Added OutputReference and introduced public key computation on SPKs
Made InputInfo into an ADT
Made UTXOSpendingInfo use InputInfo
Replaced UTXOSpendingInfo with NewSpendingInfo and got non-test things compiling
Made aliases for (NewSpendingInfo/NewSpendingInfoFull/NewSpendingInfoSingle)[InputInfo]
Got rid of source code mention of UTXOSpendingInfo
sbt compile passes
tests compile
Fixed all coreTest tests
Renamed to UTXOInfo
Some cleanup
Moved redeem script and script witness accessors to companion object
Responded to code review
Added OutputReference and scaladocs
Moved p2pkhPreImageOpt downstream and generalized to hashPreImages
Fixed and
Renamed UTXOInfo
Apply renaming to docs
* Added crypto project and decoupled BitcoinSLogger from NetworkElement
Decoupled BitcoinSLogger from Factory
Moved NetworkElement into crypto project
Moved Factory and BitcoinSUtil (renamed to BytesUtil) to crypto project
Moved MaskedToString to crypto project
Added BytesUtil to imports and cleaned up CryptoUtil.recoverPoint
Moved the rest of crypto stuff to the crypto project
Moved crypto tests to crypto-test project
* Added documentation for crypto project
* Rebased secp onto bitcoin-core's master (see and built linux binaries
* Wrote a doc on adding to jni
* Built for website
* Added build instructions for other OSs
* Added table of contents using doctoc
* Edited .gitmodules
* Added windows binaries
* Updated secp branch
* Added osx binaries
* Added make check-java to doc
* Fixed typo
* GetAddress Wallet API call
* Add ability to get unfunded address
* Generate new address if no unfunded addresses
* Add test
* Add wallet get address documentation
* Constructed simple Bitcoin-S wallet GUI
* Added note about bitcoin-s server in doc
* Removed wallet dep from gui
* Replaced lambdas with constructors for compatibility with scala 2.11
* Fixed after rebase
* Add wallet rescan tests
* Create FilterSync, which gives us an API inside of the chain project to sync filters with
Add another unit test to filter sync
Add more unit tests for ChainSync and FilterSync
Clean up some docs, remove some extra lines of code
Run scalafmt
Cleanup some nits
Add more information of how FilterSync.syncFilters() works
Add 'FilterWithHeaderHash' type so that we can actually validate/verify block headers that are being fed into the chain project
Run scalafmt, hide imports in so code appears cleaner
Move implicits out of invisible block as it seems to cause errors
Make it so FilterSync processes filters in batches rather than fetching them all at once
Fix compile error
* WIP bitcoind implement ChainQueryApi
* rework fixtures to be able to support injecting ChainQueryApi implemented by bitcoind into our fixture infrastructure for creating wallets
* Fix rebase problem
* Implement getFiltersBetweenHeight() with ben's solution
* WIP Start implementing NodeApi against bitcoind
* Actually inject the bitcoind backed nodeApi into our fixture
* Get first rescan test working for rescanning the entire blockchain
* Implement test case for rescanning from a specific height
* Fix NeutrinoNodeWalletTest test case that uses a experimental version of bitcoind, for now i believe our experimental binary is on v18
* Add, add helper method to WalletApi that allows you to clear out the wallet's utxos/addresses
* Add another log to try to debug CI
* Address code review
* Fix wrong ordering of deletion of tables in clearUtxosAndAddresses()
* reset logging level
* Create FilterSync, which gives us an API inside of the chain project to sync filters with
Add another unit test to filter sync
Add more unit tests for ChainSync and FilterSync
Clean up some docs, remove some extra lines of code
Run scalafmt
Cleanup some nits
Add more information of how FilterSync.syncFilters() works
Add 'FilterWithHeaderHash' type so that we can actually validate/verify block headers that are being fed into the chain project
Run scalafmt, hide imports in so code appears cleaner
Move implicits out of invisible block as it seems to cause errors
Make it so FilterSync processes filters in batches rather than fetching them all at once
Fix compile error
* Add comment about trust model
* Run scalafmt
* Added a document explaining how to add new script types.
* built website
* Added a doc explaining the differences between full and single signing
* Added design philosophy section
* Responded to review
* mdoc now compiles the code within, with some caveats surrounding sealed traits
* Added explanitory comment
* Make imports in invisible
* Hide imports in
* Make all core module md files imports hidden
* Cleanup imports on rpc markdown docs
* Try and figure weird travis behavior
* Get rid of uneeded nest qualifiers on mdoc
* Added a getting-setup markdown doc for the website
* Responded to Ben's review
* Added testnet section
* Added DLC doc
* Got the website working locally
* Fixed linking
* Responded to review
* Move initialization of wallet entropy into the key manager
* Enable key-manager in ci, add coverage minimum
* Add coverage minimum for key manager, add KeyManagerParams, start adding KeyManager test harness
* Remove success cases on ADTs, start using Either
* fix import
* Get test coverage to 90%
* Add documentation for, add side bar for key-manager
* Fix
* Make seedPath default to baseDatadir, so we don't have a unique seed for every network. Add more documentation
* Address code review
* Address code review from Ben
* Add missing import
* Add more tests for coverage
* Create ExtSign, use it on ExtPrivateKey
* Add documentation on how to Sign things with ExtSign
* Add ExtSign.sign for a bip32 path
* Make sign(bytes,path) not return a Future, add documentation
* Address nadav's code review
* Fix mdoc
* Bump Scala versions
Support Scala 2.12.9
and 2.13.0.
To make this easier, we delete the `scripts` project. Everything
that was in here was covered by content on the website. We also
delete the `doc` folder, as that was a remnant from when `scripts`
was called `doc`.
* Crib uPickle akka-http support while we wait for publish
* Fix compiler warnings
* Add note on test logging to contribution guide
* Reduce duplication in Blockchain implementation
* Use Scala 2.12 for website
* Introduce compat package object for collections converters
* Fix Either compiler warnings
* Add sync-chain and create-wallet docs from deleted scripts
* Fix rebase goofup
* Docs: Introduce new Docusaurus-based website
This commit is the result of running
npx docusaurus-init, and nothing more.
Further changes will happen on top of
this, to make it easier to review changes
and update to newer versions of Docusaurus
in the future.
* WIP: Add Bitcoin-S website
Change the default Docusaurus template to a custom website. Goes
off of existing documentation, and moves it into the new docs and
website directories. Deletes some unused files, such as
* Initial mdoc support
* Add Scaladoc to website
* Add SVG assets
* Change colors, flesh out pages, correct Scaladoc links
* Rename doc project to scripts, move security doc to website
* Add copy buttons to website code snippets
* Add doc and tasks for publishing website
* Refactor how paths get copied after generating Scaladocs
* Add Get Started button
* Replace bitcoin-s logo with white text
* Add Montserrat font for headers
* flesh out user showcase and landing page
* Change Scaladoc URL to bitcoins package