package models
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- final case class BroadcastAbleTransaction(transaction: Transaction) extends Product with Serializable
TXs we can broadcast over the P2P network
- final case class BroadcastAbleTransactionDAO()(implicit appConfig: NodeAppConfig, ec: ExecutionContext) extends CRUD[BroadcastAbleTransaction, DoubleSha256DigestBE] with SlickUtil[BroadcastAbleTransaction, DoubleSha256DigestBE] with Product with Serializable
- case class Peer(socket: InetSocketAddress, socks5ProxyParams: Option[Socks5ProxyParams], id: Option[Long] = None) extends DbRowAutoInc[Peer] with Product with Serializable
- case class PeerDAO()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, appConfig: NodeAppConfig) extends CRUD[PeerDb, ByteVector] with SlickUtil[PeerDb, ByteVector] with Product with Serializable
- case class PeerDb(address: ByteVector, port: Int, lastSeen: Instant, firstSeen: Instant, networkId: Byte) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object Peer extends Serializable