Antoine Poinsot 8323e4249d
miniscript: add an OpCode typedef for readability
Suggested-by: Vincenzo Palazzo
2022-05-30 15:16:44 +02:00

1724 lines
82 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <policy/policy.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
#include <script/script.h>
#include <span.h>
#include <util/spanparsing.h>
#include <util/strencodings.h>
#include <util/string.h>
#include <util/vector.h>
namespace miniscript {
/** This type encapsulates the miniscript type system properties.
* Every miniscript expression is one of 4 basic types, and additionally has
* a number of boolean type properties.
* The basic types are:
* - "B" Base:
* - Takes its inputs from the top of the stack.
* - When satisfied, pushes a nonzero value of up to 4 bytes onto the stack.
* - When dissatisfied, pushes a 0 onto the stack.
* - This is used for most expressions, and required for the top level one.
* - For example: older(n) = <n> OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.
* - "V" Verify:
* - Takes its inputs from the top of the stack.
* - When satisfied, pushes nothing.
* - Cannot be dissatisfied.
* - This can be obtained by adding an OP_VERIFY to a B, modifying the last opcode
* of a B to its -VERIFY version (only for OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY
* and OP_EQUAL), or by combining a V fragment under some conditions.
* - For example vc:pk_k(key) = <key> OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY
* - "K" Key:
* - Takes its inputs from the top of the stack.
* - Becomes a B when followed by OP_CHECKSIG.
* - Always pushes a public key onto the stack, for which a signature is to be
* provided to satisfy the expression.
* - For example pk_h(key) = OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <Hash160(key)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
* - "W" Wrapped:
* - Takes its input from one below the top of the stack.
* - When satisfied, pushes a nonzero value (like B) on top of the stack, or one below.
* - When dissatisfied, pushes 0 op top of the stack or one below.
* - For example sc:pk_k(key) = OP_SWAP <key> OP_CHECKSIG
* There a type properties that help reasoning about correctness:
* - "z" Zero-arg:
* - Is known to always consume exactly 0 stack elements.
* - For example after(n) = <n> OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY
* - "o" One-arg:
* - Is known to always consume exactly 1 stack element.
* - Conflicts with property 'z'
* - For example sha256(hash) = OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_SHA256 <hash> OP_EQUAL
* - "n" Nonzero:
* - For every way this expression can be satisfied, a satisfaction exists that never needs
* a zero top stack element.
* - Conflicts with property 'z' and with type 'W'.
* - "d" Dissatisfiable:
* - There is an easy way to construct a dissatisfaction for this expression.
* - Conflicts with type 'V'.
* - "u" Unit:
* - In case of satisfaction, an exact 1 is put on the stack (rather than just nonzero).
* - Conflicts with type 'V'.
* Additional type properties help reasoning about nonmalleability:
* - "e" Expression:
* - This implies property 'd', but the dissatisfaction is nonmalleable.
* - This generally requires 'e' for all subexpressions which are invoked for that
* dissatifsaction, and property 'f' for the unexecuted subexpressions in that case.
* - Conflicts with type 'V'.
* - "f" Forced:
* - Dissatisfactions (if any) for this expression always involve at least one signature.
* - Is always true for type 'V'.
* - "s" Safe:
* - Satisfactions for this expression always involve at least one signature.
* - "m" Nonmalleable:
* - For every way this expression can be satisfied (which may be none),
* a nonmalleable satisfaction exists.
* - This generally requires 'm' for all subexpressions, and 'e' for all subexpressions
* which are dissatisfied when satisfying the parent.
* One type property is an implementation detail:
* - "x" Expensive verify:
* - Expressions with this property have a script whose last opcode is not EQUAL, CHECKSIG, or CHECKMULTISIG.
* - Not having this property means that it can be converted to a V at no cost (by switching to the
* -VERIFY version of the last opcode).
* Five more type properties for representing timelock information. Spend paths
* in miniscripts containing conflicting timelocks and heightlocks cannot be spent together.
* This helps users detect if miniscript does not match the semantic behaviour the
* user expects.
* - "g" Whether the branch contains a relative time timelock
* - "h" Whether the branch contains a relative height timelock
* - "i" Whether the branch contains an absolute time timelock
* - "j" Whether the branch contains an absolute height timelock
* - "k"
* - Whether all satisfactions of this expression don't contain a mix of heightlock and timelock
* of the same type.
* - If the miniscript does not have the "k" property, the miniscript template will not match
* the user expectation of the corresponding spending policy.
* For each of these properties the subset rule holds: an expression with properties X, Y, and Z, is also
* valid in places where an X, a Y, a Z, an XY, ... is expected.
class Type {
//! Internal bitmap of properties (see ""_mst operator for details).
uint32_t m_flags;
//! Internal constructor used by the ""_mst operator.
explicit constexpr Type(uint32_t flags) : m_flags(flags) {}
//! The only way to publicly construct a Type is using this literal operator.
friend constexpr Type operator"" _mst(const char* c, size_t l);
//! Compute the type with the union of properties.
constexpr Type operator|(Type x) const { return Type(m_flags | x.m_flags); }
//! Compute the type with the intersection of properties.
constexpr Type operator&(Type x) const { return Type(m_flags & x.m_flags); }
//! Check whether the left hand's properties are superset of the right's (= left is a subtype of right).
constexpr bool operator<<(Type x) const { return (x.m_flags & ~m_flags) == 0; }
//! Comparison operator to enable use in sets/maps (total ordering incompatible with <<).
constexpr bool operator<(Type x) const { return m_flags < x.m_flags; }
//! Equality operator.
constexpr bool operator==(Type x) const { return m_flags == x.m_flags; }
//! The empty type if x is false, itself otherwise.
constexpr Type If(bool x) const { return Type(x ? m_flags : 0); }
//! Literal operator to construct Type objects.
inline constexpr Type operator"" _mst(const char* c, size_t l) {
Type typ{0};
for (const char *p = c; p < c + l; p++) {
typ = typ | Type(
*p == 'B' ? 1 << 0 : // Base type
*p == 'V' ? 1 << 1 : // Verify type
*p == 'K' ? 1 << 2 : // Key type
*p == 'W' ? 1 << 3 : // Wrapped type
*p == 'z' ? 1 << 4 : // Zero-arg property
*p == 'o' ? 1 << 5 : // One-arg property
*p == 'n' ? 1 << 6 : // Nonzero arg property
*p == 'd' ? 1 << 7 : // Dissatisfiable property
*p == 'u' ? 1 << 8 : // Unit property
*p == 'e' ? 1 << 9 : // Expression property
*p == 'f' ? 1 << 10 : // Forced property
*p == 's' ? 1 << 11 : // Safe property
*p == 'm' ? 1 << 12 : // Nonmalleable property
*p == 'x' ? 1 << 13 : // Expensive verify
*p == 'g' ? 1 << 14 : // older: contains relative time timelock (csv_time)
*p == 'h' ? 1 << 15 : // older: contains relative height timelock (csv_height)
*p == 'i' ? 1 << 16 : // after: contains time timelock (cltv_time)
*p == 'j' ? 1 << 17 : // after: contains height timelock (cltv_height)
*p == 'k' ? 1 << 18 : // does not contain a combination of height and time locks
(throw std::logic_error("Unknown character in _mst literal"), 0)
return typ;
using Opcode = std::pair<opcodetype, std::vector<unsigned char>>;
template<typename Key> struct Node;
template<typename Key> using NodeRef = std::shared_ptr<const Node<Key>>;
//! Construct a miniscript node as a shared_ptr.
template<typename Key, typename... Args>
NodeRef<Key> MakeNodeRef(Args&&... args) { return std::make_shared<const Node<Key>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
//! The different node types in miniscript.
enum class Fragment {
JUST_0, //!< OP_0
JUST_1, //!< OP_1
PK_K, //!< [key]
WRAP_S, //!< OP_SWAP [X]
WRAP_V, //!< [X] OP_VERIFY (or -VERIFY version of last opcode in X)
AND_V, //!< [X] [Y]
AND_B, //!< [X] [Y] OP_BOOLAND
OR_B, //!< [X] [Y] OP_BOOLOR
THRESH, //!< [X1] ([Xn] OP_ADD)* [k] OP_EQUAL
MULTI, //!< [k] [key_n]* [n] OP_CHECKMULTISIG
// AND_N(X,Y) is represented as ANDOR(X,Y,0)
// WRAP_T(X) is represented as AND_V(X,1)
// WRAP_L(X) is represented as OR_I(0,X)
// WRAP_U(X) is represented as OR_I(X,0)
namespace internal {
//! Helper function for Node::CalcType.
