
final case class Invoice(memo: String = "", rPreimage: ByteString =, rHash: ByteString =, value: Long = 0L, valueMsat: Long = 0L, settled: Boolean = false, creationDate: Long = 0L, settleDate: Long = 0L, paymentRequest: String = "", descriptionHash: ByteString =, expiry: Long = 0L, fallbackAddr: String = "", cltvExpiry: Long = 0L, routeHints: Seq[RouteHint] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, private: Boolean = false, addIndex: Long = 0L, settleIndex: Long = 0L, amtPaid: Long = 0L, amtPaidSat: Long = 0L, amtPaidMsat: Long = 0L, state: InvoiceState = lnrpc.Invoice.InvoiceState.OPEN, htlcs: Seq[InvoiceHTLC] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, features: Map[Int, Feature] = _root_.scala.collection.immutable.Map.empty, isKeysend: Boolean = false, paymentAddr: ByteString =, isAmp: Boolean = false, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Invoice] with Product with Serializable


An optional memo to attach along with the invoice. Used for record keeping purposes for the invoice's creator, and will also be set in the description field of the encoded payment request if the description_hash field is not being used.


The hex-encoded preimage (32 byte) which will allow settling an incoming HTLC payable to this preimage. When using REST, this field must be encoded as base64.


The hash of the preimage. When using REST, this field must be encoded as base64.


The value of this invoice in satoshis The fields value and value_msat are mutually exclusive.


The value of this invoice in millisatoshis The fields value and value_msat are mutually exclusive.


Whether this invoice has been fulfilled


When this invoice was created


When this invoice was settled


A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a payment to the recipient.


Hash (SHA-256) of a description of the payment. Used if the description of payment (memo) is too long to naturally fit within the description field of an encoded payment request. When using REST, this field must be encoded as base64.


Payment request expiry time in seconds. Default is 3600 (1 hour).


Fallback on-chain address.


Delta to use for the time-lock of the CLTV extended to the final hop.


Route hints that can each be individually used to assist in reaching the invoice's destination.


Whether this invoice should include routing hints for private channels.


The "add" index of this invoice. Each newly created invoice will increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all added invoices with an add_index greater than this one.


The "settle" index of this invoice. Each newly settled invoice will increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all settled invoices with an settle_index greater than this one.


Deprecated, use amt_paid_sat or amt_paid_msat.


The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in satoshis. This will ONLY be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if the invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what amount was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender paid MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that here as well.


The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in millisatoshis. This will ONLY be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if the invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what amount was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender paid MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that here as well.


The state the invoice is in.


List of HTLCs paying to this invoice [EXPERIMENTAL].


List of features advertised on the invoice.


Indicates if this invoice was a spontaneous payment that arrived via keysend [EXPERIMENTAL].


The payment address of this invoice. This value will be used in MPP payments, and also for newer invoies that always require the MPP paylaod for added end-to-end security.


Signals whether or not this is an AMP invoice.

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Invoice
  2. Updatable
  3. GeneratedMessage
  4. Serializable
  5. Product
  6. Equals
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new Invoice(memo: String = "", rPreimage: ByteString =, rHash: ByteString =, value: Long = 0L, valueMsat: Long = 0L, settled: Boolean = false, creationDate: Long = 0L, settleDate: Long = 0L, paymentRequest: String = "", descriptionHash: ByteString =, expiry: Long = 0L, fallbackAddr: String = "", cltvExpiry: Long = 0L, routeHints: Seq[RouteHint] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, private: Boolean = false, addIndex: Long = 0L, settleIndex: Long = 0L, amtPaid: Long = 0L, amtPaidSat: Long = 0L, amtPaidMsat: Long = 0L, state: InvoiceState = lnrpc.Invoice.InvoiceState.OPEN, htlcs: Seq[InvoiceHTLC] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, features: Map[Int, Feature] = _root_.scala.collection.immutable.Map.empty, isKeysend: Boolean = false, paymentAddr: ByteString =, isAmp: Boolean = false, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty)


    An optional memo to attach along with the invoice. Used for record keeping purposes for the invoice's creator, and will also be set in the description field of the encoded payment request if the description_hash field is not being used.


    The hex-encoded preimage (32 byte) which will allow settling an incoming HTLC payable to this preimage. When using REST, this field must be encoded as base64.


    The hash of the preimage. When using REST, this field must be encoded as base64.


    The value of this invoice in satoshis The fields value and value_msat are mutually exclusive.


    The value of this invoice in millisatoshis The fields value and value_msat are mutually exclusive.


    Whether this invoice has been fulfilled


    When this invoice was created


    When this invoice was settled


    A bare-bones invoice for a payment within the Lightning Network. With the details of the invoice, the sender has all the data necessary to send a payment to the recipient.


    Hash (SHA-256) of a description of the payment. Used if the description of payment (memo) is too long to naturally fit within the description field of an encoded payment request. When using REST, this field must be encoded as base64.


    Payment request expiry time in seconds. Default is 3600 (1 hour).


    Fallback on-chain address.


    Delta to use for the time-lock of the CLTV extended to the final hop.


    Route hints that can each be individually used to assist in reaching the invoice's destination.


    Whether this invoice should include routing hints for private channels.


    The "add" index of this invoice. Each newly created invoice will increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all added invoices with an add_index greater than this one.


    The "settle" index of this invoice. Each newly settled invoice will increment this index making it monotonically increasing. Callers to the SubscribeInvoices call can use this to instantly get notified of all settled invoices with an settle_index greater than this one.


