Bitcoin Core v24 extended `wsh()` output descriptor with [Miniscript]( support (initially watch-only). Signing support for Miniscript descriptors was added in v25. And since v26 Miniscript expressions can now be used in Taproot descriptors.
-`pk(0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798)` describes a P2PK output with the specified public key.
-`pkh(02c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5)` describes a P2PKH output with the specified public key.
-`wpkh(02f9308a019258c31049344f85f89d5229b531c845836f99b08601f113bce036f9)` describes a P2WPKH output with the specified public key.
-`sh(wpkh(03fff97bd5755eeea420453a14355235d382f6472f8568a18b2f057a1460297556))` describes a P2SH-P2WPKH output with the specified public key.
-`combo(0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798)` describes any P2PK, P2PKH, P2WPKH, or P2SH-P2WPKH output with the specified public key.
-`sh(wsh(pkh(02e493dbf1c10d80f3581e4904930b1404cc6c13900ee0758474fa94abe8c4cd13)))` describes an (overly complicated) P2SH-P2WSH-P2PKH output with the specified public key.
-`multi(1,022f8bde4d1a07209355b4a7250a5c5128e88b84bddc619ab7cba8d569b240efe4,025cbdf0646e5db4eaa398f365f2ea7a0e3d419b7e0330e39ce92bddedcac4f9bc)` describes a bare *1-of-2* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
-`sh(multi(2,022f01e5e15cca351daff3843fb70f3c2f0a1bdd05e5af888a67784ef3e10a2a01,03acd484e2f0c7f65309ad178a9f559abde09796974c57e714c35f110dfc27ccbe))` describes a P2SH *2-of-2* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
-`sh(sortedmulti(2,03acd484e2f0c7f65309ad178a9f559abde09796974c57e714c35f110dfc27ccbe,022f01e5e15cca351daff3843fb70f3c2f0a1bdd05e5af888a67784ef3e10a2a01))` describes a P2SH *2-of-2* multisig output with keys sorted lexicographically in the resulting redeemScript.
-`wsh(multi(2,03a0434d9e47f3c86235477c7b1ae6ae5d3442d49b1943c2b752a68e2a47e247c7,03774ae7f858a9411e5ef4246b70c65aac5649980be5c17891bbec17895da008cb,03d01115d548e7561b15c38f004d734633687cf4419620095bc5b0f47070afe85a))` describes a P2WSH *2-of-3* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
-`sh(wsh(multi(1,03f28773c2d975288bc7d1d205c3748651b075fbc6610e58cddeeddf8f19405aa8,03499fdf9e895e719cfd64e67f07d38e3226aa7b63678949e6e49b241a60e823e4,02d7924d4f7d43ea965a465ae3095ff41131e5946f3c85f79e44adbcf8e27e080e)))` describes a P2SH-P2WSH *1-of-3* multisig output with keys in the specified order.
-`pk(xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8)` describes a P2PK output with the public key of the specified xpub.
-`pkh(xpub68Gmy5EdvgibQVfPdqkBBCHxA5htiqg55crXYuXoQRKfDBFA1WEjWgP6LHhwBZeNK1VTsfTFUHCdrfp1bgwQ9xv5ski8PX9rL2dZXvgGDnw/1/2)` describes a P2PKH output with child key *1/2* of the specified xpub.
-`pkh([d34db33f/44'/0'/0']xpub6ERApfZwUNrhLCkDtcHTcxd75RbzS1ed54G1LkBUHQVHQKqhMkhgbmJbZRkrgZw4koxb5JaHWkY4ALHY2grBGRjaDMzQLcgJvLJuZZvRcEL/1/*)` describes a set of P2PKH outputs, but additionally specifies that the specified xpub is a child of a master with fingerprint `d34db33f`, and derived using path `44'/0'/0'`.
-`wsh(multi(1,xpub661MyMwAqRbcFW31YEwpkMuc5THy2PSt5bDMsktWQcFF8syAmRUapSCGu8ED9W6oDMSgv6Zz8idoc4a6mr8BDzTJY47LJhkJ8UB7WEGuduB/1/0/*,xpub69H7F5d8KSRgmmdJg2KhpAK8SR3DjMwAdkxj3ZuxV27CprR9LgpeyGmXUbC6wb7ERfvrnKZjXoUmmDznezpbZb7ap6r1D3tgFxHmwMkQTPH/0/0/*))` describes a set of *1-of-2* P2WSH multisig outputs where the first multisig key is the *1/0/`i`* child of the first specified xpub and the second multisig key is the *0/0/`i`* child of the second specified xpub, and `i` is any number in a configurable range (`0-1000` by default).
