The `TxValidator`s `getVinAndVout(...)` method assumes that
`json.get("field").getAsJsonArray()` returns null when the field is not
a JSON array. The `getAsJsonArray()` throws an `IllegalStateException`
exception, however. The `IllegalStateException` doesn't get caught by
any caller.
The initialSanityChecks method only checks whether the JSON response is
null (HTTP request failed) or the response is empty (HTTP 200) before
parsing the JSON response. A invalid JSON response would throw a
JsonSyntaxException exception which the callers are not catching.
Previously, the onGetBlocksRequest method created an ArrayList and two
LinkedList before creating the GetBlocksResponse. The first two lists
were never used. PR #6947 introduced the second LinkedList creation.
With this change, the GetBlocksRequestHandler only creates a single
Before this change, the currentFilter will be added to the
invalidFilters list after comparing both filters creation date and
before checking whether the new filter was created by a banned signer.
Note: The invalid filters list is only used on the security manager Bisq
instances. This list is never read by regular user clients.
Since the 'MockitoAnnotations.initMocks' method used to initialise
@Mock, @Spy, etc. fields is deprecated, use MockitoSession instead, as
suggested by the Javadoc. (Or just remove the call, if the test class is
not actually using any Mockito annotations.)
This allows strict stubbing (the default for Mockito 4), though it must
be configured to be lenient in the P2P test classes, to prevent failures
due to unused stubs.
Change the algorithm used to adjust & cap the burn share of each BM
candidate to use an unlimited number of 'rounds', as described in:
That is, instead of capping the shares once, then distributing the
excess to the remaining BM, then capping again and giving any excess to
the Legacy Burning Man, we cap-redistribute-cap-redistribute-... an
unlimited number of times until no more candidates are capped. This has
the effect of reducing the LBM's share and increasing everyone else's,
alleviating the security risk of giving too much to the LBM (who is
necessarily uncapped).
Instead of implementing the new algorithm directly, we simply enlarge
the set of candidates who should be capped to include those who would
eventually be capped by the new algorithm, in order to determine how
much excess burn share should go to the remaining BM. Then we apply the
original method, 'candidate.calculateCappedAndAdjustedShares(..)', to
set each share to be equal to its respective cap or uniformly scaled
upwards from the starting amount accordingly.
To this end, the static method 'BurningManService.imposeCaps' is added,
which determines which candidates will eventually be capped, by sorting
them in descending order of burn-share/cap-share ratio, then marking all
the candidates in some suitable prefix of the list as capped, iterating
through them one-by-one & gradually increasing the virtual capping round
(starting at zero) until the end of the prefix is reached. (The method
also determines what the uncapped adjusted burn share of each BM should
be, but that only affects the BM view & burn targets.) In this way, the
new algorithm runs in guaranteed O(n * log n) time.
To prevent failed trades, the new algorithm is set to activate at time
'DelayedPayoutTxReceiverService.PROPOSAL_412_ACTIVATION_DATE', with a
placeholder value of 12am, 1st January 2024 (UTC). This simply toggles
whether the for-loop in 'imposeCaps' should stop after capping round 0,
since doing so will lead to identical behaviour to the original code
(even accounting for FP rounding errors).
Replace HashMap in 'BurningManService.getBurningManCandidatesByName'
result construction with a TreeMap, to ensure that the map values are
ordered deterministically (alphabetically by candidate name) when
computing floating point sums. The map values are streamed over in a few
places in this method and elsewhere in 'DelayedPayoutTxReceiverService',
when performing double precision summation to compute the DPT. This
introduces potential nondeterminism due to the nonassociativity of FP
addition, making sums dependent on the term order.
(Note that 'DoubleStream::sum' uses compensated (Kahan) summation, which
makes it effectively quad precision internally, so the chance of term
reordering causing the result to differ by even a single ULP is probably
quite low here. So there might not be much problem in practice.)