    Deprecated, use amt_paid_sat or amt_paid_msat.


    The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in satoshis. This will ONLY be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if the invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what amount was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender paid MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that here as well.


    The amount that was accepted for this invoice, in millisatoshis. This will ONLY be set if this invoice has been settled. We provide this field as if the invoice was created with a zero value, then we need to record what amount was ultimately accepted. Additionally, it's possible that the sender paid MORE that was specified in the original invoice. So we'll record that here as well.


    The state the invoice is in.


    List of HTLCs paying to this invoice [EXPERIMENTAL].


    List of features advertised on the invoice.


    Indicates if this invoice was a spontaneous payment that arrived via keysend [EXPERIMENTAL].


    The payment address of this invoice. This value will be used in MPP payments, and also for newer invoies that always require the MPP paylaod for added end-to-end security.


    Signals whether or not this is an AMP invoice.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def addAllFeatures(__vs: Iterable[(Int, Feature)]): Invoice
  5. def addAllHtlcs(__vs: Iterable[InvoiceHTLC]): Invoice
  6. def addAllRouteHints(__vs: Iterable[RouteHint]): Invoice
  7. def addFeatures(__vs: (Int, Feature)*): Invoice
  8. def addHtlcs(__vs: InvoiceHTLC*): Invoice
  9. val addIndex: Long
  10. def addRouteHints(__vs: RouteHint*): Invoice
  11. val amtPaidMsat: Long
  12. val amtPaidSat: Long
  13. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  14. def clearFeatures: Invoice
  15. def clearHtlcs: Invoice
  16. def clearRouteHints: Invoice
  17. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  18. val cltvExpiry: Long
  19. def companion: Invoice
    Definition Classes
    Invoice → GeneratedMessage
  20. val creationDate: Long
  21. val descriptionHash: ByteString
  22. def discardUnknownFields: Invoice
  23. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. val expiry: Long
  25. val fallbackAddr: String
  26. val features: Map[Int, Feature]
  27. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  28. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  29. def getField(__field: FieldDescriptor): PValue
    Definition Classes
    Invoice → GeneratedMessage
  30. def getFieldByNumber(__fieldNumber: Int): Any
    Definition Classes
    Invoice → GeneratedMessage
  31. val htlcs: Seq[InvoiceHTLC]
  32. val isAmp: Boolean
  33. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  34. val isKeysend: Boolean
  35. val memo: String
  36. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  37. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  38. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  39. val paymentAddr: ByteString
  40. val paymentRequest: String
  41. val private: Boolean
  42. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  43. val rHash: ByteString
  44. val rPreimage: ByteString
  45. val routeHints: Seq[RouteHint]
  46. def serializedSize: Int
    Definition Classes
    Invoice → GeneratedMessage
  47. val settleDate: Long
  48. val settleIndex: Long
  49. val state: InvoiceState
  50. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  51. final def toByteArray: Array[Byte]
    Definition Classes
  52. final def toByteString: ByteString
    Definition Classes
  53. final def toPMessage: PMessage
    Definition Classes
  54. def toProtoString: String
    Definition Classes
    Invoice → GeneratedMessage
  55. val unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet
  56. def update(ms: (Lens[Invoice, Invoice]) => Mutation[Invoice]*): Invoice
    Definition Classes
  57. val value: Long
  58. val valueMsat: Long
  59. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  60. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  61. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  62. def withAddIndex(__v: Long): Invoice
  63. def withAmtPaid(__v: Long): Invoice
  64. def withAmtPaidMsat(__v: Long): Invoice
  65. def withAmtPaidSat(__v: Long): Invoice
  66. def withCltvExpiry(__v: Long): Invoice
  67. def withCreationDate(__v: Long): Invoice
  68. def withDescriptionHash(__v: ByteString): Invoice
  69. def withExpiry(__v: Long): Invoice
  70. def withFallbackAddr(__v: String): Invoice
  71. def withFeatures(__v: Map[Int, Feature]): Invoice
  72. def withHtlcs(__v: Seq[InvoiceHTLC]): Invoice
  73. def withIsAmp(__v: Boolean): Invoice
  74. def withIsKeysend(__v: Boolean): Invoice
  75. def withMemo(__v: String): Invoice
  76. def withPaymentAddr(__v: ByteString): Invoice
  77. def withPaymentRequest(__v: String): Invoice
  78. def withPrivate(__v: Boolean): Invoice
  79. def withRHash(__v: ByteString): Invoice
  80. def withRPreimage(__v: ByteString): Invoice
  81. def withRouteHints(__v: Seq[RouteHint]): Invoice
  82. def withSettleDate(__v: Long): Invoice
  83. def withSettleIndex(__v: Long): Invoice
  84. def withSettled(__v: Boolean): Invoice
  85. def withState(__v: InvoiceState): Invoice
  86. def withUnknownFields(__v: UnknownFieldSet): Invoice
  87. def withValue(__v: Long): Invoice
  88. def withValueMsat(__v: Long): Invoice
  89. final def writeDelimitedTo(output: OutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
  90. def writeTo(_output__: CodedOutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
    Invoice → GeneratedMessage
  91. final def writeTo(output: OutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val amtPaid: Long

    (Since version ) Marked as deprecated in proto file

  2. val settled: Boolean

    (Since version ) Marked as deprecated in proto file

Inherited from Updatable[Invoice]

Inherited from GeneratedMessage

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