Type ComputeType(Fragment fragment, Type x, Type y, Type z, const std::vector<Type>& sub_types, uint32_t k, size_t data_size, size_t n_subs, size_t n_keys);
//! Helper function for Node::CalcScriptLen.
size_t ComputeScriptLen(Fragment fragment, Type sub0typ, size_t subsize, uint32_t k, size_t n_subs, size_t n_keys);
//! A helper sanitizer/checker for the output of CalcType.
Type SanitizeType(Type x);
//! Class whose objects represent the maximum of a list of integers.
template<typename I>
struct MaxInt {
const bool valid;
const I value;
MaxInt() : valid(false), value(0) {}
MaxInt(I val) : valid(true), value(val) {}
friend MaxInt<I> operator+(const MaxInt<I>& a, const MaxInt<I>& b) {
if (!a.valid || !b.valid) return {};
return a.value + b.value;
friend MaxInt<I> operator|(const MaxInt<I>& a, const MaxInt<I>& b) {
if (!a.valid) return b;
if (!b.valid) return a;
return std::max(a.value, b.value);
struct Ops {
//! Non-push opcodes.
uint32_t count;
//! Number of keys in possibly executed OP_CHECKMULTISIG(VERIFY)s to satisfy.
MaxInt<uint32_t> sat;
//! Number of keys in possibly executed OP_CHECKMULTISIG(VERIFY)s to dissatisfy.
MaxInt<uint32_t> dsat;
Ops(uint32_t in_count, MaxInt<uint32_t> in_sat, MaxInt<uint32_t> in_dsat) : count(in_count), sat(in_sat), dsat(in_dsat) {};
struct StackSize {
//! Maximum stack size to satisfy;
MaxInt<uint32_t> sat;
//! Maximum stack size to dissatisfy;
MaxInt<uint32_t> dsat;
StackSize(MaxInt<uint32_t> in_sat, MaxInt<uint32_t> in_dsat) : sat(in_sat), dsat(in_dsat) {};
} // namespace internal
//! A node in a miniscript expression.
template<typename Key>
struct Node {
//! What node type this node is.
const Fragment fragment;
//! The k parameter (time for OLDER/AFTER, threshold for THRESH(_M))
const uint32_t k = 0;
//! The keys used by this expression (only for PK_K/PK_H/MULTI)
const std::vector<Key> keys;
//! The data bytes in this expression (only for HASH160/HASH256/SHA256/RIPEMD10).
const std::vector<unsigned char> data;
//! Subexpressions (for WRAP_*/AND_*/OR_*/ANDOR/THRESH)
const std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> subs;
//! Cached ops counts.
const internal::Ops ops;
//! Cached stack size bounds.
const internal::StackSize ss;
//! Cached expression type (computed by CalcType and fed through SanitizeType).
const Type typ;
//! Cached script length (computed by CalcScriptLen).
const size_t scriptlen;
//! Whether a public key appears more than once in this node.
const bool duplicate_key;
//! Compute the length of the script for this miniscript (including children).
size_t CalcScriptLen() const {
size_t subsize = 0;
for (const auto& sub : subs) {
subsize += sub->ScriptSize();
Type sub0type = subs.size() > 0 ? subs[0]->GetType() : ""_mst;
return internal::ComputeScriptLen(fragment, sub0type, subsize, k, subs.size(), keys.size());
/* Apply a recursive algorithm to a Miniscript tree, without actual recursive calls.
* The algorithm is defined by two functions: downfn and upfn. Conceptually, the
* result can be thought of as first using downfn to compute a "state" for each node,
* from the root down to the leaves. Then upfn is used to compute a "result" for each
* node, from the leaves back up to the root, which is then returned. In the actual
* implementation, both functions are invoked in an interleaved fashion, performing a
* depth-first traversal of the tree.
* In more detail, it is invoked as node.TreeEvalMaybe<Result>(root, downfn, upfn):
* - root is the state of the root node, of type State.
* - downfn is a callable (State&, const Node&, size_t) -> State, which given a
* node, its state, and an index of one of its children, computes the state of that
* child. It can modify the state. Children of a given node will have downfn()
* called in order.
* - upfn is a callable (State&&, const Node&, Span<Result>) -> std::optional<Result>,
* which given a node, its state, and a Span of the results of its children,
* computes the result of the node. If std::nullopt is returned by upfn,
* TreeEvalMaybe() immediately returns std::nullopt.
* The return value of TreeEvalMaybe is the result of the root node.
* Result type cannot be bool due to the std::vector<bool> specialization.
template<typename Result, typename State, typename DownFn, typename UpFn>
std::optional<Result> TreeEvalMaybe(State root_state, DownFn downfn, UpFn upfn) const
/** Entries of the explicit stack tracked in this algorithm. */
struct StackElem
const Node& node; //!< The node being evaluated.
size_t expanded; //!< How many children of this node have been expanded.
State state; //!< The state for that node.
StackElem(const Node& node_, size_t exp_, State&& state_) :
node(node_), expanded(exp_), state(std::move(state_)) {}
/* Stack of tree nodes being explored. */
std::vector<StackElem> stack;
/* Results of subtrees so far. Their order and mapping to tree nodes
* is implicitly defined by stack. */
std::vector<Result> results;
stack.emplace_back(*this, 0, std::move(root_state));
/* Here is a demonstration of the algorithm, for an example tree A(B,C(D,E),F).
* State variables are omitted for simplicity.
* First: stack=[(A,0)] results=[]
* stack=[(A,1),(B,0)] results=[]
* stack=[(A,1)] results=[B]
* stack=[(A,2),(C,0)] results=[B]
* stack=[(A,2),(C,1),(D,0)] results=[B]
* stack=[(A,2),(C,1)] results=[B,D]
* stack=[(A,2),(C,2),(E,0)] results=[B,D]
* stack=[(A,2),(C,2)] results=[B,D,E]
* stack=[(A,2)] results=[B,C]
* stack=[(A,3),(F,0)] results=[B,C]
* stack=[(A,3)] results=[B,C,F]
* Final: stack=[] results=[A]
while (stack.size()) {
const Node& node = stack.back().node;
if (stack.back().expanded < node.subs.size()) {
/* We encounter a tree node with at least one unexpanded child.
* Expand it. By the time we hit this node again, the result of
* that child (and all earlier children) will be at the end of `results`. */
size_t child_index = stack.back().expanded++;
State child_state = downfn(stack.back().state, node, child_index);
stack.emplace_back(*node.subs[child_index], 0, std::move(child_state));
// Invoke upfn with the last node.subs.size() elements of results as input.
assert(results.size() >= node.subs.size());
std::optional<Result> result{upfn(std::move(stack.back().state), node,
// If evaluation returns std::nullopt, abort immediately.
if (!result) return {};
// Replace the last node.subs.size() elements of results with the new result.
results.erase(results.end() - node.subs.size(), results.end());
// The final remaining results element is the root result, return it.
assert(results.size() == 1);
return std::move(results[0]);
/** Like TreeEvalMaybe, but without downfn or State type.
