
1040 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
scripted-diff: Fix bitcoin_config_h includes -BEGIN VERIFY SCRIPT- regex_string='^(?!//).*(AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD|BOOST_PROCESS_USE_STD_FS|CHAR_EQUALS_INT8|CLIENT_VERSION_BUILD|CLIENT_VERSION_IS_RELEASE|CLIENT_VERSION_MAJOR|CLIENT_VERSION_MINOR|COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS|COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS_FINAL|COPYRIGHT_HOLDERS_SUBSTITUTION|COPYRIGHT_YEAR|ENABLE_ARM_SHANI|ENABLE_AVX2|ENABLE_EXTERNAL_SIGNER|ENABLE_SSE41|ENABLE_TRACING|ENABLE_WALLET|ENABLE_X86_SHANI|ENABLE_ZMQ|HAVE_BOOST|HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZL|HAVE_BUILTIN_CLZLL|HAVE_BYTESWAP_H|HAVE_CLMUL|HAVE_CONSENSUS_LIB|HAVE_CXX20|HAVE_DECL_BE16TOH|HAVE_DECL_BE32TOH|HAVE_DECL_BE64TOH|HAVE_DECL_BSWAP_16|HAVE_DECL_BSWAP_32|HAVE_DECL_BSWAP_64|HAVE_DECL_FORK|HAVE_DECL_FREEIFADDRS|HAVE_DECL_GETIFADDRS|HAVE_DECL_HTOBE16|HAVE_DECL_HTOBE32|HAVE_DECL_HTOBE64|HAVE_DECL_HTOLE16|HAVE_DECL_HTOLE32|HAVE_DECL_HTOLE64|HAVE_DECL_LE16TOH|HAVE_DECL_LE32TOH|HAVE_DECL_LE64TOH|HAVE_DECL_PIPE2|HAVE_DECL_SETSID|HAVE_DECL_STRERROR_R|HAVE_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_ATTRIBUTE|HAVE_DLFCN_H|HAVE_DLLEXPORT_ATTRIBUTE|HAVE_ENDIAN_H|HAVE_EVHTTP_CONNECTION_GET_PEER_CONST_CHAR|HAVE_FDATASYNC|HAVE_GETENTROPY_RAND|HAVE_GETRANDOM|HAVE_GMTIME_R|HAVE_INTTYPES_H|HAVE_LIBADVAPI32|HAVE_LIBCOMCTL32|HAVE_LIBCOMDLG32|HAVE_LIBGDI32|HAVE_LIBIPHLPAPI|HAVE_LIBKERNEL32|HAVE_LIBOLE32|HAVE_LIBOLEAUT32|HAVE_LIBSHELL32|HAVE_LIBSHLWAPI|HAVE_LIBUSER32|HAVE_LIBUUID|HAVE_LIBWINMM|HAVE_LIBWS2_32|HAVE_MALLOC_INFO|HAVE_MALLOPT_ARENA_MAX|HAVE_MINIUPNPC_MINIUPNPC_H|HAVE_MINIUPNPC_UPNPCOMMANDS_H|HAVE_MINIUPNPC_UPNPERRORS_H|HAVE_NATPMP_H|HAVE_O_CLOEXEC|HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE|HAVE_PTHREAD|HAVE_PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT|HAVE_STDINT_H|HAVE_STDIO_H|HAVE_STDLIB_H|HAVE_STRERROR_R|HAVE_STRINGS_H|HAVE_STRING_H|HAVE_STRONG_GETAUXVAL|HAVE_SYSCTL|HAVE_SYSCTL_ARND|HAVE_SYSTEM|HAVE_SYS_ENDIAN_H|HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H|HAVE_SYS_RESOURCES_H|HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H|HAVE_SYS_STAT_H|HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H|HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H|HAVE_SYS_VMMETER_H|HAVE_THREAD_LOCAL|HAVE_TIMINGSAFE_BCMP|HAVE_UNISTD_H|HAVE_VM_VM_PARAM_H|LT_OBJDIR|PACKAGE_BUGREPORT|PACKAGE_NAME|PACKAGE_STRING|PACKAGE_TARNAME|PACKAGE_URL|PACKAGE_VERSION|PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_ANDROID|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_COCOA|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_MINIMAL|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_WINDOWS|QT_QPA_PLATFORM_XCB|QT_STATICPLUGIN|STDC_HEADERS|STRERROR_R_CHAR_P|USE_ASM|USE_BDB|USE_DBUS|USE_NATPMP|USE_QRCODE|USE_SQLITE|USE_UPNP|_FILE_OFFSET_BITS|_LARGE_FILES)' exclusion_files=":(exclude)src/minisketch :(exclude)src/crc32c :(exclude)src/secp256k1 :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_arm_shani.cpp :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_avx2.cpp :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_sse41.cpp :(exclude)src/crypto/sha256_x86_shani.cpp" git grep --perl-regexp --files-with-matches "$regex_string" -- '*.cpp' $exclusion_files | xargs git grep -L "bitcoin-config.h" | while read -r file; do line_number=$(awk -v my_file="$file" '/\/\/ file COPYING or https?:\/\/\/licenses\/mit-license.php\./ {line = NR} /^\/\// && NR == line + 1 {while(getline && /^\/\//) line = NR} END {print line+1}' "$file"); sed -i "${line_number}i\\\\n\#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)\\n#include <config/bitcoin-config.h>\\n\#endif" "$file"; done; git grep --perl-regexp --files-with-matches "$regex_string" -- '*.h' $exclusion_files | xargs git grep -L "bitcoin-config.h" | while read -r file; do sed -i "/#define.