* Implement creatnewaccount rpc
* Get WalletRoutesSpec createnewaccount unit test passing
* Rename HDPurposes -> HDPurpose
* Fix docs
* Implement ConsoleCli arg, change HDPurpose json serialization to be a json string instead of a num
* Pull over scala3 compatible code for crypto/ project from https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/pull/3497
* Pull over scala3 compatible code for core/ project from https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/pull/3497
* Add -Xsource:3 to core/
* Get coreJVM/compile working
* restore files lost from master when checking out core/ from 2021-06-30
* Get entire codebase compiling
* Get bitcoindRpcTest/test:compile working
* Restore P2SHDescriptor constructor
* scalafmt
* Fix UInt8.toByte
* Get all merkle block tests working
* Fix GCS bug
* Add -Xsource:3 to cryptoTest/
* Get things compiling again with default intellij build
* Cleanup compile of coreTestJVM so we don't have warnings that cause failures in intellij's build
* Get build started for 26.1
* Start introducing v26 data structures
* Switch BitcoindVersion.newest = V26
* Fix GetTxOutSetInfoResult to use hash_serialized_3
* Fix WalletRpcTest
* Refactor PeerInfoResponse to add transport_protocol_type and session_id fields in v25
* Add ServiceIdentifier.NODE_P2P_V2, add support for v2transport to addnode, add default config setting for bitcoind to have v2transport=1 in test framework, add unit test to make sure we can establish a v2 connection
* Remove V20AssortedRpc
* Add loadtxoutset
* Implement getchainstates
* Add getprioritisedtransactions
* Add getaddrmaninfo
* Add importmempool
* Cleanup println
* Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.1
* Update .scalafmt.conf settings to be factory default settings
* Fix typo
* scalafmt
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Revert some scalafmt back to original scalafmt.conf
Co-authored-by: Chris Stewart <stewart.chris1234@gmail.com>
* Integrate Descriptor class into 'getdescriptorinfo' RPC
* WIP: Invalid checksum that is valid according to bitcoin core
* Add descriptor.py in comments
* Get deriveaddresses RPC working with descriptors
* Parse descriptors in DescriptorsResult to Descriptor data type
* Implement unit tests for key expression fidelity to user input for hardened paths
* Create HardenedType, rework BIP32Node to take Option[HardenedType] as a parameter
* Fix docs
* Add DescriptorType, OutputDescriptor
* Get unit test passing for a descriptor with a xpub and bip32 path
* WIP: Implement checksum algo
* WIP: Implement polyMod
* Get checksum unit test case passing
* Get basic serialization test case passing
* Revert Bech32.scala
* WIP: Implement KeyExpression
* WIP: KeyOriginExpression
* Get basic KeyExpression test case passing
* Get basic unit tests workign for parsing Private/Public key descriptor expressions
* Add examples
* Get all key expression unit tests passing
* Get negative test vectors passing
* WIP: Get P2WPKHDescriptor tests working
* Get all serizliation tests passing for non-derivation path BIP382 descrioptors
* Get BIP382 derivation test cases passing
* Implement BIP382 failure test cases
* Get BIP381 test vectors passing
* Split key expressions into SingleKeyExpression,MultisigKeyExpression
* WIP: Multisig descriptors
* Remove custom building of scripts now that we have #5502
* Get BIP383 test vectors passing
* Get BIP384 test vectors passing
* Fix bug in runFailTest()
* Add RawSPKScriptExpression, use it with P2WSHExpression to ensure underlying spk is a RawScriptPubKey
* Get all negative test vectors working after fixing bug in runFailTest()
* Implement BIP385 raw() test vectors, skip addr() descriptor
* Get everything working up to dealing with taproot pubkey types
* Begin working on type hierarchy for different pubkeys
* Get things to the point of needing a custom pubkey type
