Problem: after the upgrade from 6.6.1 to 7.3, the usual invocation of,
e.g. `./bisq-pricenode 2 2` started failing as reported by @emzy at [1].
bisq@ubuntu-4gb-fsn1-1:~$ /bisq/bisq/bisq-pricenode 2
Error: Could not find or load main class 2
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 2
Solution: for unknown reasons, the bisq-pricenode script worked as
expected under 6.6.1, i.e. contained the fq main class name in its
scripted invocation of `java -jar ...`, but under 7.3, this main class
name was missing. Through trial and error, it turns out that setting
`mainClassName` explicitly in the :pricenode subproject configuration
solves this problem and makes the start script work as expected.
Presumably, this problem arose in conjunction with the major version
upgrade of the spring boot Gradle plugin that was necessary when
upgrading to Gradle 7.3, but this has not been verified.
Problem: ClassNotFoundError was getting thrown when attempting to run,
e.g. the `./bisq-desktop` or `./bisq-pricenode` start scripts.
Solution: Gradle's posix start scripts were changed significantly
between 6.6.1 and 7.3, including a change to the way the current
directory is determined. This change updates the way we customize start
script generation to allow running them from the root of the repo. This
change only affects the unix / posix variants. The Windows .bat files do
not need to be adapted similarly.
These entries showed up as missing when @jmacxx ran this PR branch on
his local Linux machine under JDK 11. It is not clear why these
dependencies were required there and not elsewhere, e.g. under CI or on
my own Mac.
As mentioned in a prior commit, the upgrade to Gradle 7.x results in
many more dependency declarations in the file, many of which are
effectively duplicates. This change does not attempt to eliminate those
duplications in any clever way, but rather just tidies up and organizes
all dependency declarations by sorting them alphabetically.
CI build failed after the previous commit because the new dependency
verification file was generated on a Mac and therefore did not include
linux-specification artifact variants. This same process will need to
be done under Windows as well.
This commit removes the use of our fork of the gradle-witness plugin in
favor of Gradle's relatively new built-in dependency verification
feature [1].
The gradle/verification-metadata.xml file was produced using the
following command:
./gradlew --write-verification-metadata sha256 build
Where `build` is the usual `gradle build` command. All dependency
configurations are resolved this way, and written out to the file.
The resulting file contains 273 unique dependency declarations, as
compared to just 64 in our now-removed gradle-witness.gradle file. This
means that the coverage of dependencies verified is much more complete.
The new file contains the same sha256 checksums for each dependency as
the old file. This was manually spot-checked for a significant number of
the dependencies.
Like with gradle-witness, builds will break when dependencies are
upgraded (and now also when they are added). To fix these breakages, the
`--write-verification-metadata sha256` option must be provided to the
build. Note that new entries will be added for upgraded depedencies, but
old entries are not removed automatically from the file. These must be
removed manually.
This commit does what is necessary to upgrade from Gradle 6.6.1 to
7.3, including:
- generating the new Gradle wrapper
- replacing uses of 'compile' with 'implementation'
- replacing uses of 'testCompile' with 'testImplementation'
Moving from *compile to *implementation results in many more duplicated
dependency declarations throughout the file. These will be tidied up in
a subsequent commit.
Several dependencies needed to be upgraded in order to support this
change. One of them was Spring Boot, from 1.5.1 to 2.5.6. This is a
major upgrade that contained some breaking changes to the Spring Boot
Actuator. These changes required the removal of the pricenode's
/getVersion endpoint.
The Gradle Witness plugin has been disabled in this commit, because it
uses the now-removed 'compile' configuration. Use of the Witness plugin
will be removed entirely in a subsequent commit in favor of using
Gradle's new built-in dependency verification feature.
to startPeriodicTasks.
Call that from BisqExecutable.onApplicationLaunched
We have created a non-UI timer before for the
printSystemLoadPeriodically as that was called
before the configUserThread was called (where we
define the UI timer for desktop)
Avoid that outdated donation and fee addresses are used.
In case we get an outdated donation address (RECIPIENT_BTC_ADDRESS)
we trigger a dao resync. The user get a popup for doing a restart
in that case.
For the fee address selection we do not fall back to the
RECIPIENT_BTC_ADDRESS in case no address from filter is provided
but we use the hard coded address of the current fee receiver address.
in parallel and once both are done we call asyncUpdateChartData (not yet refactored).
Clear all data at deactivate
This cause a bit of costs when we activate again but as we delegate
now all work to threads it should be OK. It decreases the memory usage
if we do not keep those data in the fields. The View classes are cached
in the view loader so all data in fields stays in memory once it was
activated once and not manually cleared in deactivate.
Move getTradeStatisticsForCurrency to ChartCalculations
Rename buildUsdPricesPerTickUnit to getUsdAveragePriceMapsPerTickUnit
Rename selectedTradeStatistics to tradeStatisticsByCurrency
Make itemsPerInterval final
Remove modelReady
Add deactivateCalled flag
The creation of TradeStatistics3ListItem is rather fast but the
applying to the list is due sorting pretty slow (300 ms) as
its > 100k items. We do the applying on the callback thread.
Seems JavaFx permits that. So we can keep the UI thread unblocked.
Remove modelReadyListener
Renamed model.selectedTradeStatistics to model.tradeStatisticsByCurrency