* upfn takes (const Node&, Span<Result>) and returns std::optional<Result>. */
template<typename Result, typename UpFn>
std::optional<Result> TreeEvalMaybe(UpFn upfn) const
struct DummyState {};
return TreeEvalMaybe<Result>(DummyState{},
[](DummyState, const Node&, size_t) { return DummyState{}; },
[&upfn](DummyState, const Node& node, Span<Result> subs) {
return upfn(node, subs);
/** Like TreeEvalMaybe, but always produces a result. upfn must return Result. */
template<typename Result, typename State, typename DownFn, typename UpFn>
Result TreeEval(State root_state, DownFn&& downfn, UpFn upfn) const
// Invoke TreeEvalMaybe with upfn wrapped to return std::optional<Result>, and then
// unconditionally dereference the result (it cannot be std::nullopt).
return std::move(*TreeEvalMaybe<Result>(std::move(root_state),
[&upfn](State&& state, const Node& node, Span<Result> subs) {
Result res{upfn(std::move(state), node, subs)};
return std::optional<Result>(std::move(res));
/** Compare two miniscript subtrees, using a non-recursive algorithm. */
friend int Compare(const Node<Key>& node1, const Node<Key>& node2)
std::vector<std::pair<const Node<Key>&, const Node<Key>&>> queue;
queue.emplace_back(node1, node2);
while (!queue.empty()) {
const auto& [a, b] = queue.back();
if (std::tie(a.fragment, a.k, a.keys, < std::tie(b.fragment, b.k, b.keys, return -1;
if (std::tie(b.fragment, b.k, b.keys, < std::tie(a.fragment, a.k, a.keys, return 1;
if (a.subs.size() < b.subs.size()) return -1;
if (b.subs.size() < a.subs.size()) return 1;
size_t n = a.subs.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
queue.emplace_back(*a.subs[n - 1 - i], *b.subs[n - 1 - i]);
return 0;
//! Compute the type for this miniscript.
Type CalcType() const {
using namespace internal;
// THRESH has a variable number of subexpressions
std::vector<Type> sub_types;
if (fragment == Fragment::THRESH) {
for (const auto& sub : subs) sub_types.push_back(sub->GetType());
// All other nodes than THRESH can be computed just from the types of the 0-3 subexpressions.
Type x = subs.size() > 0 ? subs[0]->GetType() : ""_mst;
Type y = subs.size() > 1 ? subs[1]->GetType() : ""_mst;
Type z = subs.size() > 2 ? subs[2]->GetType() : ""_mst;
return SanitizeType(ComputeType(fragment, x, y, z, sub_types, k, data.size(), subs.size(), keys.size()));
template<typename Ctx>
CScript ToScript(const Ctx& ctx) const
// To construct the CScript for a Miniscript object, we use the TreeEval algorithm.
// The State is a boolean: whether or not the node's script expansion is followed
// by an OP_VERIFY (which may need to be combined with the last script opcode).
auto downfn = [](bool verify, const Node& node, size_t index) {
// For WRAP_V, the subexpression is certainly followed by OP_VERIFY.
if (node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_V) return true;
// The subexpression of WRAP_S, and the last subexpression of AND_V
// inherit the followed-by-OP_VERIFY property from the parent.
if (node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_S ||
(node.fragment == Fragment::AND_V && index == 1)) return verify;
return false;
// The upward function computes for a node, given its followed-by-OP_VERIFY status
// and the CScripts of its child nodes, the CScript of the node.
auto upfn = [&ctx](bool verify, const Node& node, Span<CScript> subs) -> CScript {
switch (node.fragment) {
case Fragment::PK_K: return BuildScript(ctx.ToPKBytes(node.keys[0]));
case Fragment::PK_H: return BuildScript(OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, ctx.ToPKHBytes(node.keys[0]), OP_EQUALVERIFY);
case Fragment::OLDER: return BuildScript(node.k, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY);
case Fragment::AFTER: return BuildScript(node.k, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY);
case Fragment::SHA256: return BuildScript(OP_SIZE, 32, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_SHA256,, verify ? OP_EQUALVERIFY : OP_EQUAL);
case Fragment::RIPEMD160: return BuildScript(OP_SIZE, 32, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_RIPEMD160,, verify ? OP_EQUALVERIFY : OP_EQUAL);
case Fragment::HASH256: return BuildScript(OP_SIZE, 32, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_HASH256,, verify ? OP_EQUALVERIFY : OP_EQUAL);
case Fragment::HASH160: return BuildScript(OP_SIZE, 32, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_HASH160,, verify ? OP_EQUALVERIFY : OP_EQUAL);
case Fragment::WRAP_A: return BuildScript(OP_TOALTSTACK, subs[0], OP_FROMALTSTACK);
case Fragment::WRAP_S: return BuildScript(OP_SWAP, subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_C: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), verify ? OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY : OP_CHECKSIG);
case Fragment::WRAP_D: return BuildScript(OP_DUP, OP_IF, subs[0], OP_ENDIF);
case Fragment::WRAP_V: {
if (node.subs[0]->GetType() << "x"_mst) {
return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), OP_VERIFY);
} else {
return std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_J: return BuildScript(OP_SIZE, OP_0NOTEQUAL, OP_IF, subs[0], OP_ENDIF);
case Fragment::WRAP_N: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), OP_0NOTEQUAL);
case Fragment::JUST_1: return BuildScript(OP_1);
case Fragment::JUST_0: return BuildScript(OP_0);
case Fragment::AND_V: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), subs[1]);
case Fragment::AND_B: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), subs[1], OP_BOOLAND);
case Fragment::OR_B: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), subs[1], OP_BOOLOR);
case Fragment::OR_D: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), OP_IFDUP, OP_NOTIF, subs[1], OP_ENDIF);
case Fragment::OR_C: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), OP_NOTIF, subs[1], OP_ENDIF);
case Fragment::OR_I: return BuildScript(OP_IF, subs[0], OP_ELSE, subs[1], OP_ENDIF);
case Fragment::ANDOR: return BuildScript(std::move(subs[0]), OP_NOTIF, subs[2], OP_ELSE, subs[1], OP_ENDIF);
case Fragment::MULTI: {
CScript script = BuildScript(node.k);
for (const auto& key : node.keys) {
script = BuildScript(std::move(script), ctx.ToPKBytes(key));
return BuildScript(std::move(script), node.keys.size(), verify ? OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY : OP_CHECKMULTISIG);
case Fragment::THRESH: {
CScript script = std::move(subs[0]);
for (size_t i = 1; i < subs.size(); ++i) {
script = BuildScript(std::move(script), subs[i], OP_ADD);
return BuildScript(std::move(script), node.k, verify ? OP_EQUALVERIFY : OP_EQUAL);
return {};
return TreeEval<CScript>(false, downfn, upfn);
template<typename CTx>
std::optional<std::string> ToString(const CTx& ctx) const {
// To construct the std::string representation for a Miniscript object, we use
// the TreeEvalMaybe algorithm. The State is a boolean: whether the parent node is a
// wrapper. If so, non-wrapper expressions must be prefixed with a ":".
auto downfn = [](bool, const Node& node, size_t) {
return (node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_A || node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_S ||
node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_D || node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_V ||
node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_J || node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_N ||
node.fragment == Fragment::WRAP_C ||
(node.fragment == Fragment::AND_V && node.subs[1]->fragment == Fragment::JUST_1) ||
(node.fragment == Fragment::OR_I && node.subs[0]->fragment == Fragment::JUST_0) ||
(node.fragment == Fragment::OR_I && node.subs[1]->fragment == Fragment::JUST_0));
// The upward function computes for a node, given whether its parent is a wrapper,
// and the string representations of its child nodes, the string representation of the node.
auto upfn = [&ctx](bool wrapped, const Node& node, Span<std::string> subs) -> std::optional<std::string> {
std::string ret = wrapped ? ":" : "";
switch (node.fragment) {
case Fragment::WRAP_A: return "a" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_S: return "s" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_C:
if (node.subs[0]->fragment == Fragment::PK_K) {
// pk(K) is syntactic sugar for c:pk_k(K)
auto key_str = ctx.ToString(node.subs[0]->keys[0]);
if (!key_str) return {};
return std::move(ret) + "pk(" + std::move(*key_str) + ")";
if (node.subs[0]->fragment == Fragment::PK_H) {
// pkh(K) is syntactic sugar for c:pk_h(K)
auto key_str = ctx.ToString(node.subs[0]->keys[0]);
if (!key_str) return {};
return std::move(ret) + "pkh(" + std::move(*key_str) + ")";
return "c" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_D: return "d" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_V: return "v" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_J: return "j" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::WRAP_N: return "n" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::AND_V:
// t:X is syntactic sugar for and_v(X,1).