*_H/a \\\\n\#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)\\n#include <config/bitcoin-config.h>\\n\#endif" "$file"; done; for file in $(git grep --files-with-matches 'bitcoin-config.h' -- '*.cpp' '*.h' $exclusion_files); do if ! grep -q --perl-regexp "$regex_string" $file; then sed -i '/HAVE_CONFIG_H/{N;N;N;d;}' $file; fi; done; -END VERIFY SCRIPT- The first command creates a regular expression for matching all bitcoin-config.h symbols in the following form: ^(?!//).*(AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD|BOOST_PROCESS_USE_STD_FS|...|_LARGE_FILES). It was generated with: ./ && printf '^(?!//).*(%s)' $(awk '/^#undef/ {print $2}' src/config/ | paste -sd "|" -) The second command holds a list of files and directories that should not be processed. These include subtree directories as well as some crypto files that already get their symbols through the makefile. The third command checks for missing bitcoin-config headers in .cpp files and adds the header if it is missing. The fourth command checks for missing bitcoin-config headers in .h files and adds the header if it is missing. The fifth command checks for unneeded bitcoin-config headers in sources files and removes the header if it is unneeded.
2024-02-13 08:03:02 +01:00
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#include <config/bitcoin-config.h>
#include <rest.h>
#include <blockfilter.h>
#include <chain.h>
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <core_io.h>
#include <httpserver.h>
#include <index/blockfilterindex.h>
#include <index/txindex.h>
#include <node/blockstorage.h>
#include <node/context.h>
#include <primitives/block.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
#include <rpc/blockchain.h>
#include <rpc/mempool.h>
#include <rpc/protocol.h>
#include <rpc/server.h>
#include <rpc/server_util.h>
#include <streams.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <txmempool.h>
#include <util/any.h>
#include <util/check.h>
#include <util/strencodings.h>
#include <validation.h>
#include <any>
#include <string>
#include <univalue.h>
using node::GetTransaction;
using node::NodeContext;
static const size_t MAX_GETUTXOS_OUTPOINTS = 15; //allow a max of 15 outpoints to be queried at once
static constexpr unsigned int MAX_REST_HEADERS_RESULTS = 2000;
static const struct {
RESTResponseFormat rf;
const char* name;
} rf_names[] = {
{RESTResponseFormat::UNDEF, ""},
{RESTResponseFormat::BINARY, "bin"},
{RESTResponseFormat::HEX, "hex"},
{RESTResponseFormat::JSON, "json"},
struct CCoin {
uint32_t nHeight;
CTxOut out;
CCoin() : nHeight(0) {}
explicit CCoin(Coin&& in) : nHeight(in.nHeight), out(std::move(in.out)) {}
uint32_t nTxVerDummy = 0;
READWRITE(nTxVerDummy, obj.nHeight, obj.out);
static bool RESTERR(HTTPRequest* req, enum HTTPStatusCode status, std::string message)
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(status, message + "\r\n");
return false;
* Get the node context.
* @param[in] req The HTTP request, whose status code will be set if node
* context is not found.
* @returns Pointer to the node context or nullptr if not found.
static NodeContext* GetNodeContext(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req)
auto node_context = util::AnyPtr<NodeContext>(context);
if (!node_context) {
strprintf("%s:%d (%s)\n"
"Internal bug detected: Node context not found!\n"
"You may report this issue here: %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT));
return nullptr;
return node_context;
* Get the node context mempool.
* @param[in] req The HTTP request, whose status code will be set if node
* context mempool is not found.
* @returns Pointer to the mempool or nullptr if no mempool found.
static CTxMemPool* GetMemPool(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req)
auto node_context = util::AnyPtr<NodeContext>(context);
if (!node_context || !node_context->mempool) {
RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Mempool disabled or instance not found");
return nullptr;
return node_context->mempool.get();
* Get the node context chainstatemanager.
* @param[in] req The HTTP request, whose status code will be set if node
* context chainstatemanager is not found.
