benthecarman bf831ae32e Fix lockunspent RPC (#2984)
* Fix lockunspent RPC

* Fix test
2021-04-29 07:57:14 -05:00

13 KiB

id title
server Application Server

App server

The server project is the aggregation of these three sub projects

  1. Wallet
  2. Chain
  3. Node

The server project provides a away to access information from these three projects via a JSON RPC.

Building the server

Java binary

You can build the server with the sbt native packager. The native packager offers numerous ways to package the project.

In this example we are going to use stage which will produce bash scripts we can easily execute. You can stage the server with the following command.

sbt appServer/universal:stage

This will produce a script to execute bitcoin-s which you can start with



The oracle server also has docker support. You can build a docker image with the following commands

Using an existing docker image

We publish docker images on every PR that is merged to bitcoin-s.

You can find the docker repo for the app server here

Building a docker image

sbt "appServer/docker:stage"

This will build a Dockerfile that is located in app/server/target/docker/stage

You can now build the docker image with

docker build app/server/target/docker/stage/ -t bitcoin-s-server:latest

Finally, let's run the image! It's important that you correctly configure port forwarding with the docker container so you can interact with the running container with bitcoin-s-cli or curl. By default, our oracle server listens for requests on port 9999.

This means we need to forward requests on the host machine to the docker container correctly.

This can be done with the following command

docker run -d -p 9999:9999 bitcoin-s-server:latest:latest

Now you can send requests with bitcoin-s-cli or curl. Here is an example with bitcoin-s-cli

./bitcoin-s-cli getblockcount

For more information on build configuration options with sbt please see the sbt native packager docs


Java binary configuration

If you would like to pass in a custom datadir for your server, you can do

./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --datadir /path/to/datadir/

To use a config file that is not the bitcoin-s.conf file in your datadir, you can do

./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --conf /path/to/file.conf

You can also pass in a custom rpcport to bind to

./app/server/target/universal/stage/bin/bitcoin-s-server --rpcport 12345

For more information on configuring the server please see our configuration document

For more information on how to use our built in cli to interact with the server please see

Docker configuration

In this example, we are using the latest docker image published to our docker hub which is referenced by bitcoinscala/bitcoin-s-server:latest

You can use bitcoin-s with docker volumes. You can also pass in a custom configuration at container runtime.

Using a docker volume

docker volume create bitcoin-s
docker run -p 9999:9999 \
--mount source=bitcoin-s,target=/home/bitcoin-s/ bitcoinscala/bitcoin-s-server:latest

Now you can re-use this volume across container runs. It will keep the same oracle database and seeds directory located at /home/bitcoin-s/.bitcoin-s/seeds in the volume.

Using a custom bitcoin-s configuration with docker

You can also specify a custom bitcoin-s configuration at container runtime. You can mount the configuration file on the docker container and that configuration will be used in the docker container runtime rather than the default one we provide here

You can do this with the following command

docker run -p 9999:9999 \
--mount type=bind,source=/my/new/config/,target=/home/bitcoin-s/.bitcoin-s/ \
bitcoinscala/bitcoin-s-server:latest --conf /home/bitcoin-s/.bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s.conf

Note: If you adjust the bitcoin-s.server.rpcport setting you will need to adjust the -p 9999:9999 port mapping on the docker container to adjust for this.

Server Endpoints


  • getblockcount - Get the current block height
  • getfiltercount - Get the number of filters
  • getfilterheadercount - Get the number of filter headers
  • getbestblockhash - Get the best block hash
  • getblockheader - Returns information about block header
    • hash - The block hash
  • decoderawtransaction tx - Decode the given raw hex transaction
    • tx - Transaction encoded in hex to decode


  • rescan [options] - Rescan for wallet UTXOs
    • --force - Clears existing wallet records. Warning! Use with caution!
    • --batch-size <value> - Number of filters that can be matched in one batch
    • --start <value> - Start height
    • --end <value> - End height
    • --ignorecreationtime - Ignores the wallet creation date and will instead do a full rescan
  • isempty - Checks if the wallet contains any data
  • walletinfo - Returns data about the current wallet being used
  • getbalance [options] - Get the wallet balance
    • --sats - Display balance in satoshis
  • getconfirmedbalance [options] - Get the wallet balance of confirmed utxos
    • --sats - Display balance in satoshis
  • getunconfirmedbalance [options] - Get the wallet balance of unconfirmed utxos
    • --sats - Display balance in satoshis
  • getutxos - Returns list of all wallet utxos
  • getaddresses - Returns list of all wallet addresses currently being watched
  • getspentaddresses - Returns list of all wallet addresses that have received funds and been spent
  • getfundedaddresses - Returns list of all wallet addresses that are holding funds
  • getunusedaddresses - Returns list of all wallet addresses that have not been used
  • getaccounts - Returns list of all wallet accounts
  • walletinfo - Returns meta information about the wallet
  • createnewaccount - Creates a new wallet account
  • getaddressinfo address - Returns list of all wallet accounts
    • address - Address to get information about
  • getnewaddress - Get a new address
  • sendtoaddress address amount [options] - Send money to the given address
    • address - Address to send to
    • amount - Amount to send in BTC
    • --feerate <value> - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte
  • sendfromoutpoints outpoints address amount [options] - Send money to the given address
    • outpoints - Out Points to send from
    • address - Address to send to
    • amount - Amount to send in BTC
    • --feerate <value> - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte
  • sendwithalgo address amount algo [options] - Send money to the given address using a specific coin selection algo
    • address - Address to send to
    • amount - Amount to send in BTC
    • algo - Coin selection algo
    • --feerate <value> - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte
  • signpsbt psbt - Signs the PSBT's inputs with keys that are associated with the wallet
    • psbt - PSBT to sign
  • opreturncommit message [options] - Creates OP_RETURN commitment transaction
    • message - message to put into OP_RETURN commitment
    • --hashMessage - should the message be hashed before commitment
    • --feerate <value> - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte
  • bumpfeecpfp txid feerate - Bump the fee of the given transaction id with a child tx using the given fee rate
    • txid - Id of transaction to bump fee
    • feerate - Fee rate in sats per virtual byte of the child transaction
  • bumpfeerbf txid feerate - Replace given transaction with one with the new fee rate
    • txid - Id of transaction to bump fee
    • feerate - New fee rate in sats per virtual byte
  • gettransaction txid - Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction
    • txid - The transaction id
  • lockunspent unlock transactions - Temporarily lock (unlock=false) or unlock (unlock=true) specified transaction outputs.
    • unlock - Whether to unlock (true) or lock (false) the specified transactions
    • transactions - The transaction outpoints to unlock/lock, empty to apply to all utxos
  • importseed walletname words passphrase - Imports a mnemonic seed as a new seed file
    • walletname - Name to associate with this seed
    • words - Mnemonic seed words, space separated
    • passphrase - Passphrase to encrypt this seed with
  • importxprv walletname xprv passphrase - Imports a mnemonic seed as a new seed file
    • walletname - Name to associate with this seed
    • xprv - base58 encoded extended private key
    • passphrase - Passphrase to encrypt this seed with
  • keymanagerpassphrasechange oldpassphrase newpassphrase - Changes the wallet passphrase
    • oldpassphrase - The current passphrase
    • newpassphrase - The new passphrase
  • keymanagerpassphraseset passphrase - Encrypts the wallet with the given passphrase
    • passphrase - The passphrase to encrypt the wallet with