if (node.subs[1]->fragment == Fragment::JUST_1) return "t" + std::move(subs[0]);
case Fragment::OR_I:
if (node.subs[0]->fragment == Fragment::JUST_0) return "l" + std::move(subs[1]);
if (node.subs[1]->fragment == Fragment::JUST_0) return "u" + std::move(subs[0]);
default: break;
switch (node.fragment) {
case Fragment::PK_K: {
auto key_str = ctx.ToString(node.keys[0]);
if (!key_str) return {};
return std::move(ret) + "pk_k(" + std::move(*key_str) + ")";
case Fragment::PK_H: {
auto key_str = ctx.ToString(node.keys[0]);
if (!key_str) return {};
return std::move(ret) + "pk_h(" + std::move(*key_str) + ")";
case Fragment::AFTER: return std::move(ret) + "after(" + ::ToString(node.k) + ")";
case Fragment::OLDER: return std::move(ret) + "older(" + ::ToString(node.k) + ")";
case Fragment::HASH256: return std::move(ret) + "hash256(" + HexStr( + ")";
case Fragment::HASH160: return std::move(ret) + "hash160(" + HexStr( + ")";
case Fragment::SHA256: return std::move(ret) + "sha256(" + HexStr( + ")";
case Fragment::RIPEMD160: return std::move(ret) + "ripemd160(" + HexStr( + ")";
case Fragment::JUST_1: return std::move(ret) + "1";
case Fragment::JUST_0: return std::move(ret) + "0";
case Fragment::AND_V: return std::move(ret) + "and_v(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + ")";
case Fragment::AND_B: return std::move(ret) + "and_b(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + ")";
case Fragment::OR_B: return std::move(ret) + "or_b(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + ")";
case Fragment::OR_D: return std::move(ret) + "or_d(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + ")";
case Fragment::OR_C: return std::move(ret) + "or_c(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + ")";
case Fragment::OR_I: return std::move(ret) + "or_i(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + ")";
case Fragment::ANDOR:
// and_n(X,Y) is syntactic sugar for andor(X,Y,0).
if (node.subs[2]->fragment == Fragment::JUST_0) return std::move(ret) + "and_n(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + ")";
return std::move(ret) + "andor(" + std::move(subs[0]) + "," + std::move(subs[1]) + "," + std::move(subs[2]) + ")";
case Fragment::MULTI: {
auto str = std::move(ret) + "multi(" + ::ToString(node.k);
for (const auto& key : node.keys) {
auto key_str = ctx.ToString(key);
if (!key_str) return {};
str += "," + std::move(*key_str);
return std::move(str) + ")";
case Fragment::THRESH: {
auto str = std::move(ret) + "thresh(" + ::ToString(node.k);
for (auto& sub : subs) {
str += "," + std::move(sub);
return std::move(str) + ")";
default: assert(false);
return ""; // Should never be reached.
return TreeEvalMaybe<std::string>(false, downfn, upfn);
internal::Ops CalcOps() const {
switch (fragment) {
case Fragment::JUST_1: return {0, 0, {}};
case Fragment::JUST_0: return {0, {}, 0};
case Fragment::PK_K: return {0, 0, 0};
case Fragment::PK_H: return {3, 0, 0};
case Fragment::OLDER:
case Fragment::AFTER: return {1, 0, {}};
case Fragment::SHA256:
case Fragment::RIPEMD160:
case Fragment::HASH256:
case Fragment::HASH160: return {4, 0, {}};
case Fragment::AND_V: return {subs[0]->ops.count + subs[1]->ops.count, subs[0]->ops.sat + subs[1]->ops.sat, {}};
case Fragment::AND_B: {
const auto count{1 + subs[0]->ops.count + subs[1]->ops.count};
const auto sat{subs[0]->ops.sat + subs[1]->ops.sat};
const auto dsat{subs[0]->ops.dsat + subs[1]->ops.dsat};
return {count, sat, dsat};
case Fragment::OR_B: {
const auto count{1 + subs[0]->ops.count + subs[1]->ops.count};
const auto sat{(subs[0]->ops.sat + subs[1]->ops.dsat) | (subs[1]->ops.sat + subs[0]->ops.dsat)};
const auto dsat{subs[0]->ops.dsat + subs[1]->ops.dsat};
return {count, sat, dsat};
case Fragment::OR_D: {
const auto count{3 + subs[0]->ops.count + subs[1]->ops.count};
const auto sat{subs[0]->ops.sat | (subs[1]->ops.sat + subs[0]->ops.dsat)};
const auto dsat{subs[0]->ops.dsat + subs[1]->ops.dsat};
return {count, sat, dsat};
case Fragment::OR_C: {
const auto count{2 + subs[0]->ops.count + subs[1]->ops.count};
const auto sat{subs[0]->ops.sat | (subs[1]->ops.sat + subs[0]->ops.dsat)};
return {count, sat, {}};
case Fragment::OR_I: {
const auto count{3 + subs[0]->ops.count + subs[1]->ops.count};
const auto sat{subs[0]->ops.sat | subs[1]->ops.sat};
const auto dsat{subs[0]->ops.dsat | subs[1]->ops.dsat};
return {count, sat, dsat};
case Fragment::ANDOR: {
const auto count{3 + subs[0]->ops.count + subs[1]->ops.count + subs[2]->ops.count};
const auto sat{(subs[1]->ops.sat + subs[0]->ops.sat) | (subs[0]->ops.dsat + subs[2]->ops.sat)};
const auto dsat{subs[0]->ops.dsat + subs[2]->ops.dsat};
return {count, sat, dsat};
case Fragment::MULTI: return {1, (uint32_t)keys.size(), (uint32_t)keys.size()};
case Fragment::WRAP_S:
case Fragment::WRAP_C:
case Fragment::WRAP_N: return {1 + subs[0]->ops.count, subs[0]->ops.sat, subs[0]->ops.dsat};
case Fragment::WRAP_A: return {2 + subs[0]->ops.count, subs[0]->ops.sat, subs[0]->ops.dsat};
case Fragment::WRAP_D: return {3 + subs[0]->ops.count, subs[0]->ops.sat, 0};
case Fragment::WRAP_J: return {4 + subs[0]->ops.count, subs[0]->ops.sat, 0};
case Fragment::WRAP_V: return {subs[0]->ops.count + (subs[0]->GetType() << "x"_mst), subs[0]->ops.sat, {}};
case Fragment::THRESH: {
uint32_t count = 0;
auto sats = Vector(internal::MaxInt<uint32_t>(0));
for (const auto& sub : subs) {
count += sub->ops.count + 1;
auto next_sats = Vector(sats[0] + sub->ops.dsat);
for (size_t j = 1; j < sats.size(); ++j) next_sats.push_back((sats[j] + sub->ops.dsat) | (sats[j - 1] + sub->ops.sat));
next_sats.push_back(sats[sats.size() - 1] + sub->ops.sat);
sats = std::move(next_sats);
assert(k <= sats.size());
return {count, sats[k], sats[0]};
return {0, {}, {}};
internal::StackSize CalcStackSize() const {
switch (fragment) {
case Fragment::JUST_0: return {{}, 0};
case Fragment::JUST_1:
case Fragment::OLDER:
case Fragment::AFTER: return {0, {}};
case Fragment::PK_K: return {1, 1};
case Fragment::PK_H: return {2, 2};
case Fragment::SHA256:
case Fragment::RIPEMD160:
case Fragment::HASH256:
case Fragment::HASH160: return {1, {}};
case Fragment::ANDOR: {
const auto sat{(subs[0]->ss.sat + subs[1]->ss.sat) | (subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[2]->ss.sat)};
const auto dsat{subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[2]->ss.dsat};
return {sat, dsat};
case Fragment::AND_V: return {subs[0]->ss.sat + subs[1]->ss.sat, {}};
case Fragment::AND_B: return {subs[0]->ss.sat + subs[1]->ss.sat, subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[1]->ss.dsat};
case Fragment::OR_B: {
const auto sat{(subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[1]->ss.sat) | (subs[0]->ss.sat + subs[1]->ss.dsat)};
const auto dsat{subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[1]->ss.dsat};
return {sat, dsat};
case Fragment::OR_C: return {subs[0]->ss.sat | (subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[1]->ss.sat), {}};
case Fragment::OR_D: return {subs[0]->ss.sat | (subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[1]->ss.sat), subs[0]->ss.dsat + subs[1]->ss.dsat};
case Fragment::OR_I: return {(subs[0]->ss.sat + 1) | (subs[1]->ss.sat + 1), (subs[0]->ss.dsat + 1) | (subs[1]->ss.dsat + 1)};
case Fragment::MULTI: return {k + 1, k + 1};
case Fragment::WRAP_A:
case Fragment::WRAP_N:
case Fragment::WRAP_S:
case Fragment::WRAP_C: return subs[0]->ss;
case Fragment::WRAP_D: return {1 + subs[0]->ss.sat, 1};
case Fragment::WRAP_V: return {subs[0]->ss.sat, {}};
case Fragment::WRAP_J: return {subs[0]->ss.sat, 1};
case Fragment::THRESH: {
auto sats = Vector(internal::MaxInt<uint32_t>(0));
for (const auto& sub : subs) {
auto next_sats = Vector(sats[0] + sub->ss.dsat);
for (size_t j = 1; j < sats.size(); ++j) next_sats.push_back((sats[j] + sub->ss.dsat) | (sats[j - 1] + sub->ss.sat));
next_sats.push_back(sats[sats.size() - 1] + sub->ss.sat);
sats = std::move(next_sats);
assert(k <= sats.size());
return {sats[k], sats[0]};
return {{}, {}};
/** Check whether any key is repeated.
