mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 02:07:39 +01:00
Make sure that nothing else can change WitnessUnknown's data members by making them private. Also change the program to use a vector rather than C-style array.
1332 lines
46 KiB
1332 lines
46 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <clientversion.h>
#include <core_io.h>
#include <common/args.h>
#include <consensus/amount.h>
#include <script/interpreter.h>
#include <key_io.h>
#include <outputtype.h>
#include <rpc/util.h>
#include <script/descriptor.h>
#include <script/signingprovider.h>
#include <script/solver.h>
#include <tinyformat.h>
#include <util/check.h>
#include <util/result.h>
#include <util/strencodings.h>
#include <util/string.h>
#include <util/translation.h>
#include <tuple>
const std::string UNIX_EPOCH_TIME = "UNIX epoch time";
const std::string EXAMPLE_ADDRESS[2] = {"bc1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl", "bc1q02ad21edsxd23d32dfgqqsz4vv4nmtfzuklhy3"};
std::string GetAllOutputTypes()
std::vector<std::string> ret;
using U = std::underlying_type<TxoutType>::type;
for (U i = (U)TxoutType::NONSTANDARD; i <= (U)TxoutType::WITNESS_UNKNOWN; ++i) {
return Join(ret, ", ");
void RPCTypeCheckObj(const UniValue& o,
const std::map<std::string, UniValueType>& typesExpected,
bool fAllowNull,
bool fStrict)
for (const auto& t : typesExpected) {
const UniValue& v = o.find_value(t.first);
if (!fAllowNull && v.isNull())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, strprintf("Missing %s", t.first));
if (!(t.second.typeAny || v.type() == t.second.type || (fAllowNull && v.isNull())))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, strprintf("JSON value of type %s for field %s is not of expected type %s", uvTypeName(v.type()), t.first, uvTypeName(t.second.type)));
if (fStrict)
for (const std::string& k : o.getKeys())
if (typesExpected.count(k) == 0)
std::string err = strprintf("Unexpected key %s", k);
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, err);
CAmount AmountFromValue(const UniValue& value, int decimals)
if (!value.isNum() && !value.isStr())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Amount is not a number or string");
CAmount amount;
if (!ParseFixedPoint(value.getValStr(), decimals, &amount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid amount");
if (!MoneyRange(amount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Amount out of range");
return amount;
uint256 ParseHashV(const UniValue& v, std::string strName)
const std::string& strHex(v.get_str());
if (64 != strHex.length())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("%s must be of length %d (not %d, for '%s')", strName, 64, strHex.length(), strHex));
if (!IsHex(strHex)) // Note: IsHex("") is false
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strName+" must be hexadecimal string (not '"+strHex+"')");
return uint256S(strHex);
uint256 ParseHashO(const UniValue& o, std::string strKey)
return ParseHashV(o.find_value(strKey), strKey);
std::vector<unsigned char> ParseHexV(const UniValue& v, std::string strName)
std::string strHex;
if (v.isStr())
strHex = v.get_str();
if (!IsHex(strHex))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strName+" must be hexadecimal string (not '"+strHex+"')");
return ParseHex(strHex);
std::vector<unsigned char> ParseHexO(const UniValue& o, std::string strKey)
return ParseHexV(o.find_value(strKey), strKey);
namespace {
* Quote an argument for shell.
* @note This is intended for help, not for security-sensitive purposes.
std::string ShellQuote(const std::string& s)
std::string result;
result.reserve(s.size() * 2);
for (const char ch: s) {
if (ch == '\'') {
result += "'\''";
} else {
result += ch;
return "'" + result + "'";
* Shell-quotes the argument if it needs quoting, else returns it literally, to save typing.
* @note This is intended for help, not for security-sensitive purposes.
