chris-belcher a2eb6f5405 [rpc] Add getnodeaddresses RPC command
New getnodeaddresses call gives access via RPC to the peers known by
the node. It may be useful for bitcoin wallets to broadcast their
transactions over tor for improved privacy without using the
centralized DNS seeds. getnodeaddresses is very similar to the getaddr
p2p method.

Tests the new rpc call by feeding IP address to a test node via the p2p
protocol, then obtaining someone of those addresses with
getnodeaddresses and checking that they are a subset.
2018-09-17 22:55:23 +01:00

256 lines
9.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include <rpc/client.h>
#include <rpc/protocol.h>
#include <util.h>
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>
class CRPCConvertParam
std::string methodName; //!< method whose params want conversion
int paramIdx; //!< 0-based idx of param to convert
std::string paramName; //!< parameter name
// clang-format off
* Specify a (method, idx, name) here if the argument is a non-string RPC
* argument and needs to be converted from JSON.
* @note Parameter indexes start from 0.
static const CRPCConvertParam vRPCConvertParams[] =
{ "setmocktime", 0, "timestamp" },
{ "generate", 0, "nblocks" },
{ "generate", 1, "maxtries" },
{ "generatetoaddress", 0, "nblocks" },
{ "generatetoaddress", 2, "maxtries" },
{ "getnetworkhashps", 0, "nblocks" },
{ "getnetworkhashps", 1, "height" },
{ "sendtoaddress", 1, "amount" },
{ "sendtoaddress", 4, "subtractfeefromamount" },
{ "sendtoaddress", 5 , "replaceable" },
{ "sendtoaddress", 6 , "conf_target" },
{ "settxfee", 0, "amount" },
{ "sethdseed", 0, "newkeypool" },
{ "getreceivedbyaddress", 1, "minconf" },
{ "getreceivedbylabel", 1, "minconf" },
{ "listreceivedbyaddress", 0, "minconf" },
{ "listreceivedbyaddress", 1, "include_empty" },
{ "listreceivedbyaddress", 2, "include_watchonly" },
{ "listreceivedbyaddress", 3, "address_filter" },
{ "listreceivedbylabel", 0, "minconf" },
{ "listreceivedbylabel", 1, "include_empty" },
{ "listreceivedbylabel", 2, "include_watchonly" },
{ "getbalance", 1, "minconf" },
{ "getbalance", 2, "include_watchonly" },
{ "getblockhash", 0, "height" },
{ "waitforblockheight", 0, "height" },
{ "waitforblockheight", 1, "timeout" },
{ "waitforblock", 1, "timeout" },
{ "waitfornewblock", 0, "timeout" },
{ "listtransactions", 1, "count" },
{ "listtransactions", 2, "skip" },
{ "listtransactions", 3, "include_watchonly" },
{ "walletpassphrase", 1, "timeout" },
{ "getblocktemplate", 0, "template_request" },
{ "listsinceblock", 1, "target_confirmations" },
{ "listsinceblock", 2, "include_watchonly" },
{ "listsinceblock", 3, "include_removed" },
{ "sendmany", 1, "amounts" },
{ "sendmany", 2, "minconf" },
{ "sendmany", 4, "subtractfeefrom" },
{ "sendmany", 5 , "replaceable" },
{ "sendmany", 6 , "conf_target" },
{ "scantxoutset", 1, "scanobjects" },
{ "addmultisigaddress", 0, "nrequired" },
{ "addmultisigaddress", 1, "keys" },
{ "createmultisig", 0, "nrequired" },
{ "createmultisig", 1, "keys" },
{ "listunspent", 0, "minconf" },
{ "listunspent", 1, "maxconf" },
{ "listunspent", 2, "addresses" },
{ "listunspent", 3, "include_unsafe" },
{ "listunspent", 4, "query_options" },
{ "getblock", 1, "verbosity" },
{ "getblock", 1, "verbose" },
{ "getblockheader", 1, "verbose" },
{ "getchaintxstats", 0, "nblocks" },
{ "gettransaction", 1, "include_watchonly" },
{ "getrawtransaction", 1, "verbose" },
{ "createrawtransaction", 0, "inputs" },
{ "createrawtransaction", 1, "outputs" },
{ "createrawtransaction", 2, "locktime" },
{ "createrawtransaction", 3, "replaceable" },
{ "decoderawtransaction", 1, "iswitness" },
{ "signrawtransaction", 1, "prevtxs" },
{ "signrawtransaction", 2, "privkeys" },
{ "signrawtransactionwithkey", 1, "privkeys" },
{ "signrawtransactionwithkey", 2, "prevtxs" },
{ "signrawtransactionwithwallet", 1, "prevtxs" },
{ "sendrawtransaction", 1, "allowhighfees" },
{ "testmempoolaccept", 0, "rawtxs" },
{ "testmempoolaccept", 1, "allowhighfees" },
{ "combinerawtransaction", 0, "txs" },
{ "fundrawtransaction", 1, "options" },
{ "fundrawtransaction", 2, "iswitness" },
{ "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 0, "inputs" },
{ "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 1, "outputs" },