* This uses a custom key comparator provided by the context in order to still detect duplicates
* for more complicated types.
template<typename Ctx> bool ContainsDuplicateKey(const Ctx& ctx) const {
// We cannot use a lambda here, as lambdas are non assignable, and the set operations
// below require moving the comparators around.
struct Comp {
const Ctx* ctx_ptr;
Comp(const Ctx& ctx) : ctx_ptr(&ctx) {}
bool operator()(const Key& a, const Key& b) const { return ctx_ptr->KeyCompare(a, b); }
using set = std::set<Key, Comp>;
auto upfn = [this, &ctx](const Node& node, Span<set> subs) -> std::optional<set> {
if (&node != this && node.duplicate_key) return {};
size_t keys_count = node.keys.size();
set key_set{node.keys.begin(), node.keys.end(), Comp(ctx)};
if (key_set.size() != keys_count) return {};
for (auto& sub: subs) {
keys_count += sub.size();
// Small optimization: std::set::merge is linear in the size of the second arg but
// logarithmic in the size of the first.
if (key_set.size() < sub.size()) std::swap(key_set, sub);
if (key_set.size() != keys_count) return {};
return key_set;
return !TreeEvalMaybe<set>(upfn);
//! Return the size of the script for this expression (faster than ToScript().size()).
size_t ScriptSize() const { return scriptlen; }
//! Return the maximum number of ops needed to satisfy this script non-malleably.
uint32_t GetOps() const { return ops.count + ops.sat.value; }
//! Check the ops limit of this script against the consensus limit.
bool CheckOpsLimit() const { return GetOps() <= MAX_OPS_PER_SCRIPT; }
/** Return the maximum number of stack elements needed to satisfy this script non-malleably, including
* the script push. */
uint32_t GetStackSize() const { return ss.sat.value + 1; }
//! Check the maximum stack size for this script against the policy limit.
bool CheckStackSize() const { return GetStackSize() - 1 <= MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_STACK_ITEMS; }
//! Return the expression type.
Type GetType() const { return typ; }
//! Check whether this node is valid at all.
bool IsValid() const { return !(GetType() == ""_mst) && ScriptSize() <= MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_SCRIPT_SIZE; }
//! Check whether this node is valid as a script on its own.
bool IsValidTopLevel() const { return IsValid() && GetType() << "B"_mst; }
//! Check whether this script can always be satisfied in a non-malleable way.
bool IsNonMalleable() const { return GetType() << "m"_mst; }
//! Check whether this script always needs a signature.
bool NeedsSignature() const { return GetType() << "s"_mst; }
//! Check whether there is no satisfaction path that contains both timelocks and heightlocks
bool CheckTimeLocksMix() const { return GetType() << "k"_mst; }
//! Check whether there is no duplicate key across this fragment and all its sub-fragments.
bool CheckDuplicateKey() const { return !duplicate_key; }
//! Whether successful non-malleable satisfactions are guaranteed to be valid.
bool ValidSatisfactions() const { return IsValid() && CheckOpsLimit() && CheckStackSize(); }
//! Whether the apparent policy of this node matches its script semantics.
bool IsSane() const { return ValidSatisfactions() && IsNonMalleable() && CheckTimeLocksMix() && CheckDuplicateKey(); }
//! Check whether this node is safe as a script on its own.
bool IsSaneTopLevel() const { return IsValidTopLevel() && IsSane() && NeedsSignature(); }
//! Equality testing.
bool operator==(const Node<Key>& arg) const { return Compare(*this, arg) == 0; }
// Constructors with various argument combinations.
template <typename Ctx> Node(const Ctx& ctx, Fragment nt, std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> sub, std::vector<unsigned char> arg, uint32_t val = 0) : fragment(nt), k(val), data(std::move(arg)), subs(std::move(sub)), ops(CalcOps()), ss(CalcStackSize()), typ(CalcType()), scriptlen(CalcScriptLen()), duplicate_key(ContainsDuplicateKey(ctx)) {}
template <typename Ctx> Node(const Ctx& ctx, Fragment nt, std::vector<unsigned char> arg, uint32_t val = 0) : fragment(nt), k(val), data(std::move(arg)), ops(CalcOps()), ss(CalcStackSize()), typ(CalcType()), scriptlen(CalcScriptLen()), duplicate_key(ContainsDuplicateKey(ctx)) {}
template <typename Ctx> Node(const Ctx& ctx, Fragment nt, std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> sub, std::vector<Key> key, uint32_t val = 0) : fragment(nt), k(val), keys(std::move(key)), subs(std::move(sub)), ops(CalcOps()), ss(CalcStackSize()), typ(CalcType()), scriptlen(CalcScriptLen()), duplicate_key(ContainsDuplicateKey(ctx)) {}
template <typename Ctx> Node(const Ctx& ctx, Fragment nt, std::vector<Key> key, uint32_t val = 0) : fragment(nt), k(val), keys(std::move(key)), ops(CalcOps()), ss(CalcStackSize()), typ(CalcType()), scriptlen(CalcScriptLen()), duplicate_key(ContainsDuplicateKey(ctx)) {}
template <typename Ctx> Node(const Ctx& ctx, Fragment nt, std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> sub, uint32_t val = 0) : fragment(nt), k(val), subs(std::move(sub)), ops(CalcOps()), ss(CalcStackSize()), typ(CalcType()), scriptlen(CalcScriptLen()), duplicate_key(ContainsDuplicateKey(ctx)) {}
template <typename Ctx> Node(const Ctx& ctx, Fragment nt, uint32_t val = 0) : fragment(nt), k(val), ops(CalcOps()), ss(CalcStackSize()), typ(CalcType()), scriptlen(CalcScriptLen()), duplicate_key(ContainsDuplicateKey(ctx)) {}
namespace internal {
enum class ParseContext {
/** An expression which may be begin with wrappers followed by a colon. */
/** A miniscript expression which does not begin with wrappers. */
/** SWAP wraps the top constructed node with s: */
/** ALT wraps the top constructed node with a: */
/** CHECK wraps the top constructed node with c: */
/** DUP_IF wraps the top constructed node with d: */
/** VERIFY wraps the top constructed node with v: */
/** NON_ZERO wraps the top constructed node with j: */
/** ZERO_NOTEQUAL wraps the top constructed node with n: */
/** WRAP_U will construct an or_i(X,0) node from the top constructed node. */
/** WRAP_T will construct an and_v(X,1) node from the top constructed node. */
/** AND_N will construct an andor(X,Y,0) node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** AND_V will construct an and_v node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** AND_B will construct an and_b node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** ANDOR will construct an andor node from the last three constructed nodes. */
/** OR_B will construct an or_b node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** OR_C will construct an or_c node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** OR_D will construct an or_d node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** OR_I will construct an or_i node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** THRESH will read a wrapped expression, and then look for a COMMA. If
* no comma follows, it will construct a thresh node from the appropriate
* number of constructed children. Otherwise, it will recurse with another
* THRESH. */
/** COMMA expects the next element to be ',' and fails if not. */
/** CLOSE_BRACKET expects the next element to be ')' and fails if not. */
int FindNextChar(Span<const char> in, const char m);
/** Parse a key string ending at the end of the fragment's text representation. */
template<typename Key, typename Ctx>
std::optional<std::pair<Key, int>> ParseKeyEnd(Span<const char> in, const Ctx& ctx)
int key_size = FindNextChar(in, ')');
if (key_size < 1) return {};
auto key = ctx.FromString(in.begin(), in.begin() + key_size);
if (!key) return {};
return {{std::move(*key), key_size}};
/** Parse a hex string ending at the end of the fragment's text representation. */
template<typename Ctx>
std::optional<std::pair<std::vector<unsigned char>, int>> ParseHexStrEnd(Span<const char> in, const size_t expected_size,
const Ctx& ctx)
int hash_size = FindNextChar(in, ')');
