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synced 2025-03-03 14:37:11 +01:00
tl;dr: Update to the newer stable toolchain and SDK for OSX without giving up any backwards compatibility. We can move to clang 3.5 as a next step which allows use to use libc++ and the 10.10 sdk, but we'll need to find a build that works in gitian/travis first. Switch to a new, better maintained fork of cctools: https://github.com/tpoechtrager/cctools-port I've forked this and will be working on it some as well: https://github.com/theuni/cctools-port This brings in: cctools v862 ld64: v241.9 It also fixes 64bit builds, so there's no longer any need to use a 32bit clang. Since clang is no longer tied to an old/crusty 32bit build, clang has been upgraded to 3.3. Unfortunately, there's a bug in 3.4 that breaks builds. 3.5 works fine, but there are no binary builds compatible with precise, which is currently used for gitian and travis. We could always build our own if necessary. After updating to stable clang/linker/cctools, it's possible to use a more recent SDK. The current SDK (10.7) through the most recent 10.10 have all been built/tested successfully, both with and without 10.6 compatibility. However, 10.10 requires clang 3.5. SDKs >= 10.9 use libc++ rather than libstdc++. This is verified working as well.
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$(package)_linux_dependencies=freetype fontconfig dbus libxcb libX11 xproto libXext
$(package)_qt_libs=corelib network widgets gui plugins testlib
$(package)_patches=mac-qmake.conf fix-xcb-include-order.patch qt5-tablet-osx.patch qt5-yosemite.patch
define $(package)_set_vars
$(package)_config_opts_release = -release
$(package)_config_opts_debug = -debug
$(package)_config_opts += -opensource -confirm-license -no-audio-backend -no-sql-tds -no-glib -no-icu
$(package)_config_opts += -no-cups -no-iconv -no-gif -no-audio-backend -no-freetype
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-sqlite -no-nis -no-cups -no-iconv -no-pch
$(package)_config_opts += -no-gif -no-feature-style-plastique
$(package)_config_opts += -no-qml-debug -no-pch -no-nis -nomake examples -nomake tests
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-style-cde -no-feature-style-s60 -no-feature-style-motif
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-style-windowsmobile -no-feature-style-windowsce
$(package)_config_opts += -no-feature-style-cleanlooks
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-oci -no-sql-tds -no-sql-mysql
$(package)_config_opts += -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2
$(package)_config_opts += -skip qtsvg -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebkit-examples -skip qtserialport
$(package)_config_opts += -skip qtdeclarative -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtimageformats -skip qtx11extras
$(package)_config_opts += -skip qtlocation -skip qtsensors -skip qtquick1 -skip qtxmlpatterns
$(package)_config_opts += -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtmacextras
$(package)_config_opts += -skip qtwinextras -skip qtxmlpatterns -skip qtscript -skip qtdoc
$(package)_config_opts += -prefix $(host_prefix) -bindir $(build_prefix)/bin
$(package)_config_opts += -no-c++11 -openssl-linked -v -static -silent -pkg-config
$(package)_config_opts += -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -qt-pcre
ifneq ($(build_os),darwin)
$(package)_config_opts_darwin = -xplatform macx-clang-linux -device-option MAC_SDK_PATH=$(OSX_SDK) -device-option CROSS_COMPILE="$(host)-"
$(package)_config_opts_darwin += -device-option MAC_MIN_VERSION=$(OSX_MIN_VERSION) -device-option MAC_TARGET=$(host) -device-option MAC_LD64_VERSION=$(LD64_VERSION)
$(package)_config_opts_linux = -qt-xkbcommon -qt-xcb -no-eglfs -no-linuxfb -system-freetype -no-sm -fontconfig -no-xinput2 -no-libudev -no-egl -no-opengl
$(package)_config_opts_arm_linux = -platform linux-g++ -xplatform $(host)
$(package)_config_opts_i686_linux = -xplatform linux-g++-32
$(package)_config_opts_mingw32 = -no-opengl -xplatform win32-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE="$(host)-"
$(package)_build_env = QT_RCC_TEST=1
define $(package)_preprocess_cmds
sed -i.old "s|updateqm.commands = \$$$$\$$$$LRELEASE|updateqm.commands = $($(package)_extract_dir)/qttools/bin/lrelease|" qttranslations/translations/translations.pro && \
sed -i.old "s/src_plugins.depends = src_sql src_xml src_network/src_plugins.depends = src_xml src_network/" qtbase/src/src.pro && \
sed -i.old "/XIproto.h/d" qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbxsettings.cpp && \
sed -i.old 's/if \[ "$$$$XPLATFORM_MAC" = "yes" \]; then xspecvals=$$$$(macSDKify/if \[ "$$$$BUILD_ON_MAC" = "yes" \]; then xspecvals=$$$$(macSDKify/' qtbase/configure && \
mkdir -p qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux &&\
cp -f qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/Info.plist.lib qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/ &&\
cp -f qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/Info.plist.app qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/ &&\
cp -f qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang/qplatformdefs.h qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/ &&\
cp -f $($(package)_patch_dir)/mac-qmake.conf qtbase/mkspecs/macx-clang-linux/qmake.conf && \
patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/fix-xcb-include-order.patch && \
patch -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/qt5-tablet-osx.patch && \
patch -d qtbase -p1 < $($(package)_patch_dir)/qt5-yosemite.patch && \
echo "QMAKE_CFLAGS += $($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags)" >> qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf && \
echo "QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $($(package)_cxxflags) $($(package)_cppflags)" >> qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf && \
echo "QMAKE_LFLAGS += $($(package)_ldflags)" >> qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf && \
sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CFLAGS = |QMAKE_CFLAGS = $($(package)_cflags) $($(package)_cppflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf && \
sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_LFLAGS = |QMAKE_LFLAGS = $($(package)_ldflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf && \
sed -i.old "s|QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = |QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = $($(package)_cxxflags) $($(package)_cppflags) |" qtbase/mkspecs/win32-g++/qmake.conf
define $(package)_config_cmds
export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$(host_prefix)/lib/pkgconfig && \
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(host_prefix)/share/pkgconfig && \
export CPATH=$(host_prefix)/include && \
./configure $($(package)_config_opts) && \
$(MAKE) sub-src-clean && \
cd ../qttranslations && ../qtbase/bin/qmake qttranslations.pro -o Makefile && \
cd translations && ../../qtbase/bin/qmake translations.pro -o Makefile && cd ../.. &&\
cd qttools/src/linguist/lrelease/ && ../../../../qtbase/bin/qmake lrelease.pro -o Makefile
define $(package)_build_cmds
export CPATH=$(host_prefix)/include && \
$(MAKE) -C src $(addprefix sub-,$($(package)_qt_libs)) && \
$(MAKE) -C ../qttools/src/linguist/lrelease && \
$(MAKE) -C ../qttranslations
define $(package)_stage_cmds
$(MAKE) -C src INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) $(addsuffix -install_subtargets,$(addprefix sub-,$($(package)_qt_libs))) && cd .. &&\
$(MAKE) -C qttools/src/linguist/lrelease INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) install_target && \
$(MAKE) -C qttranslations INSTALL_ROOT=$($(package)_staging_dir) install_subtargets && \
if `test -f qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/xcb-static/libxcb-static.a`; then \
cp qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/xcb-static/libxcb-static.a $($(package)_staging_prefix_dir)/lib; \
define $(package)_postprocess_cmds
rm -rf mkspecs/ lib/cmake/ && \
rm lib/libQt5Bootstrap.a lib/lib*.la lib/*.prl plugins/*/*.prl