Shreyansh a58ef1cd02
Storing peers in database (#3773)
* rebase

* fix

* fix

* remove unwanted diffs

* fix

* formatting

* changes from comments

* Revert "changes from comments"

This reverts commit eb8a795718dc590802a19c7ce4cce4501bd2de1f.

* changes from comments

* add PeerManager

* add sha3-256

* add NetworkUtilTest

* formatting
2022-01-09 07:21:59 -06:00

5.2 KiB

id title
node Light Client

Bitcoin-s has node module that allows you to connect to the p2p network.

Neutrino Node

Bitcoin-s has experimental support for neutrino which is a new lite client proposal on the bitcoin p2p network. You can read more about how neutrino works here. At this time, bitcoin-s only supports connecting to one trusted peer.


Currently, the node does not have an active mempool. It is only aware of transactions it broadcasts and ones confirmed in blocks.


Bitcoin-S support call backs for the following events that happen on the bitcoin p2p network:

  1. onTxReceived
  2. onBlockReceived
  3. onMerkleBlockReceived
  4. onCompactFilterReceived

That means every time one of these events happens on the p2p network, we will call your callback so that you can be notified of the event. These callbacks will be run after the message has been recieved and will execute sequentially. If any of them fail an error log will be output and the remainder of the callbacks will continue. Let's make an easy one


Here is an example of constructing a neutrino node and registering a callback so you can be notified of an event.

To run the example, we need a bitcoind binary that has neutrino support. Bitcoin Core only has p2p neutrino support as of version 0.21.0. You will need to use a version of Bitcoin Core at least as old as 0.21.0. For your node to be able to service these filters you will need set blockfilterindex=1 and peerblockfilters=1 in your bitcoin.conf file.

import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.Block
import org.bitcoins.node._
import org.bitcoins.node.networking.peer._
import org.bitcoins.rpc.client.common.BitcoindVersion
import org.bitcoins.testkit.node._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.node.fixture._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.rpc._
import org.bitcoins.server.BitcoinSAppConfig
import org.bitcoins.testkit._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.chain._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.nio.file.Files
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

implicit val system = ActorSystem(s"node-example")
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher

//we also require a bitcoind instance to connect to
//so let's start one (make sure you ran 'sbt downloadBitcoind')
val instance = BitcoindRpcTestUtil.instance(versionOpt = Some(BitcoindVersion.Experimental))
val p2pPort = instance.p2pPort
val bitcoindF = BitcoindRpcTestUtil.startedBitcoindRpcClient(Some(instance), Vector.newBuilder)

//contains information on how to connect to bitcoin's p2p info
val peerF = bitcoindF.flatMap(b => NodeUnitTest.createPeer(b))

// set a data directory
val prefix = s"node-example-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
val datadir = Files.createTempDirectory(prefix)

val tmpDir = BitcoinSTestAppConfig.tmpDir()
// set the current network to regtest
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString {
    | bitcoin-s {
    |   network = regtest
    |   node {
    |        mode = neutrino # neutrino, spv
    |        peers = ["$p2pPort"] # a list of peer addresses in form "hostname:portnumber"
    |        # (e.g. "")
    |        # Port number is optional, the default value is 8333 for mainnet,
    |        # 18333 for testnet and 18444 for regtest.
    |   }
    | }

implicit val appConfig = BitcoinSAppConfig(datadir, config)
implicit val chainConfig = appConfig.chainConf
implicit val nodeConfig = appConfig.nodeConf

val initNodeF = nodeConfig.start()

//the node requires a chainHandler to store block information
//use a helper method in our testkit to create the chain project
val chainApiF = for {
  chainHandler <- ChainUnitTest.createChainHandler()
} yield chainHandler

//yay! All setup done, let's create a node and then start it!
val nodeF = for {
  chainApi <- chainApiF
  peer <- peerF
} yield {
    val dataMessageHandler = DataMessageHandler(chainApi)
    NeutrinoNode(configPeersOverride = Vector(peer),
               dataMessageHandler = dataMessageHandler,
               nodeConfig = nodeConfig,
               chainConfig = chainConfig,
               actorSystem = system)

//let's start it
val startedNodeF = nodeF.flatMap(_.start())

//let's make a simple callback that print's the
//blockhash everytime we receive a block on the network
val blockReceivedFunc: OnBlockReceived = { block: Block =>
  println(s"Received blockhash=${block.blockHeader.hashBE}"))

// Create callback
val nodeCallbacks = NodeCallbacks.onBlockReceived(blockReceivedFunc)

// Add call to our node's config

//let's test it out by generating a block with bitcoind!

val genBlockF = for {
  bitcoind <- bitcoindF
  addr <- bitcoind.getNewAddress
  hashes <- bitcoind.generateToAddress(1,addr)
} yield hashes

//you should see our callback print a block hash
//when running this code

val cleanupF = for {
  _ <- genBlockF
  bitcoind <- bitcoindF
  node <- startedNodeF
  x = NeutrinoNodeConnectedWithBitcoind(node.asInstanceOf[NeutrinoNode],bitcoind)
  _ <- NodeUnitTest.destroyNodeConnectedWithBitcoind(x)
} yield ()

Await.result(cleanupF, 60.seconds)