if (hash_size < 1) return {};
std::string val = std::string(in.begin(), in.begin() + hash_size);
if (!IsHex(val)) return {};
auto hash = ParseHex(val);
if (hash.size() != expected_size) return {};
return {{std::move(hash), hash_size}};
/** BuildBack pops the last two elements off `constructed` and wraps them in the specified Fragment */
template<typename Key, typename Ctx>
void BuildBack(const Ctx& ctx, Fragment nt, std::vector<NodeRef<Key>>& constructed, const bool reverse = false)
NodeRef<Key> child = std::move(constructed.back());
if (reverse) {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, nt, Vector(std::move(child), std::move(constructed.back())));
} else {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, nt, Vector(std::move(constructed.back()), std::move(child)));
//! Parse a miniscript from its textual descriptor form.
template<typename Key, typename Ctx>
inline NodeRef<Key> Parse(Span<const char> in, const Ctx& ctx)
using namespace spanparsing;
// The two integers are used to hold state for thresh()
std::vector<std::tuple<ParseContext, int64_t, int64_t>> to_parse;
std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> constructed;
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
while (!to_parse.empty()) {
// Get the current context we are decoding within
auto [cur_context, n, k] = to_parse.back();
switch (cur_context) {
case ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR: {
int colon_index = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < (int)in.size(); ++i) {
if (in[i] == ':') {
colon_index = i;
if (in[i] < 'a' || in[i] > 'z') break;
// If there is no colon, this loop won't execute
for (int j = 0; j < colon_index; ++j) {
if (in[j] == 'a') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::ALT, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 's') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::SWAP, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 'c') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::CHECK, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 'd') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::DUP_IF, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 'j') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::NON_ZERO, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 'n') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::ZERO_NOTEQUAL, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 'v') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::VERIFY, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 'u') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAP_U, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 't') {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAP_T, -1, -1);
} else if (in[j] == 'l') {
// The l: wrapper is equivalent to or_i(0,X)
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_0));
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::OR_I, -1, -1);
} else {
return {};
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::EXPR, -1, -1);
in = in.subspan(colon_index + 1);
case ParseContext::EXPR: {
if (Const("0", in)) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_0));
} else if (Const("1", in)) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_1));
} else if (Const("pk(", in)) {
auto res = ParseKeyEnd<Key, Ctx>(in, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [key, key_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_C, Vector(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::PK_K, Vector(std::move(key))))));
in = in.subspan(key_size + 1);
} else if (Const("pkh(", in)) {
auto res = ParseKeyEnd<Key>(in, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [key, key_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_C, Vector(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::PK_H, Vector(std::move(key))))));
in = in.subspan(key_size + 1);
} else if (Const("pk_k(", in)) {
auto res = ParseKeyEnd<Key>(in, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [key, key_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::PK_K, Vector(std::move(key))));
in = in.subspan(key_size + 1);
} else if (Const("pk_h(", in)) {
auto res = ParseKeyEnd<Key>(in, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [key, key_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::PK_H, Vector(std::move(key))));
in = in.subspan(key_size + 1);
} else if (Const("sha256(", in)) {
auto res = ParseHexStrEnd(in, 32, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [hash, hash_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::SHA256, std::move(hash)));
in = in.subspan(hash_size + 1);
} else if (Const("ripemd160(", in)) {
auto res = ParseHexStrEnd(in, 20, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [hash, hash_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::RIPEMD160, std::move(hash)));
in = in.subspan(hash_size + 1);
} else if (Const("hash256(", in)) {
auto res = ParseHexStrEnd(in, 32, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [hash, hash_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::HASH256, std::move(hash)));
in = in.subspan(hash_size + 1);
} else if (Const("hash160(", in)) {
auto res = ParseHexStrEnd(in, 20, ctx);
if (!res) return {};
auto& [hash, hash_size] = *res;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::HASH160, std::move(hash)));
in = in.subspan(hash_size + 1);
} else if (Const("after(", in)) {
int arg_size = FindNextChar(in, ')');
if (arg_size < 1) return {};
int64_t num;
if (!ParseInt64(std::string(in.begin(), in.begin() + arg_size), &num)) return {};
if (num < 1 || num >= 0x80000000L) return {};
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::AFTER, num));
in = in.subspan(arg_size + 1);
} else if (Const("older(", in)) {
int arg_size = FindNextChar(in, ')');
if (arg_size < 1) return {};
int64_t num;
if (!ParseInt64(std::string(in.begin(), in.begin() + arg_size), &num)) return {};
if (num < 1 || num >= 0x80000000L) return {};
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::OLDER, num));
in = in.subspan(arg_size + 1);
} else if (Const("multi(", in)) {
// Get threshold
int next_comma = FindNextChar(in, ',');
if (next_comma < 1) return {};
if (!ParseInt64(std::string(in.begin(), in.begin() + next_comma), &k)) return {};
in = in.subspan(next_comma + 1);
// Get keys
std::vector<Key> keys;
while (next_comma != -1) {
next_comma = FindNextChar(in, ',');
int key_length = (next_comma == -1) ? FindNextChar(in, ')') : next_comma;
if (key_length < 1) return {};
auto key = ctx.FromString(in.begin(), in.begin() + key_length);
if (!key) return {};
in = in.subspan(key_length + 1);
if (keys.size() < 1 || keys.size() > 20) return {};
if (k < 1 || k > (int64_t)keys.size()) return {};
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::MULTI, std::move(keys), k));
} else if (Const("thresh(", in)) {
int next_comma = FindNextChar(in, ',');
if (next_comma < 1) return {};
if (!ParseInt64(std::string(in.begin(), in.begin() + next_comma), &k)) return {};
if (k < 1) return {};
in = in.subspan(next_comma + 1);
// n = 1 here because we read the first WRAPPED_EXPR before reaching THRESH
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::THRESH, 1, k);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
} else if (Const("andor(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::ANDOR, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::CLOSE_BRACKET, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::COMMA, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::COMMA, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
} else {
if (Const("and_n(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::AND_N, -1, -1);
} else if (Const("and_b(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::AND_B, -1, -1);
} else if (Const("and_v(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::AND_V, -1, -1);
