* DLC <-> contact mapping
* updated docs
* populate dlc/contact mapping automatically
* typo
* respond to the PR comments
* rename `contact` to `peer`
* fix unit tests
* create a contact when an incoming offers gets created
* drop dlc_contact_mapping table
* fix build
* update the docs
* Revert "update the docs"
This reverts commit 2386adadcd.
* revert dlc-contact-* endpoints
t Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
Try and debug
Fix bug for incomingAmount
Clean up logs
more cleanups on logs
Remove another uncessary log
Don't process tx if we don't have a relevant received output for that specific tx
* Group hashes in batches of 1,000 before querying the db
* Added createDLCOffer endpoint which doesn't take a locktime and uses current block height instead
* Made cetLocktime an option instead of an argument to the CLI, updated docs
* fix compile
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Contact list
* fix unit tests
* Add contact rpc tests
* Add documentation
* Refactor ConsoleCli into app-commons
* Add commands to bitcoin-s-cli
* Fix timeout for rescan
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Add SignDbState to fix rescan exception
* Cleanup
* Add test, doesn't pass
* Add unit tests, add invariants
* Add unit test to appServerTest
* Fix handling so an exception is not thrown internally when a contractId does not exist
* DLCMessage.totalCollateral -> DLCMessage.collateral
* Fix bad names of {DLCOfferTLV,DLCAcceptTLV}.totalCollateralSatoshis, its not the total collateral, rather the collateral being contributed by the offerer and acceptor
* Fix rebase
* Fix appServerTest
* Fix docs
* Part 1 of reworking/refactoring acceptDLCOffer
* scalafmt
* Move offer creation into initDLCForAccept
* Refactor method name to getDlcDbOfferDbAccountDb
* Push to github to force re-run of CI
* Small refactors to make things more readable
* Add invariants to make sure things are defined when doing the RemoteClaimed flow
* Move where we update DLCDb state to RemoteClaimed so its atomic with the rest of the db updates
* Consoldiate uses of updatedDlcDb
* Add logs
* scalafmt
* get all dlcWalletTest/test passing
* Get dlcTest/test working with ignored test cases
* Rework match oracleSignatures
* Refactor checkSingleContractInfoOracleSigs to use matchOracleSignatures
* Clean up checkOracleSignaturesAgainstContract for disjoint, still doesn't pass test cases
* Some DRY in numeric test cases
* Add test case for enum contracts
* Fix disjoint union contract bug
* Refactor matching of oracle announcements and oracle signatures into DLCUtil
* Fix compile on on 2.12.x
* Address parts of code review
* Get refactor working where we decouple CETSignatures and the partial refund signature
* Implement migration to specify serialization_version on global_dlc_data table
* Fix migrations test
* implement contractid computation
* Get migration working for wallet on testnet
* Add check to make sure we only try to migrate old wallets
* Refactor DLCDataManagement.getOfferAndAcceptWithoutSigs to not use DLCTxBuilder
* Bubble up Option[] into DLCWallet, trivially assert on it and then use .get. We will have to do the refactor of DLCWallet sometime in the future
* Change global_dlc_data serializationVersion at database level to not have an Option
* Add DLCDbState, propogate it through the codebase
* Remove log
* Remove invariant for making sure all DLCs are defined on migraiton, add log for the case of issue 4001
* Add filter on ALPHA serialization DLCs. We dont need to migrate DLCs that are using the beta serialization
* Rebase onto 4004
* Refactor to use the refund signature in the accept/sign message
* Add output index to the return of DLCTxBuilder.buildFundingTransaction()
* Fix compile
* Remove log
* Get refactor working where we decouple CETSignatures and the partial refund signature
* Add DLCAcceptWithCetSigs() for the case where we have a refund sig, but no cet signatures
* Fix bugs
* Fix sighash parsing bugs
* Add invariant to CETSignaturesTLV so we don't have empty adaptor sigs
* Add invariant to make sure FundingSignaturesTLV witnesses are not empty
* Add invariant that contractOraclePairs aren't empty
* Add fundingInputs and ordered announcement invariants
* fix docs
* Move invaraints from TLVs to in memory data structures
* WIP2
* Modify return type of DLCDataManagement.executorAndSetupFromDb() to return an Option. The None case represents when we have pruned CET signatures from the database
* Add some comments, clean up a bit
* more cleanup
* Implement DLC wallet callbacks
Add callbacks and tests for Claimed/RemoteClaimed
Add unit test for confirmed state
* Add some docs
* Address ben's code review
* Fix scalafmt
* Add CRUDAction.{updateAllAction, updateAction}
* Move updateDLCOracleSigs into DLCActionBuilder and make it an action
* Update DLCTransactionProcessing.calculateAndSetOutcome() to use actions
* Finish implementing {CRUD,CRUDAction}.createAllAction()
* Try to make database inserts more atomic
* Consolidate more database calls in DLCWallet.initDLCForAccept()
* WIP2
* More refactor and using actions
* Add DLCIdDaoUtilNoPK for querying when dlcId is not a primary key
* Add DLCDataManagement.deleteDLC()
* make DLCWalletApi.createDLCOffer() use actions
* Rework DLCWallet.createNewDLCAccept() to use DBIOAction
* Use actions in DLCWallet.registerDLCAccept() a bit
* Create DLCActionBuilder, move actions to there
* Move more actions into ActionBuilder
* Implement transactionally on database writes for actions
* Implemented Disjoint Union DLC related data structures with dlcTest passing
Broke DLCClientTest up into multiple test files
Optimized DLC execution unit tests by checking all outcomes on a single setup DLC
Refactored DLCTest to allow for Disjoint Union DLC construction and validation, added tests
Responded to review
Fixed after cherry-pick
Fixed docs
* Fixed things after rebase
* Rebase
* Fix json serializer
* Finish fixing compile
* Start trying to make APIs better for multi oracle contract infos
* Clean things up in the GUI, try to make failures on disjoint union contracts as explicit as possible
* Use less numDigits as optimization for non secp CI test cases
* Fix compile
* Refactor BroadcastDLCDialog
* Fix test case optimization
* Clean up comment
Co-authored-by: nkohen <nadavk25@gmail.com>
Write intro and requirements section
start contractinfo section
Finish offer section
Finish first draft of the wallet election example writeup
Add page to sidebar
* Encapsulate initialization of DLCOracle.start() method
* Use internal WalletAppConfig.kmConf rather than passing in custom key manager parameters
* Add KeyManagerAppConfig.defaultAccountType
* Get all tests passing besides TrezorAddressTest
* Get TrezorAddressTest passing with provided entropy
* Add unit test to make sure we can always derive the seed
* Get docs compiling
* Fix dlcWalletTest test cases
* Add more test cases to keymanager
* Add the new configuration to the example configuration
* Add more test cases
* Remove coverage on 2.12 as it isn't accurate
* Rework DLCOracleAppConfig.start() to call kmConf.start() so the oracle can use entropy provided via bitcoin-s.conf
* Sort DLC table by last updated
* Add LastUpdatedDb
* Make visible
* Fix compile
* Add time, fix sorting
* Switch to local time
* fix compile
* Fix test
* Fix postgres migration
* Specify zoneId