Set trash button disabled if the tx chain is valid to avoid that users move to failed while trade is valid to be completed.
Contract: Add isMyRoleMaker method
Trade: Add hasErrorMessage and isTxChainInvalid methods
The info icon next to the trade ID is then a warning icon (should be red but css is not my best friend) and if opening trade details window we also color the missing txs red with a warn icon and tooltip.
When clicking the trash button a popup is displayed with detail info.
At failed trades there is a "undo" icon for reverting the trade back to pending (if user wants to open mediation, etc).
All the automatic handling of the failed trades and popups are removed as it never worked well and just confused users...
In next commits we will add more instructions what a user should/can do for diff. error cases.
- Remove all the failed checks at initPendingTrade.
- Remove tradesWithoutDepositTx
- Remove tradesForStatistics as it was never read
- Remove cleanUpAddressEntries
- Rename addTradeToClosedTrades to onTradeCompleted
TxIdTextField accepts a null for tx ID and shows then red colored N/A and a warning icon.
HyperlinkWithIcon exposed the icon to be accessible for style change.
DebugWindow was updated for one variation of the trade protocol (other is missing still).
Trade detail window show now always all 4 mandatory txs.
Beside that this commit has some cleanups and null pointer fixes (when testing error scenarios i got those NP).
We apply userName to accountId if it is not set (e.g. new account
created with new version). We do not use that for display or for
account signing in case both fields are the same but we need to use
accountId in case the user trades with a not updated user who expects
accountId as only field.
I improved a bit the display of account data in the trade screens.
In case accountId was set with the phone number (updated account with
phone nr used for account signing) we show both userName and phone nr.
- Show phone number if accountId was set by old account. Otherwise
show only userName
- For old users they will see the user name as phone number displayed
if they trade with new users if the new user has created a new account.
If he has updated an existing account the accountId (phone number) is
used, so it displays the phone number.
- At step 2 changed display of own account data to show account name
- Add 'Recipients' prefix to account data of peer at step 2
Step 3: Buyers account data can be
- Phone number if peer is using old version
- User name if peer is updated user with new account (we apply userName
to accountId)
- Phone number if user is on old version and peer is updated user with
updated account (we keep accountId as phone number)
- User name/Phone number if peer is updated user with updated account