} else if (Const("or_b(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::OR_B, -1, -1);
} else if (Const("or_c(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::OR_C, -1, -1);
} else if (Const("or_d(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::OR_D, -1, -1);
} else if (Const("or_i(", in)) {
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::OR_I, -1, -1);
} else {
return {};
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::CLOSE_BRACKET, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::COMMA, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
case ParseContext::ALT: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_A, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case ParseContext::SWAP: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_S, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case ParseContext::CHECK: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_C, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case ParseContext::DUP_IF: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_D, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case ParseContext::NON_ZERO: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_J, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case ParseContext::ZERO_NOTEQUAL: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_N, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case ParseContext::VERIFY: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_V, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case ParseContext::WRAP_U: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::OR_I, Vector(std::move(constructed.back()), MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_0)));
case ParseContext::WRAP_T: {
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::AND_V, Vector(std::move(constructed.back()), MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_1)));
case ParseContext::AND_B: {
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::AND_B, constructed);
case ParseContext::AND_N: {
auto mid = std::move(constructed.back());
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::ANDOR, Vector(std::move(constructed.back()), std::move(mid), MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_0)));
case ParseContext::AND_V: {
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::AND_V, constructed);
case ParseContext::OR_B: {
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_B, constructed);
case ParseContext::OR_C: {
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_C, constructed);
case ParseContext::OR_D: {
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_D, constructed);
case ParseContext::OR_I: {
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_I, constructed);
case ParseContext::ANDOR: {
auto right = std::move(constructed.back());
auto mid = std::move(constructed.back());
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::ANDOR, Vector(std::move(constructed.back()), std::move(mid), std::move(right)));
case ParseContext::THRESH: {
if (in.size() < 1) return {};
if (in[0] == ',') {
in = in.subspan(1);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::THRESH, n+1, k);
to_parse.emplace_back(ParseContext::WRAPPED_EXPR, -1, -1);
} else if (in[0] == ')') {
if (k > n) return {};
in = in.subspan(1);
// Children are constructed in reverse order, so iterate from end to beginning
std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> subs;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
std::reverse(subs.begin(), subs.end());
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::THRESH, std::move(subs), k));
} else {
return {};
case ParseContext::COMMA: {
if (in.size() < 1 || in[0] != ',') return {};
in = in.subspan(1);
case ParseContext::CLOSE_BRACKET: {
if (in.size() < 1 || in[0] != ')') return {};
in = in.subspan(1);
// Sanity checks on the produced miniscript
assert(constructed.size() == 1);
if (in.size() > 0) return {};
const NodeRef<Key> tl_node = std::move(constructed.front());
if (!tl_node->IsValidTopLevel()) return {};
return tl_node;
/** Decode a script into opcode/push pairs.
* Construct a vector with one element per opcode in the script, in reverse order.
* Each element is a pair consisting of the opcode, as well as the data pushed by
* the opcode (including OP_n), if any. OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY,
* respectively, plus OP_VERIFY.
std::optional<std::vector<Opcode>> DecomposeScript(const CScript& script);
/** Determine whether the passed pair (created by DecomposeScript) is pushing a number. */
std::optional<int64_t> ParseScriptNumber(const Opcode& in);
enum class DecodeContext {
/** A single expression of type B, K, or V. Specifically, this can't be an
* and_v or an expression of type W (a: and s: wrappers). */
/** Potentially multiple SINGLE_BKV_EXPRs as children of (potentially multiple)
* and_v expressions. Syntactic sugar for MAYBE_AND_V + SINGLE_BKV_EXPR. */
/** An expression of type W (a: or s: wrappers). */
/** SWAP expects the next element to be OP_SWAP (inside a W-type expression that
* didn't end with FROMALTSTACK), and wraps the top of the constructed stack
* with s: */
/** ALT expects the next element to be TOALTSTACK (we must have already read a
* FROMALTSTACK earlier), and wraps the top of the constructed stack with a: */
/** CHECK wraps the top constructed node with c: */
/** DUP_IF wraps the top constructed node with d: */
/** VERIFY wraps the top constructed node with v: */
/** NON_ZERO wraps the top constructed node with j: */
/** ZERO_NOTEQUAL wraps the top constructed node with n: */
/** MAYBE_AND_V will check if the next part of the script could be a valid
* miniscript sub-expression, and if so it will push AND_V and SINGLE_BKV_EXPR
* to decode it and construct the and_v node. This is recursive, to deal with
* multiple and_v nodes inside each other. */
/** AND_V will construct an and_v node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** AND_B will construct an and_b node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** ANDOR will construct an andor node from the last three constructed nodes. */
/** OR_B will construct an or_b node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** OR_C will construct an or_c node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** OR_D will construct an or_d node from the last two constructed nodes. */
/** In a thresh expression, all sub-expressions other than the first are W-type,
* and end in OP_ADD. THRESH_W will check for this OP_ADD and either push a W_EXPR
* or a SINGLE_BKV_EXPR and jump to THRESH_E accordingly. */
/** THRESH_E constructs a thresh node from the appropriate number of constructed
* children. */
/** ENDIF signals that we are inside some sort of OP_IF structure, which could be
* or_d, or_c, or_i, andor, d:, or j: wrapper, depending on what follows. We read
* a BKV_EXPR and then deal with the next opcode case-by-case. */
/** If, inside an ENDIF context, we find an OP_NOTIF before finding an OP_ELSE,
* we could either be in an or_d or an or_c node. We then check for IFDUP to
* distinguish these cases. */
/** If, inside an ENDIF context, we find an OP_ELSE, then we could be in either an
* or_i or an andor node. Read the next BKV_EXPR and find either an OP_IF or an
* OP_NOTIF. */
//! Parse a miniscript from a bitcoin script
template<typename Key, typename Ctx, typename I>
inline NodeRef<Key> DecodeScript(I& in, I last, const Ctx& ctx)
// The two integers are used to hold state for thresh()
std::vector<std::tuple<DecodeContext, int64_t, int64_t>> to_parse;
std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> constructed;
// This is the top level, so we assume the type is B
// (in particular, disallowing top level W expressions)
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
while (!to_parse.empty()) {
// Exit early if the Miniscript is not going to be valid.
