
19 KiB

1.8.0 DLC Wallet Tor negotiation

LAST COMMIT IS 6aff01ffbf

Running Bitcoin-S

If you want to run the standalone server binary, after verifying gpg signatures, you can unzip and then run it with ./bin/bitcoin-s-server to start the node. You will need to configure the node properly first, you can find example configurations here.

You can then unzip the folder and start using the bitcoin-s-cli like this:

./bin/bitcoin-s-cli --help
Usage: bitcoin-s-cli [options] [<cmd>]

  -n, --network <value>    Select the active network.
  --debug                  Print debugging information
  --rpcport <value>        The port to send our rpc request to on the server
  -h, --help               Display this help message and exit

For more information on what commands bitcoin-s-cli supports check the documentation, here is where to start:

Verifying signatures

This release is signed with Chris's signing key with fingerprint 339A49229576050819083EB3F99724872F822910

To do the verification, first hash the executable using sha256sum. You should check that the result is listed in the SHA256SUMS.asc file next to its file name. After doing that you can use gpg --verify to authenticate the signature.


UPDATE ME!!!!!!!

$ sha256sum bitcoin-s-server-1.7.0.tgz
aa1084edb5fcd3d1dbcafe0d0fba787abf4cd455bbe38809bd9a65a49c0cd0eb bitcoin-s-server-1.7.0.tgz
$ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc
gpg: Signature made Thu 24 Sep 2020 12:49:39 PM CDT
gpg:                using RSA key 339A49229576050819083EB3F99724872F822910
gpg:                issuer ""
gpg: Good signature from "Chris Stewart <>"



Snapshot releases

Executive Summary

app commons

Most changes in app commons this release is related to refactoring code so that it can be used more generically across the code base.

bfbde2abaa Add appCommonsTest to windows test matrix (#3683)

0fb2cd0149 Remove implicit conversions from BitcoinSAppConfig -> {WalletAppConfig,ChainAppConfig,NodeAppConfig} etc (#3652)

6ef30b4996 Add AppConfigFactory for DLCNodeAppConfig (#3598)

b980f4894d Implement BitcoinSAppConfig with ActorSystem (#3596)

75bbda66dd Add AppConfigActorSystem (#3590)

4f7b6422ea 2021 08 06 app config refacotr (#3498)

App server

The app server is the headless backend for bitcoin-s. This runs our wallet, node and chain management modules.

The biggest change this release is integrating end to end automated negotiation for entering into DLCs in PR #3462. This means you can just give your tor address and an offer to a peer and they will be able to enter into a DLC with you automatically.

This release included deprecating old endpoints that were poorly named and renaming them to have an announcement suffix. For instance createenumevent -> createenumannouncement.

The old endpoints will be removed next release. For more information see #3703 .

New rpcs added this release are

  • getversion - returns versions of bitcoin-s
  • backupwallet - backs up the wallet to the provided destination
  • decodeoffer - decodes a dlc offer
  • decodeannouncement - decodes an oracle announcement
  • decodeattestments - decodes oracle's attestments

26d7f99173 2021 09 30 rename endpoints (#3703)

698fe9e800 Add backupwallet and backuporacle endpoints (#3694)

4a44f9cd58 Run appServerTest on both windows and mac (#3609)

2191eb2049 Add 'getversion' endpoint to fetch the version from the backend (#3689)

515e85b1c5 Decode DLC messages cli commands (#3636)

f5ed232946 Bump fee by more to make sure our fee rate is increasing the test case (#3625)

55c57c487e Add CORS handling for running from a local dev server (#3612)

a5f4f9663c Add BitcoinSServerMain test to connect to bitcoind (#3591)

9ef27e4d7e Turn on bitcoin-s.node.relay=true by default on bundle/appServer (#3580)

0a31d6a4e2 Have wallet broadcast transaction for sendrawtransaction (#3578)

309d9ec217 Add proxy and tor sections to reference conf (#3530)

7cac44de4d DLC P2P in AppServer and GUI (#3462)

5aac4fd8d5 Bump server startup timeout from 60 seconds to 120seconds (#3514)

e2c2798e60 Implemented the ability to fetch unconfirmed transactions (#3429)

bitcoind rpc

The major changes this module breaking up BitcoindInstance to BitcoindInstanceLocal and BitcoindInstanceRemote. These require different parameters. We can do much more with a locally running bitcoind instance.