-`wsh(sortedmulti(1,xpub661MyMwAqRbcFW31YEwpkMuc5THy2PSt5bDMsktWQcFF8syAmRUapSCGu8ED9W6oDMSgv6Zz8idoc4a6mr8BDzTJY47LJhkJ8UB7WEGuduB/1/0/*,xpub69H7F5d8KSRgmmdJg2KhpAK8SR3DjMwAdkxj3ZuxV27CprR9LgpeyGmXUbC6wb7ERfvrnKZjXoUmmDznezpbZb7ap6r1D3tgFxHmwMkQTPH/0/0/*))` describes a set of *1-of-2* P2WSH multisig outputs where one multisig key is the *1/0/`i`* child of the first specified xpub and the other multisig key is the *0/0/`i`* child of the second specified xpub, and `i` is any number in a configurable range (`0-1000` by default). The order of public keys in the resulting witnessScripts is determined by the lexicographic order of the public keys at that index.
-`tr(c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5,{pk(fff97bd5755eeea420453a14355235d382f6472f8568a18b2f057a1460297556),pk(e493dbf1c10d80f3581e4904930b1404cc6c13900ee0758474fa94abe8c4cd13)})` describes a P2TR output with the `c6...` x-only pubkey as internal key, and two script paths.
-`tr(c6047f9441ed7d6d3045406e95c07cd85c778e4b8cef3ca7abac09b95c709ee5,sortedmulti_a(2,2f8bde4d1a07209355b4a7250a5c5128e88b84bddc619ab7cba8d569b240efe4,5cbdf0646e5db4eaa398f365f2ea7a0e3d419b7e0330e39ce92bddedcac4f9bc))` describes a P2TR output with the `c6...` x-only pubkey as internal key, and a single `multi_a` script that needs 2 signatures with 2 specified x-only keys, which will be sorted lexicographically.
-`wsh(sortedmulti(2,[6f53d49c/44h/1h/0h]tpubDDjsCRDQ9YzyaAq9rspCfq8RZFrWoBpYnLxK6sS2hS2yukqSczgcYiur8Scx4Hd5AZatxTuzMtJQJhchufv1FRFanLqUP7JHwusSSpfcEp2/0/*,[e6807791/44h/1h/0h]tpubDDAfvogaaAxaFJ6c15ht7Tq6ZmiqFYfrSmZsHu7tHXBgnjMZSHAeHSwhvjARNA6Qybon4ksPksjRbPDVp7yXA1KjTjSd5x18KHqbppnXP1s/0/*,[367c9cfa/44h/1h/0h]tpubDDtPnSgWYk8dDnaDwnof4ehcnjuL5VoUt1eW2MoAed1grPHuXPDnkX1fWMvXfcz3NqFxPbhqNZ3QBdYjLz2hABeM9Z2oqMR1Gt2HHYDoCgh/0/*))#av0kxgw0` describes a *2-of-3* multisig. For brevity, the internal "change" descriptor accompanying the above external "receiving" descriptor is not included here, but it typically differs only in the xpub derivation steps, ending in `/1/*` for change addresses.
-`wsh(thresh(4,pk([7258e4f9/44h/1h/0h]tpubDCZrkQoEU3845aFKUu9VQBYWZtrTwxMzcxnBwKFCYXHD6gEXvtFcxddCCLFsEwmxQaG15izcHxj48SXg1QS5FQGMBx5Ak6deXKPAL7wauBU/0/*),s:pk([c80b1469/44h/1h/0h]tpubDD3UwwHoNUF4F3Vi5PiUVTc3ji1uThuRfFyBexTSHoAcHuWW2z8qEE2YujegcLtgthr3wMp3ZauvNG9eT9xfJyxXCfNty8h6rDBYU8UU1qq/0/*),s:pk([4e5024fe/44h/1h/0h]tpubDDLrpPymPLSCJyCMLQdmcWxrAWwsqqssm5NdxT2WSdEBPSXNXxwbeKtsHAyXPpLkhUyKovtZgCi47QxVpw9iVkg95UUgeevyAqtJ9dqBqa1/0/*),s:pk([3b1d1ee9/44h/1h/0h]tpubDCmDTANBWPzf6d8Ap1J5Ku7J1Ay92MpHMrEV7M5muWxCrTBN1g5f1NPcjMEL6dJHxbvEKNZtYCdowaSTN81DAyLsmv6w6xjJHCQNkxrsrfu/0/*),sln:after(840000),sln:after(1050000),sln:after(1260000)))#k28080kv` describes a Miniscript multisig with spending policy: `thresh(4,pk(key_1),pk(key_2),pk(key_3),pk(key_4),after(t1),after(t2),after(t3))` that starts as 4-of-4 and "decays" to 3-of-4, 2-of-4, and finally 1-of-4 at each future halvening block height. For brevity, the internal "change" descriptor accompanying the above external "receiving" descriptor is not included here, but it typically differs only in the xpub derivation steps, ending in `/1/*` for change addresses.
