We only want to show active bonds in the list for confiscation.
The Inactive bond label is not necessary in the vote result as a
confiscated bond is inactive anyway. Intention was probably to show it
as inactive in the proposal display but they will be filtered out
anyway there.
Use lockup and unlock tx for miner fee and tx size display.
The getMiningFeeAndTxSize in daoFacade was used for blind vote. Got
renamed in the meantime to make it more clear.
Issue: When shutting down the application with disabled open offers, the
confirmation popup was still being shown informing the user there are
open offers.
Fix: On shutdown, check all open offers and only show the popup if any
of them are enabled.
We can evaluate the nonBsqTxOutputs without storing it.
Storing them in the map would have required to remove them as well
once withdrawn from the wallet.
To avoid the need to change the required bond in the BondedRoleType
if the BSQ price changes we use the BONDED_ROLE_FACTOR param where the
factor can be changed. In the BondedRoleType we use the requiredBondUnit
which will be multiplied with the BONDED_ROLE_FACTOR value to get the
required bond amount.
In some tests it seemed that SHA3-256 is 30% fast than SHA256 but later
with the data we used in dao testnet it was actually slower.
To avoid confusion which hash function to use and to avoid mixing them
without strong reason I prefer to remove it again.
Issue: When launching a new Bisq instance (i.e. new data directory) and
remaining on the user agreement screen for >90 seconds while reading it,
once you accept the agreement the BTC status was not being shown
on the splash screen.
Cause: showTorNetworkSettingsTimer gets triggered after 90 seconds
and since Tor is not started until after accepting the user agreement,
it was incorrectly assuming that Tor is not working and as a result
hiding the BTC status.
Fix: Don't hide the BTC status in showTorNetworkSettingsTimer. If there
is an issue with Tor, splashP2PNetworkErrorMsgListener handles
hiding the BTC status.
To avoid that the UI gets frozen at batch processing of blocks we
delay each parsing to the next render frame. The total parsing time is
just about 5% slower that way but the UI can render updates.
We also changed the hash for the daoState as the hashing of the full
state becomes quite heavy. The size of the blocks is about 1,4 MB for
7000 blocks (dao testnet). As on a new block only the last block in the
chain got added and as we use the previous hash in the hash chain we
do not need to hash the full blocks list but only the last block.
By that we decrease batch processing time from 30 sec to 7 sec. and data
size of the daoState from 1,4 MB to 200 kb.
Also added progress display of missing blocks in the Tx UI.