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getting-setup Getting Bitcoin-S installed on your machine

Getting Setup With Bitcoin-S

Step 1: Java and Scala

To get started you will need Java, Scala, and some other nice tools installed, luckily the Scala team has an easy setup process!

Simply follow the instructions in this short blog to get started.

Step 2: Bitcoin-S Repository

Now, it is time to clone the Bitcoin-S repository by running

git clone --recursive git@github.com:bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s.git

or alternatively, if you do not have ssh setup with github, you can run

git clone --recursive https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s.git

Next, you will want to execute the commands

cd bitcoin-s
git submodule update

to download the secp256k1 submodule.

You should be able to test your secp256k1 installation by running sbt core/console in your bitcoin-s directory and then running

scala> import org.bitcoin._
import org.bitcoin._

scala> Secp256k1Context.isEnabled()
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
res0: Boolean = true

where the important thing is that the function returns true, and you can ignore SLF4J errors.

Note: To exit the sbt console, you can execute :quit, and for general help, run :help.

We will now download all of the bitcoind and eclair binaries needed with the following two commands

sbt downloadBitcoind
sbt downloadEclair

Lastly, you can test that your bitcoin-s build is functional by running

sbt test

Step 3: Configuration

Now that we have the bitcoin-s repo setup, we want to create our application configurations. This is done by creating a bitcoin-s.conf file at $HOME/.bitcoin-s. Here is an example configuration file. The only thing that you will need to change is the peers list to which you will want to add "localhost:18444" if you want to run in regtest.

Once the bitcoin-s configuration is all done, I recommend creating a directory someplace in which to run your bitcoind node. Once you have this directory created, add the following bitcoin.conf file to it

rpcuser=[your username here]
rpcpassword=[your password here]

Step 4 (Optional): Discreet Log Contract Branch

In order to run the Bitcoin-S server with DLCs enabled, you will have to checkout the dlc feature branch:

git fetch origin
git checkout adaptor-dlc
git submodule update

and then finally test that Secp256k1Context.isEnabled() as in Step 2.

Step 5: Setting Up A Bitcoin-S Server (Neutrino Node)

We are finally ready to start running some programs! Follow the instructions here to build the server. Then, follow these instructions to setup the CLI.

If you wish to use the GUI instead of the CLI, the setup process is the same as building the server but for the project gui. That is, you must run

sbt gui/universal:stage

to build and then the following (once setup is complete) to run:


Now, you want to run your bitcoind in regtest by doing the following command:

$HOME/.bitcoin-s/binaries/bitcoind/bitcoin-0.18.99/bin/bitcoind --datadir=[path/to/conf/directory] --rpcport=18332

Once the node is running, you should be able to start your bitcoin-s server with


and once this is done, you should be able to communicate with the server using

./app/cli/target/universal/stage/bitcoin-s-cli getnewaddress

To fund your wallet, you should use the CLI's getnewaddress command and then run

$HOME/.bitcoin-s/binaries/bitcoind/bitcoin-0.18.99/bin/bitcoin-cli --datadir=[path/to/conf/directory] --rpcport=18332 generatetoaddress 200 [address]

There is currently a bug on regtest where the server is unable to handle too many blocks at once, so when generating more than a couple blocks (like above), it is recommended you shut down your server and restart it after the blocks have been created.

Step 6 (Optional): Moving To Testnet

To run your Bitcoin-S Server on testnet, simply change network = testnet3 and change your peers = ["neutrino.testnet3.suredbits.com:18333"] in your .bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s.conf file. This will allow you to connect to Suredbits' neutrino-enabled bitcoind node. Keep in mind then when you restart your server, it will begin initial sync which will take many hours as all block filters for all testnet blocks will be downloaded. If you wish to speed this process up, download this snapshot, unzip it and put the file in your $HOME/.bitcoin-s/testnet3 directory and then from there, run

cat chaindump.sql | sqlite3 chaindb.sqlite

This should take a couple minutes to execute, but once it is done, you will only have a short while left to sync once you start your server.