package util
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- sealed trait AppConfigMarker extends AnyRef
A trait used to indicated when different parts of BitcoinSAppConfig are started
- trait BitcoinSApp extends AnyRef
- trait BitcoinSAppScalaDaemon extends App with BitcoinSApp
Trait for using BitcoinS app with a daemon backend
- case class ServerBindings(httpServer: ServerBinding, webSocketServerOpt: Option[ServerBinding]) extends Product with Serializable
- case class StartedBitcoinSAppConfig(torStartedF: Future[Unit]) extends AppConfigMarker with Product with Serializable
This class represents when BitcoinSAppConfig modules are started
This class represents when BitcoinSAppConfig modules are started
- torStartedF
this future is completed when all tor dependent modules are fully started the reason this is needed is because tor startup time is so variable
- See also
- case class WsServerConfig(wsBind: String, wsPort: Int) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object CallbackUtil extends Logging
- object ChainUtil
- case object StoppedBitcoinSAppConfig extends AppConfigMarker with Product with Serializable
- object WebsocketUtil extends Logging