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synced 2025-03-10 09:06:15 +01:00
`TestNode::add_outbound_p2p_connection()` is the only place where addconnection test-only RPC is used. here, we always pass the appropriate v2transport option to addconnection RPC. currently the v2transport option for addconnection RPC is optional. so simply make the v2transport option mandatory instead.
285 lines
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285 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
"""Class for v2 P2P protocol (see BIP 324)"""
import logging
import random
from .crypto.bip324_cipher import FSChaCha20Poly1305
from .crypto.chacha20 import FSChaCha20
from .crypto.ellswift import ellswift_create, ellswift_ecdh_xonly
from .crypto.hkdf import hkdf_sha256
from .key import TaggedHash
from .messages import MAGIC_BYTES
logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.v2_p2p")
1: b"addr",
2: b"block",
3: b"blocktxn",
4: b"cmpctblock",
5: b"feefilter",
6: b"filteradd",
7: b"filterclear",
8: b"filterload",
9: b"getblocks",
10: b"getblocktxn",
11: b"getdata",
12: b"getheaders",
13: b"headers",
14: b"inv",
15: b"mempool",
16: b"merkleblock",
17: b"notfound",
18: b"ping",
19: b"pong",
20: b"sendcmpct",
21: b"tx",
22: b"getcfilters",
23: b"cfilter",
24: b"getcfheaders",
25: b"cfheaders",
26: b"getcfcheckpt",
27: b"cfcheckpt",
28: b"addrv2",
# Dictionary which contains short message type ID for the P2P message
MSGTYPE_TO_SHORTID = {msgtype: shortid for shortid, msgtype in SHORTID.items()}
class EncryptedP2PState:
"""A class for managing the state when v2 P2P protocol is used. Performs initial v2 handshake and encrypts/decrypts
P2P messages. P2PConnection uses an object of this class.
initiating (bool): defines whether the P2PConnection is an initiator or responder.
- initiating = True for inbound connections in the test framework [TestNode <------- P2PConnection]
- initiating = False for outbound connections in the test framework [TestNode -------> P2PConnection]
net (string): chain used (regtest, signet etc..)
perform an advanced form of diffie-hellman handshake to instantiate the encrypted transport. before exchanging
any P2P messages, 2 nodes perform this handshake in order to determine a shared secret that is unique to both
of them and use it to derive keys to encrypt/decrypt P2P messages.
- initial v2 handshakes is performed by: (see BIP324 section #overall-handshake-pseudocode)
1. initiator using initiate_v2_handshake(), complete_handshake() and authenticate_handshake()
2. responder using respond_v2_handshake(), complete_handshake() and authenticate_handshake()
- initialize_v2_transport() sets various BIP324 derived keys and ciphers.
encrypt/decrypt v2 P2P messages using v2_enc_packet() and v2_receive_packet().
def __init__(self, *, initiating, net):
self.initiating = initiating # True if initiator
self.net = net
self.peer = {} # object with various BIP324 derived keys and ciphers
self.privkey_ours = None
self.ellswift_ours = None
self.sent_garbage = b""
self.received_garbage = b""
self.received_prefix = b"" # received ellswift bytes till the first mismatch from 16 bytes v1_prefix
self.tried_v2_handshake = False # True when the initial handshake is over
# stores length of packet contents to detect whether first 3 bytes (which contains length of packet contents)
# has been decrypted. set to -1 if decryption hasn't been done yet.
self.contents_len = -1
self.found_garbage_terminator = False
def v2_ecdh(priv, ellswift_theirs, ellswift_ours, initiating):
"""Compute BIP324 shared secret.
