package server
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- case class BitcoinSAppConfig(baseDatadir: Path, configOverrides: Vector[Config])(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends StartStopAsync[AppConfigMarker] with Logging with Product with Serializable
A unified config class for all submodules of Bitcoin-S that accepts configuration.
A unified config class for all submodules of Bitcoin-S that accepts configuration. Thanks to implicit definitions in this case class' companion object an instance of this class can be passed in anywhere a wallet, chain or node config is required.
- class BitcoinSServerMain extends BitcoinSServerRunner[WalletHolder]
- case class ChainRoutes(chain: ChainApi, network: BitcoinNetwork, startedTorConfigF: Future[Unit])(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
- case class CoreRoutes()(implicit system: ActorSystem, config: BitcoinSAppConfig) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
- case class DLCDataFromFile(path: Path, destinationOpt: Option[Path], externalPayoutAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress], externalChangeAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress]) extends Product with Serializable
- case class DLCRoutes(dlcNode: DLCNodeApi)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
- case class DLCWalletBitcoindBackendLoader(walletHolder: WalletHolder, bitcoind: BitcoindRpcClient, nodeApi: NodeApi, feeProvider: FeeRateApi)(implicit conf: BitcoinSAppConfig, system: ActorSystem) extends DLCWalletLoaderApi with Product with Serializable
- sealed trait DLCWalletLoaderApi extends Logging with StartStopAsync[Unit]
A trait used to help load a different load and discard the current wallet in memory This trait encapsulates the heavy lifting done in the 'loadwallet' RPC command
- case class DLCWalletNeutrinoBackendLoader(walletHolder: WalletHolder, chainQueryApi: ChainQueryApi, nodeApi: NodeApi, feeRateApi: FeeRateApi)(implicit conf: BitcoinSAppConfig, system: ActorSystem) extends DLCWalletLoaderApi with Product with Serializable
- case class DecodeAccept(accept: DLCAcceptTLV) extends Product with Serializable
- case class DecodeAttestations(announcement: OracleAttestmentV0TLV) extends Product with Serializable
- case class DecodeSign(sign: DLCSignTLV) extends Product with Serializable
- case class GetDLCOffer(tempContractId: Sha256Digest) extends Product with Serializable
- case class NodeRoutes(nodeApi: NodeApi)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ServerRoute with Product with Serializable
- case class OfferAdd(offerTLV: DLCOfferTLV, peer: Option[String], message: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
- case class OfferRemove(hash: Sha256Digest) extends Product with Serializable
- case class OfferSend(remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, message: String, offerE: Either[DLCOfferTLV, Sha256Digest]) extends Product with Serializable
- trait ServerJsonModels extends AnyRef
- case class WalletRoutes(loadWalletApi: DLCWalletLoaderApi)(implicit system: ActorSystem, walletConf: WalletAppConfig) extends ServerRoute with Logging with Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object BitcoinSAppConfig extends Logging with Serializable
Implicit conversions that allow a unified configuration to be passed in wherever a specializes one is required
- object BitcoinSServerMain extends BitcoinSAppScalaDaemon
- object BitcoindRpcBackendUtil extends Logging
Useful utilities to use in the wallet project for syncing things against bitcoind
- object DLCDataFromFile extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
- object DecodeAccept extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
- object DecodeAttestations extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
- object DecodeSign extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
- object GetDLCOffer extends Serializable
- object OfferAdd extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable
- object OfferRemove extends Serializable
- object OfferSend extends ServerJsonModels with Serializable