std::string ShellQuoteIfNeeded(const std::string& s)
for (const char ch: s) {
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\'' || ch == '"') {
return ShellQuote(s);
return s;
std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
return "> bitcoin-cli " + methodname + " " + args + "\n";
std::string HelpExampleCliNamed(const std::string& methodname, const RPCArgList& args)
std::string result = "> bitcoin-cli -named " + methodname;
for (const auto& argpair: args) {
const auto& value = argpair.second.isStr()
? argpair.second.get_str()
: argpair.second.write();
result += " " + argpair.first + "=" + ShellQuoteIfNeeded(value);
result += "\n";
return result;
std::string HelpExampleRpc(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
return "> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", "
"\"method\": \"" + methodname + "\", \"params\": [" + args + "]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'\n";
std::string HelpExampleRpcNamed(const std::string& methodname, const RPCArgList& args)
UniValue params(UniValue::VOBJ);
for (const auto& param: args) {
params.pushKV(param.first, param.second);
return "> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\": \"curltest\", "
"\"method\": \"" + methodname + "\", \"params\": " + params.write() + "}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'\n";
// Converts a hex string to a public key if possible
CPubKey HexToPubKey(const std::string& hex_in)
if (!IsHex(hex_in)) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid public key: " + hex_in);
CPubKey vchPubKey(ParseHex(hex_in));
if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid public key: " + hex_in);
return vchPubKey;
// Retrieves a public key for an address from the given FillableSigningProvider
CPubKey AddrToPubKey(const FillableSigningProvider& keystore, const std::string& addr_in)
CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(addr_in);
if (!IsValidDestination(dest)) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid address: " + addr_in);
CKeyID key = GetKeyForDestination(keystore, dest);
if (key.IsNull()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("'%s' does not refer to a key", addr_in));
CPubKey vchPubKey;
if (!keystore.GetPubKey(key, vchPubKey)) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("no full public key for address %s", addr_in));
if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wallet contains an invalid public key");
return vchPubKey;
// Creates a multisig address from a given list of public keys, number of signatures required, and the address type
CTxDestination AddAndGetMultisigDestination(const int required, const std::vector<CPubKey>& pubkeys, OutputType type, FillableSigningProvider& keystore, CScript& script_out)
// Gather public keys
if (required < 1) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "a multisignature address must require at least one key to redeem");
if ((int)pubkeys.size() < required) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("not enough keys supplied (got %u keys, but need at least %d to redeem)", pubkeys.size(), required));
if (pubkeys.size() > MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Number of keys involved in the multisignature address creation > %d\nReduce the number", MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG));
script_out = GetScriptForMultisig(required, pubkeys);
// Check if any keys are uncompressed. If so, the type is legacy
for (const CPubKey& pk : pubkeys) {
if (!pk.IsCompressed()) {
type = OutputType::LEGACY;
if (type == OutputType::LEGACY && script_out.size() > MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, (strprintf("redeemScript exceeds size limit: %d > %d", script_out.size(), MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE)));
// Make the address
CTxDestination dest = AddAndGetDestinationForScript(keystore, script_out, type);
return dest;
class DescribeAddressVisitor
explicit DescribeAddressVisitor() = default;
UniValue operator()(const CNoDestination& dest) const
return UniValue(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue operator()(const PKHash& keyID) const
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.pushKV("isscript", false);
obj.pushKV("iswitness", false);
return obj;
UniValue operator()(const ScriptHash& scriptID) const
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.pushKV("isscript", true);
obj.pushKV("iswitness", false);
return obj;
UniValue operator()(const WitnessV0KeyHash& id) const
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.pushKV("isscript", false);
obj.pushKV("iswitness", true);
obj.pushKV("witness_version", 0);
obj.pushKV("witness_program", HexStr(id));
return obj;
UniValue operator()(const WitnessV0ScriptHash& id) const
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.pushKV("isscript", true);
obj.pushKV("iswitness", true);
obj.pushKV("witness_version", 0);
obj.pushKV("witness_program", HexStr(id));
return obj;
UniValue operator()(const WitnessV1Taproot& tap) const
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.pushKV("isscript", true);
obj.pushKV("iswitness", true);
obj.pushKV("witness_version", 1);
obj.pushKV("witness_program", HexStr(tap));
return obj;
UniValue operator()(const WitnessUnknown& id) const
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.pushKV("iswitness", true);
obj.pushKV("witness_version", id.GetWitnessVersion());
obj.pushKV("witness_program", HexStr(id.GetWitnessProgram()));
return obj;
UniValue DescribeAddress(const CTxDestination& dest)
return std::visit(DescribeAddressVisitor(), dest);
* Returns a sighash value corresponding to the passed in argument.
* @pre The sighash argument should be string or null.