bytes - BIP324 shared secret
ecdh_point_x32 = ellswift_ecdh_xonly(ellswift_theirs, priv)
if initiating:
# Initiating, place our public key encoding first.
return TaggedHash("bip324_ellswift_xonly_ecdh", ellswift_ours + ellswift_theirs + ecdh_point_x32)
# Responding, place their public key encoding first.
return TaggedHash("bip324_ellswift_xonly_ecdh", ellswift_theirs + ellswift_ours + ecdh_point_x32)
def generate_keypair_and_garbage(self):
"""Generates ellswift keypair and 4095 bytes garbage at max"""
self.privkey_ours, self.ellswift_ours = ellswift_create()
garbage_len = random.randrange(MAX_GARBAGE_LEN + 1)
self.sent_garbage = random.randbytes(garbage_len)
logger.debug(f"sending {garbage_len} bytes of garbage data")
return self.ellswift_ours + self.sent_garbage
def initiate_v2_handshake(self):
"""Initiator begins the v2 handshake by sending its ellswift bytes and garbage
bytes - bytes to be sent to the peer when starting the v2 handshake as an initiator
return self.generate_keypair_and_garbage()
def respond_v2_handshake(self, response):
"""Responder begins the v2 handshake by sending its ellswift bytes and garbage. However, the responder
sends this after having received at least one byte that mismatches 16-byte v1_prefix.
1. int - length of bytes that were consumed so that recvbuf can be updated
2. bytes - bytes to be sent to the peer when starting the v2 handshake as a responder.
- returns b"" if more bytes need to be received before we can respond and start the v2 handshake.
- returns -1 to downgrade the connection to v1 P2P.
v1_prefix = MAGIC_BYTES[self.net] + b'version\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
while len(self.received_prefix) < 16:
byte = response.read(1)
# return b"" if we need to receive more bytes
if not byte:
return len(self.received_prefix), b""
self.received_prefix += byte
if self.received_prefix[-1] != v1_prefix[len(self.received_prefix) - 1]:
return len(self.received_prefix), self.generate_keypair_and_garbage()
# return -1 to decide v1 only after all 16 bytes processed
return len(self.received_prefix), -1
def complete_handshake(self, response):
""" Instantiates the encrypted transport and
sends garbage terminator + optional decoy packets + transport version packet.
Done by both initiator and responder.
1. int - length of bytes that were consumed. returns 0 if all 64 bytes from ellswift haven't been received yet.
2. bytes - bytes to be sent to the peer when completing the v2 handshake
ellswift_theirs = self.received_prefix + response.read(64 - len(self.received_prefix))
# return b"" if we need to receive more bytes
if len(ellswift_theirs) != 64:
return 0, b""
ecdh_secret = self.v2_ecdh(self.privkey_ours, ellswift_theirs, self.ellswift_ours, self.initiating)
# Send garbage terminator
msg_to_send = self.peer['send_garbage_terminator']
# Optionally send decoy packets after garbage terminator.
aad = self.sent_garbage
for decoy_content_len in [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(random.randint(0, 10))]:
msg_to_send += self.v2_enc_packet(decoy_content_len * b'\x00', aad=aad, ignore=True)
aad = b''
# Send version packet.
msg_to_send += self.v2_enc_packet(TRANSPORT_VERSION, aad=aad)
return 64 - len(self.received_prefix), msg_to_send
def authenticate_handshake(self, response):
""" Ensures that the received optional decoy packets and transport version packet are authenticated.
Marks the v2 handshake as complete. Done by both initiator and responder.
1. int - length of bytes that were processed so that recvbuf can be updated
2. bool - True if the authentication was successful/more bytes need to be received and False otherwise
processed_length = 0
# Detect garbage terminator in the received bytes
if not self.found_garbage_terminator:
received_garbage = response[:16]
response = response[16:]
processed_length = len(received_garbage)
for i in range(MAX_GARBAGE_LEN + 1):
if received_garbage[-16:] == self.peer['recv_garbage_terminator']:
# Receive, decode, and ignore version packet.
# This includes skipping decoys and authenticating the received garbage.
self.found_garbage_terminator = True
self.received_garbage = received_garbage[:-16]
# don't update recvbuf since more bytes need to be received
if len(response) == 0:
return 0, True
received_garbage += response[:1]
processed_length += 1
response = response[1:]
# disconnect since garbage terminator was not seen after 4 KiB of garbage.
return processed_length, False
# Process optional decoy packets and transport version packet
while not self.tried_v2_handshake:
length, contents = self.v2_receive_packet(response, aad=self.received_garbage)
if length == -1:
return processed_length, False
elif length == 0:
return processed_length, True
processed_length += length
self.received_garbage = b""
# decoy packets have contents = None. v2 handshake is complete only when version packet
# (can be empty with contents = b"") with contents != None is received.
if contents is not None:
assert contents == b"" # currently TestNode sends an empty version packet
self.tried_v2_handshake = True
return processed_length, True
response = response[length:]
def initialize_v2_transport(self, ecdh_secret):
"""Sets the peer object with various BIP324 derived keys and ciphers."""
peer = {}
salt = b'bitcoin_v2_shared_secret' + MAGIC_BYTES[self.net]
for name in ('initiator_L', 'initiator_P', 'responder_L', 'responder_P', 'garbage_terminators', 'session_id'):
peer[name] = hkdf_sha256(salt=salt, ikm=ecdh_secret, info=name.encode('utf-8'), length=32)
if self.initiating:
self.peer['send_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['initiator_L'])
self.peer['send_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['initiator_P'])
self.peer['send_garbage_terminator'] = peer['garbage_terminators'][:16]
self.peer['recv_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['responder_L'])
self.peer['recv_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['responder_P'])
self.peer['recv_garbage_terminator'] = peer['garbage_terminators'][16:]
self.peer['send_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['responder_L'])
self.peer['send_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['responder_P'])
self.peer['send_garbage_terminator'] = peer['garbage_terminators'][16:]
self.peer['recv_L'] = FSChaCha20(peer['initiator_L'])
self.peer['recv_P'] = FSChaCha20Poly1305(peer['initiator_P'])
self.peer['recv_garbage_terminator'] = peer['garbage_terminators'][:16]
self.peer['session_id'] = peer['session_id']
def v2_enc_packet(self, contents, aad=b'', ignore=False):
"""Encrypt a BIP324 packet.
bytes - encrypted packet contents
assert len(contents) <= 2**24 - 1
header = (ignore << IGNORE_BIT_POS).to_bytes(HEADER_LEN, 'little')
plaintext = header + contents
aead_ciphertext = self.peer['send_P'].encrypt(aad, plaintext)
enc_plaintext_len = self.peer['send_L'].crypt(len(contents).to_bytes(LENGTH_FIELD_LEN, 'little'))
return enc_plaintext_len + aead_ciphertext
def v2_receive_packet(self, response, aad=b''):
"""Decrypt a BIP324 packet
1. int - number of bytes consumed (or -1 if error)
2. bytes - contents of decrypted non-decoy packet if any (or None otherwise)
if self.contents_len == -1:
if len(response) < LENGTH_FIELD_LEN:
return 0, None
enc_contents_len = response[:LENGTH_FIELD_LEN]
self.contents_len = int.from_bytes(self.peer['recv_L'].crypt(enc_contents_len), 'little')
response = response[LENGTH_FIELD_LEN:]
if len(response) < HEADER_LEN + self.contents_len + CHACHA20POLY1305_EXPANSION:
return 0, None
aead_ciphertext = response[:HEADER_LEN + self.contents_len + CHACHA20POLY1305_EXPANSION]
plaintext = self.peer['recv_P'].decrypt(aad, aead_ciphertext)
if plaintext is None:
return -1, None # disconnect
header = plaintext[:HEADER_LEN]
length = LENGTH_FIELD_LEN + HEADER_LEN + self.contents_len + CHACHA20POLY1305_EXPANSION
self.contents_len = -1
return length, None if (header[0] & (1 << IGNORE_BIT_POS)) else plaintext[HEADER_LEN:]