We also can now fetch the version of a running bitcoind instance.

781e77844f Implement ability to get proper version of BitcoindRpcClient from BitcoindRpcApConfig.clientF (#3699)

4e56fb7901 Make it so bitcoind backend exceptions don't get swallowed (#3697)

af96843e69 Try to fix race condition when shutting down bitcoind connection pool (#3665)

d53f164478 BitcoindRpcClient Improvements (#3600)

0746b14331 Move BitcoindRpcAppConfig into the bitcoind-rpc project (#3610)


We now publish docker images that are available on arm64 as well as amd64.

We also allow docker containers to take a BITCOIN_S_KEYMANAGER_ENTROPY. This is useful for platforms like umbrel that allow external entropy to be provided by the platform. See #3679 for more information.

59e953a1fc Bump CI runs to use scalac 2.12.15 (#3700)

4ef1e6bcb6 CI fixes (#3597)

4a5265801c Allow for enternal entropy to be passed into a docker container for the appServer and oracleServer (#3679)

9b269f0e5e Change userId to work with umbrel (#3667)

cd9db4f4a9 Adjust the permissions of the statup script for the oracle server on docker so that any user can run the script (#3654)

e17ea32faa Update base docker image to openjdk:16-slim (#3650)

8e39b2bbb8 Sbt docker multi platform (#3649)

fd7cd71848 Update .gitmodules (#3390)

c774ce3a34 Implement logic to automatically attach deb,dmg,msi installers to a release when i tag something (#3388)


466de3e46a Update ConsoleCli endpoints, update docs (#3705)

40f89af597 Give help messages for DLC cli commands and document them (#3642)


Improves filter header verification when receiving filters from a peer.

fa45c74c36 Improve filter header verification (#3566)


Bug fixes, test cases and ergonomic improvements this release for core.

ba713bd98f Fixed edge case of numeric range computation (#3707)

4f65022472 Fix signet parsing of LnInvoices (#3691)

479f8e249c Remove unneeded CoreApi (#3599)

85eb2d5eb4 Fix approximateUtxoSize calculation for p2wpkh (#3669)

f3da45c504 Add CurrencyUnits.fromLong (#3653)

ba21c24d6f Give funding txid in DLC Signed state (#3640)

f2a2874177 Add new invalid BIP 32 test vectors (#3634)

6e41b76f5b Make test vector that times out on CI async (#3628)

e829d03249 Add better CETSignaturesV0TLV.toString so we don't accidentally DOS in the case of large amoutns of adaptor signatures (#3521)

462ffc53e6 Give TLVs subtypes, add LnMessage utilities (#3437)

2597904019 Move DLCWalletApi to core module (#3438)

9aa9a424c2 Implement init message from BOLT 1 (#3407)

Db commons

The release for db commons adds a new class MasterXPubDAO that allows you to store the master xpub for a specific module like the wallet or dlcOracle. If a different seed is used on statup, an exception will be thrown saying that the stored master xpub and the xpub generated from the seed are different.

6df0354a73 Enable WAL mode for SQLite (#3704)

48213d9b81 Implement MasterXPubDAO (#3451)

DLC node

This is a new module. This implements the networking logic to negotiate the building of Contract Execution Transactions (CET) and the funding transaction for a DLC.

1051e6365a DLC P2P Client (#3402)

DLC Oracle

This release for DLC oracle focuses on making sure our DLCOracle construction is safe. Previously we could seed the oracle with entropy that doesn't correspond to entropy on disk or passed via the BITCOIN_S_KEYMANAGER_ENTROPY flag.

One other bug fix in this release is making sure we increment the keyIndex in a thread safe way.

