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synced 2025-03-15 04:11:02 +01:00
Introduce diff_addrs subcommand as means for a Bitcoin-centric comparison of two ASMaps. In addition to two ASMaps, the subcommand reads addresses from a (getnodeaddresses-compatible) file, and provides information on addresses that have mismatching ASN according to the two ASMaps.
197 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable file
197 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2022 Pieter Wuille
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import argparse
import sys
import ipaddress
import json
import math
from collections import defaultdict
import asmap
def load_file(input_file):
contents = input_file.read()
except OSError as err:
sys.exit(f"Input file '{input_file.name}' cannot be read: {err.strerror}.")
bin_asmap = asmap.ASMap.from_binary(contents)
except ValueError:
bin_asmap = None
txt_error = None
entries = None
txt_contents = str(contents, encoding="utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
txt_error = "invalid UTF-8"
txt_contents = None
if txt_contents is not None:
entries = []
for line in txt_contents.split("\n"):
idx = line.find('#')
if idx >= 0:
line = line[:idx]
line = line.lstrip(' ').rstrip(' \t\r\n')
if len(line) == 0:
fields = line.split(' ')
if len(fields) != 2:
txt_error = f"unparseable line '{line}'"
entries = None
prefix, asn = fields
if len(asn) <= 2 or asn[:2] != "AS" or any(c < '0' or c > '9' for c in asn[2:]):
txt_error = f"invalid ASN '{asn}'"
entries = None
net = ipaddress.ip_network(prefix)
except ValueError:
txt_error = f"invalid network '{prefix}'"
entries = None
entries.append((asmap.net_to_prefix(net), int(asn[2:])))
if entries is not None and bin_asmap is not None and len(contents) > 0:
sys.exit(f"Input file '{input_file.name}' is ambiguous.")
if entries is not None:
state = asmap.ASMap()
return state
if bin_asmap is not None:
return bin_asmap
sys.exit(f"Input file '{input_file.name}' is neither a valid binary asmap file nor valid text input ({txt_error}).")
def save_binary(output_file, state, fill):
contents = state.to_binary(fill=fill)
except OSError as err:
sys.exit(f"Output file '{output_file.name}' cannot be written to: {err.strerror}.")
def save_text(output_file, state, fill, overlapping):
for prefix, asn in state.to_entries(fill=fill, overlapping=overlapping):
net = asmap.prefix_to_net(prefix)
print(f"{net} AS{asn}", file=output_file)
except OSError as err:
sys.exit(f"Output file '{output_file.name}' cannot be written to: {err.strerror}.")
except OSError as err:
sys.exit(f"Output file '{output_file.name}' cannot be written to: {err.strerror}.")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tool for performing various operations on textual and binary asmap files.")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="valid subcommands", dest="subcommand")
parser_encode = subparsers.add_parser("encode", help="convert asmap data to binary format")
parser_encode.add_argument('-f', '--fill', dest="fill", default=False, action="store_true",
help="permit reassigning undefined network ranges arbitrarily to reduce size")
parser_encode.add_argument('infile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), default=sys.stdin.buffer,
help="input asmap file (text or binary); default is stdin")
parser_encode.add_argument('outfile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('wb'), default=sys.stdout.buffer,
help="output binary asmap file; default is stdout")
parser_decode = subparsers.add_parser("decode", help="convert asmap data to text format")
parser_decode.add_argument('-f', '--fill', dest="fill", default=False, action="store_true",
help="permit reassigning undefined network ranges arbitrarily to reduce length")
parser_decode.add_argument('-n', '--nonoverlapping', dest="overlapping", default=True, action="store_false",
help="output strictly non-overall ping network ranges (increases output size)")
parser_decode.add_argument('infile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), default=sys.stdin.buffer,
help="input asmap file (text or binary); default is stdin")
parser_decode.add_argument('outfile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
