2021-01-20 08:04:02 -06:00

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title: Wallet Rescans
id: wallet-rescan
With [BIP157]( you can cache block filters locally to use
later for rescans in the case you need to restore your wallets. Our [chain](../chain/ project gives us
an API with the ability to query for filters.
### Rescan from CLI
To execute a rescan from the cli because you are restoring a wallet or it has gotten out of sync is fairly simple.
If you have an empty wallet it can be done by simply calling rescan
./bitcoin-s-cli rescan
If your wallet is not empty then you will need to call it with the force command
./bitcoin-s-cli rescan --force
You can also specify start and stop heights
./bitcoin-s-cli rescan --start <start height> --stop <stop height>
By default, if you do not set the start height, the rescan will begin at your wallet's creation time.
If you wish to ignore this and start from genesis use the `ignorecreationtime` flag
./bitcoin-s-cli rescan --ignorecreationtime
### Code Example
You can rescan your wallet with filters with [`WalletApi.rescanNeutrinoWallet()`](
To run this example you need to make sure you have access to a bitcoind binary.
You can download this with bitcoin-s by doing `sbt downloadBitcoind`
```scala mdoc:invisible
import org.bitcoins.testkit.BitcoinSTestAppConfig
import org.bitcoins.testkit.fixtures._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.wallet._
import org.bitcoins.server.BitcoinSAppConfig
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Await}
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
```scala mdoc:compile-only
//we need an actor system and app config to power this
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem(s"wallet-rescan-example")
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
implicit val appConfig: BitcoinSAppConfig = BitcoinSTestAppConfig.getNeutrinoTestConfig()
val bip39PasswordOpt = None
//ok now let's spin up a bitcoind and a bitcoin-s wallet with funds in it
val walletWithBitcoindF = for {
bitcoind <- BitcoinSFixture.createBitcoindWithFunds()
walletWithBitcoind <- BitcoinSWalletTest.createWalletWithBitcoindCallbacks(bitcoind, bip39PasswordOpt)
} yield walletWithBitcoind
val walletF =
val bitcoindF =
//let's see what our initial wallet balance is
val initBalanceF = for {
w <- walletF
balance <- w.getBalance()
} yield {
println(s"Initial wallet balance=${balance}")
//ok great! We have money in the wallet to start,
//now let's delete our internal tables that hold our utxos
//and addresses so that we end up with a 0 balance
val clearedWalletF = for {
w <- walletF
_ <- initBalanceF
clearedWallet <- w.clearAllUtxosAndAddresses()
zeroBalance <- clearedWallet.getBalance()
} yield {
println(s"Balance after clearing utxos: ${zeroBalance}")
//we need to pick how many addresses we want to generate off of our keychain
//when doing a rescan, this means we are generating 100 addrsses
//and then looking for matches. If we find a match, we generate _another_
//100 fresh addresses and search those. We keep doing this until we find
//100 addresses that do not contain a match.
val addrBatchSize = 100
//ok now that we have a cleared wallet, we need to rescan and find our fudns again!
val rescannedBalanceF = for {
w <- clearedWalletF
_ <- w.fullRescanNeutrinoWallet(addrBatchSize)
balanceAfterRescan <- w.getBalance()
} yield {
println(s"Wallet balance after rescan: ${balanceAfterRescan}")
val cleanupF = for {
_ <- rescannedBalanceF
walletWithBitcoind <- walletWithBitcoindF
_ <- BitcoinSWalletTest.destroyWalletWithBitcoind(walletWithBitcoind)
} yield ()
Await.result(cleanupF, 60.seconds)