int ParseSighashString(const UniValue& sighash)
if (sighash.isNull()) {
const auto result{SighashFromStr(sighash.get_str())};
if (!result) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, util::ErrorString(result).original);
return result.value();
unsigned int ParseConfirmTarget(const UniValue& value, unsigned int max_target)
const int target{value.getInt<int>()};
const unsigned int unsigned_target{static_cast<unsigned int>(target)};
if (target < 1 || unsigned_target > max_target) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("Invalid conf_target, must be between %u and %u", 1, max_target));
return unsigned_target;
RPCErrorCode RPCErrorFromTransactionError(TransactionError terr)
switch (terr) {
case TransactionError::MEMPOOL_REJECTED:
case TransactionError::ALREADY_IN_CHAIN:
case TransactionError::P2P_DISABLED:
case TransactionError::INVALID_PSBT:
case TransactionError::PSBT_MISMATCH:
case TransactionError::SIGHASH_MISMATCH:
default: break;
UniValue JSONRPCTransactionError(TransactionError terr, const std::string& err_string)
if (err_string.length() > 0) {
return JSONRPCError(RPCErrorFromTransactionError(terr), err_string);
} else {
return JSONRPCError(RPCErrorFromTransactionError(terr), TransactionErrorString(terr).original);
* A pair of strings that can be aligned (through padding) with other Sections
* later on
struct Section {
Section(const std::string& left, const std::string& right)
: m_left{left}, m_right{right} {}
std::string m_left;
const std::string m_right;
* Keeps track of RPCArgs by transforming them into sections for the purpose
* of serializing everything to a single string
struct Sections {
std::vector<Section> m_sections;
size_t m_max_pad{0};
void PushSection(const Section& s)
m_max_pad = std::max(m_max_pad, s.m_left.size());
* Recursive helper to translate an RPCArg into sections
void Push(const RPCArg& arg, const size_t current_indent = 5, const OuterType outer_type = OuterType::NONE)
const auto indent = std::string(current_indent, ' ');
const auto indent_next = std::string(current_indent + 2, ' ');
const bool push_name{outer_type == OuterType::OBJ}; // Dictionary keys must have a name
const bool is_top_level_arg{outer_type == OuterType::NONE}; // True on the first recursion
switch (arg.m_type) {
case RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX:
case RPCArg::Type::STR:
case RPCArg::Type::NUM:
case RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT:
case RPCArg::Type::RANGE:
case RPCArg::Type::BOOL:
case RPCArg::Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS: {
if (is_top_level_arg) return; // Nothing more to do for non-recursive types on first recursion
auto left = indent;
if (arg.m_opts.type_str.size() != 0 && push_name) {
left += "\"" + arg.GetName() + "\": " + arg.m_opts.type_str.at(0);
} else {
left += push_name ? arg.ToStringObj(/*oneline=*/false) : arg.ToString(/*oneline=*/false);
left += ",";
PushSection({left, arg.ToDescriptionString(/*is_named_arg=*/push_name)});
case RPCArg::Type::OBJ:
case RPCArg::Type::OBJ_USER_KEYS: {
const auto right = is_top_level_arg ? "" : arg.ToDescriptionString(/*is_named_arg=*/push_name);
PushSection({indent + (push_name ? "\"" + arg.GetName() + "\": " : "") + "{", right});
for (const auto& arg_inner : arg.m_inner) {
Push(arg_inner, current_indent + 2, OuterType::OBJ);
if (arg.m_type != RPCArg::Type::OBJ) {
PushSection({indent_next + "...", ""});
PushSection({indent + "}" + (is_top_level_arg ? "" : ","), ""});
case RPCArg::Type::ARR: {
auto left = indent;
left += push_name ? "\"" + arg.GetName() + "\": " : "";
left += "[";
const auto right = is_top_level_arg ? "" : arg.ToDescriptionString(/*is_named_arg=*/push_name);
PushSection({left, right});
for (const auto& arg_inner : arg.m_inner) {
Push(arg_inner, current_indent + 2, OuterType::ARR);
PushSection({indent_next + "...", ""});
PushSection({indent + "]" + (is_top_level_arg ? "" : ","), ""});
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
* Concatenate all sections with proper padding
std::string ToString() const
std::string ret;
const size_t pad = m_max_pad + 4;
for (const auto& s : m_sections) {
// The left part of a section is assumed to be a single line, usually it is the name of the JSON struct or a
// brace like {, }, [, or ]
CHECK_NONFATAL(s.m_left.find('\n') == std::string::npos);
if (s.m_right.empty()) {
ret += s.m_left;
ret += "\n";
std::string left = s.m_left;
left.resize(pad, ' ');
ret += left;
// Properly pad after newlines
std::string right;
size_t begin = 0;
size_t new_line_pos = s.m_right.find_first_of('\n');
while (true) {
right += s.m_right.substr(begin, new_line_pos - begin);
if (new_line_pos == std::string::npos) {
break; //No new line
right += "\n" + std::string(pad, ' ');
begin = s.m_right.find_first_not_of(' ', new_line_pos + 1);
if (begin == std::string::npos) {
break; // Empty line
new_line_pos = s.m_right.find_first_of('\n', begin + 1);
ret += right;
ret += "\n";
return ret;
RPCHelpMan::RPCHelpMan(std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<RPCArg> args, RPCResults results, RPCExamples examples)
: RPCHelpMan{std::move(name), std::move(description), std::move(args), std::move(results), std::move(examples), nullptr} {}
RPCHelpMan::RPCHelpMan(std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<RPCArg> args, RPCResults results, RPCExamples examples, RPCMethodImpl fun)
: m_name{std::move(name)},
// Map of parameter names and types just used to check whether the names are
// unique. Parameter names always need to be unique, with the exception that
// there can be pairs of POSITIONAL and NAMED parameters with the same name.