if (!constructed.empty() && !constructed.back()->IsValid()) return {};
// Get the current context we are decoding within
auto [cur_context, n, k] = to_parse.back();
switch(cur_context) {
case DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR: {
if (in >= last) return {};
// Constants
if (in[0].first == OP_1) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_1));
if (in[0].first == OP_0) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::JUST_0));
// Public keys
if (in[0].second.size() == 33) {
auto key = ctx.FromPKBytes(in[0].second.begin(), in[0].second.end());
if (!key) return {};
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::PK_K, Vector(std::move(*key))));
if (last - in >= 5 && in[0].first == OP_VERIFY && in[1].first == OP_EQUAL && in[3].first == OP_HASH160 && in[4].first == OP_DUP && in[2].second.size() == 20) {
auto key = ctx.FromPKHBytes(in[2].second.begin(), in[2].second.end());
if (!key) return {};
in += 5;
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::PK_H, Vector(std::move(*key))));
// Time locks
std::optional<int64_t> num;
if (last - in >= 2 && in[0].first == OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY && (num = ParseScriptNumber(in[1]))) {
in += 2;
if (*num < 1 || *num > 0x7FFFFFFFL) return {};
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::OLDER, *num));
if (last - in >= 2 && in[0].first == OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY && (num = ParseScriptNumber(in[1]))) {
in += 2;
if (num < 1 || num > 0x7FFFFFFFL) return {};
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::AFTER, *num));
// Hashes
if (last - in >= 7 && in[0].first == OP_EQUAL && in[3].first == OP_VERIFY && in[4].first == OP_EQUAL && (num = ParseScriptNumber(in[5])) && num == 32 && in[6].first == OP_SIZE) {
if (in[2].first == OP_SHA256 && in[1].second.size() == 32) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::SHA256, in[1].second));
in += 7;
} else if (in[2].first == OP_RIPEMD160 && in[1].second.size() == 20) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::RIPEMD160, in[1].second));
in += 7;
} else if (in[2].first == OP_HASH256 && in[1].second.size() == 32) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::HASH256, in[1].second));
in += 7;
} else if (in[2].first == OP_HASH160 && in[1].second.size() == 20) {
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::HASH160, in[1].second));
in += 7;
// Multi
if (last - in >= 3 && in[0].first == OP_CHECKMULTISIG) {
std::vector<Key> keys;
const auto n = ParseScriptNumber(in[1]);
if (!n || last - in < 3 + *n) return {};
if (*n < 1 || *n > 20) return {};
for (int i = 0; i < *n; ++i) {
if (in[2 + i].second.size() != 33) return {};
auto key = ctx.FromPKBytes(in[2 + i].second.begin(), in[2 + i].second.end());
if (!key) return {};
const auto k = ParseScriptNumber(in[2 + *n]);
if (!k || *k < 1 || *k > *n) return {};
in += 3 + *n;
std::reverse(keys.begin(), keys.end());
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::MULTI, std::move(keys), *k));
/** In the following wrappers, we only need to push SINGLE_BKV_EXPR rather
* than BKV_EXPR, because and_v commutes with these wrappers. For example,
* c:and_v(X,Y) produces the same script as and_v(X,c:Y). */
// c: wrapper
if (in[0].first == OP_CHECKSIG) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::CHECK, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
// v: wrapper
if (in[0].first == OP_VERIFY) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::VERIFY, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
// n: wrapper
if (in[0].first == OP_0NOTEQUAL) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::ZERO_NOTEQUAL, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
// Thresh
if (last - in >= 3 && in[0].first == OP_EQUAL && (num = ParseScriptNumber(in[1]))) {
if (*num < 1) return {};
in += 2;
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::THRESH_W, 0, *num);
if (in[0].first == OP_ENDIF) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::ENDIF, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
/** In and_b and or_b nodes, we only look for SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, because
* or_b(and_v(X,Y),Z) has script [X] [Y] [Z] OP_BOOLOR, the same as
* and_v(X,or_b(Y,Z)). In this example, the former of these is invalid as
* miniscript, while the latter is valid. So we leave the and_v "outside"
* while decoding. */
// and_b
if (in[0].first == OP_BOOLAND) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::AND_B, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::W_EXPR, -1, -1);
// or_b
if (in[0].first == OP_BOOLOR) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::OR_B, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::W_EXPR, -1, -1);
// Unrecognised expression
return {};
case DecodeContext::BKV_EXPR: {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::MAYBE_AND_V, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
case DecodeContext::W_EXPR: {
// a: wrapper
if (in >= last) return {};
if (in[0].first == OP_FROMALTSTACK) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::ALT, -1, -1);
} else {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SWAP, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
case DecodeContext::MAYBE_AND_V: {
// If we reach a potential AND_V top-level, check if the next part of the script could be another AND_V child
// These op-codes cannot end any well-formed miniscript so cannot be used in an and_v node.
if (in < last && in[0].first != OP_IF && in[0].first != OP_ELSE && in[0].first != OP_NOTIF && in[0].first != OP_TOALTSTACK && in[0].first != OP_SWAP) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::AND_V, -1, -1);
// BKV_EXPR can contain more AND_V nodes
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
case DecodeContext::SWAP: {
if (in >= last || in[0].first != OP_SWAP || constructed.empty()) return {};
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_S, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case DecodeContext::ALT: {
if (in >= last || in[0].first != OP_TOALTSTACK || constructed.empty()) return {};
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_A, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case DecodeContext::CHECK: {
if (constructed.empty()) return {};
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_C, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case DecodeContext::DUP_IF: {
if (constructed.empty()) return {};
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_D, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case DecodeContext::VERIFY: {
if (constructed.empty()) return {};
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_V, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case DecodeContext::NON_ZERO: {
if (constructed.empty()) return {};
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_J, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case DecodeContext::ZERO_NOTEQUAL: {
if (constructed.empty()) return {};
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::WRAP_N, Vector(std::move(constructed.back())));
case DecodeContext::AND_V: {
if (constructed.size() < 2) return {};
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::AND_V, constructed, /*reverse=*/true);
case DecodeContext::AND_B: {
if (constructed.size() < 2) return {};
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::AND_B, constructed, /*reverse=*/true);
case DecodeContext::OR_B: {
if (constructed.size() < 2) return {};
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_B, constructed, /*reverse=*/true);
case DecodeContext::OR_C: {
if (constructed.size() < 2) return {};
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_C, constructed, /*reverse=*/true);
case DecodeContext::OR_D: {
if (constructed.size() < 2) return {};
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_D, constructed, /*reverse=*/true);
case DecodeContext::ANDOR: {
if (constructed.size() < 3) return {};
NodeRef<Key> left = std::move(constructed.back());
NodeRef<Key> right = std::move(constructed.back());
NodeRef<Key> mid = std::move(constructed.back());
constructed.back() = MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::ANDOR, Vector(std::move(left), std::move(mid), std::move(right)));
case DecodeContext::THRESH_W: {
if (in >= last) return {};
if (in[0].first == OP_ADD) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::THRESH_W, n+1, k);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::W_EXPR, -1, -1);
} else {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::THRESH_E, n+1, k);
// All children of thresh have type modifier d, so cannot be and_v
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
case DecodeContext::THRESH_E: {
if (k < 1 || k > n || constructed.size() < static_cast<size_t>(n)) return {};
std::vector<NodeRef<Key>> subs;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
NodeRef<Key> sub = std::move(constructed.back());
constructed.push_back(MakeNodeRef<Key>(ctx, Fragment::THRESH, std::move(subs), k));
case DecodeContext::ENDIF: {
if (in >= last) return {};
// could be andor or or_i
if (in[0].first == OP_ELSE) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::ENDIF_ELSE, -1, -1);
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
// could be j: or d: wrapper
else if (in[0].first == OP_IF) {
if (last - in >= 2 && in[1].first == OP_DUP) {
in += 2;
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::DUP_IF, -1, -1);
} else if (last - in >= 3 && in[1].first == OP_0NOTEQUAL && in[2].first == OP_SIZE) {
in += 3;
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::NON_ZERO, -1, -1);
else {
return {};
// could be or_c or or_d
} else if (in[0].first == OP_NOTIF) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::ENDIF_NOTIF, -1, -1);
else {
return {};
case DecodeContext::ENDIF_NOTIF: {
if (in >= last) return {};
if (in[0].first == OP_IFDUP) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::OR_D, -1, -1);
} else {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::OR_C, -1, -1);
// or_c and or_d both require X to have type modifier d so, can't contain and_v
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
case DecodeContext::ENDIF_ELSE: {
if (in >= last) return {};
if (in[0].first == OP_IF) {
BuildBack(ctx, Fragment::OR_I, constructed, /*reverse=*/true);
} else if (in[0].first == OP_NOTIF) {
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::ANDOR, -1, -1);
// andor requires X to have type modifier d, so it can't be and_v
to_parse.emplace_back(DecodeContext::SINGLE_BKV_EXPR, -1, -1);
} else {
return {};
if (constructed.size() != 1) return {};
const NodeRef<Key> tl_node = std::move(constructed.front());
// Note that due to how ComputeType works (only assign the type to the node if the
// subs' types are valid) this would fail if any node of tree is badly typed.
if (!tl_node->IsValidTopLevel()) return {};
return tl_node;
} // namespace internal
template<typename Ctx>
inline NodeRef<typename Ctx::Key> FromString(const std::string& str, const Ctx& ctx) {
return internal::Parse<typename Ctx::Key>(str, ctx);
template<typename Ctx>
inline NodeRef<typename Ctx::Key> FromScript(const CScript& script, const Ctx& ctx) {
using namespace internal;
auto decomposed = DecomposeScript(script);
if (!decomposed) return {};
auto it = decomposed->begin();
auto ret = DecodeScript<typename Ctx::Key>(it, decomposed->end(), ctx);
if (!ret) return {};
if (it != decomposed->end()) return {};
return ret;
} // namespace miniscript