* Get things compiling w/ PubKeyTypeExpression
* Get tr(WIF) example working
* WIP: Key reworking type hierachy to be PublicKey type specific
* WIP: Taproot helpers
* Get taproot descriptor working with both keypath and single level scriptpath
* Get recursive tapscript tree test vector working
* Implement negative test vectors for BIP386
* Add BIP386 derivation test
* Get extkey tr() descriptor test working
* Rename InternalPublicKeyExpression -> RawPublicXOnlyPublicKeyExpression
* Fix keyOrigin for tr() descriptors
* Cleanup comments
* Add comments
* Move leafVersion TapscriptControlBlock -> TapLeaf
* Add taproot wallet test vectors
* Get parsing logic working
* Get first test case passing
* Add TapLeaf
* Get test cases working with two TapLeaf
* Add TapscriptTree as the top level type for a recursive data structure for TapscriptPath's
* Remove control block parsing for now until we actually test control blocks
* scalafmt
* Get dependencies resolving, get tor module compiling
* Get everything compiling with pekko
* Rework configs/logging to use pekko namespace
* Rename AkkaUtil -> PekkoUtil, BitcoinSAkkaAsyncTest -> BitcoinSPekkoAsyncTest
* Add LargeTransactionTest
* Remove unused ByteArrayOutputStream
* Add block test case for 00000000ce4a4666cce2205d760d37b5579cdedf3ac9e4295557e8ac962cde55
* Cache txId to avoid re-computing txids which can take alot of resources
* Cache WitnessTransaction.toBaseTx, remove println
* remove BlockTest as it didn't capture the bug
* Add test case for 3a8dd04bc1f8179d0b85c8e1a1e89d058833ae64a9a8c3681da3ca329297beb1
* Fix bug where we were classifying things are MultSigScriptPubKey that did not have maxSigs' number of public keys in the Script
* Remove redundant comment
* Get test case setup for tx 1c1f50e
* Fix bug in OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY.isValidAsm(), check that the ScriptNumber is lessthan or equal to 5 bytes in size
* Fix bug in OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.isValidAsm(), check that the ScriptNumber is lessthan or equal to 5 bytes in size
* Fix bug to check <= rather than <
* Revert Constants.scala, ScriptNumberUtil.scala, remove superflous 'return'
* Fix bug where number needed to be interpreted as a UInt32 rather than Int32 by the ScriptInterpreter in the case of OP_CSV
* Add static test vector, fix another occurrence of bug
* WIP: Try to move byte streaming/parsing of p2p messages out of P2PClient
* WIP2: Work on killing the actor, replace it with a steram
* Get basic ability to send/receive version message working
* Transition PeerMessageReceiverState to Initializing inside of PeerMessagesender.connect()
* Refactor things out of PeerMessageSender.connect(), add some flow logs
* Get NeutrinoNodeTest be able to sync passing
* Fix some bugs, create ConnectionGraph helper class
* Use killswitch rather than Source.maybe to disconnect peer
* WIP: Debug
* Switch halfClose to false on Tcp.outgoingConnection() to not keep lingering connections
* Delete P2PClientActorTest
* Delete all P2PClient stuff
* Attempt implementing reconnection logic in PeerMessageSender
* remove supervisor
* Empty commit to re-run CI
* Small cleanups
* Implement sendResponseTimeout()
* Restore logback-test.xml
* Add callback to log error message on reconnect
* Increase queueSize/maxConcurrentOffers size
* Upgrade scalajs to 1.10.1
* Upgrade to scalajs to 1.11.0
* Try to re-order order tests are run in to avoid scoverage bug with scalajs
* remove duplicate run of asyncUtilsTestJS/test
* Add OrderedSchnorrSignatures, use it in OracleAttestment, propagate it threw the codebase
* Small cleanups
* Add SortedVecFactory
* Fix test case with out of order nonces
* Represent and handle SIGHASH_DEFAULT correctly in TaprootKeyPath
* Prevent construction of invalid TaprootKeyPath, fix tests
* Have SIGHASH_DEFAULT be SIGHASH_ALL in preTaproot cases