* @returns Pointer to the chainstatemanager or nullptr if none found.
static ChainstateManager* GetChainman(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req)
auto node_context = util::AnyPtr<NodeContext>(context);
if (!node_context || !node_context->chainman) {
strprintf("%s:%d (%s)\n"
"Internal bug detected: Chainman disabled or instance not found!\n"
"You may report this issue here: %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT));
return nullptr;
return node_context->chainman.get();
RESTResponseFormat ParseDataFormat(std::string& param, const std::string& strReq)
// Remove query string (if any, separated with '?') as it should not interfere with
// parsing param and data format
param = strReq.substr(0, strReq.rfind('?'));
const std::string::size_type pos_format{param.rfind('.')};
// No format string is found
if (pos_format == std::string::npos) {
return rf_names[0].rf;
// Match format string to available formats
const std::string suffix(param, pos_format + 1);
for (const auto& rf_name : rf_names) {
if (suffix == {
return rf_name.rf;
// If no suffix is found, return RESTResponseFormat::UNDEF and original string without query string
return rf_names[0].rf;
static std::string AvailableDataFormatsString()
2018-01-14 18:15:31 +01:00
std::string formats;
for (const auto& rf_name : rf_names) {
if (strlen( > 0) {
formats.append(", ");
if (formats.length() > 0)
return formats.substr(0, formats.length() - 2);
return formats;
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
static bool CheckWarmup(HTTPRequest* req)
std::string statusmessage;
if (RPCIsInWarmup(&statusmessage))
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Service temporarily unavailable: " + statusmessage);
return true;
static bool rest_headers(const std::any& context,
HTTPRequest* req,
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
const std::string& strURIPart)
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req))
return false;
std::string param;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(param, strURIPart);
std::vector<std::string> path = SplitString(param, '/');
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
std::string raw_count;
std::string hashStr;
if (path.size() == 2) {
// deprecated path: /rest/headers/<count>/<hash>
hashStr = path[1];
raw_count = path[0];
} else if (path.size() == 1) {
// new path with query parameter: /rest/headers/<hash>?count=<count>
hashStr = path[0];
try {
raw_count = req->GetQueryParameter("count").value_or("5");
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, e.what());
} else {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid URI format. Expected /rest/headers/<hash>.<ext>?count=<count>");
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
const auto parsed_count{ToIntegral<size_t>(raw_count)};
if (!parsed_count.has_value() || *parsed_count < 1 || *parsed_count > MAX_REST_HEADERS_RESULTS) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, strprintf("Header count is invalid or out of acceptable range (1-%u): %s", MAX_REST_HEADERS_RESULTS, raw_count));
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
uint256 hash;
if (!ParseHashStr(hashStr, hash))
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid hash: " + hashStr);
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
const CBlockIndex* tip = nullptr;
std::vector<const CBlockIndex*> headers;
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
ChainstateManager* maybe_chainman = GetChainman(context, req);
if (!maybe_chainman) return false;
ChainstateManager& chainman = *maybe_chainman;
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
CChain& active_chain = chainman.ActiveChain();
tip = active_chain.Tip();
2020-10-14 16:16:34 -04:00
const CBlockIndex* pindex = chainman.m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(hash);
while (pindex != nullptr && active_chain.Contains(pindex)) {
if (headers.size() == *parsed_count) {
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
pindex = active_chain.Next(pindex);
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssHeader{};
for (const CBlockIndex *pindex : headers) {
ssHeader << pindex->GetBlockHeader();
std::string binaryHeader = ssHeader.str();
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, binaryHeader);
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssHeader{};
for (const CBlockIndex *pindex : headers) {
ssHeader << pindex->GetBlockHeader();
std::string strHex = HexStr(ssHeader) + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strHex);
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
UniValue jsonHeaders(UniValue::VARR);
for (const CBlockIndex *pindex : headers) {
jsonHeaders.push_back(blockheaderToJSON(*tip, *pindex));
std::string strJSON = jsonHeaders.write() + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strJSON);
return true;
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
default: {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
static bool rest_block(const std::any& context,
HTTPRequest* req,
const std::string& strURIPart,
TxVerbosity tx_verbosity)
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req))
return false;
std::string hashStr;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(hashStr, strURIPart);
uint256 hash;
if (!ParseHashStr(hashStr, hash))
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid hash: " + hashStr);
CBlock block;
const CBlockIndex* pblockindex = nullptr;
const CBlockIndex* tip = nullptr;
ChainstateManager* maybe_chainman = GetChainman(context, req);
if (!maybe_chainman) return false;
ChainstateManager& chainman = *maybe_chainman;
2014-11-18 16:30:51 +01:00