Descriptors consist of several types of expressions. The top level expression is either a `SCRIPT`, or `SCRIPT#CHECKSUM` where `CHECKSUM` is an 8-character alphanumeric descriptor checksum.
-`combo(KEY)` (top level only): an alias for the collection of `pk(KEY)` and `pkh(KEY)`. If the key is compressed, it also includes `wpkh(KEY)` and `sh(wpkh(KEY))`.
-`multi_a(k,KEY_1,KEY_2,...,KEY_N)` (only inside `tr`): k-of-n multisig script using OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKSIGADD, and OP_NUMEQUAL.
-`sortedmulti_a(k,KEY_1,KEY_2,...,KEY_N)` (only inside `tr`): similar to `multi_a`, but the (x-only) public keys in it will be sorted lexicographically.
-`rawtr(KEY)` (top level only): P2TR output with the specified key as output key. NOTE: while it's possible to use this to construct wallets, it has several downsides, like being unable to prove no hidden script path exists. Use at your own risk.
- Exactly 8 hex characters for the fingerprint of the key where the derivation starts (see BIP32 for details)
- Followed by zero or more `/NUM` or `/NUM'` path elements to indicate unhardened or hardened derivation steps between the fingerprint and the key or xpub/xprv root that follows
- Hex encoded public keys (either 66 characters starting with `02` or `03` for a compressed pubkey, or 130 characters starting with `04` for an uncompressed pubkey).
- [WIF]( encoded private keys may be specified instead of the corresponding public key, with the same meaning.
-`xpub` encoded extended public key or `xprv` encoded extended private key (as defined in [BIP 32](
- No more than one of these derivation steps may be of the form `<NUM;NUM;...;NUM>` (including hardened indicators with either or both `NUM`). If such specifiers are included, the descriptor will be parsed as multiple descriptors where the first descriptor uses all of the first `NUM` in the pair, and the second descriptor uses the second `NUM` in the pair for all `KEY` expressions, and so on.
- P2PKH addresses (base58, of the form `1...` for mainnet or `[nm]...` for testnet). Note that P2PKH addresses in descriptors cannot be used for P2PK outputs (use the `pk` function instead).
- P2SH addresses (base58, of the form `3...` for mainnet or `2...` for testnet, defined in [BIP 13](
- Segwit addresses (bech32 and bech32m, of the form `bc1...` for mainnet or `tb1...` for testnet, defined in [BIP 173]( and [BIP 350](
Disclaimers: It is important to note that this example serves as a quick-start and is kept basic for readability. A downside of the approach
outlined here is that each participant must maintain (and backup) two separate wallets: a signer and the corresponding multisig.
It should also be noted that privacy best-practices are not "by default" here - participants should take care to only use the signer to sign
transactions related to the multisig. Lastly, it is not recommended to use anything other than a Bitcoin Core descriptor wallet to serve as your
signer(s). Other wallets, whether hardware or software, likely impose additional checks and safeguards to prevent users from signing transactions that
could lead to loss of funds, or are deemed security hazards. Conforming to various 3rd-party checks and verifications is not in the scope of this example.
2. Create a watch-only descriptor wallet (blank, private keys disabled). Now the multisig is created by importing the external and internal descriptors:
(one descriptor w/ `0` for receiving addresses and another w/ `1` for change). Every participant does this. All key origin information (master key fingerprint and all derivation steps) should be included with xpubs for proper support of hardware devices / external signers
#### Basic Miniscript-enabled "decaying" multisig example
For an example of a multisig that starts as 4-of-4 and "decays" to 3-of-4, 2-of-4, and finally 1-of-4 at each future halvening block height, see [this functional test](/test/functional/
This has the same "architecture" and signing flow as the above [Basic multisig example](#basic-multisig-example). The basic steps are identical aside from the descriptor that defines this wallet, which is of the form: `wsh(thresh(4,pk(XPUB1),s:pk(XPUB2),s:pk(XPUB3),s:pk(XPUB4),sln:after(t1),sln:after(t2),sln:after(t3)))`.
[The test](/test/functional/ is meant to be documentation as much as it is a functional test, so it is kept as simple and readable as possible.