enum ParamType { POSITIONAL = 1, NAMED = 2, NAMED_ONLY = 4 };
std::map<std::string, int> param_names;
for (const auto& arg : m_args) {
std::vector<std::string> names = SplitString(arg.m_names, '|');
// Should have unique named arguments
for (const std::string& name : names) {
auto& param_type = param_names[name];
param_type |= POSITIONAL;
if (arg.m_type == RPCArg::Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS) {
for (const auto& inner : arg.m_inner) {
std::vector<std::string> inner_names = SplitString(inner.m_names, '|');
for (const std::string& inner_name : inner_names) {
auto& param_type = param_names[inner_name];
CHECK_NONFATAL(!(param_type & POSITIONAL) || inner.m_opts.also_positional);
CHECK_NONFATAL(!(param_type & NAMED));
param_type |= inner.m_opts.also_positional ? NAMED : NAMED_ONLY;
// Default value type should match argument type only when defined
if (arg.m_fallback.index() == 2) {
const RPCArg::Type type = arg.m_type;
switch (std::get<RPCArg::Default>(arg.m_fallback).getType()) {
case UniValue::VOBJ:
CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::OBJ);
case UniValue::VARR:
CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::ARR);
case UniValue::VSTR:
CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::STR || type == RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX || type == RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT);
case UniValue::VNUM:
CHECK_NONFATAL(type == RPCArg::Type::NUM || type == RPCArg::Type::AMOUNT || type == RPCArg::Type::RANGE);
case UniValue::VBOOL:
case UniValue::VNULL:
// Null values are accepted in all arguments
std::string RPCResults::ToDescriptionString() const
std::string result;
for (const auto& r : m_results) {
if (r.m_type == RPCResult::Type::ANY) continue; // for testing only
if (r.m_cond.empty()) {
result += "\nResult:\n";
} else {
result += "\nResult (" + r.m_cond + "):\n";
Sections sections;
result += sections.ToString();
return result;
std::string RPCExamples::ToDescriptionString() const
return m_examples.empty() ? m_examples : "\nExamples:\n" + m_examples;
UniValue RPCHelpMan::HandleRequest(const JSONRPCRequest& request) const
if (request.mode == JSONRPCRequest::GET_ARGS) {
return GetArgMap();
* Check if the given request is valid according to this command or if
* the user is asking for help information, and throw help when appropriate.
if (request.mode == JSONRPCRequest::GET_HELP || !IsValidNumArgs(request.params.size())) {
throw std::runtime_error(ToString());
UniValue arg_mismatch{UniValue::VOBJ};
for (size_t i{0}; i < m_args.size(); ++i) {
const auto& arg{m_args.at(i)};
UniValue match{arg.MatchesType(request.params[i])};
if (!match.isTrue()) {
arg_mismatch.pushKV(strprintf("Position %s (%s)", i + 1, arg.m_names), std::move(match));
if (!arg_mismatch.empty()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, strprintf("Wrong type passed:\n%s", arg_mismatch.write(4)));
CHECK_NONFATAL(m_req == nullptr);
m_req = &request;
UniValue ret = m_fun(*this, request);
m_req = nullptr;
if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rpcdoccheck", DEFAULT_RPC_DOC_CHECK)) {
UniValue mismatch{UniValue::VARR};
for (const auto& res : m_results.m_results) {
UniValue match{res.MatchesType(ret)};
if (match.isTrue()) {
if (!mismatch.isNull()) {
std::string explain{
mismatch.empty() ? "no possible results defined" :
mismatch.size() == 1 ? mismatch[0].write(4) :
throw std::runtime_error{
strprintf("Internal bug detected: RPC call \"%s\" returned incorrect type:\n%s\n%s %s\nPlease report this issue here: %s\n",
m_name, explain,
PACKAGE_NAME, FormatFullVersion(),
return ret;
using CheckFn = void(const RPCArg&);
static const UniValue* DetailMaybeArg(CheckFn* check, const std::vector<RPCArg>& params, const JSONRPCRequest* req, size_t i)
CHECK_NONFATAL(i < params.size());
const UniValue& arg{CHECK_NONFATAL(req)->params[i]};
const RPCArg& param{params.at(i)};
if (check) check(param);
if (!arg.isNull()) return &arg;
if (!std::holds_alternative<RPCArg::Default>(param.m_fallback)) return nullptr;
return &std::get<RPCArg::Default>(param.m_fallback);
static void CheckRequiredOrDefault(const RPCArg& param)
// Must use `Arg<Type>(i)` to get the argument or its default value.
const bool required{
std::holds_alternative<RPCArg::Optional>(param.m_fallback) && RPCArg::Optional::NO == std::get<RPCArg::Optional>(param.m_fallback),
CHECK_NONFATAL(required || std::holds_alternative<RPCArg::Default>(param.m_fallback));
#define TMPL_INST(check_param, ret_type, return_code) \
template <> \
ret_type RPCHelpMan::ArgValue<ret_type>(size_t i) const \
{ \
const UniValue* maybe_arg{ \
DetailMaybeArg(check_param, m_args, m_req, i), \
}; \
return return_code \
} \
void force_semicolon(ret_type)
// Optional arg (without default). Can also be called on required args, if needed.
