abstract class DLCWallet extends Wallet with AnyDLCHDWalletApi with DLCTransactionProcessing with IncomingDLCOffersHandling
A Wallet with full DLC Functionality
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- DLCWallet
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- DLCTransactionProcessing
- AnyDLCHDWalletApi
- DLCWalletApi
- Wallet
- RescanHandling
- TransactionProcessing
- FundTransactionHandling
- AccountHandling
- AddressHandling
- UtxoHandling
- WalletLogger
- Logging
- AnyHDWalletApi
- SpvWalletApi
- NeutrinoWalletApi
- HDWalletApi
- WalletApi
- StartStopAsync
- StartStop
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new DLCWallet()
Abstract Value Members
- abstract val chainQueryApi: ChainQueryApi
- implicit abstract val dlcConfig: DLCAppConfig
- implicit abstract val ec: ExecutionContext
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- abstract val feeRateApi: FeeRateApi
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- abstract val nodeApi: NodeApi
- implicit abstract val walletConfig: WalletAppConfig
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
Concrete Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- lazy val DEFAULT_HD_COIN: HDCoin
The default HD coin for this wallet, read from config
The default HD coin for this wallet, read from config
- Attributes
- protected[bitcoins.wallet]
- Definition Classes
- AccountHandling
- lazy val DEFAULT_HD_COIN_TYPE: HDCoinType
The default HD coin type for this wallet, derived from the network we're on
The default HD coin type for this wallet, derived from the network we're on
- Attributes
- protected[bitcoins.wallet]
- Definition Classes
- AccountHandling
- lazy val DEFAULT_HD_PURPOSE: HDPurpose
The default HD purpose for this wallet, read from config
The default HD purpose for this wallet, read from config
- Attributes
- protected[bitcoins.wallet]
- Definition Classes
- AccountHandling
- def acceptDLCOffer(offer: DLCOffer, externalPayoutAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress], externalChangeAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress]): Future[DLCAccept]
Creates a DLCAccept from the default Segwit account from a given offer, if one has already been created with the given parameters then that one will be returned instead.
Creates a DLCAccept from the default Segwit account from a given offer, if one has already been created with the given parameters then that one will be returned instead.
This is the first step of the recipient
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def acceptDLCOffer(dlcOfferTLV: DLCOfferTLV, externalPayoutAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress], externalChangeAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress]): Future[DLCAccept]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWalletApi
- lazy val actionBuilder: DLCActionBuilder
- Attributes
- protected
- def addDLCContact(contact: DLCContactDb): Future[Unit]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def addDLCSigs(sign: DLCSign): Future[DLCDb]
Inputs the received signatures for a DLC into our database
Inputs the received signatures for a DLC into our database
This is the second step of the recipient
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def addDLCSigs(signTLV: DLCSignTLV): Future[DLCDb]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def addFundingSigs(sign: DLCSign): Future[Vector[DLCFundingInputDb]]
Takes a DLCSign an inserts the funding signatures into the database This is the only way one should insert sigs to the database
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def broadcastDLCFundingTx(contractId: ByteVector): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def broadcastTransaction(transaction: Transaction): Future[Unit]
- def bumpFeeCPFP(txId: DoubleSha256DigestBE, feeRate: FeeUnit): Future[Transaction]
Bumps the fee of the parent transaction with a new child transaction with the given fee rate
- def bumpFeeRBF(txId: DoubleSha256DigestBE, newFeeRate: FeeUnit): Future[Transaction]
- def calculateAndSetState(dlcDb: DLCDb): Future[Option[DLCDb]]
Calculates the new state of the DLCDb based on the closing transaction, will delete old CET sigs that are no longer needed after execution
Calculates the new state of the DLCDb based on the closing transaction, will delete old CET sigs that are no longer needed after execution
- returns
a DLCDb if we can calculate the state, else None if we cannot calculate the state
- Definition Classes
- DLCTransactionProcessing
- def cancelDLC(dlcId: Sha256Digest): Future[Unit]
If the DLC has not reached the Signed state, it can be canceled.
If the DLC has not reached the Signed state, it can be canceled. Canceling a DLC deletes all data about it from the database, as well as unreserves the utxos associated with it.
