mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 18:13:40 +01:00
Previously, we did not include the macOS SDK libc++ headers in our SDK
creation process and instead used whichever libc++ headers shipped with
the clang package we downloaded in depends.
This change adds a script (which works on both GNU/Linux and macOS) to
correctly generate the macOS SDK including the libc++ headers. This can
be thought of as a simplified rewrite of tpoechtrager's script:
The location within the SDK where we place the libc++ headers is chosen
such that clang's search path detection logic for sysroots would pick up
the headers properly.
We also document this change.
94 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file
94 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import plistlib
import pathlib
import sys
import tarfile
import gzip
import os
import contextlib
def cd(path):
"""Context manager that restores PWD even if an exception was raised."""
old_pwd = os.getcwd()
def run():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('xcode_app', metavar='XCODEAPP', nargs=1)
parser.add_argument("-o", metavar='OUTSDKTGZ', nargs=1, dest='out_sdktgz', required=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
xcode_app = pathlib.Path(args.xcode_app[0]).resolve()
assert xcode_app.is_dir(), "The supplied Xcode.app path '{}' either does not exist or is not a directory".format(xcode_app)
xcode_app_plist = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/version.plist")
with xcode_app_plist.open('rb') as fp:
pl = plistlib.load(fp)
xcode_version = pl['CFBundleShortVersionString']
xcode_build_id = pl['ProductBuildVersion']
print("Found Xcode (version: {xcode_version}, build id: {xcode_build_id})".format(xcode_version=xcode_version, xcode_build_id=xcode_build_id))
sdk_dir = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk")
sdk_plist = sdk_dir.joinpath("System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist")
with sdk_plist.open('rb') as fp:
pl = plistlib.load(fp)
sdk_version = pl['ProductVersion']
sdk_build_id = pl['ProductBuildVersion']
print("Found MacOSX SDK (version: {sdk_version}, build id: {sdk_build_id})".format(sdk_version=sdk_version, sdk_build_id=sdk_build_id))
out_name = "Xcode-{xcode_version}-{xcode_build_id}-extracted-SDK-with-libcxx-headers".format(xcode_version=xcode_version, xcode_build_id=xcode_build_id)
xcode_libcxx_dir = xcode_app.joinpath("Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include/c++/v1")
assert xcode_libcxx_dir.is_dir()
if args.out_sdktgz:
out_sdktgz_path = pathlib.Path(args.out_sdktgz_path)
# Construct our own out_sdktgz if not specified on the command line
out_sdktgz_path = pathlib.Path("./{}.tar.gz".format(out_name))
def tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, dir_to_add, alt_base_dir):
"""Add all files in dir_to_add to tarfp, but prepent MEMBERPREFIX to the files'
e.g. if the only file under /root/bazdir is /root/bazdir/qux, invoking:
tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, "foo/bar", "/root/bazdir")
would result in the following members being added to tarfp:
foo/bar/ -> corresponding to /root/bazdir
foo/bar/qux -> corresponding to /root/bazdir/qux
def change_tarinfo_base(tarinfo):
if tarinfo.name and tarinfo.name.startswith("./"):
tarinfo.name = str(pathlib.Path(alt_base_dir, tarinfo.name))
if tarinfo.linkname and tarinfo.linkname.startswith("./"):
tarinfo.linkname = str(pathlib.Path(alt_base_dir, tarinfo.linkname))
return tarinfo
with cd(dir_to_add):
tarfp.add(".", recursive=True, filter=change_tarinfo_base)
print("Creating output .tar.gz file...")
with out_sdktgz_path.open("wb") as fp:
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fp, compresslevel=9, mtime=0) as gzf:
with tarfile.open(mode="w", fileobj=gzf) as tarfp:
print("Adding MacOSX SDK {} files...".format(sdk_version))
tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, sdk_dir, out_name)
print("Adding libc++ headers...")
tarfp_add_with_base_change(tarfp, xcode_libcxx_dir, "{}/usr/include/c++/v1".format(out_name))
print("Done! Find the resulting gzipped tarball at:")
if __name__ == '__main__':