{ "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 2, "locktime" },
{ "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 3, "options" },
{ "walletcreatefundedpsbt", 4, "bip32derivs" },
{ "walletprocesspsbt", 1, "sign" },
{ "walletprocesspsbt", 3, "bip32derivs" },
{ "createpsbt", 0, "inputs" },
{ "createpsbt", 1, "outputs" },
{ "createpsbt", 2, "locktime" },
{ "createpsbt", 3, "replaceable" },
{ "combinepsbt", 0, "txs"},
{ "finalizepsbt", 1, "extract"},
{ "converttopsbt", 1, "permitsigdata"},
{ "converttopsbt", 2, "iswitness"},
{ "gettxout", 1, "n" },
{ "gettxout", 2, "include_mempool" },
{ "gettxoutproof", 0, "txids" },
{ "lockunspent", 0, "unlock" },
{ "lockunspent", 1, "transactions" },
{ "importprivkey", 2, "rescan" },
{ "importaddress", 2, "rescan" },
{ "importaddress", 3, "p2sh" },
{ "importpubkey", 2, "rescan" },
{ "importmulti", 0, "requests" },
{ "importmulti", 1, "options" },
{ "verifychain", 0, "checklevel" },
{ "verifychain", 1, "nblocks" },
{ "getblockstats", 0, "hash_or_height" },
{ "getblockstats", 1, "stats" },
{ "pruneblockchain", 0, "height" },
{ "keypoolrefill", 0, "newsize" },
{ "getrawmempool", 0, "verbose" },
{ "estimatesmartfee", 0, "conf_target" },
{ "estimaterawfee", 0, "conf_target" },
{ "estimaterawfee", 1, "threshold" },
{ "prioritisetransaction", 1, "dummy" },
{ "prioritisetransaction", 2, "fee_delta" },
{ "setban", 2, "bantime" },
{ "setban", 3, "absolute" },
{ "setnetworkactive", 0, "state" },
{ "getmempoolancestors", 1, "verbose" },
{ "getmempooldescendants", 1, "verbose" },
{ "bumpfee", 1, "options" },
{ "logging", 0, "include" },
{ "logging", 1, "exclude" },
{ "disconnectnode", 1, "nodeid" },
{ "addwitnessaddress", 1, "p2sh" },
// Echo with conversion (For testing only)
{ "echojson", 0, "arg0" },
{ "echojson", 1, "arg1" },
{ "echojson", 2, "arg2" },
{ "echojson", 3, "arg3" },
{ "echojson", 4, "arg4" },
{ "echojson", 5, "arg5" },
{ "echojson", 6, "arg6" },
{ "echojson", 7, "arg7" },
{ "echojson", 8, "arg8" },
{ "echojson", 9, "arg9" },
{ "rescanblockchain", 0, "start_height"},
{ "rescanblockchain", 1, "stop_height"},
{ "createwallet", 1, "disable_private_keys"},
{ "getnodeaddresses", 0, "count"},
// clang-format on
class CRPCConvertTable
std::set<std::pair<std::string, int>> members;
std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> membersByName;
bool convert(const std::string& method, int idx) {
return (members.count(std::make_pair(method, idx)) > 0);
bool convert(const std::string& method, const std::string& name) {
return (membersByName.count(std::make_pair(method, name)) > 0);
const unsigned int n_elem =
(sizeof(vRPCConvertParams) / sizeof(vRPCConvertParams[0]));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_elem; i++) {
static CRPCConvertTable rpcCvtTable;
/** Non-RFC4627 JSON parser, accepts internal values (such as numbers, true, false, null)
* as well as objects and arrays.
UniValue ParseNonRFCJSONValue(const std::string& strVal)
UniValue jVal;
if (!"[")+strVal+std::string("]")) ||
!jVal.isArray() || jVal.size()!=1)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error parsing JSON:")+strVal);
return jVal[0];
UniValue RPCConvertValues(const std::string &strMethod, const std::vector<std::string> &strParams)
UniValue params(UniValue::VARR);
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < strParams.size(); idx++) {
const std::string& strVal = strParams[idx];
if (!rpcCvtTable.convert(strMethod, idx)) {
// insert string value directly
} else {
// parse string as JSON, insert bool/number/object/etc. value
return params;
UniValue RPCConvertNamedValues(const std::string &strMethod, const std::vector<std::string> &strParams)
UniValue params(UniValue::VOBJ);
for (const std::string &s: strParams) {
size_t pos = s.find('=');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
throw(std::runtime_error("No '=' in named argument '"+s+"', this needs to be present for every argument (even if it is empty)"));
std::string name = s.substr(0, pos);
std::string value = s.substr(pos+1);
if (!rpcCvtTable.convert(strMethod, name)) {
// insert string value directly
params.pushKV(name, value);
} else {
// parse string as JSON, insert bool/number/object/etc. value
params.pushKV(name, ParseNonRFCJSONValue(value));
return params;