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- val chainParams: ChainParams
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- def clearAllUtxos(): Future[Wallet]
Removes all utxos from the wallet.
Removes all utxos from the wallet. Don't call this unless you are sure you can recover your wallet
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def clearUtxos(account: HDAccount): Future[Wallet]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
- def contains(address: BitcoinAddress, accountOpt: Option[HDAccount]): Future[Boolean]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def createDLCOffer(contractInfo: ContractInfo, collateral: Satoshis, feeRateOpt: Option[SatoshisPerVirtualByte], locktime: UInt32, refundLocktime: UInt32, externalPayoutAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress], externalChangeAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress]): Future[DLCOffer]
Creates a DLCOffer, if one has already been created with the given parameters then that one will be returned instead.
Creates a DLCOffer, if one has already been created with the given parameters then that one will be returned instead.
This is the first step of the initiator
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def createDLCOffer(contractInfoTLV: ContractInfoTLV, collateral: Satoshis, feeRateOpt: Option[SatoshisPerVirtualByte], locktime: UInt32, refundLT: UInt32, externalPayoutAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress], externalChangeAddressOpt: Option[BitcoinAddress]): Future[DLCOffer]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWalletApi
- def createNewAccount(hdAccount: HDAccount, kmParams: KeyManagerParams): Future[Wallet]
Tries to create a new account in this wallet.
Tries to create a new account in this wallet. Fails if the most recent account has no transaction history, as per BIP44
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- See also
- def createNewAccount(kmParams: KeyManagerParams): Future[Wallet]
Creates a new account my reading from our account database, finding the last account, and then incrementing the account index by one, and then creating that account
Creates a new account my reading from our account database, finding the last account, and then incrementing the account index by one, and then creating that account
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- val creationTime: Instant
- def debug(mkr: Marker, msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def debug(msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def debug(msg: => Any): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def determineFeeRate(feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit]): Future[FeeUnit]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- val discoveryBatchSize: Int
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → NeutrinoWalletApi
- def downloadMissingUtxos: Future[Unit]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- def dropAddressTag(addressTagDb: AddressTagDb): Future[Int]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def dropAddressTagName(address: BitcoinAddress, addressTagName: AddressTagName): Future[Int]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def dropAddressTagType(address: BitcoinAddress, addressTagType: AddressTagType): Future[Int]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def dropAddressTagType(addressTagType: AddressTagType): Future[Int]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def error(mkr: Marker, msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def error(msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def error(msg: => Any): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def executeDLC(contractId: ByteVector, oracleSigs: Vector[OracleSignatures]): Future[Option[Transaction]]
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def executeDLC(dlcDb: DLCDb, sigs: Seq[OracleAttestmentTLV]): Future[Option[Transaction]]
- def executeDLC(contractId: ByteVector, sigs: Seq[OracleAttestmentTLV]): Future[Option[Transaction]]
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def executeDLC(contractId: ByteVector, oracleSig: OracleSignatures): Future[Option[Transaction]]
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
- Definition Classes
- DLCWalletApi
- def executeDLC(contractId: ByteVector, oracleSig: OracleAttestmentTLV): Future[Option[Transaction]]
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
Creates the CET for the given contractId and oracle signature, does not broadcast it
- Definition Classes
- DLCWalletApi
- def executeDLCRefund(contractId: ByteVector): Future[Transaction]
Creates the refund transaction for the given contractId, does not broadcast it
Creates the refund transaction for the given contractId, does not broadcast it
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable])
- def findAccount(account: HDAccount): Future[Option[AccountDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def findDLC(dlcId: Sha256Digest): Future[Option[DLCStatus]]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def findDLCByTemporaryContractId(tempContractId: Sha256Digest): Future[Option[DLCStatus]]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def findDLCContacts(alias: String): Future[Vector[DLCContactDb]]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def findIncomingDLCOffer(offerHash: Sha256Digest): Future[Option[IncomingDLCOfferDb]]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def findOurOuts(transaction: Transaction): Future[Vector[(TransactionOutput, TransactionOutPoint)]]
Given a transaction, returns the outputs (with their corresponding outpoints) that pay to this wallet
Given a transaction, returns the outputs (with their corresponding outpoints) that pay to this wallet
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def findTransaction(txId: DoubleSha256DigestBE): Future[Option[TransactionDb]]
- Definition Classes
- TransactionProcessing
- def fullRescanNeutrinoWallet(addressBatchSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RescanState]
Helper method to rescan the ENTIRE blockchain.
