
package server

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package bitcoind
  2. package routes
  3. package util

Type Members

  1. case class BitcoinSAppConfig(baseDatadir: Path, configOverrides: Vector[Config])(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends StartStopAsync[AppConfigMarker] with Logging with Product with Serializable

    A unified config class for all submodules of Bitcoin-S that accepts configuration.

    A unified config class for all submodules of Bitcoin-S that accepts configuration. Thanks to implicit definitions in this case class' companion object an instance of this class can be passed in anywhere a wallet, chain or node config is required.

  2. class BitcoinSServerMain extends BitcoinSServerRunner[WalletHolder]
  3. case class ChainRoutes(chain: ChainApi, network: BitcoinNetwork, startedTorConfigF: Future[Unit])(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
  4. case class CoreRoutes()(implicit system: ActorSystem, config: BitcoinSAppConfig) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
  5. case class DLCDataFromFile(path: Path, destinationOpt: Option[Path], externalPayoutAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress], externalChangeAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class DLCRoutes(dlcNode: DLCNodeApi)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
  7. case class DLCWalletBitcoindBackendLoader(walletHolder: WalletHolder, bitcoind: BitcoindRpcClient, nodeApi: NodeApi, feeProvider: FeeRateApi)(implicit conf: BitcoinSAppConfig, system: ActorSystem) extends DLCWalletLoaderApi with Product with Serializable
  8. sealed trait DLCWalletLoaderApi extends Logging with StartStopAsync[Unit]

    A trait used to help load a different load and discard the current wallet in memory This trait encapsulates the heavy lifting done in the 'loadwallet' RPC command

  9. case class DLCWalletNeutrinoBackendLoader(walletHolder: WalletHolder, chainQueryApi: ChainQueryApi, nodeApi: NodeApi, feeRateApi: FeeRateApi)(implicit conf: BitcoinSAppConfig, system: ActorSystem) extends DLCWalletLoaderApi with Product with Serializable
  10. case class DecodeAccept(accept: DLCAcceptTLV) extends Product with Serializable
  11. case class DecodeAttestations(announcement: OracleAttestmentV0TLV) extends Product with Serializable
  12. case class DecodeSign(sign: DLCSignTLV) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class GetDLCOffer(tempContractId: Sha256Digest) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class NodeRoutes(nodeApi: NodeApi)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
  15. case class OfferAdd(offerTLV: DLCOfferTLV, peer: Option[String], message: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  16. case class OfferRemove(hash: Sha256Digest) extends Product with Serializable
  17. case class OfferSend(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, message: String, offerE: Either[DLCOfferTLV, Sha256Digest]) extends Product with Serializable
  18. trait ServerJsonModels extends AnyRef
  19. case class WalletRoutes(loadWalletApi: DLCWalletLoaderApi)(implicit system: ActorSystem, walletConf: WalletAppConfig) extends ServerRoute with Logging with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BitcoinSAppConfig extends Logging with Serializable

    Implicit conversions that allow a unified configuration to be passed in wherever a specializes one is required

  2. object BitcoinSServerMain extends BitcoinSAppScalaDaemon
  3. object BitcoindRpcBackendUtil extends Logging

    Useful utilities to use in the wallet project for syncing things against bitcoind

  4. object DLCDataFromFile extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
  5. object DecodeAccept extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
  6. object DecodeAttestations extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
  7. object DecodeSign extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
  8. object GetDLCOffer extends Serializable
  9. object OfferAdd extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
  10. object OfferRemove extends Serializable
  11. object OfferSend extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
