1) Change statement lambdas to expression lambdas;
2) Replace 'Map.putIfAbsent' then 'Map.get' with 'Map.computeIfAbsent';
3) Add missing @VisibleForTesting annotation or make private.
Make TradeStatistics3 implement the previously added ComparableExt
interface and make TradeStatisticsManager hold them as a TreeSet instead
of a HashSet, to support fast retrieval of statistics in any given date
range. (Even though red-black trees are generally slower than hash
tables, this should not matter here since the set is only being iterated
over and infrequently appended, and does not benefit from O(1) lookups/
Add a 'TradeStatisticsManager.getNavigableTradeStatisticsSet' accessor,
which returns the backing TreeSet of the current ObservableSet field, so
that callers can access its NavigableSet interface where needed (as
there is no ObservableSortedSet or similar in JavaFX). Use this to
optimise 'AveragePriceUtil.getAveragePriceTuple',
'DisputeAgentSelection.getLeastUsedDisputeAgent' and
'MutableOfferDataModel.getSuggestedSecurityDeposit', to obtain a narrow
date range of trade statistics without streaming over the entire set.
Additionally optimise & simplify the price collation in
'TradeStatisticsManager.onAllServicesInitialised', by exploiting the
fact that the statistics are now sorted in order of date (which is the
presently defined natural order).
Make sure that none of the key extractor functions passed to
'Comparator.comparing(fn)' can return null, as this results in an NPE
when the corresponding column is sorted in the UI, but has blank entries
(such as the BTC received for a BSQ burn in the balance entries table).
(Make blanks appear smallest in magnitude using 'Comparator.nullsFirst'
or by defaulting to 0 instead of null, since the entries are initially
sorted biggest to smallest, pushing them to the bottom of the table.)
Also change the default sort type of the burned BSQ column, which should
be ASCENDING since the entries are negative.
We use a postfix to the header title and not a busy animation, as the busy animation is quite CPU intense.
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
There is the small + icon on the right top of the table which allows to show the hidden columns.
Unfortunately this does not come with column names, so it's a bit ugly.
Here is a way how to adjust the context menu: https://gist.github.com/Roland09/d92829cdf5e5fee6fee9
Maybe any dev is motivated to improve that.
We do not add a column to the overview table because calculating the balance entries is expensive and doing it over all burningmen would take too long. There is headroom for performance improvements in that area...
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
Add private method 'WalletInfoView.addAccountPaths', similar to the
method 'addXpubKeys', to iterate over the active wallet keychains,
formatting & displaying the derivation paths, instead of using the 4
constants defined in BisqKeyChainGroupStructure. Also simplify the code
slightly by updating the 'gridRow' field directly instead of passing it
as a method argument.
Add the new account path "44'/142'/1'" for segwit BSQ to the wallet info
view, which was missed from PR #5109 making the wallet & UI changes to
implement segwit BSQ. Also format the paths from the constants defined
in 'BisqKeyChainGroupStructure', instead of using string literals, so
that they are only defined in one place. (Though it is extremely
unlikely the paths would ever change.)
Move the 'confirmations' field from TransactionsListItem to the nested
'LazyFields' class, so that it is correctly lazily initialised when
'getNumConfirmations()' is called, instead of just returning 0 for
hidden list items with uninitialised tooltips + confidence indicators.
This makes the logic consistent with that in TxConfidenceListItem and
fixes a bug in the BTC transactions view CSV export, where only the
already rendered list items would have nonzero confirmation counts.
Add a 'lazyFields' volatile field to DepositListItem to detect
initialisation of the associated memoised 'LazyFields' supplier,
allowing confidence updates to be short-circuited when the corresponding
indicator has not yet been lazily loaded.
This is for consistency with the 'LazyFields' logic just added to
TxConfidenceListItem and should make the UI more responsive if a new
block arrives when the funds deposit list is in view, by avoiding the
entire list of item tooltips & confidence indicators from being force-
Add a 'LazyFields' static class and memoised supplier field to the base
class TxConfidenceListItem, similar to that added to the classes
DepositListItem & TransactionsListItem. This allows lazy loading of
tooltips & tx confidence indicators, just as for those classes.
This removes the current remaining bottleneck in the BSQ tx view load,
revealed by JProfiler. (Note that there is still a quadratic time bug
remaining due to the use of a confidence listener for each list item,
since the BSQ wallet internally uses a CopyOnWriteArrayList, whose
backing array is cloned for each listener addition or removal. However,
it isn't clear that fixing this will give a noticable speedup unless
there are an extremely large number of BSQ txs in the wallet.)
Take care to add the tx confirmation count to LazyFields, to prevent
issues when exporting the list as a CSV. Also add a volatile
'lazyFields' field to detect lazy initialisation of the supplier and
short circuit confidence updates for uninitialised indicators.
