2024-07-19 12:26:09 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2024-present The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
from decimal import Decimal
from test_framework . messages import (
CTxOut ,
from test_framework . test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework . mempool_util import assert_mempool_contents
from test_framework . util import (
assert_equal ,
assert_greater_than ,
assert_raises_rpc_error ,
from test_framework . wallet import (
MiniWallet ,
class EphemeralDustTest ( BitcoinTestFramework ) :
def set_test_params ( self ) :
# Mempools should match via 1P1C p2p relay
self . num_nodes = 2
# Don't test trickling logic
self . noban_tx_relay = True
def add_output_to_create_multi_result ( self , result , output_value = 0 ) :
""" Add output without changing absolute tx fee
assert len ( result [ " tx " ] . vout ) > 0
assert result [ " tx " ] . vout [ 0 ] . nValue > = output_value
result [ " tx " ] . vout . append ( CTxOut ( output_value , result [ " tx " ] . vout [ 0 ] . scriptPubKey ) )
# Take value from first output
result [ " tx " ] . vout [ 0 ] . nValue - = output_value
result [ " new_utxos " ] [ 0 ] [ " value " ] = Decimal ( result [ " tx " ] . vout [ 0 ] . nValue ) / COIN
new_txid = result [ " tx " ] . rehash ( )
result [ " txid " ] = new_txid
result [ " wtxid " ] = result [ " tx " ] . getwtxid ( )
result [ " hex " ] = result [ " tx " ] . serialize ( ) . hex ( )
for new_utxo in result [ " new_utxos " ] :
new_utxo [ " txid " ] = new_txid
new_utxo [ " wtxid " ] = result [ " tx " ] . getwtxid ( )
result [ " new_utxos " ] . append ( { " txid " : new_txid , " vout " : len ( result [ " tx " ] . vout ) - 1 , " value " : Decimal ( output_value ) / COIN , " height " : 0 , " coinbase " : False , " confirmations " : 0 } )
def run_test ( self ) :
node = self . nodes [ 0 ]
self . wallet = MiniWallet ( node )
self . test_normal_dust ( )
self . test_sponsor_cycle ( )
self . test_node_restart ( )
self . test_fee_having_parent ( )
self . test_multidust ( )
self . test_nonzero_dust ( )
self . test_non_truc ( )
self . test_unspent_ephemeral ( )
self . test_reorgs ( )
self . test_free_relay ( )
def test_normal_dust ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Create 0-value dusty output, show that it works inside truc when spent in package " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
# Test doesn't work because lack of package feerates
test_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . testmempoolaccept ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert not test_res [ 0 ] [ " allowed " ]
assert_equal ( test_res [ 0 ] [ " reject-reason " ] , " min relay fee not met " )
# And doesn't work on its own
assert_raises_rpc_error ( - 26 , " min relay fee not met " , self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction , dusty_tx [ " hex " ] )
# If we add modified fees, it is still not allowed due to dust check
self . nodes [ 0 ] . prioritisetransaction ( txid = dusty_tx [ " txid " ] , dummy = 0 , fee_delta = COIN )
test_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . testmempoolaccept ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert not test_res [ 0 ] [ " allowed " ]
assert_equal ( test_res [ 0 ] [ " reject-reason " ] , " dust " )
# Reset priority
self . nodes [ 0 ] . prioritisetransaction ( txid = dusty_tx [ " txid " ] , dummy = 0 , fee_delta = - COIN )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getprioritisedtransactions ( ) , { } )
# Package evaluation succeeds
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " success " )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Entry is denied when non-0-fee, either base or unmodified.
# If in-mempool, we're not allowed to prioritise due to detected dust output
assert_raises_rpc_error ( - 8 , " Priority is not supported for transactions with dust outputs. " , self . nodes [ 0 ] . prioritisetransaction , dusty_tx [ " txid " ] , 0 , 1 )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getprioritisedtransactions ( ) , { } )
self . generate ( self . nodes [ 0 ] , 1 )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
def test_node_restart ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that an ephemeral package is rejected on restart due to individual evaluation " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " success " )
assert_equal ( len ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) ) , 2 )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Node restart; doesn't allow allow ephemeral transaction back in due to individual submission
