


final class DefaultWalletKitClient extends WalletKitClient

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. DefaultWalletKitClient
  2. WalletKitClient
  3. AkkaGrpcClient
  4. WalletKitClientPowerApi
  5. WalletKit
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new DefaultWalletKitClient(settings: GrpcClientSettings)(implicit sys: ClassicActorSystemProvider)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def bumpFee(in: BumpFeeRequest): Future[BumpFeeResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of bumpFee

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of bumpFee

    Definition Classes
  6. def bumpFee(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[BumpFeeRequest, BumpFeeResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer bumpFee(walletrpc.BumpFeeRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  7. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  8. def close(): Future[Done]
    Definition Classes
    DefaultWalletKitClient → AkkaGrpcClient
  9. def closed: Future[Done]
    Definition Classes
    DefaultWalletKitClient → AkkaGrpcClient
  10. def deriveKey(in: KeyLocator): Future[KeyDescriptor]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of deriveKey

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of deriveKey

    Definition Classes
  11. def deriveKey(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[KeyLocator, KeyDescriptor]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer deriveKey(signrpc.KeyLocator) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  12. def deriveNextKey(in: KeyReq): Future[KeyDescriptor]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of deriveNextKey

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of deriveNextKey

    Definition Classes
  13. def deriveNextKey(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[KeyReq, KeyDescriptor]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer deriveNextKey(walletrpc.KeyReq) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  14. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  15. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. def estimateFee(in: EstimateFeeRequest): Future[EstimateFeeResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of estimateFee

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of estimateFee

    Definition Classes
  17. def estimateFee(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[EstimateFeeRequest, EstimateFeeResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer estimateFee(walletrpc.EstimateFeeRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  18. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. def finalizePsbt(in: FinalizePsbtRequest): Future[FinalizePsbtResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of finalizePsbt

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of finalizePsbt

    Definition Classes
  20. def finalizePsbt(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[FinalizePsbtRequest, FinalizePsbtResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer finalizePsbt(walletrpc.FinalizePsbtRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  21. def fundPsbt(in: FundPsbtRequest): Future[FundPsbtResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of fundPsbt

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of fundPsbt

    Definition Classes
  22. def fundPsbt(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[FundPsbtRequest, FundPsbtResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer fundPsbt(walletrpc.FundPsbtRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  23. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  24. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  26. def labelTransaction(in: LabelTransactionRequest): Future[LabelTransactionResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of labelTransaction

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of labelTransaction

    Definition Classes
  27. def labelTransaction(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[LabelTransactionRequest, LabelTransactionResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer labelTransaction(walletrpc.LabelTransactionRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  28. def leaseOutput(in: LeaseOutputRequest): Future[LeaseOutputResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of leaseOutput

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of leaseOutput

    Definition Classes
  29. def leaseOutput(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[LeaseOutputRequest, LeaseOutputResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer leaseOutput(walletrpc.LeaseOutputRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  30. def listLeases(in: ListLeasesRequest): Future[ListLeasesResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of listLeases

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of listLeases

    Definition Classes
  31. def listLeases(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[ListLeasesRequest, ListLeasesResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer listLeases(walletrpc.ListLeasesRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  32. def listSweeps(in: ListSweepsRequest): Future[ListSweepsResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of listSweeps

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of listSweeps

    Definition Classes
  33. def listSweeps(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[ListSweepsRequest, ListSweepsResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer listSweeps(walletrpc.ListSweepsRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  34. def listUnspent(in: ListUnspentRequest): Future[ListUnspentResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of listUnspent

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of listUnspent

    Definition Classes
  35. def listUnspent(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[ListUnspentRequest, ListUnspentResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer listUnspent(walletrpc.ListUnspentRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  36. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  37. def nextAddr(in: AddrRequest): Future[AddrResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of nextAddr

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of nextAddr

    Definition Classes
  38. def nextAddr(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[AddrRequest, AddrResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer nextAddr(walletrpc.AddrRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  39. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  40. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  41. def pendingSweeps(in: PendingSweepsRequest): Future[PendingSweepsResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of pendingSweeps

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of pendingSweeps

    Definition Classes
  42. def pendingSweeps(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[PendingSweepsRequest, PendingSweepsResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer pendingSweeps(walletrpc.PendingSweepsRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  43. def publishTransaction(in: Transaction): Future[PublishResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of publishTransaction

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of publishTransaction

    Definition Classes
  44. def publishTransaction(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[Transaction, PublishResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer publishTransaction(walletrpc.Transaction) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  45. def releaseOutput(in: ReleaseOutputRequest): Future[ReleaseOutputResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of releaseOutput

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of releaseOutput

    Definition Classes
  46. def releaseOutput(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[ReleaseOutputRequest, ReleaseOutputResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer releaseOutput(walletrpc.ReleaseOutputRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  47. def sendOutputs(in: SendOutputsRequest): Future[SendOutputsResponse]

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of sendOutputs

    For access to method metadata use the parameterless version of sendOutputs

    Definition Classes
  48. def sendOutputs(): SingleResponseRequestBuilder[SendOutputsRequest, SendOutputsResponse]

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc.

    Lower level "lifted" version of the method, giving access to request metadata etc. prefer sendOutputs(walletrpc.SendOutputsRequest) if possible.

    Definition Classes
  49. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  50. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  52. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  53. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from WalletKitClient

Inherited from AkkaGrpcClient

Inherited from WalletKit

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
