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synced 2025-01-19 05:43:51 +01:00
Prevent DB state corruption while accepting the same offer multiple times (#4067)
* Prevent db state corruption while accepting the same offer multiple times * cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.tlv._
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.fee.SatoshisPerVirtualByte
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.utxo.TxoState
import org.bitcoins.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.dlc.wallet.DLCWallet.InvalidAnnouncementSignature
import org.bitcoins.dlc.wallet.DLCWallet.{
import org.bitcoins.dlc.wallet.internal.DLCDataManagement
import org.bitcoins.testkit.wallet.DLCWalletUtil._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.wallet.FundWalletUtil.FundedDLCWallet
@ -837,6 +840,77 @@ class WalletDLCSetupTest extends BitcoinSDualWalletTest {
} yield succeed
private val numericContractInfo = ContractInfoV0TLV.fromHex(
it must "fail accepting an offer twice simultaneously" in { wallets =>
val walletA = wallets._1.wallet
val walletB = wallets._2.wallet
val contractInfoA = numericContractInfo
val feeRateOpt = Some(SatoshisPerVirtualByte(Satoshis.one))
val totalCollateral = Satoshis(100000)
def makeOffer(contractInfo: ContractInfoV0TLV): Future[DLCOffer] = {
walletA.createDLCOffer(contractInfoTLV = contractInfo,
collateral = totalCollateral,
feeRateOpt = feeRateOpt,
locktime = UInt32.zero,
refundLT = UInt32.one)
for {
offer <- makeOffer(contractInfoA)
accept1F = walletB.acceptDLCOffer(offer)
accept2F = walletB.acceptDLCOffer(offer)
_ <- recoverToSucceededIf[DuplicateOfferException](
Future.sequence(Seq(accept1F, accept2F)))
} yield {
it must "accept an offer twice sequentially" in { wallets =>
val walletA = wallets._1.wallet
val walletB = wallets._2.wallet
val contractInfoA = numericContractInfo
val feeRateOpt = Some(SatoshisPerVirtualByte(Satoshis.one))
val totalCollateral = Satoshis(100000)
def makeOffer(contractInfo: ContractInfoV0TLV): Future[DLCOffer] = {
walletA.createDLCOffer(contractInfoTLV = contractInfo,
collateral = totalCollateral,
feeRateOpt = feeRateOpt,
locktime = UInt32.zero,
refundLT = UInt32.one)
for {
offer <- makeOffer(contractInfoA)
accept1 <- walletB.acceptDLCOffer(offer)
accept2 <- walletB.acceptDLCOffer(offer)
} yield {
assert(accept1 == accept2)
it must "not be able to sign its own accept" in { wallets =>
val walletA = wallets._1.wallet
val walletB = wallets._2.wallet
@ -480,11 +480,6 @@ abstract class DLCWallet
val chainType = HDChainType.External
//filter announcements that we already have in the db
val groupedAnnouncementsF: Future[AnnouncementGrouping] = {
getDlcDbOfferDbContractDataDb(offer.tempContractId).flatMap {
case Some((dlcDb, dlcOffer, contractDataDb)) =>
Future.successful((dlcDb, dlcOffer, contractDataDb))
@ -502,7 +497,7 @@ abstract class DLCWallet
_ <- writeDLCKeysToAddressDb(account, chainType, nextIndex)
groupedAnnouncements <- groupedAnnouncementsF
groupedAnnouncements <- groupByExistingAnnouncements(announcements)
dlcDbAction = dlcDAO.createAction(dlc)
dlcOfferAction = dlcOfferDAO.createAction(dlcOfferDb)
contractAction = contractDataDAO.createAction(contractDataDb)
@ -617,38 +612,28 @@ abstract class DLCWallet
