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// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <addresstype.h>
#include <consensus/amount.h>
#include <node/transaction.h>
#include <outputtype.h>
#include <pubkey.h>
#include <rpc/protocol.h>
#include <rpc/request.h>
#include <script/script.h>
#include <script/sign.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <univalue.h>
#include <util/check.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
class JSONRPCRequest;
enum ServiceFlags : uint64_t;
enum class OutputType;
struct FlatSigningProvider;
struct bilingual_str;
namespace common {
enum class PSBTError;
} // namespace common
namespace node {
enum class TransactionError;
} // namespace node
static constexpr bool DEFAULT_RPC_DOC_CHECK{
* String used to describe UNIX epoch time in documentation, factored out to a
* constant for consistency.
extern const std::string UNIX_EPOCH_TIME;
* Example bech32 addresses for the RPCExamples help documentation. They are intentionally
* invalid to prevent accidental transactions by users.
extern const std::string EXAMPLE_ADDRESS[2];
class FillableSigningProvider;
class CScript;
struct Sections;
* Gets all existing output types formatted for RPC help sections.
* @return Comma separated string representing output type names.
std::string GetAllOutputTypes();
/** Wrapper for UniValue::VType, which includes typeAny:
* Used to denote don't care type. */
struct UniValueType {
UniValueType(UniValue::VType _type) : typeAny(false), type(_type) {}
UniValueType() : typeAny(true) {}
bool typeAny;
UniValue::VType type;
Check for expected keys/value types in an Object.
void RPCTypeCheckObj(const UniValue& o,
const std::map<std::string, UniValueType>& typesExpected,
bool fAllowNull = false,
bool fStrict = false);
* Utilities: convert hex-encoded Values
* (throws error if not hex).
uint256 ParseHashV(const UniValue& v, std::string_view name);
uint256 ParseHashO(const UniValue& o, std::string_view strKey);
std::vector<unsigned char> ParseHexV(const UniValue& v, std::string_view name);
std::vector<unsigned char> ParseHexO(const UniValue& o, std::string_view strKey);
* Parses verbosity from provided UniValue.
* @param[in] arg The verbosity argument as a bool (true) or int (0, 1, 2,...)
* @param[in] default_verbosity The value to return if verbosity argument is null
* @returns An integer describing the verbosity level (e.g. 0, 1, 2, etc.)
int ParseVerbosity(const UniValue& arg, int default_verbosity);
* Validate and return a CAmount from a UniValue number or string.
* @param[in] value UniValue number or string to parse.
* @param[in] decimals Number of significant digits (default: 8).
* @returns a CAmount if the various checks pass.
CAmount AmountFromValue(const UniValue& value, int decimals = 8);
* Parse a json number or string, denoting BTC/kvB, into a CFeeRate (sat/kvB).
* Reject negative values or rates larger than 1BTC/kvB.
CFeeRate ParseFeeRate(const UniValue& json);
using RPCArgList = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, UniValue>>;
std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args);
std::string HelpExampleCliNamed(const std::string& methodname, const RPCArgList& args);
std::string HelpExampleRpc(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args);
std::string HelpExampleRpcNamed(const std::string& methodname, const RPCArgList& args);
CPubKey HexToPubKey(const std::string& hex_in);
CPubKey AddrToPubKey(const FillableSigningProvider& keystore, const std::string& addr_in);
CTxDestination AddAndGetMultisigDestination(const int required, const std::vector<CPubKey>& pubkeys, OutputType type, FlatSigningProvider& keystore, CScript& script_out);
UniValue DescribeAddress(const CTxDestination& dest);
/** Parse a sighash string representation and raise an RPC error if it is invalid. */
int ParseSighashString(const UniValue& sighash);
//! Parse a confirm target option and raise an RPC error if it is invalid.
unsigned int ParseConfirmTarget(const UniValue& value, unsigned int max_target);
RPCErrorCode RPCErrorFromTransactionError(node::TransactionError terr);
UniValue JSONRPCPSBTError(common::PSBTError err);
UniValue JSONRPCTransactionError(node::TransactionError terr, const std::string& err_string = "");
//! Parse a JSON range specified as int64, or [int64, int64]
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> ParseDescriptorRange(const UniValue& value);
/** Evaluate a descriptor given as a string, or as a {"desc":...,"range":...} object, with default range of 1000. */
std::vector<CScript> EvalDescriptorStringOrObject(const UniValue& scanobject, FlatSigningProvider& provider, const bool expand_priv = false);
* Serializing JSON objects depends on the outer type. Only arrays and
* dictionaries can be nested in json. The top-level outer type is "NONE".