Helper method to rescan the ENTIRE blockchain.
- Definition Classes
- NeutrinoWalletApi
- def fundRawTransaction(destinations: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb, fromTagOpt: Option[AddressTag] = None, markAsReserved: Boolean = false): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- FundTransactionHandling
- def fundRawTransaction(destinations: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: FeeUnit, fromTagOpt: Option[AddressTag], markAsReserved: Boolean): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- FundTransactionHandling
- def getAddress(account: AccountDb, chainType: HDChainType, addressIndex: Int): Future[AddressDb]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getAddress(chainType: HDChainType, addressIndex: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[AddressDb]
Gets the address associated with the pubkey at the resulting
determined by the default account and the given chainType and addressIndexGets the address associated with the pubkey at the resulting
determined by the default account and the given chainType and addressIndex- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def getAddressInfo(address: BitcoinAddress): Future[Option[AddressInfo]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getAddressInfo(spendingInfoDb: SpendingInfoDb, networkParameters: NetworkParameters): Future[Option[AddressInfo]]
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def getAddressTags(tagType: AddressTagType): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getAddressTags(): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getAddressTags(address: BitcoinAddress, tagType: AddressTagType): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getAddressTags(address: BitcoinAddress): Future[Vector[AddressTagDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getBalance(account: HDAccount)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[CurrencyUnit]
Gets the balance of the given account
Gets the balance of the given account
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def getBalance(tag: AddressTag)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[CurrencyUnit]
Gets the sum of all UTXOs in this wallet with the address tag
Gets the sum of all UTXOs in this wallet with the address tag
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def getBalance()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[CurrencyUnit]
Gets the sum of all UTXOs in this wallet
Gets the sum of all UTXOs in this wallet
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def getBloomFilter(): Future[BloomFilter]
Retrieves a bloom filter that that can be sent to a P2P network node to get information about our transactions, pubkeys and scripts.
Retrieves a bloom filter that that can be sent to a P2P network node to get information about our transactions, pubkeys and scripts.
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → SpvWalletApi
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- def getConfirmedBalance(tag: AddressTag): Future[CurrencyUnit]
- def getConfirmedBalance(account: HDAccount): Future[CurrencyUnit]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def getConfirmedBalance(): Future[CurrencyUnit]
Gets the sum of all confirmed UTXOs in this wallet
- def getDLCFundingTx(contractId: ByteVector): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def getDLCOffer(dlcId: Sha256Digest): Future[Option[DLCOffer]]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def getDefaultAccount(): Future[AccountDb]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AccountHandling
- def getDefaultAccountForType(addressType: AddressType): Future[AccountDb]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AccountHandling
- def getFeeRate(): Future[FeeUnit]
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def getLastAccountOpt(purpose: HDPurpose): Future[Option[AccountDb]]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- def getMatchingBlocks(scripts: Vector[ScriptPubKey], startOpt: Option[BlockStamp] = None, endOpt: Option[BlockStamp] = None, batchSize: Int = 100, parallelismLevel: Int = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors())(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Vector[BlockMatchingResponse]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- RescanHandling
- def getNewAddress(addressType: AddressType, tags: Vector[AddressTag]): Future[BitcoinAddress]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewAddress(addressType: AddressType): Future[BitcoinAddress]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewAddress(tags: Vector[AddressTag]): Future[BitcoinAddress]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewAddress(): Future[BitcoinAddress]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewAddress(account: AccountDb): Future[BitcoinAddress]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewAddress(account: HDAccount): Future[BitcoinAddress]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewChangeAddress(account: HDAccount): Future[BitcoinAddress]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewChangeAddress(account: AccountDb): Future[BitcoinAddress]
Generates a new change address
Generates a new change address
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getNewChangeAddress()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[BitcoinAddress]
Generates a new change address
Generates a new change address
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def getNextAvailableIndex(accountDb: AccountDb, chainType: HDChainType): Future[Int]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getSyncDescriptorOpt(): Future[Option[SyncHeightDescriptor]]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- def getSyncState(): Future[BlockSyncState]
- def getUnconfirmedBalance(tag: AddressTag): Future[CurrencyUnit]