TMPL_INST(nullptr, std::optional<double>, maybe_arg ? std::optional{maybe_arg->get_real()} : std::nullopt;);
TMPL_INST(nullptr, std::optional<bool>, maybe_arg ? std::optional{maybe_arg->get_bool()} : std::nullopt;);
TMPL_INST(nullptr, const std::string*, maybe_arg ? &maybe_arg->get_str() : nullptr;);
// Required arg or optional arg with default value.
TMPL_INST(CheckRequiredOrDefault, int, CHECK_NONFATAL(maybe_arg)->getInt<int>(););
TMPL_INST(CheckRequiredOrDefault, uint64_t, CHECK_NONFATAL(maybe_arg)->getInt<uint64_t>(););
TMPL_INST(CheckRequiredOrDefault, const std::string&, CHECK_NONFATAL(maybe_arg)->get_str(););
bool RPCHelpMan::IsValidNumArgs(size_t num_args) const
size_t num_required_args = 0;
for (size_t n = m_args.size(); n > 0; --n) {
if (!m_args.at(n - 1).IsOptional()) {
num_required_args = n;
return num_required_args <= num_args && num_args <= m_args.size();
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> RPCHelpMan::GetArgNames() const
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> ret;
for (const auto& arg : m_args) {
if (arg.m_type == RPCArg::Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS) {
for (const auto& inner : arg.m_inner) {
ret.emplace_back(inner.m_names, /*named_only=*/true);
ret.emplace_back(arg.m_names, /*named_only=*/false);
return ret;
std::string RPCHelpMan::ToString() const
std::string ret;
// Oneline summary
ret += m_name;
bool was_optional{false};
for (const auto& arg : m_args) {
if (arg.m_opts.hidden) break; // Any arg that follows is also hidden
const bool optional = arg.IsOptional();
ret += " ";
if (optional) {
if (!was_optional) ret += "( ";
was_optional = true;
} else {
if (was_optional) ret += ") ";
was_optional = false;
ret += arg.ToString(/*oneline=*/true);
if (was_optional) ret += " )";
// Description
ret += "\n\n" + TrimString(m_description) + "\n";
// Arguments
Sections sections;
Sections named_only_sections;
for (size_t i{0}; i < m_args.size(); ++i) {
const auto& arg = m_args.at(i);
if (arg.m_opts.hidden) break; // Any arg that follows is also hidden
// Push named argument name and description
sections.m_sections.emplace_back(::ToString(i + 1) + ". " + arg.GetFirstName(), arg.ToDescriptionString(/*is_named_arg=*/true));
sections.m_max_pad = std::max(sections.m_max_pad, sections.m_sections.back().m_left.size());
// Recursively push nested args
// Push named-only argument sections
if (arg.m_type == RPCArg::Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS) {
for (const auto& arg_inner : arg.m_inner) {
named_only_sections.PushSection({arg_inner.GetFirstName(), arg_inner.ToDescriptionString(/*is_named_arg=*/true)});
if (!sections.m_sections.empty()) ret += "\nArguments:\n";
ret += sections.ToString();
if (!named_only_sections.m_sections.empty()) ret += "\nNamed Arguments:\n";
ret += named_only_sections.ToString();
// Result
ret += m_results.ToDescriptionString();
// Examples
ret += m_examples.ToDescriptionString();
return ret;
UniValue RPCHelpMan::GetArgMap() const
UniValue arr{UniValue::VARR};
auto push_back_arg_info = [&arr](const std::string& rpc_name, int pos, const std::string& arg_name, const RPCArg::Type& type) {
UniValue map{UniValue::VARR};
map.push_back(type == RPCArg::Type::STR ||
type == RPCArg::Type::STR_HEX);
for (int i{0}; i < int(m_args.size()); ++i) {
const auto& arg = m_args.at(i);
std::vector<std::string> arg_names = SplitString(arg.m_names, '|');
for (const auto& arg_name : arg_names) {
push_back_arg_info(m_name, i, arg_name, arg.m_type);
