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What is Bisq?
Bisq is a safe, private and decentralized way to exchange bitcoin for national currencies and other digital assets. Bisq uses peer-to-peer networking and multi-signature escrow to facilitate trading without a third party. Bisq is non-custodial and incorporates a human arbitration system to resolve disputes.
To learn more, see the doc and video at https://bisq.network/intro.
Get started using Bisq
Follow the step-by-step instructions at https://bisq.network/get-started.
Contribute to Bisq
Bisq currently requires JDK 10 . See the scripts directory for scripts that can be used to install and configure the JDK automatically.
TIP: If you are on MacOS, run the script with this command . scripts/install_java.sh.
If you prefer not to run scripts or change your default java, you can use Adoptopenjdk https://adoptopenjdk.net/archive.html. Just untar it where you like, and set java home when running gradle. for example: `JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-10.0.2+13/Contents/Home ./gradlew clean build
See CONTRIBUTING.md and the developer docs.