mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:06:15 +01:00
This adds a `TxoutType::WITNESS_V1_TAPROOT` for P2TR outputs, and permits spending them in standardness rules. No corresponding `CTxDestination` is added for it, as that isn't needed until we want wallet integration. The taproot validation flags are also enabled for mempool transactions, and standardness rules are added (stack item size limit, no annexes).
324 lines
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324 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <script/standard.h>
#include <crypto/sha256.h>
#include <pubkey.h>
#include <script/script.h>
#include <string>
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> valtype;
bool fAcceptDatacarrier = DEFAULT_ACCEPT_DATACARRIER;
unsigned nMaxDatacarrierBytes = MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY;
CScriptID::CScriptID(const CScript& in) : BaseHash(Hash160(in)) {}
CScriptID::CScriptID(const ScriptHash& in) : BaseHash(static_cast<uint160>(in)) {}
ScriptHash::ScriptHash(const CScript& in) : BaseHash(Hash160(in)) {}
ScriptHash::ScriptHash(const CScriptID& in) : BaseHash(static_cast<uint160>(in)) {}
PKHash::PKHash(const CPubKey& pubkey) : BaseHash(pubkey.GetID()) {}
PKHash::PKHash(const CKeyID& pubkey_id) : BaseHash(pubkey_id) {}
WitnessV0KeyHash::WitnessV0KeyHash(const CPubKey& pubkey) : BaseHash(pubkey.GetID()) {}
WitnessV0KeyHash::WitnessV0KeyHash(const PKHash& pubkey_hash) : BaseHash(static_cast<uint160>(pubkey_hash)) {}
CKeyID ToKeyID(const PKHash& key_hash)
return CKeyID{static_cast<uint160>(key_hash)};
CKeyID ToKeyID(const WitnessV0KeyHash& key_hash)
return CKeyID{static_cast<uint160>(key_hash)};
WitnessV0ScriptHash::WitnessV0ScriptHash(const CScript& in)
CSHA256().Write(in.data(), in.size()).Finalize(begin());
std::string GetTxnOutputType(TxoutType t)
switch (t)
case TxoutType::NONSTANDARD: return "nonstandard";
case TxoutType::PUBKEY: return "pubkey";
case TxoutType::PUBKEYHASH: return "pubkeyhash";
case TxoutType::SCRIPTHASH: return "scripthash";
case TxoutType::MULTISIG: return "multisig";
case TxoutType::NULL_DATA: return "nulldata";
case TxoutType::WITNESS_V0_KEYHASH: return "witness_v0_keyhash";
case TxoutType::WITNESS_V0_SCRIPTHASH: return "witness_v0_scripthash";
case TxoutType::WITNESS_V1_TAPROOT: return "witness_v1_taproot";
case TxoutType::WITNESS_UNKNOWN: return "witness_unknown";
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
static bool MatchPayToPubkey(const CScript& script, valtype& pubkey)
if (script.size() == CPubKey::SIZE + 2 && script[0] == CPubKey::SIZE && script.back() == OP_CHECKSIG) {
pubkey = valtype(script.begin() + 1, script.begin() + CPubKey::SIZE + 1);
return CPubKey::ValidSize(pubkey);
if (script.size() == CPubKey::COMPRESSED_SIZE + 2 && script[0] == CPubKey::COMPRESSED_SIZE && script.back() == OP_CHECKSIG) {
pubkey = valtype(script.begin() + 1, script.begin() + CPubKey::COMPRESSED_SIZE + 1);
return CPubKey::ValidSize(pubkey);
return false;
static bool MatchPayToPubkeyHash(const CScript& script, valtype& pubkeyhash)
if (script.size() == 25 && script[0] == OP_DUP && script[1] == OP_HASH160 && script[2] == 20 && script[23] == OP_EQUALVERIFY && script[24] == OP_CHECKSIG) {
pubkeyhash = valtype(script.begin () + 3, script.begin() + 23);
return true;
return false;
/** Test for "small positive integer" script opcodes - OP_1 through OP_16. */
static constexpr bool IsSmallInteger(opcodetype opcode)
return opcode >= OP_1 && opcode <= OP_16;
static bool MatchMultisig(const CScript& script, unsigned int& required, std::vector<valtype>& pubkeys)
opcodetype opcode;
valtype data;
CScript::const_iterator it = script.begin();
if (script.size() < 1 || script.back() != OP_CHECKMULTISIG) return false;
if (!script.GetOp(it, opcode, data) || !IsSmallInteger(opcode)) return false;
required = CScript::DecodeOP_N(opcode);
while (script.GetOp(it, opcode, data) && CPubKey::ValidSize(data)) {
if (!IsSmallInteger(opcode)) return false;
unsigned int keys = CScript::DecodeOP_N(opcode);
if (pubkeys.size() != keys || keys < required) return false;
return (it + 1 == script.end());
TxoutType Solver(const CScript& scriptPubKey, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>& vSolutionsRet)
// Shortcut for pay-to-script-hash, which are more constrained than the other types:
// it is always OP_HASH160 20 [20 byte hash] OP_EQUAL
if (scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash())
std::vector<unsigned char> hashBytes(scriptPubKey.begin()+2, scriptPubKey.begin()+22);
return TxoutType::SCRIPTHASH;
int witnessversion;
std::vector<unsigned char> witnessprogram;
if (scriptPubKey.IsWitnessProgram(witnessversion, witnessprogram)) {
if (witnessversion == 0 && witnessprogram.size() == WITNESS_V0_KEYHASH_SIZE) {
return TxoutType::WITNESS_V0_KEYHASH;
if (witnessversion == 0 && witnessprogram.size() == WITNESS_V0_SCRIPTHASH_SIZE) {
return TxoutType::WITNESS_V0_SCRIPTHASH;
if (witnessversion == 1 && witnessprogram.size() == WITNESS_V1_TAPROOT_SIZE) {
vSolutionsRet.push_back(std::vector<unsigned char>{(unsigned char)witnessversion});
return TxoutType::WITNESS_V1_TAPROOT;
if (witnessversion != 0) {
vSolutionsRet.push_back(std::vector<unsigned char>{(unsigned char)witnessversion});
return TxoutType::WITNESS_UNKNOWN;
return TxoutType::NONSTANDARD;
// Provably prunable, data-carrying output
// So long as script passes the IsUnspendable() test and all but the first
// byte passes the IsPushOnly() test we don't care what exactly is in the
// script.