# resulting in 0-fee. Supporting re-submission of CPFP packages on restart is desired but not
# yet implemented.
self . restart_node ( 0 )
self . restart_node ( 1 )
self . connect_nodes ( 0 , 1 )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ ] )
def test_fee_having_parent ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that a transaction with ephemeral dust may not have non-0 base fee " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
sats_fee = 1
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = sats_fee , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
assert_equal ( int ( COIN * dusty_tx [ " fee " ] ) , sats_fee ) # has fees
assert_greater_than ( dusty_tx [ " tx " ] . vout [ 0 ] . nValue , 330 ) # main output is not dust
assert_equal ( dusty_tx [ " tx " ] . vout [ 1 ] . nValue , 0 ) # added one is dust
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
# When base fee is non-0, we report dust like usual
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " transaction failed " )
assert_equal ( res [ " tx-results " ] [ dusty_tx [ " wtxid " ] ] [ " error " ] , " dust, tx with dust output must be 0-fee " )
# Priority is ignored: rejected even if modified fee is 0
self . nodes [ 0 ] . prioritisetransaction ( txid = dusty_tx [ " txid " ] , dummy = 0 , fee_delta = - sats_fee )
self . nodes [ 1 ] . prioritisetransaction ( txid = dusty_tx [ " txid " ] , dummy = 0 , fee_delta = - sats_fee )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " transaction failed " )
assert_equal ( res [ " tx-results " ] [ dusty_tx [ " wtxid " ] ] [ " error " ] , " dust, tx with dust output must be 0-fee " )
# Will not be accepted if base fee is 0 with modified fee of non-0
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . prioritisetransaction ( txid = dusty_tx [ " txid " ] , dummy = 0 , fee_delta = 1000 )
self . nodes [ 1 ] . prioritisetransaction ( txid = dusty_tx [ " txid " ] , dummy = 0 , fee_delta = 1000 )
# It's rejected submitted alone
test_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . testmempoolaccept ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert not test_res [ 0 ] [ " allowed " ]
assert_equal ( test_res [ 0 ] [ " reject-reason " ] , " dust " )
# Or as a package
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " transaction failed " )
assert_equal ( res [ " tx-results " ] [ dusty_tx [ " wtxid " ] ] [ " error " ] , " dust, tx with dust output must be 0-fee " )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ ] )
def test_multidust ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that a transaction with multiple ephemeral dusts is not allowed " )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " transaction failed " )
assert_equal ( res [ " tx-results " ] [ dusty_tx [ " wtxid " ] ] [ " error " ] , " dust " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
def test_nonzero_dust ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that a single output of any satoshi amount is allowed, not checking spending " )
# We aren't checking spending, allow it in with no fee
self . restart_node ( 0 , extra_args = [ " -minrelaytxfee=0 " ] )
self . restart_node ( 1 , extra_args = [ " -minrelaytxfee=0 " ] )
self . connect_nodes ( 0 , 1 )
# 330 is dust threshold for taproot outputs
for value in [ 1 , 329 , 330 ] :
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx , value )
test_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . testmempoolaccept ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert test_res [ 0 ] [ " allowed " ]
self . restart_node ( 0 , extra_args = [ ] )
self . restart_node ( 1 , extra_args = [ ] )
self . connect_nodes ( 0 , 1 )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ ] )
# N.B. If individual minrelay requirement is dropped, this test can be dropped
def test_non_truc ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that v2 dust-having transaction is rejected even if spent, because of min relay requirement " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 2 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 2 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " transaction failed " )
assert_equal ( res [ " tx-results " ] [ dusty_tx [ " wtxid " ] ] [ " error " ] , " min relay fee not met, 0 < 147 " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
def test_unspent_ephemeral ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that spending from a tx with ephemeral outputs is only allowed if dust is spent as well " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx , 329 )
# Valid sweep we will RBF incorrectly by not spending dust as well
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Doesn't spend in-mempool dust output from parent
unspent_sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 2000 , utxos_to_spend = [ dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] [ 0 ] ] , version = 3 )
assert_greater_than ( unspent_sweep_tx [ " fee " ] , sweep_tx [ " fee " ] )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , unspent_sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " tx-results " ] [ unspent_sweep_tx [ " wtxid " ] ] [ " error " ] , f " missing-ephemeral-spends, tx { unspent_sweep_tx [ ' txid ' ] } did not spend parent ' s ephemeral dust " )
assert_raises_rpc_error ( - 26 , f " missing-ephemeral-spends, tx { unspent_sweep_tx [ ' txid ' ] } did not spend parent ' s ephemeral dust " , self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction , unspent_sweep_tx [ " hex " ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Spend works with dust spent
sweep_tx_2 = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 2000 , utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
assert sweep_tx [ " hex " ] != sweep_tx_2 [ " hex " ]
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx_2 [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " success " )
