Use a LinkedHashMap in place of a List, for the caching CurrencyUtil
fields 'allSortedFiatCurrencies' & 'allSortedCryptoCurrencies', using
the same iteration order as before. In this way, we can avoid a linear
search in the lookup methods getFiatCurrency & getCryptoCurrency.
In particular, this speeds up the activation of TradesChartsView (and to
a lesser extent OfferBookChartView), which make a lot of calls to
CurrencyUtil.getTradeCurrency in the fillTradeCurrencies/updateChartData
methods respectively.
At mediation we require a min. payout to the losing party to keep
incentive for the trader to accept the mediated payout. For Refund
agent cases we do not have that restriction.
These are mostly injected objects that are now redundant, such as some
CoinFormatter and Preferences fields.
Also do some additional minor tidying of TradesChartsViewModel.
If a trader has a pending trade with an unconfirmed tx and is doing a
spv resync, the deposit tx is not found. They get displayed a popup
asking to restart and if problem continues to move trade to failed
trades. In regtest testing the missing deposit tx was always received
from the network at a restart. So this commit adds another button as
default button to shut down Bisq so that the user do first that activity
instead of moving the trade to failed trades.
It is not guaranteed that the trader will receive the missing deposit tx
at restart, but at least it is better as the state before. We should
find a way how to distinguish a valid unconfirmed tx from an invalid one
but it is not clear yet how we can do that and if it is feasible with
doing that with BitcoinJ only. It might require a external service to
look up the tx if it is in the mem pool, but even that will never gie a
100% certainty.
* Add user preference combobox for BSQ block explorer with random default
* Remove betanet and testnet BSQ block explorers
* Always check if a valid BSQ block explorer is set
* Remove short cut for legacy arbitrator registration
* Change shortcut for reRepublishAllGovernanceData
* Use isAltOrCtrlPressed for removeFailedTrade
* Remove showStatisticsPopup
This was useful for legacy arbitrators as they received the trade fee
* Cleanup
- Remove setColumnSpan for titledGroupBg
- Fix row length
* Add list of shortcuts
* Update comment
* Change "click" to "press"
At the dispute views (mediator, refund agent both for trader and
dispute agents) the shortcut cmd+k (or crtl+k or alt+k) will open a
popup displaying all disputes as compact summary. A copy to clipboard
button make it easy to copy the text to a text editor and post the
relevant disputes for the mediators/refund agents report.
Avoid mutating the Block tx list or the DaoState tx cache/index via a
Lombok getter. Instead wrap each in an unmodifiable[List|Map] & provide
specific mutator methods for use by DaoStateService to add newly parsed
transactions or load a DAO snapshot.
Also rename txMap to txCache, replace remaining use of getTxStream() in
the JSON file exporter with getUnorderedTxStream() (as this is safe) and
swap the arguments of the txCache initialisation merge function, for
exact consistency with the pre-caching behaviour.
Finally, add a missing assertDaoStateChange() and remove a potentially
harmful assertion from DaoStateService.onNewTxForLastBlock.
This is based on a suggested patch by @chimp1984 in the PR #3773 review.
* Hide avoid standby mode feature on *nux OS
Displays standby mode button on only on Windows and OSX,
and hides it on Linux and Unix distributions.
TitledGroupBg num rows reduced to 7 when standby mode button
is not displayed.
Replaces PR #3322 -- rejected because source file reformat
rearanged class level field declarations, making review
more difficult.
* Set use standby mode to false on non Win, OSX desktops
If we do not get any BTC from a mediated payout tx we do not know about
the confirmation state so it would stay always in the unconfirmed state.
To avoid that confusion we prefer to hide the icon. This is a known
issue from BitcoinJ but we have not found a solution for that yet.
If we do not get any BTC from a mediated payout tx we do not know about
the confirmation state so it would stay always in the unconfirmed state.
To avoid that confusion we prefer to hide the icon. This is a known
issue from BitcoinJ but we have not found a solution for that yet.