
3.4 KiB

id title
getting-started Intro and Getting Started


Bitcoin-S is a loosely coupled set of cryptocurrency libraries for the JVM. They work well together, but also can be used independently. This project's goal is NOT to be a full node implementation, rather a set of scalable cryptocurrency libraries that use industry standard tools (rather than esoteric tech often found in cryptocurrency) where possible to make the lives of professional software engineers, security engineers, devops engineers and accountants easier. We are rapidly iterating on development with the goal of getting to a set of stable APIs that only change when the underlying bitcoin protocol changes.

If you are a professional working a cryptocurrency business and have feedback on how to make your lives easier, please reach out on slack, gitter or twitter!

Getting prebuilt artifacts

Java binaries

Please download these from our latest release on github


We publish docker images to docker hub on every PR merge and tag on github. You can obtain the images for both the app server and oracle server on these docker hub repos

bitcoin-s-server docker hub repo

bitcoin-s-oracle-server docker hub repo

Library jars

Add this to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies +="org.bitcoin-s" % "bitcoin-s-secp256k1jni" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-core" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-chain" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-bitcoind-rpc" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-eclair-rpc" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-key-manager" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-node" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-wallet" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-testkit" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"

libraryDependencies += "org.bitcoin-s" %% "bitcoin-s-zmq" % "@STABLE_VERSION@"
val isUnstable = "@UNSTABLE_VERSION" != "@STABLE_VERSION@"
if (isUnstable) {
### Nightly builds

You can also run on the bleeding edge of Bitcoin-S, by
adding a snapshot build to your `build.sbt`. The most
recent snapshot published is `@UNSTABLE_VERSION@`.


To fetch snapshots, you will need to add the correct resolver in your build.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

The official maven repo for releases is

The repo for snapshots, which are published after everytime something is merged to master:

Building JARs yourself

Please see

If you want to setup Bitcoin-S locally for development

Please see