2020-10-14 16:16:34 -04:00
tip = chainman.ActiveChain().Tip();
pblockindex = chainman.m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(hash);
2018-01-12 00:23:09 +00:00
if (!pblockindex) {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, hashStr + " not found");
2018-01-12 00:23:09 +00:00
if (chainman.m_blockman.IsBlockPruned(*pblockindex)) {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, hashStr + " not available (pruned data)");
if (!chainman.m_blockman.ReadBlockFromDisk(block, *pblockindex)) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, hashStr + " not found");
2014-11-18 16:30:51 +01:00
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
DataStream ssBlock;
2023-11-16 10:35:08 +01:00
ssBlock << TX_WITH_WITNESS(block);
std::string binaryBlock = ssBlock.str();
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, binaryBlock);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
DataStream ssBlock;
2023-11-16 10:35:08 +01:00
ssBlock << TX_WITH_WITNESS(block);
std::string strHex = HexStr(ssBlock) + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strHex);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
UniValue objBlock = blockToJSON(chainman.m_blockman, block, *tip, *pblockindex, tx_verbosity);
std::string strJSON = objBlock.write() + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strJSON);
return true;
default: {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
static bool rest_block_extended(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strURIPart)
return rest_block(context, req, strURIPart, TxVerbosity::SHOW_DETAILS_AND_PREVOUT);
static bool rest_block_notxdetails(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strURIPart)
return rest_block(context, req, strURIPart, TxVerbosity::SHOW_TXID);
static bool rest_filter_header(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strURIPart)
2021-12-22 20:46:47 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req)) return false;
std::string param;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(param, strURIPart);
std::vector<std::string> uri_parts = SplitString(param, '/');
std::string raw_count;
std::string raw_blockhash;
if (uri_parts.size() == 3) {
// deprecated path: /rest/blockfilterheaders/<filtertype>/<count>/<blockhash>
raw_blockhash = uri_parts[2];
raw_count = uri_parts[1];
} else if (uri_parts.size() == 2) {
// new path with query parameter: /rest/blockfilterheaders/<filtertype>/<blockhash>?count=<count>
raw_blockhash = uri_parts[1];
try {
raw_count = req->GetQueryParameter("count").value_or("5");
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, e.what());
} else {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid URI format. Expected /rest/blockfilterheaders/<filtertype>/<blockhash>.<ext>?count=<count>");
const auto parsed_count{ToIntegral<size_t>(raw_count)};
if (!parsed_count.has_value() || *parsed_count < 1 || *parsed_count > MAX_REST_HEADERS_RESULTS) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, strprintf("Header count is invalid or out of acceptable range (1-%u): %s", MAX_REST_HEADERS_RESULTS, raw_count));
uint256 block_hash;
if (!ParseHashStr(raw_blockhash, block_hash)) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid hash: " + raw_blockhash);
BlockFilterType filtertype;
if (!BlockFilterTypeByName(uri_parts[0], filtertype)) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown filtertype " + uri_parts[0]);
BlockFilterIndex* index = GetBlockFilterIndex(filtertype);
if (!index) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Index is not enabled for filtertype " + uri_parts[0]);
2021-12-22 20:46:47 +01:00
std::vector<const CBlockIndex*> headers;
ChainstateManager* maybe_chainman = GetChainman(context, req);
if (!maybe_chainman) return false;
ChainstateManager& chainman = *maybe_chainman;
CChain& active_chain = chainman.ActiveChain();
const CBlockIndex* pindex = chainman.m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(block_hash);
while (pindex != nullptr && active_chain.Contains(pindex)) {
if (headers.size() == *parsed_count)
pindex = active_chain.Next(pindex);
bool index_ready = index->BlockUntilSyncedToCurrentChain();
std::vector<uint256> filter_headers;
2021-12-22 20:46:47 +01:00
for (const CBlockIndex* pindex : headers) {
uint256 filter_header;
if (!index->LookupFilterHeader(pindex, filter_header)) {
std::string errmsg = "Filter not found.";
if (!index_ready) {
errmsg += " Block filters are still in the process of being indexed.";
} else {
errmsg += " This error is unexpected and indicates index corruption.";
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, errmsg);
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssHeader{};
for (const uint256& header : filter_headers) {
ssHeader << header;
std::string binaryHeader = ssHeader.str();
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, binaryHeader);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssHeader{};
for (const uint256& header : filter_headers) {
ssHeader << header;
std::string strHex = HexStr(ssHeader) + "\n";
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strHex);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
UniValue jsonHeaders(UniValue::VARR);
for (const uint256& header : filter_headers) {
std::string strJSON = jsonHeaders.write() + "\n";
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strJSON);
return true;
default: {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
static bool rest_block_filter(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strURIPart)
2021-12-22 20:46:47 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req)) return false;
