2018-11-01 11:52:39 -05:00

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Protobuffer FAQ

NOTE: this doc is out of date and should probably be deleted. Protobuffer stuff is all managed in bisq-core now, not bisq-desktop.


Protobuffer is installed automatically via the Gradle build.

Why Protobuffer?

There are a number of reasons why protobuffer was chosen, here are some of them:

  • avoids java serialisation security issues
  • smaller in size than java serialisation (less network usage)
  • All P2P network messages are described in a clear Protobuffer schema
  • allows to evolve your schema in a backward compatible way
  • can generate code in many languages, making alternative bisq clients or monitoring tools easier

Which classes are transformed to Protobuffer?

All classes in the 'wire' module. This module contains the following classes:

  • classes sent over the wire (P2P network)
  • classes serialized to disk

The Protobuffer schema file(s), generated classes and domain classes are in the 'wire' module. Look for *.proto for the schema files.

How is serialisation done (Java -> Protobuffer)

Some interfaces have a 'toProtobuf' method to force all extending classes to implement that method.

How is deserialisation done (Java -> Protobuffer)

Some interfaces have a 'toProtobuf' method to force all extending classes to implement that method.

If fields are not filled in, what are Protobuffer's default values?

Read this very carefully:

How to handle Enums

For Java -> Protobuffer, you should extract the name from the Java enum:


For Protobuffer -> Java, use the ProtoUtil helper method 'enumFromProto' to avoid crashes:


How to handle Date

For Java -> Protobuffer, you should extract the name from the Java enum:


For Protobuffer -> Java, do the opposite:

Date date = new Date(PB.bla.getDate());

Other Stuff


Checklist and conventions

Code style

  • Use line breaks after each param in constructor and PB methods
  • Use line breaks at PB builders for best readability
  • Use after the constructor a comment separator with the PB stuff and after the PB stuff a comment separator with API
  • Use same order of fields as in main constructor and follow that order in the PB methods to make it easier to spot missing fields


  • Try to use value objects for data which gets serialized with PB
  • Use toProto and a static fromProto in the class which gets serialized
  • Use proto as name for the PB param in the fromProto method
  • If a constructor is used only for PB make it private and put it to the PB section, so it's clear it is used only in that context
  • Use same name for classes and fields in PB definition as in the java code base
  • Use final
  • Use Lombok Annotations
  • Annotate all nullable fields with @Nullable
  • If nullable fields must not be null at time of serialisation use checkNotNull with comment inside
  • Use ProtoUtil convenience methods (e.g. stringOrNullFromProto, byteArrayOrNullFromProto, collectionToProto, enumFromProto,..)
  • Use ProtoUtil.enumFromProto for all enums
  • Enum in PB definition file needs an additional first entry with PB_ERROR in case of multiple enums in one message add postfix of enum (PB_ERROR_REASON = 0;)
  • When serializing a custom type use the toProto and fromProto methods in the class of that type.
  • Use the ProtoResolver classes for switching between different message cases. Pass the reference to the resolver if needed in fromProto
  • For abstract super classes use a getBuilder method for handling the fields in that super class (e.g. PaymentAccountPayload)
  • Use Payload as postfix for objects which are used in Envelopes or other Payloads if it helps to distinguish between the domain object and the value object (e.g. UserPayload)
  • Separate network and persistable domains if possible


  • Envelope is the base interface for all objects carrying PB data (messages, persisted objects)
  • Payload is used inside Envelopes or other Payloads
  • Interface structure: Proto: base has Message toProtoMessage(); Envelope extends Proto: Marker interface for objects carrying PB data NetworkEnvelope extends Envelope: Marker interface, has getDefaultBuilder for P2PMessageVersion PersistableEnvelope extends Envelope: Marker interface Payload extends Proto: Marker interface for objects used inside other Payload or Envelope objects NetworkPayload extends Payload: Marker interface PersistablePayload extends Payload: Marker interface ProtoResolver: Base for resolver (switch message cases) NetworkProtoResolver extends ProtoResolver: Marker interface CoreNetworkProtoResolver implements NetworkProtoResolver: Implements switches for network messages PersistableProtoResolver extends ProtoResolver: Marker interface CorePersistableProtoResolver implements NetworkProtoResolver: Implements switches for persistable messages

Check list

  • Treat nullable fields correctly in the toProto and fromProto methods. PB does not support null values but use default implementation for not set fields. Depending on the type there is: isEmpty (string, collections) or has[Propertyname]
  • If using @EqualsAndHashCode or @Data/@Value make sure to use callSuper=true if the class is extending another class
  • If collections are modifiable take care to wrap the result of PB to a modifiable collection. PB delivers unmodifiable collections
  • For network envelopes use NetworkEnvelope.getDefaultBuilder() which includes the P2PMessageVersion. Store the messageVersion in all NetworkEnvelope instances

// TODO update, outdated...