private def createNewDLCAccept(
collateral: CurrencyUnit,
offer: DLCOffer): Future[DLCAccept] = {
offer: DLCOffer): Future[DLCAccept] = Future {
s"Creating DLC Accept for tempContractId ${offer.tempContractId.hex}")
val accountF = getDefaultAccountForType(AddressType.SegWit)
val dlcDbOfferDbF: Future[(DLCDb, DLCOfferDb, DLCContractDataDb)] = {
for {
accountDb <- accountF
(dlcDb, offerDb, contractDataDb) <- initDLCForAccept(offer, accountDb)
} yield (dlcDb, offerDb, contractDataDb)
def getFundingPrivKey(account: AccountDb, dlc: DLCDb): AdaptorSign = {
val bip32Path = BIP32Path(
account.hdAccount.path ++ Vector(BIP32Node(0, hardened = false),
hardened = false)))
val privKeyPath = HDPath.fromString(bip32Path.toString)
val fundingPrivKeyF: Future[AdaptorSign] = {
for {
(dlc, _, _) <- dlcDbOfferDbF
account <- accountF
bip32Path = BIP32Path(
account.hdAccount.path ++ Vector(BIP32Node(0, hardened = false),
hardened = false)))
privKeyPath = HDPath.fromString(bip32Path.toString)
} yield keyManager.toSign(privKeyPath)
for {
(dlc, offerDb, contractDataDb) <- dlcDbOfferDbF
account <- accountF
val result = for {
account <- getDefaultAccountForType(AddressType.SegWit)
(dlc, offerDb, contractDataDb) <- initDLCForAccept(offer, account)
(txBuilder, spendingInfos) <- fundDLCAcceptMsg(offer = offer,
collateral = collateral,
account = account)
fundingPrivKey <- fundingPrivKeyF
fundingPrivKey = getFundingPrivKey(account, dlc)
(acceptWithoutSigs, dlcPubKeys) = DLCAcceptUtil.buildAcceptWithoutSigs(
dlc = dlc,
offer = offer,
@ -673,11 +658,8 @@ abstract class DLCWallet
spkDb = ScriptPubKeyDb(builder.fundingSPK)
// only update spk db if we don't have it
spkDbOpt <- scriptPubKeyDAO.findScriptPubKey(spkDb.scriptPubKey)
_ <- spkDbOpt match {
case Some(_) => Future.unit
case None => scriptPubKeyDAO.create(spkDb)
_ <- scriptPubKeyDAO.createIfNotExists(spkDb)
_ = logger.info(s"Creating CET Sigs for ${contractId.toHex}")
//emit websocket event that we are now computing adaptor signatures
status = DLCStatusBuilder.buildInProgressDLCStatus(
@ -775,7 +757,10 @@ abstract class DLCWallet
_ <- updateFundingOutPoint(dlcDb.contractIdOpt.get, outPoint)
} yield accept
result.onComplete(_ =>
def registerDLCAccept(
accept: DLCAccept): Future[(DLCDb, Vector[DLCCETSignaturesDb])] = {
@ -1743,6 +1728,9 @@ abstract class DLCWallet
object DLCWallet extends WalletLogger {
case class DuplicateOfferException(message: String)
extends RuntimeException(message)
case class InvalidAnnouncementSignature(message: String)
extends RuntimeException(message)
@ -1765,4 +1753,22 @@ object DLCWallet extends WalletLogger {
ec: ExecutionContext): DLCWallet = {
DLCWalletImpl(nodeApi, chainQueryApi, feeRateApi)
private object AcceptingOffersLatch {
private val tempContractIds =
new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Sha256Digest, Sha256Digest]()
def startAccepting(tempContractId: Sha256Digest): Unit = {
if (tempContractIds.putIfAbsent(tempContractId, tempContractId) != null) {
throw DuplicateOfferException(
s"Offer with temporary contract ID ${tempContractId.hex} is already being accepted")
def doneAccepting(tempContractId: Sha256Digest): Unit = {
val _ = tempContractIds.remove(tempContractId)
Reference in New Issue
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