size
fm = pixPaint.fontMetrics();
int versionTextWidth = fm.width(versionText);
if(versionTextWidth > titleTextWidth+paddingRight-10) {
pixPaint.setFont(QFont(font, 10*fontFactor));
titleVersionVSpace -= 5;
// draw copyright stuff
pixPaint.setFont(QFont(font, 10*fontFactor));
// draw testnet string if -testnet is on
if(QApplication::applicationName().contains(QString("-testnet"))) {
// draw copyright stuff
QFont boldFont = QFont(font, 10*fontFactor);
fm = pixPaint.fontMetrics();
int testnetAddTextWidth = fm.width(testnetAddText);