Actually transformed subtypes of Message

I Message (io.bisq.p2p)
I AnonymousMessage (
+ PreliminaryGetDataRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.getdata.messages)
C BroadcastMessage (
+ AddDataMessage (
+ RefreshTTLMessage (
+ RemoveDataMessage (
+ RemoveMailboxDataMessage (
+ CloseConnectionMessage (
I DirectMessage (io.bisq.p2p.messaging)
I MailboxMessage (io.bisq.p2p.messaging)
+ DepositTxPublishedMessage (
C DisputeMessage (io.bisq.arbitration.messages)
+ DisputeCommunicationMessage (io.bisq.arbitration.messages)
+ DisputeResultMessage (io.bisq.arbitration.messages)
+ OpenNewDisputeMessage (io.bisq.arbitration.messages)
+ PeerOpenedDisputeMessage (io.bisq.arbitration.messages)
+ PeerPublishedPayoutTxMessage (io.bisq.arbitration.messages)
+ FiatTransferStartedMessage (
+ FinalizePayoutTxRequest (
+ MockMailboxPayload (io.bisq.p2p.mocks)
+ PayDepositRequest (
+ PayoutTxFinalizedMessage (
+ PrefixedSealedAndSignedMessage (io.bisq.p2p.messaging)
+ PrivateNotificationMessage (io.bisq.alert)
T StressTestMailboxMessage (
T TestMessage (io.bisq.crypto)
C OfferMessage (
+ OfferAvailabilityRequest (
+ OfferAvailabilityResponse (
T StressTestDirectMessage (
C TradeMessage (
+ DepositTxPublishedMessage (
D FiatTransferStartedMessage (
D FinalizePayoutTxRequest (
D PayDepositRequest (
D PayoutTxFinalizedMessage (
+ PublishDepositTxRequest (
I GetDataRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.getdata.messages)
+ GetUpdatedDataRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.getdata.messages)
D PreliminaryGetDataRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.getdata.messages)
C KeepAliveMessage (io.bisq.p2p.peers.keepalive.messages)
+ Ping (io.bisq.p2p.peers.keepalive.messages)
+ Pong (io.bisq.p2p.peers.keepalive.messages)
T MockPayload (io.bisq.p2p.mocks)
C PeerExchangeMessage (io.bisq.p2p.peers.peerexchange.messages)
+ GetPeersRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.peerexchange.messages)
+ GetPeersResponse (io.bisq.p2p.peers.peerexchange.messages)
I SendersNodeAddressMessage (
D GetPeersRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.peerexchange.messages)
D GetUpdatedDataRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.getdata.messages)
D PrefixedSealedAndSignedMessage (io.bisq.p2p.messaging)
I SupportedCapabilitiesMessage (io.bisq.p2p.messaging)
+ GetDataResponse (io.bisq.p2p.peers.getdata.messages)
D GetPeersRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.peerexchange.messages)
D GetPeersResponse (io.bisq.p2p.peers.peerexchange.messages)
D OfferAvailabilityRequest (
D OfferAvailabilityResponse (
D PreliminaryGetDataRequest (io.bisq.p2p.peers.getdata.messages)

== Actually transformed subtypes of Payload

+ Attachment (io.bisq.arbitration.payload)
I CapabilityRequiringPayload (
+     TradeStatistics (
+ Contract (
+ Dispute (io.bisq.arbitration)
+ DisputeResult (io.bisq.arbitration)
I ExpirablePayload (
I     StoragePayload (
+        Alert (io.bisq.alert)
+        Arbitrator (io.bisq.arbitration)
+        Filter (io.bisq.filter)
I        LazyProcessedStoragePayload (
+            CompensationRequestPayload (io.bisq.dao.compensation)
D            TradeStatistics (
+        MailboxStoragePayload (
+        Offer (
I        PersistedStoragePayload (
D            CompensationRequestPayload (io.bisq.dao.compensation)
D            TradeStatistics (
+ NodeAddress (io.bisq.p2p)
C+PaymentAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    AliPayAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    WeChatPayAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    ChaseQuickPayAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    ClearXchangeAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
C+   CountryBasedPaymentAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
C+       BankAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+            NationalBankAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+            SameBankAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+            SpecificBanksAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+        CashDepositAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+        SepaAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    CryptoCurrencyAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    FasterPaymentsAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    InteracETransferAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    OKPayAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    PerfectMoneyAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    SwishAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+    USPostalMoneyOrderAccountContractData (io.bisq.payment)
+ Peer (io.bisq.p2p.peers.peerexchange)
+ PrivateNotification (io.bisq.alert)
+ ProtectedStorageEntry (
+    ProtectedMailboxStorageEntry (
+ PubKeyRing (io.bisq.common.crypto)
+ RawTransactionInput (
I RequiresOwnerIsOnlinePayload (
D    Offer (
+ SealedAndSigned (io.bisq.common.crypto)