help="output text file; default is stdout")
parser_diff = subparsers.add_parser("diff", help="compute the difference between two asmap files")
parser_diff.add_argument('-i', '--ignore-unassigned', dest="ignore_unassigned", default=False, action="store_true",
help="ignore unassigned ranges in the first input (useful when second input is filled)")
parser_diff.add_argument('infile1', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help="first file to compare (text or binary)")
parser_diff.add_argument('infile2', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help="second file to compare (text or binary)")
parser_diff_addrs = subparsers.add_parser("diff_addrs",
help="compute difference between two asmap files for a set of addresses")
parser_diff_addrs.add_argument('-s', '--show-addresses', dest="show_addresses", default=False, action="store_true",
help="include reassigned addresses in the output")
parser_diff_addrs.add_argument("infile1", type=argparse.FileType("rb"),
help="first file to compare (text or binary)")
parser_diff_addrs.add_argument("infile2", type=argparse.FileType("rb"),
help="second file to compare (text or binary)")
parser_diff_addrs.add_argument("addrs_file", type=argparse.FileType("r"),
help="address file containing getnodeaddresses output to use in the comparison "
"(make sure to set the count parameter to zero to get all node addresses, "
"e.g. 'bitcoin-cli getnodeaddresses 0 > addrs.json')")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.subcommand is None:
elif args.subcommand == "encode":
state = load_file(args.infile)
save_binary(args.outfile, state, fill=args.fill)
elif args.subcommand == "decode":
state = load_file(args.infile)
save_text(args.outfile, state, fill=args.fill, overlapping=args.overlapping)
elif args.subcommand == "diff":
state1 = load_file(args.infile1)
state2 = load_file(args.infile2)
ipv4_changed = 0
ipv6_changed = 0
for prefix, old_asn, new_asn in state1.diff(state2):
if args.ignore_unassigned and old_asn == 0:
net = asmap.prefix_to_net(prefix)
if isinstance(net, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
ipv4_changed += 1 << (32 - net.prefixlen)
elif isinstance(net, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
ipv6_changed += 1 << (128 - net.prefixlen)
if new_asn == 0:
print(f"# {net} was AS{old_asn}")
elif old_asn == 0:
print(f"{net} AS{new_asn} # was unassigned")
print(f"{net} AS{new_asn} # was AS{old_asn}")
ipv4_change_str = "" if ipv4_changed == 0 else f" (2^{math.log2(ipv4_changed):.2f})"
ipv6_change_str = "" if ipv6_changed == 0 else f" (2^{math.log2(ipv6_changed):.2f})"
f"# {ipv4_changed}{ipv4_change_str} IPv4 addresses changed; "
f"{ipv6_changed}{ipv6_change_str} IPv6 addresses changed"
elif args.subcommand == "diff_addrs":
state1 = load_file(args.infile1)
state2 = load_file(args.infile2)
address_info = json.load(args.addrs_file)
addrs = {a["address"] for a in address_info if a["network"] in ["ipv4", "ipv6"]}
reassignments = defaultdict(list)
for addr in addrs:
net = ipaddress.ip_network(addr)
prefix = asmap.net_to_prefix(net)
old_asn = state1.lookup(prefix)
new_asn = state2.lookup(prefix)
if new_asn != old_asn:
reassignments[(old_asn, new_asn)].append(addr)
reassignments = sorted(reassignments.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[1]), reverse=True)
num_reassignment_type = defaultdict(int)
for (old_asn, new_asn), reassigned_addrs in reassignments:
num_reassigned = len(reassigned_addrs)
num_reassignment_type[(bool(old_asn), bool(new_asn))] += num_reassigned
old_asn_str = f"AS{old_asn}" if old_asn else "unassigned"
new_asn_str = f"AS{new_asn}" if new_asn else "unassigned"
opt = ": " + ", ".join(reassigned_addrs) if args.show_addresses else ""
print(f"{num_reassigned} address(es) reassigned from {old_asn_str} to {new_asn_str}{opt}")
num_reassignments = sum(len(addrs) for _, addrs in reassignments)
share = num_reassignments / len(addrs) if len(addrs) > 0 else 0
print(f"Summary: {num_reassignments:,} ({share:.2%}) of {len(addrs):,} addresses were reassigned "
f"(migrations={num_reassignment_type[True, True]}, assignments={num_reassignment_type[False, True]}, "
f"unassignments={num_reassignment_type[True, False]})")
sys.exit("No command provided.")
if __name__ == '__main__':