  • getpeers - List the connected peers
  • stop - Request a graceful shutdown of Bitcoin-S
  • sendrawtransaction tx Broadcasts the raw transaction
    • tx - Transaction serialized in hex


  • decodepsbt psbt - Return a JSON object representing the serialized, base64-encoded partially signed Bitcoin transaction.
    • psbt - PSBT serialized in hex or base64 format
  • combinepsbts psbts - Combines all the given PSBTs
    • psbts - PSBTs serialized in hex or base64 format
  • joinpsbts psbts - Combines all the given PSBTs
    • psbts - PSBTs serialized in hex or base64 format
  • finalizepsbt psbt - Finalizes the given PSBT if it can
    • psbt - PSBT serialized in hex or base64 format
  • extractfrompsbt psbt - Extracts a transaction from the given PSBT if it can
    • psbt - PSBT serialized in hex or base64 format
  • converttopsbt unsignedTx - Creates an empty psbt from the given transaction
    • unsignedTx - serialized unsigned transaction in hex


  • createmultisig nrequired keys [address_type] - Creates a multi-signature address with n signature of m keys required.
    • nrequired - The number of required signatures out of the n keys.
    • keys - The hex-encoded public keys.
    • address_type -The address type to use. Options are "legacy", "p2sh-segwit", and "bech32"
  • estimatefee - Returns the recommended fee rate using the fee provider

Sign PSBT with Wallet Example

Bitcoin-S CLI:

$ bitcoin-s-cli signpsbt cHNidP8BAP0FAQIAAAABWUWxYiPKgdGfXcIxJ6MRDxEpUecw59Gk4NpROI5oukoBAAAAAAAAAAAEPttkvdwAAAAXqRSOVAp6Qe/u2hq74e/ThB8foBKn7IfZYMgGCAAAAADbmaQ2nwAAAEdRIQLpfVqyaL9Jb/IkveatNyVeONE8Q/6TzXAWosxLo9e21SECc5G3XiK7xKLlkBG7prMx7p0fMeQwMH5e9H10mBon39JSrtgtgjjLAQAAUGMhAn2YaZnv25I6d6vbb1kw6Xp5IToDrEzl/0VBIW21gHrTZwXg5jGdALJ1IQKyNpDNiOiN6lWpYethib04+XC9bpFXrdpec+xO3U5IM2is9ckf5AABAD0CAAAAAALuiOL0rRcAABYAFPnpLByQq1Gg3vwiP6qR8FmOOjwxvVllM08DAAALBfXJH+QAsXUAAK4AAAAAAQcBAAAAAAAA


$ curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "signpsbt", "params": ["cHNidP8BAP0FAQIAAAABWUWxYiPKgdGfXcIxJ6MRDxEpUecw59Gk4NpROI5oukoBAAAAAAAAAAAEPttkvdwAAAAXqRSOVAp6Qe/u2hq74e/ThB8foBKn7IfZYMgGCAAAAADbmaQ2nwAAAEdRIQLpfVqyaL9Jb/IkveatNyVeONE8Q/6TzXAWosxLo9e21SECc5G3XiK7xKLlkBG7prMx7p0fMeQwMH5e9H10mBon39JSrtgtgjjLAQAAUGMhAn2YaZnv25I6d6vbb1kw6Xp5IToDrEzl/0VBIW21gHrTZwXg5jGdALJ1IQKyNpDNiOiN6lWpYethib04+XC9bpFXrdpec+xO3U5IM2is9ckf5AABAD0CAAAAAALuiOL0rRcAABYAFPnpLByQq1Gg3vwiP6qR8FmOOjwxvVllM08DAAALBfXJH+QAsXUAAK4AAAAAAQcBAAAAAAAA"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"