if (arg.m_type == RPCArg::Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS) {
for (const auto& inner : arg.m_inner) {
std::vector<std::string> inner_names = SplitString(inner.m_names, '|');
for (const std::string& inner_name : inner_names) {
push_back_arg_info(m_name, i, inner_name, inner.m_type);
return arr;
static std::optional<UniValue::VType> ExpectedType(RPCArg::Type type)
using Type = RPCArg::Type;
switch (type) {
case Type::STR_HEX:
case Type::STR: {
return UniValue::VSTR;
case Type::NUM: {
return UniValue::VNUM;
case Type::AMOUNT: {
// VNUM or VSTR, checked inside AmountFromValue()
return std::nullopt;
case Type::RANGE: {
// VNUM or VARR, checked inside ParseRange()
return std::nullopt;
case Type::BOOL: {
return UniValue::VBOOL;
case Type::OBJ:
case Type::OBJ_USER_KEYS: {
return UniValue::VOBJ;
case Type::ARR: {
return UniValue::VARR;
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
UniValue RPCArg::MatchesType(const UniValue& request) const
if (m_opts.skip_type_check) return true;
if (IsOptional() && request.isNull()) return true;
const auto exp_type{ExpectedType(m_type)};
if (!exp_type) return true; // nothing to check
if (*exp_type != request.getType()) {
return strprintf("JSON value of type %s is not of expected type %s", uvTypeName(request.getType()), uvTypeName(*exp_type));
return true;
std::string RPCArg::GetFirstName() const
return m_names.substr(0, m_names.find('|'));
std::string RPCArg::GetName() const
CHECK_NONFATAL(std::string::npos == m_names.find('|'));
return m_names;
bool RPCArg::IsOptional() const
if (m_fallback.index() != 0) {
return true;
} else {
return RPCArg::Optional::NO != std::get<RPCArg::Optional>(m_fallback);
std::string RPCArg::ToDescriptionString(bool is_named_arg) const
std::string ret;
ret += "(";
if (m_opts.type_str.size() != 0) {
ret += m_opts.type_str.at(1);
} else {
switch (m_type) {
case Type::STR_HEX:
case Type::STR: {
ret += "string";
case Type::NUM: {
ret += "numeric";
case Type::AMOUNT: {
ret += "numeric or string";
case Type::RANGE: {
ret += "numeric or array";
case Type::BOOL: {
ret += "boolean";
case Type::OBJ:
case Type::OBJ_USER_KEYS: {
ret += "json object";
case Type::ARR: {
ret += "json array";
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
if (m_fallback.index() == 1) {
ret += ", optional, default=" + std::get<RPCArg::DefaultHint>(m_fallback);
} else if (m_fallback.index() == 2) {
ret += ", optional, default=" + std::get<RPCArg::Default>(m_fallback).write();
} else {
switch (std::get<RPCArg::Optional>(m_fallback)) {
case RPCArg::Optional::OMITTED: {
if (is_named_arg) ret += ", optional"; // Default value is "null" in dicts. Otherwise,
// nothing to do. Element is treated as if not present and has no default value
case RPCArg::Optional::NO: {
ret += ", required";
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
ret += ")";
if (m_type == Type::OBJ_NAMED_PARAMS) ret += " Options object that can be used to pass named arguments, listed below.";
ret += m_description.empty() ? "" : " " + m_description;
return ret;
void RPCResult::ToSections(Sections& sections, const OuterType outer_type, const int current_indent) const
// Indentation
const std::string indent(current_indent, ' ');
const std::string indent_next(current_indent + 2, ' ');
// Elements in a JSON structure (dictionary or array) are separated by a comma
const std::string maybe_separator{outer_type != OuterType::NONE ? "," : ""};
// The key name if recursed into a dictionary
const std::string maybe_key{
outer_type == OuterType::OBJ ?
