2023-01-16 17:16:30 +01:00

201 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include <node/chainstate.h>
#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <chain.h>
#include <coins.h>
#include <consensus/params.h>
#include <logging.h>
#include <node/blockstorage.h>
#include <node/caches.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <threadsafety.h>
#include <tinyformat.h>
#include <txdb.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <util/time.h>
#include <util/translation.h>
#include <validation.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace node {
ChainstateLoadResult LoadChainstate(ChainstateManager& chainman, const CacheSizes& cache_sizes,
const ChainstateLoadOptions& options)
auto is_coinsview_empty = [&](Chainstate* chainstate) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main) {
return options.reindex || options.reindex_chainstate || chainstate->CoinsTip().GetBestBlock().IsNull();
if (!chainman.AssumedValidBlock().IsNull()) {
LogPrintf("Assuming ancestors of block %s have valid signatures.\n", chainman.AssumedValidBlock().GetHex());
} else {
LogPrintf("Validating signatures for all blocks.\n");
LogPrintf("Setting nMinimumChainWork=%s\n", chainman.MinimumChainWork().GetHex());
if (chainman.MinimumChainWork() < UintToArith256(chainman.GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork)) {
LogPrintf("Warning: nMinimumChainWork set below default value of %s\n", chainman.GetConsensus().nMinimumChainWork.GetHex());
if (chainman.m_blockman.GetPruneTarget() == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
LogPrintf("Block pruning enabled. Use RPC call pruneblockchain(height) to manually prune block and undo files.\n");
} else if (chainman.m_blockman.GetPruneTarget()) {
LogPrintf("Prune configured to target %u MiB on disk for block and undo files.\n", chainman.m_blockman.GetPruneTarget() / 1024 / 1024);
chainman.m_total_coinstip_cache = cache_sizes.coins;
chainman.m_total_coinsdb_cache = cache_sizes.coins_db;
// Load the fully validated chainstate.
// Load a chain created from a UTXO snapshot, if any exist.
auto& pblocktree{chainman.m_blockman.m_block_tree_db};
// new CBlockTreeDB tries to delete the existing file, which
// fails if it's still open from the previous loop. Close it first:
pblocktree.reset(new CBlockTreeDB(cache_sizes.block_tree_db, options.block_tree_db_in_memory, options.reindex));
if (options.reindex) {
//If we're reindexing in prune mode, wipe away unusable block files and all undo data files
if (options.prune) {
if (options.check_interrupt && options.check_interrupt()) return {ChainstateLoadStatus::INTERRUPTED, {}};
// LoadBlockIndex will load m_have_pruned if we've ever removed a
// block file from disk.
// Note that it also sets fReindex global based on the disk flag!
// From here on, fReindex and options.reindex values may be different!
if (!chainman.LoadBlockIndex()) {
if (options.check_interrupt && options.check_interrupt()) return {ChainstateLoadStatus::INTERRUPTED, {}};
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("Error loading block database")};
if (!chainman.BlockIndex().empty() &&
!chainman.m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(chainman.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock)) {
// If the loaded chain has a wrong genesis, bail out immediately
// (we're likely using a testnet datadir, or the other way around).
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE_INCOMPATIBLE_DB, _("Incorrect or no genesis block found. Wrong datadir for network?")};
// Check for changed -prune state. What we are concerned about is a user who has pruned blocks
// in the past, but is now trying to run unpruned.
if (chainman.m_blockman.m_have_pruned && !options.prune) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain")};
// At this point blocktree args are consistent with what's on disk.
// If we're not mid-reindex (based on disk + args), add a genesis block on disk
// (otherwise we use the one already on disk).
// This is called again in ThreadImport after the reindex completes.
if (!fReindex && !chainman.ActiveChainstate().LoadGenesisBlock()) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("Error initializing block database")};
// Conservative value which is arbitrarily chosen, as it will ultimately be changed
// by a call to `chainman.MaybeRebalanceCaches()`. We just need to make sure
// that the sum of the two caches (40%) does not exceed the allowable amount
// during this temporary initialization state.
double init_cache_fraction = 0.2;
// At this point we're either in reindex or we've loaded a useful
// block tree into BlockIndex()!
for (Chainstate* chainstate : chainman.GetAll()) {
LogPrintf("Initializing chainstate %s\n", chainstate->ToString());
/*cache_size_bytes=*/chainman.m_total_coinsdb_cache * init_cache_fraction,
/*should_wipe=*/options.reindex || options.reindex_chainstate);
if (options.coins_error_cb) {
// Refuse to load unsupported database format.
// This is a no-op if we cleared the coinsviewdb with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate
if (chainstate->CoinsDB().NeedsUpgrade()) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE_INCOMPATIBLE_DB, _("Unsupported chainstate database format found. "
"Please restart with -reindex-chainstate. This will "
"rebuild the chainstate database.")};
// ReplayBlocks is a no-op if we cleared the coinsviewdb with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate
if (!chainstate->ReplayBlocks()) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("Unable to replay blocks. You will need to rebuild the database using -reindex-chainstate.")};
// The on-disk coinsdb is now in a good state, create the cache
chainstate->InitCoinsCache(chainman.m_total_coinstip_cache * init_cache_fraction);
if (!is_coinsview_empty(chainstate)) {
// LoadChainTip initializes the chain based on CoinsTip()'s best block
if (!chainstate->LoadChainTip()) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("Error initializing block database")};
assert(chainstate->m_chain.Tip() != nullptr);
if (!options.reindex) {
auto chainstates{chainman.GetAll()};
if (std::any_of(chainstates.begin(), chainstates.end(),
[](const Chainstate* cs) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main) { return cs->NeedsRedownload(); })) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, strprintf(_("Witness data for blocks after height %d requires validation. Please restart with -reindex."),
// Now that chainstates are loaded and we're able to flush to
// disk, rebalance the coins caches to desired levels based
// on the condition of each chainstate.
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::SUCCESS, {}};
ChainstateLoadResult VerifyLoadedChainstate(ChainstateManager& chainman, const ChainstateLoadOptions& options)
auto is_coinsview_empty = [&](Chainstate* chainstate) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main) {
return options.reindex || options.reindex_chainstate || chainstate->CoinsTip().GetBestBlock().IsNull();
for (Chainstate* chainstate : chainman.GetAll()) {
if (!is_coinsview_empty(chainstate)) {
const CBlockIndex* tip = chainstate->m_chain.Tip();
if (tip && tip->nTime > GetTime() + MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("The block database contains a block which appears to be from the future. "
"This may be due to your computer's date and time being set incorrectly. "
"Only rebuild the block database if you are sure that your computer's date and time are correct")};
if (!CVerifyDB().VerifyDB(
*chainstate, chainman.GetConsensus(), chainstate->CoinsDB(),
options.check_blocks)) {
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::FAILURE, _("Corrupted block database detected")};
return {ChainstateLoadStatus::SUCCESS, {}};
} // namespace node