Precompute and pass a map of txIds to BsqSwapTrade instances to the
BsqTxListItem constructor in 'BsqTxView.updateList()', in place of the
tradable repository, so that the tradables don't need to be repeatedly
scanned to find the optional matching BSQ swap trade for each BSQ tx.
This fixes a quadratic time bug and significantly speeds up the BSQ tx
view load for users with many past trades.
Remove the direct call to 'updateList' in the 'BsqTxView.activate()'
method, as it is later called indirectly via 'onUpdateAnyChainHeight()'.
This nearly doubles the loading speed of the BSQ tx list (in the DAO /
BSQ Wallet tab), since 'updateList' is very slow when there are many txs
in the wallet.
In the (hopefully rare) case that the user has multiple past trades that
end in arbitration, the entire wallet tx output set was scanned once for
every such trade (via 'TransactionAwareTrade.isRefundPayoutTx' calls),
to look for any outputs matching the payout address. This potentially
causes a slowdown of the Transaction view load for each new arbitration
case added. To avoid this problem, cache the last set of recipient
address strings of the provided tx, as the next call to
'isRefundPayoutTx' is likely to be for the same tx.
Also check that there is exactly one input (the multisig input) for any
candidate delayed payout tx, to speed up 'isDelayedPayoutTx' in case the
wallet contains many unusual txs with nonzero locktime.
Eliminate a minor quadratic time bug, caused by the unnecessary addition
of a (BtcWalletService) TxConfidenceListener for each list item in the
Transactions view. (Since the confidence listeners are internally held
in a CopyOnWriteArraySet, this sadly runs in quadratic time, slowing
down the Transactions view load a little.)
The confidence listener is apparently redundant because of a set of
calls to 'TransactionsListItem.cleanup' immediately upon construction of
the item list, which removes all the listeners just added. (This code
appears to date from at least February 2016, in commit c70df86.)
(The confidence indicators are kept up to date by simply reloading the
entire list upon each wallet change event.)
Use a crude Bloom filter (of sorts) to cut down the quadratic number of
calls to 'TransactionAwareTradable.isRelatedToTransaction' (that is, one
for each tx-tradable pair) during the Transactions view load. In this
way, we may reduce the number of calls roughly 40-fold, for a Bisq
instance with similar numbers of BSQ swap trades and escrow trades.
(Sadly, profiling does not show a 40-fold reduction in the size of the
'isRelatedToTransaction' hotspot, likely due to the remaining calls
being expensive ones involving disputed trades or unusual txs with
nonzero locktime, e.g. dust attacks or funds from Electrum wallets.)
To this end, partition the wallet transactions into 64 pseudo-randomly
chosen buckets (with a dedicated bucket for txs which might be delayed
payouts, namely those with nonzero locktime). Add an interface method,
'TransactionAwareTradable.getRelatedTransactionFilter', which returns an
IntStream of all the indices of buckets where a related tx may plausibly
be found. Where this is unclear, e.g. for trades involved in a dispute,
just return everything (that is, the range 0..63 inclusive).
Add a class, 'RelatedTransactionFilterSlices', that holds a provided
list of TransactionAwareTradable instances and 64 bitsets of all the
slices through their respective filters (each realised as 64-bit word
instead of a streams of integers). In this way, a list of tradables
plausibly related to any given tx may be quickly found by simply
selecting the appropriate bitset of the 64 (by the tx bucket index).
Inline a local variable, to eliminate another minor Sha256Hash.toString
hotspot in the Transactions view load, this time coming from
'TransactionsAwareOpenOffer.isRelatedToTransaction'. This is helpful in
the case that the user has a large number of (possibly disabled) BSQ
swap offers.
Move the line,
Set<Tradable> tradables = tradableRepository.getAll();
to the top level of 'TransactionsView.updateList', instead of needlessly
calling 'TradableRepository.getAll' (which builds a new set every
invocation) for each wallet transaction being iterated over.
This was causing a significant slowdown of the view load.
Use a mutable static tuple field to cache the last result of
'Sha256Hash.toString', which is used to get the ID string of the input
tx, when calling 'TransactionAwareTrade.isRelatedToTransaction'. In this
way, consecutive calls to 'isRelatedToTransaction' on the same input tx
(over all the past trades, as done by 'TransactionsView.updateList') are
sped up significantly, since hex encoding the txId is a bottleneck.
Replace the "Optional.ofNullable(...)..." constructs with more direct
code using short-circuit operators, as this is shorter and a little
faster. Also use "trade.get[Deposit|Payout]TxId()" instead of the code
"trade.get[Deposit|Payout]TxId().getTxId()", as (upon inspection of the
code) there should never be a case where the deposit/payout transaction
field of a Trade object is set but the respective txID field is null (or
set to an inconsistent value).
Also remove a redundant 'RefundManager.getDisputesAsObservableList'
method call, which was also slowing things down slightly.
The minor speedups afforded by the above are important because the
method 'TransactionAwareTrade.isRelatedToTransaction' is called a
quadratic number of times and consequently a major bottleneck when
loading the Transactions view.