mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:07:45 +01:00
92 lines
4.6 KiB
92 lines
4.6 KiB
version: '{branch}.{build}'
skip_tags: true
image: Visual Studio 2019
configuration: Release
platform: x64
clone_depth: 5
PATH: 'C:\Python37-x64;C:\Python37-x64\Scripts;%PATH%'
QT_DOWNLOAD_URL: 'https://github.com/sipsorcery/qt_win_binary/releases/download/v1.6/Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019.zip'
QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH: '9a8c6eb20967873785057fdcd329a657c7f922b0af08c5fde105cc597dd37e21'
QT_LOCAL_PATH: 'C:\Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019'
VCPKG_INSTALL_PATH: 'C:\tools\vcpkg\installed'
VCPKG_COMMIT_ID: 'ed0df8ecc4ed7e755ea03e18aaf285fd9b4b4a74'
- C:\tools\vcpkg\installed -> build_msvc\vcpkg-packages.txt
- C:\Users\appveyor\clcache -> .appveyor.yml, build_msvc\**, **\Makefile.am, **\*.vcxproj.in
- C:\Qt5.9.8_x64_static_vs2019
- cmd: pip install --quiet git+https://github.com/frerich/clcache.git@v4.2.0
# Disable zmq test for now since python zmq library on Windows would cause Access violation sometimes.
# - cmd: pip install zmq
# Powershell block below is to install the c++ dependencies via vcpkg. The pseudo code is:
# 1. Check whether the vcpkg install directory exists (note that updating the vcpkg-packages.txt file
# will cause the appveyor cache rules to invalidate the directory)
# 2. If the directory is missing:
# a. Checkout the vcpkg source (including port files) for the specific checkout and build the vcpkg binary,
# b. Install the missing packages.
- ps: |
$env:PACKAGES = Get-Content -Path build_msvc\vcpkg-packages.txt
Write-Host "vcpkg list: $env:PACKAGES"
if(!(Test-Path -Path ($env:VCPKG_INSTALL_PATH))) {
cd c:\tools\vcpkg
$env:GIT_REDIRECT_STDERR = '2>&1' # git is writing non-errors to STDERR when doing git pull. Send to STDOUT instead.
git pull origin master
git checkout $env:VCPKG_COMMIT_ID
Add-Content "C:\tools\vcpkg\triplets\$env:PLATFORM-windows-static.cmake" "set(VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE release)"
.\vcpkg install --triplet $env:PLATFORM-windows-static $env:PACKAGES.split() > $null
else {
Write-Host "required vcpkg packages already installed."
c:\tools\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install
- ps: clcache -M 536870912
# Powershell block below is to download and extract the Qt static libraries. The pseudo code is:
# 1. If the Qt destination directory exists assume it is correct and do nothing. To
# force a fresh install of the packages delete the job's appveyor cache.
# 2. Otherwise:
# a. Download the zip file with the prebuilt Qt static libraries.
# b. Check that the downloaded file matches the expected hash.
# c. Extract the zip file to the specific destination path expected by the msbuild projects.
- ps: |
if(!(Test-Path -Path ($env:QT_LOCAL_PATH))) {
Write-Host "Downloading Qt binaries.";
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_URL -Out qtdownload.zip;
Write-Host "Qt binaries successfully downloaded, checking hash against $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH...";
if((Get-FileHash qtdownload.zip).Hash -eq $env:QT_DOWNLOAD_HASH) {
Expand-Archive qtdownload.zip -DestinationPath $env:QT_LOCAL_PATH;
Write-Host "Qt binary download matched the expected hash.";
else {
Write-Host "ERROR: Qt binary download did not match the expected hash.";
else {
Write-Host "Qt binaries already present.";
- cmd: python build_msvc\msvc-autogen.py
- ps: Start-Process clcache-server
- ps: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0 # Enable Access time feature on Windows (for clcache)
- cmd: msbuild /p:TrackFileAccess=false /p:CLToolExe=clcache.exe build_msvc\bitcoin.sln /m /v:q /nologo
- ps: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1 # Disable Access time feature on Windows (better performance)
- ps: clcache -z
#- 7z a bitcoin-%APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION%.zip %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build_msvc\%platform%\%configuration%\*.exe
- cmd: src\test_bitcoin.exe -k stdout -e stdout 2> NUL
- cmd: src\bench_bitcoin.exe -evals=1 -scaling=0 > NUL
- ps: python test\util\bitcoin-util-test.py
- cmd: python test\util\rpcauth-test.py
# Fee estimation test failing on appveyor with: WinError 10048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
- cmd: python test\functional\test_runner.py --ci --quiet --combinedlogslen=4000 --failfast --exclude feature_fee_estimation
#- path: bitcoin-%APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION%.zip
deploy: off