
package zmq

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class ZMQNotification extends AnyRef

    Represents the various notifications we can subscribe to from a zmq publisher

  2. class ZMQSubscriber extends Logging with StartStop[Unit]

    This class is designed to consume a zmq stream from a cryptocurrency's daemon.

    This class is designed to consume a zmq stream from a cryptocurrency's daemon. An example of this is bitcoind. For information on how to setup your coin's conf file to be able to consume a zmq stream please see

Value Members

  1. case object HashBlock extends ZMQNotification with Product with Serializable
  2. case object HashTx extends ZMQNotification with Product with Serializable
  3. case object RawBlock extends ZMQNotification with Product with Serializable
  4. case object RawTx extends ZMQNotification with Product with Serializable
  5. object ZMQNotification