98ecdf7ac3 Refactor DLCOracle construction to be more safe (#3449)

1032669f21 Add unit test for moving seeds and making sure we can get the same public key after moving (#3441)

36c4da7c95 Use AtomicInteger for keyIndex in DLCOracle (#3433)

2d96a9c519 Fix typo in DLCOracle (#3434)

91b88b60ec Add large digits test in DLCOracle (#3432)

ea1ead9a3f Add nonces to error message for easier debugging (#3430)

b7b2a7099f 2021 07 15 dlc oracle pg (#3413)

DLC wallet

Bug fixes this release. The most notable is preserving the ordering of inputs when multiple inputs are used to fund the DLC from one counterparty (#3647)

099e4469b4 Add ordering of funding inputs to DLC Wallet (#3647)

706c9fe961 Add check for valid broadcast states (#3560)

1d6ede492f Invert updating of DLC state and broadcasting the funding tx (#3526)

621e8e9033 Rescan DLC Tests (#3515)

c1ce9ca115 Disallow signing your own DLCAccept (#3453)

a295b363bd Fix bug where we couldn't execute a DLC twice (#3426)

892096d790 Disallow calling addDLCSigs as Initiator (#3411)


Tons of improvements to the GUI. Our thinking on the GUI is to re-write it in typescript. We will continue to support for the desktop GUI for now, will the goal of phasing it out over the long term.

656e9b1b5d Sort DLC table by last updated (#3607)

11dd28085a Add debug window button to unreserve all utxos (#3633)

8cff5b6e33 Change bitcoind RPC Password to PasswordField (#3587)

e62615dc5e Add guard to not allow us to check the network configuration on bitcoind (#3582)

072c4164db Add Tor running text to UI (#3546)

68afe90778 Flip buttons for Offer and Accept (#3579)

01617be190 Add welcome pane to right view on startup (#3577)

fd02d3642e Add dialog to show transaction id and link after wallet Send (#3570)

5567d2214f Move DLC/Event loading operations to Pane (#3567)

589077f2f3 Enum outcome labels to match numeric outcome labels (#3568)

b545915fc0 Implement rebroadcast closing tx (#3564)

e08dc636a1 Wallet on top UI, minWidth on DLC View fields (#3540)

63ccfbe1a0 Add Network label to statusbar (#3541)

da0d583471 Style wallet startup screens (#3542)

e0ecafc5f9 Add debug window to view log fixes #3516 (#3536)

77539c570a Adjust DLCTableView column widths and "counter party" to "counterparty" (#3539)

b2065a9c02 SplitPane flat Dialog UI (#3505)

b98aa7c8e1 GUI code cleanup (#3504)

5524f7d393 Add style classes, center Rounding Info (#3496)

84e6097d48 Set disable to context menu items based on selection, add Refund/Execute (#3477)

e315fb0563 Move to GridPane wallet, dynamic sizing (#3492)

66813dc7c5 Fix error parsing address in AcceptOfferDialog (#3491)

831e0fd96d Evenly space footer status items (#3485)

3177b1586b Adds Tor Address to UI, if set (#3481)

2dd348a79f Fix dialog results optionality nesting to match dialogOpt (#3479)

00841160e0 Modifer keys per OS, Mac native menubar (#3474)

ef16082b95 Add preferences for wallet window x,y,w,h persistence (#3473)

c022261c4f Remove colons from DLC view labels (#3471)

9aadf9053d Dialogs to CliCommandProducers with buildView(), common fileChooser (#3456)

bc3140c6bb Default Use Tor to config value, space login pages the same (#3472)

f20cdf667c Pretty print PnL in table view (#3400)

19fb1cf17a Add network selection combobox for Neutrino (#3409)

c1715760c6 Add connection indicator to GUI (#3381)


This adds bitcoin-s.keymanager.entropy configuration that allows you to provide external entropy for the modules that depend on the keymanager. These modules are the wallet and dlcOracle as of this writing.