std::string param;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(param, strURIPart);
2021-12-22 20:46:47 +01:00
// request is sent over URI scheme /rest/blockfilter/filtertype/blockhash
std::vector<std::string> uri_parts = SplitString(param, '/');
if (uri_parts.size() != 2) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid URI format. Expected /rest/blockfilter/<filtertype>/<blockhash>");
uint256 block_hash;
if (!ParseHashStr(uri_parts[1], block_hash)) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid hash: " + uri_parts[1]);
BlockFilterType filtertype;
if (!BlockFilterTypeByName(uri_parts[0], filtertype)) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown filtertype " + uri_parts[0]);
BlockFilterIndex* index = GetBlockFilterIndex(filtertype);
if (!index) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Index is not enabled for filtertype " + uri_parts[0]);
const CBlockIndex* block_index;
bool block_was_connected;
ChainstateManager* maybe_chainman = GetChainman(context, req);
if (!maybe_chainman) return false;
ChainstateManager& chainman = *maybe_chainman;
block_index = chainman.m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(block_hash);
if (!block_index) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, uri_parts[1] + " not found");
block_was_connected = block_index->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS);
bool index_ready = index->BlockUntilSyncedToCurrentChain();
BlockFilter filter;
if (!index->LookupFilter(block_index, filter)) {
std::string errmsg = "Filter not found.";
if (!block_was_connected) {
errmsg += " Block was not connected to active chain.";
} else if (!index_ready) {
errmsg += " Block filters are still in the process of being indexed.";
} else {
errmsg += " This error is unexpected and indicates index corruption.";
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, errmsg);
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssResp{};
ssResp << filter;
std::string binaryResp = ssResp.str();
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, binaryResp);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssResp{};
ssResp << filter;
std::string strHex = HexStr(ssResp) + "\n";
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strHex);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
ret.pushKV("filter", HexStr(filter.GetEncodedFilter()));
std::string strJSON = ret.write() + "\n";
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strJSON);
return true;
default: {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
// A bit of a hack - dependency on a function defined in rpc/blockchain.cpp
RPCHelpMan getblockchaininfo();
static bool rest_chaininfo(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strURIPart)
2014-12-27 13:18:36 +01:00
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req))
return false;
std::string param;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(param, strURIPart);
2015-05-27 09:41:14 +02:00
2014-12-27 13:18:36 +01:00
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
JSONRPCRequest jsonRequest;
jsonRequest.context = context;
jsonRequest.params = UniValue(UniValue::VARR);
UniValue chainInfoObject = getblockchaininfo().HandleRequest(jsonRequest);
std::string strJSON = chainInfoObject.write() + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strJSON);
2014-12-27 13:18:36 +01:00
return true;
default: {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: json)");
2014-12-27 13:18:36 +01:00
2022-06-16 19:13:18 -03:00
RPCHelpMan getdeploymentinfo();
static bool rest_deploymentinfo(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& str_uri_part)
if (!CheckWarmup(req)) return false;
std::string hash_str;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(hash_str, str_uri_part);
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
JSONRPCRequest jsonRequest;
jsonRequest.context = context;
jsonRequest.params = UniValue(UniValue::VARR);
if (!hash_str.empty()) {
uint256 hash;
if (!ParseHashStr(hash_str, hash)) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid hash: " + hash_str);
const ChainstateManager* chainman = GetChainman(context, req);
if (!chainman) return false;
if (!WITH_LOCK(::cs_main, return chainman->m_blockman.LookupBlockIndex(ParseHashV(hash_str, "blockhash")))) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Block not found");
2022-06-16 19:13:18 -03:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, getdeploymentinfo().HandleRequest(jsonRequest).write() + "\n");
return true;
default: {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: json)");
2022-07-19 09:57:19 -03:00
static bool rest_mempool(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& str_uri_part)
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req))
return false;
2022-07-19 09:57:19 -03:00
std::string param;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(param, str_uri_part);
if (param != "contents" && param != "info") {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid URI format. Expected /rest/mempool/<info|contents>.json");
const CTxMemPool* mempool = GetMemPool(context, req);
if (!mempool) return false;
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
2022-07-19 09:57:19 -03:00
std::string str_json;
if (param == "contents") {
std::string raw_verbose;
try {
raw_verbose = req->GetQueryParameter("verbose").value_or("true");
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, e.what());
if (raw_verbose != "true" && raw_verbose != "false") {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "The \"verbose\" query parameter must be either \"true\" or \"false\".");
std::string raw_mempool_sequence;