"\"" + this->m_key_name + "\" : " :
// Format description with type
const auto Description = [&](const std::string& type) {
return "(" + type + (this->m_optional ? ", optional" : "") + ")" +
(this->m_description.empty() ? "" : " " + this->m_description);
switch (m_type) {
case Type::ELISION: {
// If the inner result is empty, use three dots for elision
sections.PushSection({indent + "..." + maybe_separator, m_description});
case Type::ANY: {
NONFATAL_UNREACHABLE(); // Only for testing
case Type::NONE: {
sections.PushSection({indent + "null" + maybe_separator, Description("json null")});
case Type::STR: {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "\"str\"" + maybe_separator, Description("string")});
case Type::STR_AMOUNT: {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "n" + maybe_separator, Description("numeric")});
case Type::STR_HEX: {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "\"hex\"" + maybe_separator, Description("string")});
case Type::NUM: {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "n" + maybe_separator, Description("numeric")});
case Type::NUM_TIME: {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "xxx" + maybe_separator, Description("numeric")});
case Type::BOOL: {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "true|false" + maybe_separator, Description("boolean")});
case Type::ARR_FIXED:
case Type::ARR: {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "[", Description("json array")});
for (const auto& i : m_inner) {
i.ToSections(sections, OuterType::ARR, current_indent + 2);
if (m_type == Type::ARR && m_inner.back().m_type != Type::ELISION) {
sections.PushSection({indent_next + "...", ""});
} else {
// Remove final comma, which would be invalid JSON
sections.PushSection({indent + "]" + maybe_separator, ""});
case Type::OBJ_DYN:
case Type::OBJ: {
if (m_inner.empty()) {
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "{}", Description("empty JSON object")});
sections.PushSection({indent + maybe_key + "{", Description("json object")});
for (const auto& i : m_inner) {
i.ToSections(sections, OuterType::OBJ, current_indent + 2);
if (m_type == Type::OBJ_DYN && m_inner.back().m_type != Type::ELISION) {
// If the dictionary keys are dynamic, use three dots for continuation
sections.PushSection({indent_next + "...", ""});
} else {
// Remove final comma, which would be invalid JSON
sections.PushSection({indent + "}" + maybe_separator, ""});
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
static std::optional<UniValue::VType> ExpectedType(RPCResult::Type type)
using Type = RPCResult::Type;
switch (type) {
case Type::ELISION:
case Type::ANY: {
return std::nullopt;
case Type::NONE: {
return UniValue::VNULL;
case Type::STR:
case Type::STR_HEX: {
return UniValue::VSTR;
case Type::NUM:
case Type::STR_AMOUNT:
case Type::NUM_TIME: {
return UniValue::VNUM;
case Type::BOOL: {
return UniValue::VBOOL;
case Type::ARR_FIXED:
case Type::ARR: {
return UniValue::VARR;
case Type::OBJ_DYN:
case Type::OBJ: {
return UniValue::VOBJ;
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
UniValue RPCResult::MatchesType(const UniValue& result) const
if (m_skip_type_check) {
return true;
const auto exp_type = ExpectedType(m_type);
if (!exp_type) return true; // can be any type, so nothing to check
if (*exp_type != result.getType()) {
return strprintf("returned type is %s, but declared as %s in doc", uvTypeName(result.getType()), uvTypeName(*exp_type));
if (UniValue::VARR == result.getType()) {
UniValue errors(UniValue::VOBJ);
for (size_t i{0}; i < result.get_array().size(); ++i) {
// If there are more results than documented, re-use the last doc_inner.
const RPCResult& doc_inner{m_inner.at(std::min(m_inner.size() - 1, i))};
UniValue match{doc_inner.MatchesType(result.get_array()[i])};
if (!match.isTrue()) errors.pushKV(strprintf("%d", i), match);
if (errors.empty()) return true; // empty result array is valid
return errors;
if (UniValue::VOBJ == result.getType()) {
if (!m_inner.empty() && m_inner.at(0).m_type == Type::ELISION) return true;
UniValue errors(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (m_type == Type::OBJ_DYN) {
const RPCResult& doc_inner{m_inner.at(0)}; // Assume all types are the same, randomly pick the first
for (size_t i{0}; i < result.get_obj().size(); ++i) {
UniValue match{doc_inner.MatchesType(result.get_obj()[i])};
if (!match.isTrue()) errors.pushKV(result.getKeys()[i], match);
if (errors.empty()) return true; // empty result obj is valid
return errors;
std::set<std::string> doc_keys;
for (const auto& doc_entry : m_inner) {
std::map<std::string, UniValue> result_obj;
for (const auto& result_entry : result_obj) {
if (doc_keys.find(result_entry.first) == doc_keys.end()) {
errors.pushKV(result_entry.first, "key returned that was not in doc");
for (const auto& doc_entry : m_inner) {
const auto result_it{result_obj.find(doc_entry.m_key_name)};
if (result_it == result_obj.end()) {
if (!doc_entry.m_optional) {
errors.pushKV(doc_entry.m_key_name, "key missing, despite not being optional in doc");
UniValue match{doc_entry.MatchesType(result_it->second)};
if (!match.isTrue()) errors.pushKV(doc_entry.m_key_name, match);
if (errors.empty()) return true;
return errors;
return true;