enum class OuterType {
NONE, // Only set on first recursion
struct RPCArgOptions {
bool skip_type_check{false};
std::string oneline_description{}; //!< Should be empty unless it is supposed to override the auto-generated summary line
std::vector<std::string> type_str{}; //!< Should be empty unless it is supposed to override the auto-generated type strings. Vector length is either 0 or 2, m_opts.type_str.at(0) will override the type of the value in a key-value pair, m_opts.type_str.at(1) will override the type in the argument description.
bool hidden{false}; //!< For testing only
bool also_positional{false}; //!< If set allows a named-parameter field in an OBJ_NAMED_PARAM options object
//!< to have the same name as a top-level parameter. By default the RPC
//!< framework disallows this, because if an RPC request passes the value by
//!< name, it is assigned to top-level parameter position, not to the options
//!< position, defeating the purpose of using OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS instead OBJ for
//!< that option. But sometimes it makes sense to allow less-commonly used
//!< options to be passed by name only, and more commonly used options to be
//!< passed by name or position, so the RPC framework allows this as long as
//!< methods set the also_positional flag and read values from both positions.
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-no-recursion)
struct RPCArg {
enum class Type {
OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS, //!< Special type that behaves almost exactly like
//!< OBJ, defining an options object with a list of
//!< pre-defined keys. The only difference between OBJ
//!< also allows the keys to be passed as top-level
//!< named parameters, as a more convenient way to pass
//!< options to the RPC method without nesting them.
OBJ_USER_KEYS, //!< Special type where the user must set the keys e.g. to define multiple addresses; as opposed to e.g. an options object where the keys are predefined
AMOUNT, //!< Special type representing a floating point amount (can be either NUM or STR)
STR_HEX, //!< Special type that is a STR with only hex chars
RANGE, //!< Special type that is a NUM or [NUM,NUM]
enum class Optional {
/** Required arg */
* Optional argument for which the default value is omitted from
* help text for one of two reasons:
* - It's a named argument and has a default value of `null`.
* - Its default value is implicitly clear. That is, elements in an
* array may not exist by default.
* When possible, the default value should be specified.
/** Hint for default value */
using DefaultHint = std::string;
/** Default constant value */
using Default = UniValue;
using Fallback = std::variant<Optional, DefaultHint, Default>;
const std::string m_names; //!< The name of the arg (can be empty for inner args, can contain multiple aliases separated by | for named request arguments)
const Type m_type;
const std::vector<RPCArg> m_inner; //!< Only used for arrays or dicts
const Fallback m_fallback;
const std::string m_description;
const RPCArgOptions m_opts;
std::string name,
Type type,
Fallback fallback,
std::string description,
RPCArgOptions opts = {})
: m_names{std::move(name)},
CHECK_NONFATAL(type != Type::ARR && type != Type::OBJ && type != Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS && type != Type::OBJ_USER_KEYS);
std::string name,
Type type,
Fallback fallback,
std::string description,
std::vector<RPCArg> inner,
RPCArgOptions opts = {})
: m_names{std::move(name)},
CHECK_NONFATAL(type == Type::ARR || type == Type::OBJ || type == Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS || type == Type::OBJ_USER_KEYS);
bool IsOptional() const;
* Check whether the request JSON type matches.
* Returns true if type matches, or object describing error(s) if not.
UniValue MatchesType(const UniValue& request) const;
/** Return the first of all aliases */
std::string GetFirstName() const;
/** Return the name, throws when there are aliases */
std::string GetName() const;
* Return the type string of the argument.
* Set oneline to allow it to be overridden by a custom oneline type string (m_opts.oneline_description).
std::string ToString(bool oneline) const;
* Return the type string of the argument when it is in an object (dict).
* Set oneline to get the oneline representation (less whitespace)
std::string ToStringObj(bool oneline) const;
* Return the description string, including the argument type and whether
* the argument is required.
std::string ToDescriptionString(bool is_named_arg) const;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-no-recursion)
struct RPCResult {
enum class Type {
ANY, //!< Special type to disable type checks (for testing only)
STR_AMOUNT, //!< Special string to represent a floating point amount
STR_HEX, //!< Special string with only hex chars
OBJ_DYN, //!< Special dictionary with keys that are not literals
ARR_FIXED, //!< Special array that has a fixed number of entries
NUM_TIME, //!< Special numeric to denote unix epoch time
ELISION, //!< Special type to denote elision (...)