try {
raw_mempool_sequence = req->GetQueryParameter("mempool_sequence").value_or("false");
} catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, e.what());
if (raw_mempool_sequence != "true" && raw_mempool_sequence != "false") {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "The \"mempool_sequence\" query parameter must be either \"true\" or \"false\".");
const bool verbose{raw_verbose == "true"};
const bool mempool_sequence{raw_mempool_sequence == "true"};
if (verbose && mempool_sequence) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Verbose results cannot contain mempool sequence values. (hint: set \"verbose=false\")");
str_json = MempoolToJSON(*mempool, verbose, mempool_sequence).write() + "\n";
2022-07-19 09:57:19 -03:00
} else {
str_json = MempoolInfoToJSON(*mempool).write() + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
2022-07-19 09:57:19 -03:00
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, str_json);
return true;
default: {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: json)");
static bool rest_tx(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strURIPart)
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req))
return false;
std::string hashStr;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(hashStr, strURIPart);
uint256 hash;
if (!ParseHashStr(hashStr, hash))
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid hash: " + hashStr);
if (g_txindex) {
const NodeContext* const node = GetNodeContext(context, req);
if (!node) return false;
uint256 hashBlock = uint256();
const CTransactionRef tx = GetTransaction(/*block_index=*/nullptr, node->mempool.get(), hash, hashBlock, node->chainman->m_blockman);
if (!tx) {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, hashStr + " not found");
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
DataStream ssTx;
2023-11-16 10:35:08 +01:00
ssTx << TX_WITH_WITNESS(tx);
std::string binaryTx = ssTx.str();
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, binaryTx);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
DataStream ssTx;
2023-11-16 10:35:08 +01:00
ssTx << TX_WITH_WITNESS(tx);
std::string strHex = HexStr(ssTx) + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strHex);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
UniValue objTx(UniValue::VOBJ);
TxToUniv(*tx, /*block_hash=*/hashBlock, /*entry=*/ objTx);
std::string strJSON = objTx.write() + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strJSON);
return true;
default: {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
static bool rest_getutxos(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strURIPart)
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
if (!CheckWarmup(req))
return false;
std::string param;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(param, strURIPart);
std::vector<std::string> uriParts;
if (param.length() > 1)
std::string strUriParams = param.substr(1);
uriParts = SplitString(strUriParams, '/');
// throw exception in case of an empty request
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
std::string strRequestMutable = req->ReadBody();
if (strRequestMutable.length() == 0 && uriParts.size() == 0)
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Error: empty request");
bool fInputParsed = false;
bool fCheckMemPool = false;
std::vector<COutPoint> vOutPoints;
// parse/deserialize input
// input-format = output-format, rest/getutxos/bin requires binary input, gives binary output, ...
2015-05-27 09:41:14 +02:00
if (uriParts.size() > 0)
//inputs is sent over URI scheme (/rest/getutxos/checkmempool/txid1-n/txid2-n/...)
if (uriParts[0] == "checkmempool") fCheckMemPool = true;
for (size_t i = (fCheckMemPool) ? 1 : 0; i < uriParts.size(); i++)
int32_t nOutput;
std::string strTxid = uriParts[i].substr(0, uriParts[i].find('-'));
std::string strOutput = uriParts[i].substr(uriParts[i].find('-')+1);
if (!ParseInt32(strOutput, &nOutput) || !IsHex(strTxid))
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Parse error");
2023-10-11 14:53:04 +01:00
vOutPoints.emplace_back(TxidFromString(strTxid), (uint32_t)nOutput);
if (vOutPoints.size() > 0)
fInputParsed = true;
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Error: empty request");
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
// convert hex to bin, continue then with bin part
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
std::vector<unsigned char> strRequestV = ParseHex(strRequestMutable);
strRequestMutable.assign(strRequestV.begin(), strRequestV.end());
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
try {
//deserialize only if user sent a request
if (strRequestMutable.size() > 0)
if (fInputParsed) //don't allow sending input over URI and HTTP RAW DATA
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Combination of URI scheme inputs and raw post data is not allowed");
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream oss{};
oss << strRequestMutable;
oss >> fCheckMemPool;
oss >> vOutPoints;
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {
// abort in case of unreadable binary data
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Parse error");
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
if (!fInputParsed)
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Error: empty request");
default: {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
// limit max outpoints
if (vOutPoints.size() > MAX_GETUTXOS_OUTPOINTS)
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, strprintf("Error: max outpoints exceeded (max: %d, tried: %d)", MAX_GETUTXOS_OUTPOINTS, vOutPoints.size()));
2015-07-03 16:36:49 +02:00