void RPCResult::CheckInnerDoc() const
if (m_type == Type::OBJ) {
// May or may not be empty
// Everything else must either be empty or not
const bool inner_needed{m_type == Type::ARR || m_type == Type::ARR_FIXED || m_type == Type::OBJ_DYN};
CHECK_NONFATAL(inner_needed != m_inner.empty());
std::string RPCArg::ToStringObj(const bool oneline) const
std::string res;
res += "\"";
res += GetFirstName();
if (oneline) {
res += "\":";
} else {
res += "\": ";
switch (m_type) {
case Type::STR:
return res + "\"str\"";
case Type::STR_HEX:
return res + "\"hex\"";
case Type::NUM:
return res + "n";
case Type::RANGE:
return res + "n or [n,n]";
case Type::AMOUNT:
return res + "amount";
case Type::BOOL:
return res + "bool";
case Type::ARR:
res += "[";
for (const auto& i : m_inner) {
res += i.ToString(oneline) + ",";
return res + "...]";
case Type::OBJ:
case Type::OBJ_USER_KEYS:
// Currently unused, so avoid writing dead code
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
std::string RPCArg::ToString(const bool oneline) const
if (oneline && !m_opts.oneline_description.empty()) {
if (m_opts.oneline_description[0] == '\"' && m_type != Type::STR_HEX && m_type != Type::STR && gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rpcdoccheck", DEFAULT_RPC_DOC_CHECK)) {
throw std::runtime_error{
STR_INTERNAL_BUG(strprintf("non-string RPC arg \"%s\" quotes oneline_description:\n%s",
m_names, m_opts.oneline_description)
return m_opts.oneline_description;
switch (m_type) {
case Type::STR_HEX:
case Type::STR: {
return "\"" + GetFirstName() + "\"";
case Type::NUM:
case Type::RANGE:
case Type::AMOUNT:
case Type::BOOL: {
return GetFirstName();
case Type::OBJ:
case Type::OBJ_USER_KEYS: {
const std::string res = Join(m_inner, ",", [&](const RPCArg& i) { return i.ToStringObj(oneline); });
if (m_type == Type::OBJ) {
return "{" + res + "}";
} else {
return "{" + res + ",...}";
case Type::ARR: {
std::string res;
for (const auto& i : m_inner) {
res += i.ToString(oneline) + ",";
return "[" + res + "...]";
} // no default case, so the compiler can warn about missing cases
static std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> ParseRange(const UniValue& value)
if (value.isNum()) {
return {0, value.getInt<int64_t>()};
if (value.isArray() && value.size() == 2 && value[0].isNum() && value[1].isNum()) {
int64_t low = value[0].getInt<int64_t>();
int64_t high = value[1].getInt<int64_t>();
if (low > high) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Range specified as [begin,end] must not have begin after end");
return {low, high};
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Range must be specified as end or as [begin,end]");
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> ParseDescriptorRange(const UniValue& value)
int64_t low, high;
std::tie(low, high) = ParseRange(value);
if (low < 0) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Range should be greater or equal than 0");
if ((high >> 31) != 0) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "End of range is too high");
if (high >= low + 1000000) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Range is too large");
return {low, high};
std::vector<CScript> EvalDescriptorStringOrObject(const UniValue& scanobject, FlatSigningProvider& provider, const bool expand_priv)
std::string desc_str;
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> range = {0, 1000};
if (scanobject.isStr()) {
desc_str = scanobject.get_str();
} else if (scanobject.isObject()) {
const UniValue& desc_uni{scanobject.find_value("desc")};
if (desc_uni.isNull()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Descriptor needs to be provided in scan object");
desc_str = desc_uni.get_str();
const UniValue& range_uni{scanobject.find_value("range")};
if (!range_uni.isNull()) {
range = ParseDescriptorRange(range_uni);
} else {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Scan object needs to be either a string or an object");
std::string error;
auto desc = Parse(desc_str, provider, error);
if (!desc) {
if (!desc->IsRange()) {
range.first = 0;
range.second = 0;
std::vector<CScript> ret;
for (int i = range.first; i <= range.second; ++i) {
std::vector<CScript> scripts;
if (!desc->Expand(i, provider, scripts, provider)) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("Cannot derive script without private keys: '%s'", desc_str));
if (expand_priv) {
desc->ExpandPrivate(/*pos=*/i, provider, /*out=*/provider);
std::move(scripts.begin(), scripts.end(), std::back_inserter(ret));
return ret;
UniValue GetServicesNames(ServiceFlags services)
UniValue servicesNames(UniValue::VARR);
for (const auto& flag : serviceFlagsToStr(services)) {
return servicesNames;
/** Convert a vector of bilingual strings to a UniValue::VARR containing their original untranslated values. */
[[nodiscard]] static UniValue BilingualStringsToUniValue(const std::vector<bilingual_str>& bilingual_strings)
UniValue result{UniValue::VARR};
for (const auto& s : bilingual_strings) {
return result;
void PushWarnings(const UniValue& warnings, UniValue& obj)
if (warnings.empty()) return;
obj.pushKV("warnings", warnings);
void PushWarnings(const std::vector<bilingual_str>& warnings, UniValue& obj)
if (warnings.empty()) return;
obj.pushKV("warnings", BilingualStringsToUniValue(warnings));