# Re-set and test again with nothing from package in mempool this time
self . generate ( self . nodes [ 0 ] , 1 )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx , 329 )
# Spend non-dust only
unspent_sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = [ dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] [ 0 ] ] , version = 3 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , unspent_sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " unspent-dust " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
# Now spend dust only which should work
second_coin = self . wallet . get_utxo ( ) # another fee-bringing coin
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = [ dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] [ 1 ] , second_coin ] , version = 3 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " success " )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
self . generate ( self . nodes [ 0 ] , 1 )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ ] )
def test_sponsor_cycle ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that dust txn is not evicted when it becomes childless, but won ' t be mined " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi (
fee_per_output = 0 ,
version = 3
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
sponsor_coin = self . wallet . get_utxo ( )
# Bring "fee" input that can be double-spend separately
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] + [ sponsor_coin ] , version = 3 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ " package_msg " ] , " success " )
assert_equal ( len ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) ) , 2 )
# sync to make sure unsponsor_tx hits second node's mempool after initial package
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Now we RBF away the child using the sponsor input only
unsponsor_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi (
utxos_to_spend = [ sponsor_coin ] ,
num_outputs = 1 ,
fee_per_output = 2000 ,
version = 3
self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction ( unsponsor_tx [ " hex " ] )
# Parent is now childless and fee-free, so will not be mined
entry_info = self . nodes [ 0 ] . getmempoolentry ( dusty_tx [ " txid " ] )
assert_equal ( entry_info [ " descendantcount " ] , 1 )
assert_equal ( entry_info [ " fees " ] [ " descendant " ] , Decimal ( 0 ) )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , unsponsor_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Dust tx is not mined
self . generate ( self . nodes [ 0 ] , 1 )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Create sweep that doesn't spend conflicting sponsor coin
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
# Can resweep
self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction ( sweep_tx [ " hex " ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
self . generate ( self . nodes [ 0 ] , 1 )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ ] )
def test_reorgs ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that reorgs breaking the truc topology doesn ' t cause issues " )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
# Many shallow re-orgs confuse block gossiping making test less reliable otherwise
self . disconnect_nodes ( 0 , 1 )
# Get dusty tx mined, then check that it makes it back into mempool on reorg
# due to bypass_limits allowing 0-fee individually
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
assert_raises_rpc_error ( - 26 , " min relay fee not met " , self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction , dusty_tx [ " hex " ] )
block_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . rpc . generateblock ( self . wallet . get_address ( ) , [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . invalidateblock ( block_res [ " hash " ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] ] , sync = False )
# Create a sweep that has dust of its own and leaves dusty_tx's dust unspent
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , utxos_to_spend = [ dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] [ 0 ] ] , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( sweep_tx )
assert_raises_rpc_error ( - 26 , " min relay fee not met " , self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] )
# Mine the sweep then re-org, the sweep will not make it back in due to spend checks
block_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . rpc . generateblock ( self . wallet . get_address ( ) , [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . invalidateblock ( block_res [ " hash " ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] ] , sync = False )
2024-11-12 12:59:34 -05:00
# Should re-enter if dust is swept
2024-07-19 12:26:09 -04:00
sweep_tx_2 = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( sweep_tx_2 )
assert_raises_rpc_error ( - 26 , " min relay fee not met " , self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction , sweep_tx_2 [ " hex " ] )
reconsider_block_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . rpc . generateblock ( self . wallet . get_address ( ) , [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx_2 [ " hex " ] ] )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . invalidateblock ( reconsider_block_res [ " hash " ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx_2 [ " tx " ] ] , sync = False )
# TRUC transactions restriction for ephemeral dust disallows further spends of ancestor chains
child_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = sweep_tx_2 [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 3 )
assert_raises_rpc_error ( - 26 , " TRUC-violation " , self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction , child_tx [ " hex " ] )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . reconsiderblock ( reconsider_block_res [ " hash " ] )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