// check spentness and form a bitmap (as well as a JSON capable human-readable string representation)
std::vector<unsigned char> bitmap;
std::vector<CCoin> outs;
std::string bitmapStringRepresentation;
std::vector<bool> hits;
bitmap.resize((vOutPoints.size() + 7) / 8);
ChainstateManager* maybe_chainman = GetChainman(context, req);
if (!maybe_chainman) return false;
ChainstateManager& chainman = *maybe_chainman;
decltype(chainman.ActiveHeight()) active_height;
uint256 active_hash;
auto process_utxos = [&vOutPoints, &outs, &hits, &active_height, &active_hash, &chainman](const CCoinsView& view, const CTxMemPool* mempool) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(chainman.GetMutex()) {
for (const COutPoint& vOutPoint : vOutPoints) {
Coin coin;
bool hit = (!mempool || !mempool->isSpent(vOutPoint)) && view.GetCoin(vOutPoint, coin);
if (hit) outs.emplace_back(std::move(coin));
active_height = chainman.ActiveHeight();
active_hash = chainman.ActiveTip()->GetBlockHash();
if (fCheckMemPool) {
const CTxMemPool* mempool = GetMemPool(context, req);
if (!mempool) return false;
// use db+mempool as cache backend in case user likes to query mempool
LOCK2(cs_main, mempool->cs);
2020-10-14 16:16:34 -04:00
CCoinsViewCache& viewChain = chainman.ActiveChainstate().CoinsTip();
CCoinsViewMemPool viewMempool(&viewChain, *mempool);
process_utxos(viewMempool, mempool);
} else {
process_utxos(chainman.ActiveChainstate().CoinsTip(), nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < hits.size(); ++i) {
const bool hit = hits[i];
bitmapStringRepresentation.append(hit ? "1" : "0"); // form a binary string representation (human-readable for json output)
bitmap[i / 8] |= ((uint8_t)hit) << (i % 8);
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
// serialize data
// use exact same output as mentioned in Bip64
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssGetUTXOResponse{};
ssGetUTXOResponse << active_height << active_hash << bitmap << outs;
std::string ssGetUTXOResponseString = ssGetUTXOResponse.str();
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, ssGetUTXOResponseString);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ssGetUTXOResponse{};
ssGetUTXOResponse << active_height << active_hash << bitmap << outs;
std::string strHex = HexStr(ssGetUTXOResponse) + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strHex);
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
UniValue objGetUTXOResponse(UniValue::VOBJ);
// pack in some essentials
// use more or less the same output as mentioned in Bip64
objGetUTXOResponse.pushKV("chainHeight", active_height);
objGetUTXOResponse.pushKV("chaintipHash", active_hash.GetHex());
objGetUTXOResponse.pushKV("bitmap", bitmapStringRepresentation);
UniValue utxos(UniValue::VARR);
for (const CCoin& coin : outs) {
UniValue utxo(UniValue::VOBJ);
utxo.pushKV("height", (int32_t)coin.nHeight);
utxo.pushKV("value", ValueFromAmount(coin.out.nValue));
// include the script in a json output
UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
ScriptToUniv(coin.out.scriptPubKey, /*out=*/o, /*include_hex=*/true, /*include_address=*/true);
utxo.pushKV("scriptPubKey", o);
objGetUTXOResponse.pushKV("utxos", utxos);
// return json string
std::string strJSON = objGetUTXOResponse.write() + "\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, strJSON);
return true;
default: {
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
static bool rest_blockhash_by_height(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req,
const std::string& str_uri_part)
if (!CheckWarmup(req)) return false;
std::string height_str;
const RESTResponseFormat rf = ParseDataFormat(height_str, str_uri_part);
Prevent valgrind false positive in rest_blockhash_by_height A bad interaction between valgrind and clang 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 with -O2 optimizations makes valgrind misleadingly imply C++ code is reading an uninitialized blockheight value in rest_blockhash_by_height just because that's what clang optimized code is doing. The C++ code looks like: int32_t blockheight; if (!ParseInt32(height_str, &blockheight) || blockheight < 0) { while the optimized code looks like: 0x00000000000f97ab <+123>: callq 0x4f8860 <ParseInt32(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int*)> 0x00000000000f97b0 <+128>: mov 0xc(%rsp),%ebx 0x00000000000f97b4 <+132>: test %ebx,%ebx 0x00000000000f97b6 <+134>: js 0xf98aa <rest_blockhash_by_height(util::Ref const&, HTTPRequest*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)+378> 0x00000000000f97bc <+140>: xor $0x1,%al 0x00000000000f97be <+142>: jne 0xf98aa <rest_blockhash_by_height(util::Ref const&, HTTPRequest*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)+378> During the test: self.test_rest_request("/blockhashbyheight/", ret_type=RetType.OBJ, status=400) when height_str is empty, ParseInt32 returns false and blockheight value is never assigned. The optimized code reads the uninitialized blockheight value in 0xc(%rsp) before the checking the ParseInt32 return value in %al, which is harmless, but triggers the following error from valgrind: ==30660== Thread 13 b-httpworker.2: ==30660== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==30660== at 0x2017B6: rest_blockhash_by_height(util::Ref const&, HTTPRequest*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) (rest.cpp:614) ==30660== by 0x2041B9: operator() (rest.cpp:670) ==30660== by 0x2041B9: std::_Function_handler<bool (HTTPRequest*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&), StartREST(util::Ref