132479d271 Implement ability to provide external entropy to bitcoin-s (#3672)

Lnd rpc

This release adds functionality for signing, closing, and leasing ouputs with lnd.

There are various bug fixes in this release too.

f6169cc3af Add LndInstanceRemote (#3710)

26efbe783e Add lnd close channel function (#3692)

e6e1fbdab8 Fix typo for signet LndInstances (#3690)

b6f28456e2 Add functions for Lease & Release output functions (#3677)

fd6e0864ac LndRpcClient: Fix listUnspent only showing unconfirmed utxos (#3663)

74777a9683 Add conversion utils for LndRpcClient (#3660)

5089e901bb Add wallet signing functions (#3658)

7cd21edb12 2021 08 17 rebroadcast funding tx (#3561)

35d2c6db4e Update LND to v0.13.1-beta (#3435)


This release of node lays the groundwork for multi peer block filter lite client (#3401). This functionality is not usable yet, but will be in the release of bitcoin-s.

This release also includes P2P reconnection logic. Previously you would have to restart the node to re-connect with a peer (#3572).

db46e35172 Fix case where we forget to correctly assign currentPeerMsgHandlerRecv (#3662)

b6ef27eb3e Move block generation and synchronization of th wallet before clearing utxo/addresses (#3623)

ac8bdb120c Implement PeerMessageReceiverState.InitializedDisconnect. This allows us to distinguish between disconnections we initalized and connections the peer intialized. This is needed for determining whether we should reconnect or not (#3583)

20575bcd68 Fix missing afterAll in ReConnectionTest (#3584)

54ce2ebeb2 P2P reconnect logic (#3572)

114fbf35fe Update version, userAgent for bitcoin-s (#3565)

037ab7341e Reduce logs for inv messages and wallet callbacks to DEBUG (#3524)

1426c31483 Multi peer: Sync with random peer (#3454)

85975b8b07 complete handshake with peers (#3446)

4be2b2109b [WIP] Adding multi-peer support (#3401)

1c6d728197 Made relay flag in version message configurable (#3416)

45233be22d Update user agent (#3384)

Oracle server

This release adds two new endpoint for the oracle server in #3701


These endpoints should be used VERY carefully. You can reveal your private key if you delete attestations that were widely shared if you re-attest with a different value. Deleting an announcement that users have built DLCs based on will mean those DLCs will have to exercise the refund clause. If you don't know what you are doing, it's best to not use these endpoints.

  • deleteannouncement - deletes the announcement
  • deleteattestation - deletes the attestations for an announcement

6aff01ffbf createattesattion -> signenum (#3712)

3d725adc92 2021 09 29 delete announcement (#3701)

27d4c09d37 Add sha256 announcement/event ids on oracleServer 'getevent' for use in UI (#3673)


60dbd0252d Update secp256k1 precompiled binaries to use safegcd code on linux64 (#3528)

560edf66d8 update osx64 secp256k1 binaries (#3531)

e3ab76fe6b update arm64 secp256k1 binaries (#3527)


This release for the wallet fixes bugs and adds tests. No new functionality was added.

1f35dbdb85 Fix bug where we weren't waiting on a future to complete in for expression (#3627)

bedc152f33 Write unit test for SpendingInfoDAO.upsert() (#3620)

184bf415df More bitcoind backend wallet tests (#3605)

f85f969500 Revert 60 second delay on broadcast to go back to 4 hour default to not break IBD (#3557)

9666e9d296 2021 08 09 init delay broadcast freq (#3509)


The major new feature this release is adding the ability to configure the testkit to use postgres with the test harness. You can force the testkit by setting this configuration in your reference.conf

2c8a2b0e32 Fix testkit depending on slf4j twice (#3644)

495ab62104 Tor in Testkit (#3484)

902f4aa332 The spaces after the log level cause logging levels not to work (#3545)

b2b2ca45db Add ability to configure postgres database backends for test cases via reference.conf (#3421)


This is a new module introduced in 1.8. This adds support for tor in bitcoin-s.