const Type m_type;
const std::string m_key_name; //!< Only used for dicts
const std::vector<RPCResult> m_inner; //!< Only used for arrays or dicts
const bool m_optional;
const bool m_skip_type_check;
const std::string m_description;
const std::string m_cond;
std::string cond,
Type type,
std::string m_key_name,
bool optional,
std::string description,
std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {})
: m_type{std::move(type)},
std::string cond,
Type type,
std::string m_key_name,
std::string description,
std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {})
: RPCResult{std::move(cond), type, std::move(m_key_name), /*optional=*/false, std::move(description), std::move(inner)} {}
Type type,
std::string m_key_name,
bool optional,
std::string description,
std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {},
bool skip_type_check = false)
: m_type{std::move(type)},
Type type,
std::string m_key_name,
std::string description,
std::vector<RPCResult> inner = {},
bool skip_type_check = false)
: RPCResult{type, std::move(m_key_name), /*optional=*/false, std::move(description), std::move(inner), skip_type_check} {}
/** Append the sections of the result. */
void ToSections(Sections& sections, OuterType outer_type = OuterType::NONE, const int current_indent = 0) const;
/** Return the type string of the result when it is in an object (dict). */
std::string ToStringObj() const;
/** Return the description string, including the result type. */
std::string ToDescriptionString() const;
/** Check whether the result JSON type matches.
* Returns true if type matches, or object describing error(s) if not.
UniValue MatchesType(const UniValue& result) const;
void CheckInnerDoc() const;
struct RPCResults {
const std::vector<RPCResult> m_results;
RPCResults(RPCResult result)
: m_results{{result}}
RPCResults(std::initializer_list<RPCResult> results)
: m_results{results}
* Return the description string.
std::string ToDescriptionString() const;
struct RPCExamples {
const std::string m_examples;
explicit RPCExamples(
std::string examples)
: m_examples(std::move(examples))
std::string ToDescriptionString() const;
class RPCHelpMan
RPCHelpMan(std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<RPCArg> args, RPCResults results, RPCExamples examples);
using RPCMethodImpl = std::function<UniValue(const RPCHelpMan&, const JSONRPCRequest&)>;
RPCHelpMan(std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<RPCArg> args, RPCResults results, RPCExamples examples, RPCMethodImpl fun);
UniValue HandleRequest(const JSONRPCRequest& request) const;
* @brief Helper to get a required or default-valued request argument.
* Use this function when the argument is required or when it has a default value. If the
* argument is optional and may not be provided, use MaybeArg instead.
* This function only works during m_fun(), i.e., it should only be used in
* RPC method implementations. It internally checks whether the user-passed
* argument isNull() and parses (from JSON) and returns the user-passed argument,
* or the default value derived from the RPCArg documentation.
* The instantiation of this helper for type R must match the corresponding RPCArg::Type.
* @return The value of the RPC argument (or the default value) cast to type R.
* @see MaybeArg for handling optional arguments without default values.
template <typename R>
auto Arg(std::string_view key) const
auto i{GetParamIndex(key)};
// Return argument (required or with default value).
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<R> || std::is_floating_point_v<R>) {
// Return numbers by value.
return ArgValue<R>(i);
} else {
// Return everything else by reference.
return ArgValue<const R&>(i);
* @brief Helper to get an optional request argument.
* Use this function when the argument is optional and does not have a default value. If the
* argument is required or has a default value, use Arg instead.
* This function only works during m_fun(), i.e., it should only be used in
* RPC method implementations. It internally checks whether the user-passed
* argument isNull() and parses (from JSON) and returns the user-passed argument,
* or a falsy value if no argument was passed.
* The instantiation of this helper for type R must match the corresponding RPCArg::Type.
* @return For integral and floating-point types, a std::optional<R> is returned.
* For other types, a R* pointer to the argument is returned. If the
* argument is not provided, std::nullopt or a null pointer is returned.
* @see Arg for handling arguments that are required or have a default value.
template <typename R>
auto MaybeArg(std::string_view key) const
auto i{GetParamIndex(key)};
// Return optional argument (without default).
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<R> || std::is_floating_point_v<R>) {
// Return numbers by value, wrapped in optional.
return ArgValue<std::optional<R>>(i);
} else {
// Return other types by pointer.
return ArgValue<const R*>(i);
std::string ToString() const;
/** Return the named args that need to be converted from string to another JSON type */
UniValue GetArgMap() const;
/** If the supplied number of args is neither too small nor too high */
bool IsValidNumArgs(size_t num_args) const;
//! Return list of arguments and whether they are named-only.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> GetArgNames() const;
const std::string m_name;
const RPCMethodImpl m_fun;
const std::string m_description;
const std::vector<RPCArg> m_args;
const RPCResults m_results;
const RPCExamples m_examples;
mutable const JSONRPCRequest* m_req{nullptr}; // A pointer to the request for the duration of m_fun()
template <typename R>
R ArgValue(size_t i) const;
//! Return positional index of a parameter using its name as key.
size_t GetParamIndex(std::string_view key) const;
* Push warning messages to an RPC "warnings" field as a JSON array of strings.
* @param[in] warnings Warning messages to push.
* @param[out] obj UniValue object to push the warnings array object to.
void PushWarnings(const UniValue& warnings, UniValue& obj);
void PushWarnings(const std::vector<bilingual_str>& warnings, UniValue& obj);