const&)::$_1>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, HTTPRequest*&&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) (std_function.h:301) ==30660== by 0x3EC994: operator() (std_function.h:706) ==30660== by 0x3EC994: HTTPWorkItem::operator()() (httpserver.cpp:55) ==30660== by 0x3ED16D: WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>::Run() (httpserver.cpp:114) ==30660== by 0x3E9168: HTTPWorkQueueRun(WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>*, int) (httpserver.cpp:342) ==30660== by 0x3EDAAA: __invoke_impl<void, void (*)(WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int), WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int> (invoke.h:60) ==30660== by 0x3EDAAA: __invoke<void (*)(WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int), WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int> (invoke.h:95) ==30660== by 0x3EDAAA: _M_invoke<0, 1, 2> (thread:234) ==30660== by 0x3EDAAA: operator() (thread:243) ==30660== by 0x3EDAAA: std::thread::_State_impl<std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<void (*)(WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>*, int), WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>*, int> > >::_M_run() (thread:186) ==30660== by 0x64256DE: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ==30660== by 0x54876DA: start_thread (pthread_create.c:463) ==30660== by 0x6DC888E: clone (clone.S:95) ==30660== Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation ==30660== at 0x20173A: rest_blockhash_by_height(util::Ref const&, HTTPRequest*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) (rest.cpp:608) ==30660== { <insert_a_suppression_name_here> Memcheck:Cond fun:_ZL24rest_blockhash_by_heightRKN4util3RefEP11HTTPRequestRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE fun:operator() fun:_ZNSt17_Function_handlerIFbP11HTTPRequestRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEZ9StartRESTRKN4util3RefEE3$_1E9_M_invokeERKSt9_Any_dataOS1_S9_ fun:operator() fun:_ZN12HTTPWorkItemclEv fun:_ZN9WorkQueueI11HTTPClosureE3RunEv fun:_ZL16HTTPWorkQueueRunP9WorkQueueI11HTTPClosureEi fun:__invoke_impl<void, void (*)(WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int), WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int> fun:__invoke<void (*)(WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int), WorkQueue<HTTPClosure> *, int> fun:_M_invoke<0, 1, 2> fun:operator() fun:_ZNSt6thread11_State_implINS_8_InvokerISt5tupleIJPFvP9WorkQueueI11HTTPClosureEiES6_iEEEEE6_M_runEv obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ fun:start_thread fun:clone } This is a known bad interaction between clang and valgrind. The clang optimized code is correct but valgrind has no way of knowing that accessing the uninitialized value isn't a problem. Issue has been reported previously: This commit just sets blockheight to 0 as a workaround.
2020-04-24 13:07:07 -04:00
int32_t blockheight = -1; // Initialization done only to prevent valgrind false positive, see
if (!ParseInt32(height_str, &blockheight) || blockheight < 0) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid height: " + SanitizeString(height_str));
CBlockIndex* pblockindex = nullptr;
ChainstateManager* maybe_chainman = GetChainman(context, req);
if (!maybe_chainman) return false;
ChainstateManager& chainman = *maybe_chainman;
const CChain& active_chain = chainman.ActiveChain();
2020-10-14 16:16:34 -04:00
if (blockheight > active_chain.Height()) {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Block height out of range");
2020-10-14 16:16:34 -04:00
pblockindex = active_chain[blockheight];
switch (rf) {
case RESTResponseFormat::BINARY: {
2023-01-03 13:21:44 +01:00
DataStream ss_blockhash{};
ss_blockhash << pblockindex->GetBlockHash();
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, ss_blockhash.str());
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::HEX: {
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, pblockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex() + "\n");
return true;
case RESTResponseFormat::JSON: {
req->WriteHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
UniValue resp = UniValue(UniValue::VOBJ);
resp.pushKV("blockhash", pblockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
req->WriteReply(HTTP_OK, resp.write() + "\n");
return true;
default: {
return RESTERR(req, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "output format not found (available: " + AvailableDataFormatsString() + ")");
static const struct {
const char* prefix;
bool (*handler)(const std::any& context, HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& strReq);
} uri_prefixes[] = {
{"/rest/tx/", rest_tx},
{"/rest/block/notxdetails/", rest_block_notxdetails},
{"/rest/block/", rest_block_extended},
{"/rest/blockfilter/", rest_block_filter},
{"/rest/blockfilterheaders/", rest_filter_header},
2014-12-27 13:18:36 +01:00
{"/rest/chaininfo", rest_chaininfo},
2022-07-19 09:57:19 -03:00
{"/rest/mempool/", rest_mempool},
2014-12-08 13:44:49 +01:00
{"/rest/headers/", rest_headers},
{"/rest/getutxos", rest_getutxos},
2022-06-16 19:13:18 -03:00
{"/rest/deploymentinfo/", rest_deploymentinfo},
{"/rest/deploymentinfo", rest_deploymentinfo},
{"/rest/blockhashbyheight/", rest_blockhash_by_height},
void StartREST(const std::any& context)
for (const auto& up : uri_prefixes) {
auto handler = [context, up](HTTPRequest* req, const std::string& prefix) { return up.handler(context, req, prefix); };
RegisterHTTPHandler(up.prefix, false, handler);
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
2015-01-23 07:53:17 +01:00
void InterruptREST()
void StopREST()
for (const auto& up : uri_prefixes) {
UnregisterHTTPHandler(up.prefix, false);