
package fixtures

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait BitcoinSAppConfigBitcoinFixtureNotStarted extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSAppConfigFixture with CachedBitcoindNewest

    Makes a bitcoin-s app config with proper bitcoind credentials and bitcoin-s.node.mode=bitcoind to use bitcoin as the backend

    Makes a bitcoin-s app config with proper bitcoind credentials and bitcoin-s.node.mode=bitcoind to use bitcoin as the backend

    The BitcoinSAppConfig is not started

  2. sealed trait BitcoinSAppConfigFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
  3. trait BitcoinSFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest
  4. trait CLightningChannelOpenerFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21

    Creates two clightnings with no channels opened

  5. trait CLightningFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21

    A trait that is useful if you need clightning fixtures for your test suite

  6. trait DLCDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
  7. case class DLCDAOs(announcementDAO: OracleAnnouncementDataDAO, nonceDAO: OracleNonceDAO, dlcAnnouncementDAO: DLCAnnouncementDAO, dlcDAO: DLCDAO, contractDataDAO: DLCContractDataDAO, dlcOfferDAO: DLCOfferDAO, dlcAcceptDAO: DLCAcceptDAO, dlcInputsDAO: DLCFundingInputDAO, dlcSigsDAO: DLCCETSignaturesDAO, dlcRefundSigDAO: DLCRefundSigsDAO, dlcRemoteTxDAO: DLCRemoteTxDAO, incomingDLCOfferDAO: IncomingDLCOfferDAO) extends Product with Serializable
  8. trait DLCOracleAppConfigFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
  9. trait DLCOracleDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
  10. case class DLCOracleDAOs(rValueDAO: RValueDAO, eventDAO: EventDAO, outcomeDAO: EventOutcomeDAO) extends Product with Serializable
  11. trait DLCOracleFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
  12. trait DualCLightningFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21

    A trait that is useful if you need dual clightning fixtures for your test suite

  13. trait DualLndFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21

    A trait that is useful if you need Lnd fixtures for your test suite

  14. trait EmptyFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture
  15. trait LndFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21

    A trait that is useful if you need Lnd fixtures for your test suite

  16. trait NodeDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with NodeUnitTest with CachedBitcoinSAppConfig

    Provides a fixture where all DAOs used by the node projects are provided

  17. case class NodeDAOs(txDAO: BroadcastAbleTransactionDAO, peerDAO: PeerDAO) extends Product with Serializable
  18. trait RemoteLndFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21
  19. trait WalletDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
  20. case class WalletDAOs(accountDAO: AccountDAO, addressDAO: AddressDAO, addressTagDAO: AddressTagDAO, utxoDAO: SpendingInfoDAO, transactionDAO: TransactionDAO, incomingTxDAO: IncomingTransactionDAO, outgoingTxDAO: OutgoingTransactionDAO, scriptPubKeyDAO: ScriptPubKeyDAO, stateDescriptorDAO: WalletStateDescriptorDAO) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BitcoinSFixture extends Serializable
  2. object UsesExperimentalBitcoind extends Tag