- def getUnconfirmedBalance(account: HDAccount): Future[CurrencyUnit]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def getUnconfirmedBalance(): Future[CurrencyUnit]
Gets the sum of all unconfirmed UTXOs in this wallet
- def getUnusedAddress: Future[BitcoinAddress]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getUnusedAddress(addressType: AddressType): Future[BitcoinAddress]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def getWalletAccounting(): Future[DLCWalletAccounting]
Retrieves accounting and financial metrics for the entire dlc wallet
Retrieves accounting and financial metrics for the entire dlc wallet
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native()
- def info(mkr: Marker, msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def info(msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def info(msg: => Any): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def insertTransaction(tx: Transaction, blockHashOpt: Option[DoubleSha256DigestBE]): Future[TransactionDb]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- TransactionProcessing
- def isChange(output: TransactionOutput): Future[Boolean]
Determines if the given output is from this wallet and is a change output from this wallet
- def isDebugEnabled: Boolean
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def isEmpty(): Future[Boolean]
Checks if the wallet contains any data
- def isErrorEnabled: Boolean
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def isInfoEnabled: Boolean
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def isRescanning(): Future[Boolean]
- Definition Classes
- RescanHandling
- def isTraceEnabled: Boolean
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def isWarnEnabled: Boolean
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def keyManager: BIP39KeyManager
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def listAccounts(): Future[Vector[AccountDb]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- AccountHandling
- def listAccounts(purpose: HDPurpose)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Vector[AccountDb]]
Lists all wallet accounts with the given type
Lists all wallet accounts with the given type
- returns
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def listAddresses(account: HDAccount): Future[Vector[AddressDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listAddresses(): Future[Vector[AddressDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listDLCContacts(): Future[Vector[DLCContactDb]]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def listDLCs(): Future[Vector[DLCStatus]]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def listDefaultAccountUtxos(): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def listFundedAddresses(account: HDAccount): Future[Vector[(AddressDb, CurrencyUnit)]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listFundedAddresses(): Future[Vector[(AddressDb, CurrencyUnit)]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listIncomingDLCOffers(): Future[Vector[IncomingDLCOfferDb]]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def listOutpoints(): Future[Vector[TransactionOutPoint]]
Enumerates all the TX outpoints in the wallet
Enumerates all the TX outpoints in the wallet
- Attributes
- protected[bitcoins.wallet]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- def listPubkeys(): Future[Vector[ECPublicKey]]
Enumerates the public keys in this wallet
Enumerates the public keys in this wallet
- Attributes
- protected[bitcoins.wallet]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listSPKs(): Future[Vector[ScriptPubKey]]
Enumerates the scriptPubKeys in this wallet
Enumerates the scriptPubKeys in this wallet
- Attributes
- protected[bitcoins.wallet]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listScriptPubKeys(): Future[Vector[ScriptPubKeyDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listSpentAddresses(account: HDAccount): Future[Vector[AddressDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listSpentAddresses(): Future[Vector[AddressDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listTransactions(): Future[Vector[TransactionDb]]
- Definition Classes
- TransactionProcessing
- def listUnusedAddresses(account: HDAccount): Future[Vector[AddressDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listUnusedAddresses(): Future[Vector[AddressDb]]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def listUtxos(hdAccount: HDAccount, state: TxoState): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def listUtxos(state: TxoState): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def listUtxos(hdAccount: HDAccount, tag: AddressTag): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def listUtxos(tag: AddressTag): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def listUtxos(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint]): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
Returns all the utxos originating from the given outpoints
Returns all the utxos originating from the given outpoints
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def listUtxos(hdAccount: HDAccount): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def listUtxos(): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def logger: Logger
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def loggerName: String
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def makeOpReturnCommitment(message: String, hashMessage: Boolean, feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def makeOpReturnCommitment(message: String, hashMessage: Boolean, feeRate: FeeUnit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def makeOpReturnCommitment(message: String, hashMessage: Boolean, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit], fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def makeOpReturnCommitment(message: String, hashMessage: Boolean, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def markUTXOsAsReserved(tx: Transaction): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def markUTXOsAsReserved(utxos: Vector[SpendingInfoDb]): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- val networkParameters: BitcoinNetwork