704b02ae6c Use random ports for pre-packaged Tor daemon (#3604)

cebd289dd6 Implement versioning for packaged tor (#3576)

c915711908 Make Tor setup Docker compatible (#3552)

addb1254ee Fix for if tor is already running (#3562)

f2e68bbfc5 Add guard for the case where tor binary hasn't created log file yet (#3558)

b7d85264a0 Implement TorAppConfig.start(), use tor logs to detect when the tor is fully started (#3549)

bbd3cd2bc4 Stop tor binary when server is shutdown (#3543)

04678b5ed9 Add tor config to bundle application.conf (#3537)

ddd27c3d89 Add TorBundle, make all mac files executable that are required (#3534)

43e0287fed Package Tor with Bitcoin-s (#3483)

3d4cf1fc91 Tor support for all sub-projects (#3506)

8979ac2932 Don't use tor proxy for localhost connections (#3500)

b39ca47268 Create TorAppConfig (#3476)

59963156bc Hidden service setup helper (#3423)

ca40af5d94 Tor support for BTC RPC (#3470)

16e8554756 SOCKS5 client transport (#3396)

8b663d91b6 Tor support for P2P (#3311)


Update various documentation.

d2a7bc02b6 Fix app server docker docs (#3575)

7f7bc1f4bf Update (#3503)

6a66f9bfcd Update (#3507)

c27291a7a2 Getting Setup Fixes (#3517)

c37f982f02 Update (#3495)

a8fa96b0a4 Add where modifications need to be made explicitly (#3493)

e61be252bd Updated README (#3489)

79e11c6dce Update path to secp256k1 library in docs (#3385)


51bf5458dc Update metrics-core to 4.2.4 (#3709)

bf16bab881 Update scodec-bits to 1.1.29 (#3698)

f9cfd05414 Update postgresql to 42.2.24 (#3687)

c17cc86ad6 Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.9 (#3685)

c53b96c77f Update native-lib-loader to 2.4.0 (#3682)

9b429e98da Bump prismjs from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0 in /website (#3680)

dc56c69c6a Update scalafx to 16.0.0-R25 (#3676)

b80710eaaf Update native-lib-loader to 2.3.6 (#3678)

619fd5a1fb Update scalatest to 3.2.10 (#3675)

3c64af39d9 Update sbt-scoverage to 1.9.0 (#3671)

11c3626fac Update sbt-bloop to 1.4.9 (#3664)

87b8c4a138 Update scala-library to 2.12.15 (#3668)

911fd3429d Update scala-async to 1.0.1 (#3656)

576680a419 Update logback-classic to 1.2.6 (#3655)

14ea28bfa2 Update akka-grpc-runtime_2.12, ... to 2.1.0 (#3638)

3c9b30b974 Update scodec-bits to 1.1.28 (#3639)

2d429db60d Update sqlite-jdbc to (#3630)

554869e72a Update akka-actor, akka-discovery, ... to 2.6.16 (#3574)

168da1ae1e Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.23 (#3613)

0200ae8beb Update sqlite-jdbc to (#3608)

90c3f69713 Update scalajs-stubs to 1.1.0 (#3508)

004b6cc59d Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.7.0 (#3475)

fc88aa077b Update sbt-mdoc to 2.2.22 (#3439)

3cdc0d19c7 Update akka-http, akka-http-testkit, ... to 10.2.6 (#3488)

520e8e5715 Update janino to 3.1.6 (#3457)

07b4e722c1 Update akka-http, akka-http-testkit, ... to 10.2.5 (#3455)

7b1c5639cc Update logback-classic to 1.2.5 (#3452)

62a8897d7f Update slf4j-api to 1.7.32 (#3427)

7f07ed7a7a Update metrics-core to 4.2.3 (#3419)

6e04010cba Update scala-async to 1.0.0 (#3392)

74964ab145 Update sbt to 1.5.5 (#3391)

cddecc2075 Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.3 (#3386)

38c55ad0c0 Update scala-collection-compat to 2.5.0 (#3387)