package fixtures
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait BitcoinSAppConfigBitcoinFixtureNotStarted extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSAppConfigFixture with CachedBitcoindNewest
Makes a bitcoin-s app config with proper bitcoind credentials and bitcoin-s.node.mode=bitcoind to use bitcoin as the backend
Makes a bitcoin-s app config with proper bitcoind credentials and bitcoin-s.node.mode=bitcoind to use bitcoin as the backend
The BitcoinSAppConfig is not started
- sealed trait BitcoinSAppConfigFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
- trait BitcoinSFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest
- trait CLightningChannelOpenerFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21
Creates two clightnings with no channels opened
- trait CLightningFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21
A trait that is useful if you need clightning fixtures for your test suite
- trait DLCDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
- case class DLCDAOs(announcementDAO: OracleAnnouncementDataDAO, nonceDAO: OracleNonceDAO, dlcAnnouncementDAO: DLCAnnouncementDAO, dlcDAO: DLCDAO, contractDataDAO: DLCContractDataDAO, dlcOfferDAO: DLCOfferDAO, dlcAcceptDAO: DLCAcceptDAO, dlcInputsDAO: DLCFundingInputDAO, dlcSigsDAO: DLCCETSignaturesDAO, dlcRefundSigDAO: DLCRefundSigsDAO, dlcRemoteTxDAO: DLCRemoteTxDAO, incomingDLCOfferDAO: IncomingDLCOfferDAO) extends Product with Serializable
- trait DLCOracleAppConfigFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
- trait DLCOracleDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
- case class DLCOracleDAOs(rValueDAO: RValueDAO, eventDAO: EventDAO, outcomeDAO: EventOutcomeDAO) extends Product with Serializable
- trait DLCOracleFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
- trait DualCLightningFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21
A trait that is useful if you need dual clightning fixtures for your test suite
- trait DualLndFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21
A trait that is useful if you need Lnd fixtures for your test suite
- trait EmptyFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture
- trait LndFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21
A trait that is useful if you need Lnd fixtures for your test suite
- trait NodeDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with NodeUnitTest with CachedBitcoinSAppConfig
Provides a fixture where all DAOs used by the node projects are provided
- case class NodeDAOs(txDAO: BroadcastAbleTransactionDAO, peerDAO: PeerDAO) extends Product with Serializable
- trait RemoteLndFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with CachedBitcoindV21
- trait WalletDAOFixture extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSFixture with EmbeddedPg
- case class WalletDAOs(accountDAO: AccountDAO, addressDAO: AddressDAO, addressTagDAO: AddressTagDAO, utxoDAO: SpendingInfoDAO, transactionDAO: TransactionDAO, incomingTxDAO: IncomingTransactionDAO, outgoingTxDAO: OutgoingTransactionDAO, scriptPubKeyDAO: ScriptPubKeyDAO, stateDescriptorDAO: WalletStateDescriptorDAO) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object BitcoinSFixture extends Serializable
- object UsesExperimentalBitcoind extends Tag