self . log . info ( " Test that ephemeral dust tx with fees or multi dust don ' t enter mempool via reorg " )
multi_dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( multi_dusty_tx )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( multi_dusty_tx )
block_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . rpc . generateblock ( self . wallet . get_address ( ) , [ multi_dusty_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . invalidateblock ( block_res [ " hash " ] )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
# With fee and one dust
dusty_fee_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 1 , version = 3 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_fee_tx )
block_res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . rpc . generateblock ( self . wallet . get_address ( ) , [ dusty_fee_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . invalidateblock ( block_res [ " hash " ] )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
# Re-connect and make sure we have same state still
self . connect_nodes ( 0 , 1 )
self . sync_all ( )
# N.B. this extra_args can be removed post cluster mempool
def test_free_relay ( self ) :
self . log . info ( " Test that ephemeral dust works in non-TRUC contexts when there ' s no minrelay requirement " )
# Note: since minrelay is 0, it is not testing 1P1C relay
self . restart_node ( 0 , extra_args = [ " -minrelaytxfee=0 " ] )
self . restart_node ( 1 , extra_args = [ " -minrelaytxfee=0 " ] )
self . connect_nodes ( 0 , 1 )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
dusty_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 2 )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_tx )
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( utxos_to_spend = dusty_tx [ " new_utxos " ] , version = 2 )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] , sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] , sweep_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# generate coins for next tests
self . generate ( self . nodes [ 0 ] , 1 )
self . wallet . rescan_utxos ( )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
self . log . info ( " Test batched ephemeral dust sweep " )
dusty_txs = [ ]
for _ in range ( 24 ) :
dusty_txs . append ( self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 0 , version = 2 ) )
self . add_output_to_create_multi_result ( dusty_txs [ - 1 ] )
all_parent_utxos = [ utxo for tx in dusty_txs for utxo in tx [ " new_utxos " ] ]
# Missing one dust spend from a single parent, child rejected
insufficient_sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 25000 , utxos_to_spend = all_parent_utxos [ : - 1 ] , version = 2 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] + [ insufficient_sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ ' package_msg ' ] , " transaction failed " )
assert_equal ( res [ ' tx-results ' ] [ insufficient_sweep_tx [ ' wtxid ' ] ] [ ' error ' ] , f " missing-ephemeral-spends, tx { insufficient_sweep_tx [ ' txid ' ] } did not spend parent ' s ephemeral dust " )
# Everything got in except for insufficient spend
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] )
# Next put some parents in mempool, but not others, and test unspent dust again with all parents spent
B_coin = self . wallet . get_utxo ( ) # coin to cycle out CPFP
sweep_all_but_one_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 20000 , utxos_to_spend = all_parent_utxos [ : - 2 ] + [ B_coin ] , version = 2 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs [ : - 1 ] ] + [ sweep_all_but_one_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ ' package_msg ' ] , " success " )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] + [ sweep_all_but_one_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] + [ insufficient_sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ ' package_msg ' ] , " transaction failed " )
assert_equal ( res [ ' tx-results ' ] [ insufficient_sweep_tx [ " wtxid " ] ] [ " error " ] , f " missing-ephemeral-spends, tx { insufficient_sweep_tx [ ' txid ' ] } did not spend parent ' s ephemeral dust " )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] + [ sweep_all_but_one_tx [ " tx " ] ] )
# Cycle out the partial sweep to avoid triggering package RBF behavior which limits package to no in-mempool ancestors
cancel_sweep = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 21000 , utxos_to_spend = [ B_coin ] , version = 2 )
self . nodes [ 0 ] . sendrawtransaction ( cancel_sweep [ " hex " ] )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] + [ cancel_sweep [ " tx " ] ] )
# Sweeps all dust, where all dusty txs are already in-mempool
sweep_tx = self . wallet . create_self_transfer_multi ( fee_per_output = 25000 , utxos_to_spend = all_parent_utxos , version = 2 )
res = self . nodes [ 0 ] . submitpackage ( [ dusty_tx [ " hex " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] + [ sweep_tx [ " hex " ] ] )
assert_equal ( res [ ' package_msg ' ] , " success " )
assert_mempool_contents ( self , self . nodes [ 0 ] , expected = [ dusty_tx [ " tx " ] for dusty_tx in dusty_txs ] + [ sweep_tx [ " tx " ] , cancel_sweep [ " tx " ] ] )
self . generate ( self . nodes [ 0 ] , 25 )
self . wallet . rescan_utxos ( )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
2024-11-12 13:22:09 -05:00
# Other topology tests (e.g., grandparents and parents both with dust) require relaxation of submitpackage topology
2024-07-19 12:26:09 -04:00
self . restart_node ( 0 , extra_args = [ ] )
self . restart_node ( 1 , extra_args = [ ] )
self . connect_nodes ( 0 , 1 )
assert_equal ( self . nodes [ 0 ] . getrawmempool ( ) , [ ] )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
EphemeralDustTest ( __file__ ) . main ( )