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native()
- def processBlock(block: Block): Future[Wallet]
- Definition Classes
- TransactionProcessing
- def processCompactFilter(blockHash: DoubleSha256Digest, blockFilter: GolombFilter): Future[WalletApi]
- Definition Classes
- NeutrinoWalletApi
- def processCompactFilters(blockFilters: Vector[(DoubleSha256Digest, GolombFilter)]): Future[Wallet]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → NeutrinoWalletApi
- def processReceivedUtxos(tx: Transaction, blockHashOpt: Option[DoubleSha256DigestBE], spendingInfoDbs: Vector[SpendingInfoDb], newTags: Vector[AddressTag]): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
Process incoming utxos as normal, and then update the DLC states if applicable
Process incoming utxos as normal, and then update the DLC states if applicable
- blockHashOpt
the block hash that contains this tx
- spendingInfoDbs
the spending info dbs that are relevant for this transaction
- newTags
tags associated with this tx
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- DLCTransactionProcessing → TransactionProcessing
- def processSpentUtxos(transaction: Transaction, outputsBeingSpent: Vector[SpendingInfoDb], blockHashOpt: Option[DoubleSha256DigestBE]): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
Searches for outputs on the given transaction that are being spent from our wallet
Searches for outputs on the given transaction that are being spent from our wallet
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- DLCTransactionProcessing → TransactionProcessing
- def processTransaction(transaction: Transaction, blockHashOpt: Option[DoubleSha256DigestBE]): Future[Wallet]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- TransactionProcessing
- def processTransactions(transactions: Vector[Transaction], blockHash: Option[DoubleSha256DigestBE])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[WalletApi]
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def registerDLCAccept(accept: DLCAccept): Future[(DLCDb, Vector[DLCCETSignaturesDb])]
- def registerDLCOffer(dlcOffer: DLCOffer): Future[DLCOffer]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWalletApi
- def registerIncomingDLCOffer(offerTLV: DLCOfferTLV, peer: Option[String], message: Option[String]): Future[Sha256Digest]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def rejectIncomingDLCOffer(offerHash: Sha256Digest): Future[Unit]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def removeDLCContact(address: InetSocketAddress): Future[Unit]
- Definition Classes
- IncomingDLCOffersHandling
- def rescanNeutrinoWallet(account: HDAccount, startOpt: Option[BlockStamp], endOpt: Option[BlockStamp], addressBatchSize: Int, useCreationTime: Boolean = true): Future[RescanState]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- RescanHandling
- def rescanNeutrinoWallet(startOpt: Option[BlockStamp], endOpt: Option[BlockStamp], addressBatchSize: Int, useCreationTime: Boolean)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[RescanState]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- RescanHandling
- def rescanSPVWallet(): Future[Unit]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- RescanHandling
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends money from the specified account
Sends money from the specified account
todo: add error handling to signature
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, feeRate: FeeUnit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit], fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendFromOutPoints(outPoints: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], address: BitcoinAddress, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def sendToAddress(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends money from the specified account
Sends money from the specified account
todo: add error handling to signature
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def sendToAddress(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def sendToAddress(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendToAddress(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends money to the address
Sends money to the address
todo: add error handling to signature
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendToAddress(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendToAddress(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit], fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendToAddresses(addresses: Vector[BitcoinAddress], amounts: Vector[CurrencyUnit], feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends money from the specified account
Sends money from the specified account
todo: add error handling to signature
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def sendToAddresses(addresses: Vector[BitcoinAddress], amounts: Vector[CurrencyUnit], feeRate: FeeUnit, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendToAddresses(addresses: Vector[BitcoinAddress], amounts: Vector[CurrencyUnit], feeRate: FeeUnit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendToAddresses(addresses: Vector[BitcoinAddress], amounts: Vector[CurrencyUnit], feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends funds to each address
Sends funds to each address