if (scriptPubKey.size() >= 1 && scriptPubKey[0] == OP_RETURN && scriptPubKey.IsPushOnly(scriptPubKey.begin()+1)) {
return TxoutType::NULL_DATA;
std::vector<unsigned char> data;
if (MatchPayToPubkey(scriptPubKey, data)) {
return TxoutType::PUBKEY;
if (MatchPayToPubkeyHash(scriptPubKey, data)) {
return TxoutType::PUBKEYHASH;
unsigned int required;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> keys;
if (MatchMultisig(scriptPubKey, required, keys)) {
vSolutionsRet.push_back({static_cast<unsigned char>(required)}); // safe as required is in range 1..16
vSolutionsRet.insert(vSolutionsRet.end(), keys.begin(), keys.end());
vSolutionsRet.push_back({static_cast<unsigned char>(keys.size())}); // safe as size is in range 1..16
return TxoutType::MULTISIG;
return TxoutType::NONSTANDARD;
bool ExtractDestination(const CScript& scriptPubKey, CTxDestination& addressRet)
std::vector<valtype> vSolutions;
TxoutType whichType = Solver(scriptPubKey, vSolutions);
if (whichType == TxoutType::PUBKEY) {
CPubKey pubKey(vSolutions[0]);
if (!pubKey.IsValid())
return false;
addressRet = PKHash(pubKey);
return true;
else if (whichType == TxoutType::PUBKEYHASH)
addressRet = PKHash(uint160(vSolutions[0]));
return true;
else if (whichType == TxoutType::SCRIPTHASH)
addressRet = ScriptHash(uint160(vSolutions[0]));
return true;
} else if (whichType == TxoutType::WITNESS_V0_KEYHASH) {
WitnessV0KeyHash hash;
std::copy(vSolutions[0].begin(), vSolutions[0].end(), hash.begin());
addressRet = hash;
return true;
} else if (whichType == TxoutType::WITNESS_V0_SCRIPTHASH) {
WitnessV0ScriptHash hash;
std::copy(vSolutions[0].begin(), vSolutions[0].end(), hash.begin());
addressRet = hash;
return true;
} else if (whichType == TxoutType::WITNESS_UNKNOWN || whichType == TxoutType::WITNESS_V1_TAPROOT) {
WitnessUnknown unk;
unk.version = vSolutions[0][0];
std::copy(vSolutions[1].begin(), vSolutions[1].end(), unk.program);
unk.length = vSolutions[1].size();
addressRet = unk;
return true;
// Multisig txns have more than one address...
return false;
bool ExtractDestinations(const CScript& scriptPubKey, TxoutType& typeRet, std::vector<CTxDestination>& addressRet, int& nRequiredRet)
std::vector<valtype> vSolutions;
typeRet = Solver(scriptPubKey, vSolutions);
if (typeRet == TxoutType::NONSTANDARD) {
return false;
} else if (typeRet == TxoutType::NULL_DATA) {
// This is data, not addresses
return false;
if (typeRet == TxoutType::MULTISIG)
nRequiredRet = vSolutions.front()[0];
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < vSolutions.size()-1; i++)
CPubKey pubKey(vSolutions[i]);
if (!pubKey.IsValid())
CTxDestination address = PKHash(pubKey);
if (addressRet.empty())
return false;
nRequiredRet = 1;
CTxDestination address;
if (!ExtractDestination(scriptPubKey, address))
return false;
return true;
class CScriptVisitor : public boost::static_visitor<CScript>
CScript operator()(const CNoDestination& dest) const
return CScript();
CScript operator()(const PKHash& keyID) const
return CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(keyID) << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG;
CScript operator()(const ScriptHash& scriptID) const
return CScript() << OP_HASH160 << ToByteVector(scriptID) << OP_EQUAL;
CScript operator()(const WitnessV0KeyHash& id) const
return CScript() << OP_0 << ToByteVector(id);
CScript operator()(const WitnessV0ScriptHash& id) const
return CScript() << OP_0 << ToByteVector(id);
CScript operator()(const WitnessUnknown& id) const
return CScript() << CScript::EncodeOP_N(id.version) << std::vector<unsigned char>(id.program, id.program + id.length);
} // namespace
CScript GetScriptForDestination(const CTxDestination& dest)
return boost::apply_visitor(CScriptVisitor(), dest);
CScript GetScriptForRawPubKey(const CPubKey& pubKey)
return CScript() << std::vector<unsigned char>(pubKey.begin(), pubKey.end()) << OP_CHECKSIG;
CScript GetScriptForMultisig(int nRequired, const std::vector<CPubKey>& keys)
CScript script;
script << CScript::EncodeOP_N(nRequired);
for (const CPubKey& key : keys)
script << ToByteVector(key);
script << CScript::EncodeOP_N(keys.size()) << OP_CHECKMULTISIG;
return script;
bool IsValidDestination(const CTxDestination& dest) {
return dest.which() != 0;