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendToAddresses(addresses: Vector[BitcoinAddress], amounts: Vector[CurrencyUnit], feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit], fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendToAddresses(addresses: Vector[BitcoinAddress], amounts: Vector[CurrencyUnit], feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendToOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends money from the specified account
Sends money from the specified account
todo: add error handling to signature
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def sendToOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: FeeUnit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendToOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends funds using the specified outputs
Sends funds using the specified outputs
todo: add error handling to signature
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendToOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: FeeUnit, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendToOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit], fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendToOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: FeeUnit, fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendWithAlgo(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, algo: CoinSelectionAlgo, fromAccount: AccountDb, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def sendWithAlgo(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, algo: CoinSelectionAlgo, newTags: Vector[AddressTag])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendWithAlgo(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, algo: CoinSelectionAlgo)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendWithAlgo(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit], algo: CoinSelectionAlgo)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi → WalletApi
- def sendWithAlgo(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit], algo: CoinSelectionAlgo, fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def sendWithAlgo(address: BitcoinAddress, amount: CurrencyUnit, feeRate: FeeUnit, algo: CoinSelectionAlgo, fromAccount: AccountDb)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
- Definition Classes
- HDWalletApi
- def signDLC(accept: DLCAccept): Future[DLCSign]
Creates signatures for the DLCs CETs and Funding Inputs
Creates signatures for the DLCs CETs and Funding Inputs
This is the second step of the initiator
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def signDLC(acceptTLV: DLCAcceptTLV): Future[DLCSign]
- Definition Classes
- DLCWallet → DLCWalletApi
- def signPSBT(psbt: PSBT)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[PSBT]
- Definition Classes
- Wallet → HDWalletApi
- def start(): Future[Wallet]
- def stop(): Future[Wallet]
- def sweepWallet(address: BitcoinAddress, feeRate: FeeUnit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends the entire wallet balance to the given address
- def sweepWallet(address: BitcoinAddress, feeRateOpt: Option[FeeUnit])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends the entire wallet balance to the given address
Sends the entire wallet balance to the given address
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- def sweepWallet(address: BitcoinAddress)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Transaction]
Sends the entire wallet balance to the given address
Sends the entire wallet balance to the given address
- Definition Classes
- WalletApi
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def tagAddress(address: BitcoinAddress, tag: AddressTag): Future[AddressTagDb]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def trace(mkr: Marker, msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def trace(msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def trace(msg: => Any): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def unmarkUTXOsAsReserved(tx: Transaction): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def unmarkUTXOsAsReserved(utxos: Vector[SpendingInfoDb]): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def updateUtxoPendingStates(): Future[Vector[SpendingInfoDb]]
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
<invalid inheritdoc annotation>
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling
- def verifyCETSigs(sign: DLCSign): Future[Option[Boolean]]
Verify CET sigs for the given sign message if it exists If it doesnt not exist, return None
- def verifyCETSigs(accept: DLCAccept): Future[Option[Boolean]]
Verify CET sigs for the given accept message if it exists If it doesnt not exist, return None
- def verifyFundingSigs(inputs: Vector[DLCFundingInputDb], sign: DLCSign): Future[Option[Boolean]]
- def verifyRefundSig(sign: DLCSign): Future[Option[Boolean]]
- def verifyRefundSig(accept: DLCAccept): Future[Option[Boolean]]
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- def walletCallbacks: WalletCallbacks
- Definition Classes
- Wallet
- lazy val walletCreationBlockHeight: Future[BlockHeight]
- Definition Classes
- RescanHandling
- def warn(mkr: Marker, msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def warn(msg: => Any, t: => Throwable): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def warn(msg: => Any): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Logging
- def watchScriptPubKey(scriptPubKey: ScriptPubKey): Future[ScriptPubKeyDb]
- Definition Classes
- AddressHandling
- def writeUtxo(tx: Transaction, blockHashOpt: Option[DoubleSha256DigestBE], output: TransactionOutput, outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, addressDb: AddressDb): Future[SpendingInfoDb]
Constructs a DB level representation of the given UTXO, and persist it to disk
Constructs a DB level representation of the given UTXO, and persist it to disk
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- UtxoHandling